How To Use Naturalistic In A Sentence
By having a strapping man say Katherina's words, it is not real and not naturalistic, so it gives the audience a jolt and makes the play double edged.
Although box and yews can be clipped into formal shapes, most shade plants appear at home in that naturalistic setting.
It was made in a naturalistic set with a starry cast, authentic props and costumes.
Times, Sunday Times
Naturalistic animals were carved on misericords in the early 14th century, and individualized facial features appeared on the small human heads that decorated keystones and arch mouldings.
Quite the opposite: Why try to copy naturalistic virtues that the camera can capture more tellingly?

Park's naturalistic depiction of brutal violence and sadistic torture often make for uncomfortable viewing.
Any appeal to divine intervention to bridge what seem to be otherwise unbridgeable gaps in naturalistic explanations is viewed with great suspicion.
Combinatorial Dependencies
His plays have a closer relationship to the pre-20th century high comedies than to the naturalistic comedies of our own time.
But, as with pure naturalistic theories of evolution, your task is to shut up and bow to your superiors, not ask obvious questions.
Finally, a naturalistic worldview is one that has no supernatural or mystical element to it.
Having begun as a poet he turned to prose and resolved to follow Zola's naturalistic experiments.
They mistrusted theatrical actors as being artificial, so those actors got bypassed and the directors were bringing people off the streets, which did produce a naturalistic kind of actor.
Clucking the tongue is a good example, but there are plenty of others - kissing, spitting or slurping noises, for example, or naturalistic imitations of animal sounds.
Although many modern pagans do not consider themselves to be witches both spiritual outlooks remain largely concerned with a naturalistic approach to spirituality.
First, it is suggested that successive attempts to expound a Marxian theory of nature have see-sawed between naturalistic and social constructionist positions.
Santayana employs a naturalistic account of poetry and philosophy, attempting to combine comparative structures with as few embedded parochial assumptions as possible while making explicit our material boundness to particular worlds and perspectives.
George Santayana
The naturalistic philosophies of the non-religious do not play the same kind of high profile role in political and civic life as do the supernaturalist ideas of their religious counterparts.
It can be said that either the universe is vastly older than what was originally predicted by the evolutionary timescale, which is probably the path most of science will follow as naturalistic evolution is supported by the majority of scientists.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
However, the truth maker of Socrates 'belief is different form the truth maker of Nocrates' belief, and this is nothing that can be accounted for in naturalistic terms.
An Argument from Realism Against Naturalism about Human Beings
The little River Quaggy has been liberated from decades of confinement in a concrete culvert and given a new naturalistic course; a home for wildlife and a delight for people.
The direction, too, is smart and understated and is helped by the film's clear, naturalistic cinematography.
They were also troubled by what many saw as the antisupernaturalistic and antitheistic bent of science: could one really believe in the New Testament world of spirits and miracles in the era of the steam engine and ocean liner?
Warranted Christian Belief
Evolutionary and naturalistic theories of the earth's creation based on uniformitarian assumptions and advocating old-earth theories emerged in the late eighteenth century.
The participant observer in such a naturalistic framework really only observes.
The animal story, like the contemporaneous naturalistic novel of Zola and his various epigones, could, at least in theory, ground all its narrative events in observation, probability, and fact.
On closer inspection, the Sixth Meditation passage does not put forward a naturalistic solution, but a theistic solution.
Keep the documentary element (the interviews) straightforward and make the dramatic elements feel as real as possible, filming in a naturalistic style with good actors and no apologies.
These are people who have a naturalistic worldview, free of supernatural and mystical elements.
Too, the tone in which the survival and natural selection principles are adumbrated is obviously naturalistic.
“The Kipling of the Klondike”: Naturalism in London's Early Fiction
The garden designer Gertrude Jekyll was a great fan and favoured naturalistic planting companions such as heaths Erica and rock roses Cistus.
(Averroism); naturalistic theories of miracles and prophecy; the eternity of the world and the concept of eternal creation; the active intellect as giver of forms; the first cause as necessary existent; the emanation of intelligences from the first cause; the distinction between essence and existence; the theory of primary concepts; the concept of human happiness as resulting from perfect conjunction with the active intellect.
Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on the Latin West
The implication of this claim is that since the ‘golden rule’ is a universally held belief, it must be explainable by purely naturalistic processes.
In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
Cennini's treatise describes methods for polychromy which can be recognized in surviving medieval polychromed sculpture, and generally its function was to add naturalistic colour to sculptures.
However, if you're like me and like either fast-paced, dare-to-be different theatre or at least naturalistic theatre done well, steer clear.
First, it is suggested that successive attempts to expound a Marxian theory of nature have see-sawed between naturalistic and social constructionist positions.
These usually consist of large, naturalistic floral garlands or medallions set against an open or sparsely decorated field.
Participant observation has the potential to come closer to a naturalistic emphasis, because the qualitative researcher confronts members of a social setting in their natural environments.
We, therefore, do not need a Reader's Digest condensation committee, nor a paraphraser, nor a naturalistic-minded critical editor, nor a so-called
Myths About the King James Bible by David Cloud There Are No Doctrinal Differences Between Bible Texts and Versions
These drawings are among his most naturalistic.
If not, then intentionality is ontologically irreducible and hence not naturalistically explained.
Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
Although her perception of her hero Ingres and his Renaissance predecessors was conditioned by her own bizarre personality, she aspired to paint in their naturalistic but imaginative manner.
While other sculptors made use of clinging drapery, they rarely did so with naturalistic consistency.
And the naturalistic performance the role required didn't come easily.
The Sun
Though London was, apparently, unaware of either the technical or psychological area in which he was working, his fascination for the device gives another dimension to the studies of his naturalistic literature. 1 Finally, to note the ways in which London's artistry is at work at this point in his career, there is considerable ingenuity in the somewhat original fashion in which London parallels the “retrogression” of Buck to the “progression” of Fang.
Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
Furthermore, the impression of spontaneity in naturalistic Dutch landscape paintings of the 1620s is a consequence of technical facility and not of an impromptu approach to composition.
One might have a generic naturalistic ontology - everything is the result of mechanistic processes.
Munch eschewed the naturalistic approach of Krogh, and incorporated expressionist tendencies in his work.
Generally they were able to provide alternative naturalistic explanations for what had seemed totally mysterious.
Behe (and almost nobody else) believes that no list of naturalistic processes can ever fully explain variation: he suspects that some supernatural process was involved.
Behe and Gene discuss the Evolution of the Flagellum
More subtly, because the production of nature approach is anthropomorphic it also enables a position from which the fate of nature can be considered seriously without declining into a naturalistic ecocentrism.
Softley said that he was impressed by Roach's "understated and naturalistic" acting: "She took her work seriously without being 'actressy'," he said.
Thatcher role puts 'troublemaker from the valleys' on road to stardom
There is something meditative and naturalistic about it, not least the depictions of the sea and nature and the slow humdrum ordinariness of small-town life.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a distinct lack of cinematic gloss, with a mostly hand-held camera capturing scenes in a raw, naturalistic fashion that actually complements the subject matter perfectly.
Williams argues, Nietzsche is on his side, not the deniers ', because Nietzsche himself believes that, while a vindicatory history of the notions of truth and truthfulness certainly has to be a naturalistic one, that is not to say that such a history is impossible.
Bernard Williams
Discourse analysis of this type involves the transcription and qualitative analysis of speech samples derived from naturalistic speech contexts.
This genre owed its popularity to a combination of a straightforward and lively descriptive style with panoramic architectural and landscape settings full of naturalistic and genre detail.
Bear images were carved into blocks of argillite, claystone, and wood or sculpted from clay, with the creative three-dimensional transformations displaying a remarkably naturalistic style.
Native Son is a fine example of the American novel in the naturalistic tradition.
His screenplay is naturalistic, contemporary and penetrable, thus overcoming a presumed difficulty with the original language used in the text.
His instinctive, hand-held camerawork complements the naturalistic performances perfectly.
Times, Sunday Times
In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
The exciting by-product of this way of working is that it produces a style of theatre that is frequently more engaging, imaginative and transformative than adult theatre with all its stuffy naturalistic conventions.
A trilogy of plaster furnishings is in the naturalistic manner of Serge Roche, the French designer whose output Elsie de Wolfe and Syrie Maugham competed for in the '30s: a palm-tree torchier ($200 to $300), a mirror with pie-crust shell work ($500 to $800) and a glass table with a wheat-sheaf base ($200 to $300).
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Somewhat surprisingly, Moore in effect also argues that most forms of non-naturalism are also guilty of what he calls the naturalistic fallacy.
Moral Non-Naturalism
While he alludes to abstraction and discusses it in objective terms, the notion most analysed in the book is the origin and function of naturalistic, figurative art.
These do not have openwork tracery on their hinges but have advanced to a distinctive new naturalistic style.
Sister Carrie was a naturalistic book in that it had the usual denominators.
The exhibition portrays cross-cultural spirituality and socio-historical references in naturalistic contemporary patterns.
His early paintings are tenebrist and naturalistic.
It is not serried ranks of highly cultivated flowers - it is more naturalistic, with a bit of colour here and there.
Viewing knowledge as a tool for enriching experience, pragmatism tends to be pluralistic, experimental, fallibilist, and naturalistic.
White Fang (1906) and Before Adam (1907) together constitute the highwater mark of London's blatant use of evolutionary concepts in two tawdry pieces of naturalistic fiction.
Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
This is because it remains possible that evaluative epistemic facts supervene on naturalistic ones.
Here Taylor means that science restricts itself to naturalistic theories, and does not invoke the supernatural.
Halfway through the movie, I realized that I was translating the events into a separate story in my head: I was imagining a painful, naturalistic story underneath the one being presented by the film, and so the film became a kind of dreamworld that the "real" Kitten in my mind used as an escape.
Archive 2006-04-01
New York's Bronx Zoo, one of the greatest and a pioneer of naturalistic wildlife habitats in zoo-keeping, helped save the bison early last century.
DNA has, I think, spelled the end of traditional naturalistic evolution, which essentially says complexity comes out of simplicity.
More than a naturalistic likeness - the poet thought - caricature would be best suited to convey the musician's unconventional persona.
Mumbling, stumbling and uncertain, he managed to combine the theatricality of a great performance with the naturalistic details of finely observed human behaviour.
This is because it remains possible that evaluative epistemic facts supervene on naturalistic ones.
But toward the end of the 1500s, art began to lose its uniform stylistic character, becoming naturalistic and classicist, analytical and synthetic, all at the same time.
Now opera has rarely been a naturalistic medium, and never an understated one.
His open-ended naturalistic renditions of nature are the product of the mind of this philosopher-artist who layers paint more thoughtfully than picturesquely, and more emotionally than rationally.
The first act is lively, fluent and essentially naturalistic.
If this is the case, naturalistic methodology should have no problem differentiating between what is produced by undirected natural causes and that which is produced by intelligent causes.
These drawings are among his most naturalistic.
This was a clash between two perfectly naturalistic theories of astronomy.
It was made in a naturalistic set with a starry cast, authentic props and costumes.
Times, Sunday Times
What he does not say, however, is that only naturalistic hypotheses are allowed in evolutionary debates - creationist arguments are ruled inadmissible before the debate begins.
By 1671 he was working in London and is best known for his naturalistic woodcarvings of swags of fruit and flowers, small animals, and cherubs' heads.
This draws on naturalistic modes of thinking in Indian intellectual traditions that are opposed to the enchanted and mystical thinking that finds its way into ‘Vedic Science’.
Historically, the naturalistic fallacy is the attempt to derive normative conclusions from statements of fact.
Aldridge went on to tour the European continent, garnering numerous honors, including a knighthood from the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, and transforming Russian acting technique with his naturalistic style.
The author affects a contemporary, naturalistic and "blokey" style of writing which I am not convinced that he has altogether mastered.
Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
In this paper, we perturbate these connections to work out whether they play a role in improving the neural representation in the LMC output to repeated naturalistic contrast patterns
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These drawings are among his most naturalistic.
The naturalistic conclusion is antagonistic to theistic religion and leads to non-theistic belief systems, laws, morals and ethics that sharply conflict with those derived from the major religions of the world.
Neither, if we live in a purely naturalistic world, are there any ultimate freedoms we can claim, because logically in a closed universe the laws of nature will determine our behaviour.
Confronted with such difficulties and many others, it is tempting to adopt a strong form of representationalism that openly admits the existence of phenomenologically rich experiences, while preserving the basic intuition and naturalistic motivation behind direct realism.
I'm all for pointing out the problems in naturalistic theories of evolution, but that's not what the editorial is about.
What these stories portend is a pattern of naturalistic thought that permeates the greater part of all of Jack London's writing after 1902.
“The Kipling of the Klondike”: Naturalism in London's Early Fiction
the school of naturalistic writers
The 'prolixity' of descriptions of experiments and the detailed, naturalistic illustrations that went into the society's publications aimed to create the impression of verisimilitude.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
For naturalistic plantings, lay bulbs out in informal masses with curved borders and asymmetrical shapes.
No one had written such naturalistic dialogue before, or cut down so drastically on incident, or focused so sharply on character.
Times, Sunday Times
The effectiveness of this approach has a lot to do with the film's naturalistic casting, for many of the roles have been filled with real-life residents from the shanty town known as the ‘city of God.’
Philosophers who advocate a naturalistic approach to epistemology sometimes intend only to reject the high apriorism mandated by the idea of epistemology as first philosophy.
I wanted to give the impression of a man old before his time and an almost stylised unnaturalistic feel to the model.
It is this-worldly or naturalistic because ultimate authority is located in humanity, not in God or the super-empirical.
The participant observer in such a naturalistic framework really only observes.
Overnight, the tendency of naturalistic rationalism to decay into postmodern irrationalism became a national joke.
Behavioral ecology is a naturalistic perspective somewhat similar to sociobiology.
The point, however, is that there is a some fact of the matter about whether it is true, but that is not a fact that can be explained in naturalistic terms.
An Argument from Realism Against Naturalism about Human Beings
Familiar accounts of epistemic terms seem to be divisible into those that employ only clearly naturalistic terms and those that do not.
With its profusion of midwives and naturalistic post-natal care, it is one of the few representations we have in western art that touches on the actual process of childbirth.
Had Darwin had the knowledge about the eye and its associated systems that man has today (which is a great deal more than what it was in his time), he may have given up his naturalistic theory on the origin of living things.
Naturalistic and hermeneutic approaches see the relationship of the subject and object of inquiry as forcing the social scientist to take either the third-person or first-person perspective.
While the film looks realistic, naturalistic, it is still a film and tells a story.
The beautiful outdoor cinematography is a stark contrast to the hellish situations they find themselves in, while the naturalistic acting style lends more authenticity to the characters.
Top 10 Movies of 2009 » Scene-Stealers
Naturalistic versions were found on older Caucasian items, and may still be encountered on some contemporary Persian workshop items.
Some of them certainly deserve naturalistic explanations: the last "true" ghost story I heard, for example, clearly involved a clanky furnace rather than a restless spirit.
Archive 2008-01-01
The new works are spindlier than their predecessors and combine the pieces of rock and branch in unlikely ways, rather then following a naturalistic schema.
This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.
In addition to the garden and pleasure grounds adjacent to the house, Gravetye had acres of naturalistically planted fields, meadows, and woods.
There are a few abstract symbols, but the site is almost covered in graceful, naturalistic sculptures and bas-reliefs of the animals that were central to the imagination of hunter-gatherers.
February « 2010 « Gerry Canavan
It is the Malemute Kid, however, who glibly voices a naturalistic assumption in noting that men should understand that life itself is a gamble, a kind of game with no predictable outcome.
“The Kipling of the Klondike”: Naturalism in London's Early Fiction
Also, the processes involved are supposed to be naturalistic and undesigned.
Thus, the review consistently refers to ‘naturalistic evolution’, as if other prominent scientific theories are not also naturalistic.
It is a masterful naturalistic performance, combining anger and despair with humour, resilience and altruism.
Times, Sunday Times
On a more hopeful note, remember that serious work on naturalistic theories of content has been done for no more than a few decades, and on a philosophical timescale, that is quite a short time.
Teleological Theories of Mental Content
The film benefits from pared-down, naturalistic cinematography and performances, as well as a pervasive sense of fatalism.
Shot in one unbroken take of more than two hours, and with naturalistic performances to match the technical virtuosity.
Times, Sunday Times
Few clearer statements of the naturalistic paradox of joy in momentary and sensuous pleasure being clouded by a pall that shrouds even the happiest summits34 can be found in London's fiction than his summary of Fang's outlook at the moment of realization:
Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
Many thinkers of the present day pride themselves upon the growth of what they call the naturalistic spirit.
Nature Mysticism
He shows the same interest in naturalistic detail as he brought to his horses.
Times, Sunday Times
It began as a vaguely naturalistic sprinkling of spring ephemerals among the ferns, blueberries, tupelos, oaks, and white pines spontaneously flourishing on abandoned farmland.
There is even a subgenre of film-making called mumblecore, characterised by what is termed 'naturalistic dialogue'.
Times, Sunday Times
Among these fragments we note an anthemion, some bits of the so-called Oriental palmette, and a few scraps of lotus pattern, naturalistically treated.
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
My educated guess as to the reason many of you do this is not that you are trying to argue in a circle, but that it is so ingrained in you to think in naturalistic or uniformitarian terms that you have trouble conceiving another way of looking at things.
Biblical inerrancy vs. physical evidence: continued - The Panda's Thumb
There is a mechanical rigidity to this storyline, but the present-day scenes leave the actors enough room to give touching naturalistic performances.
Times, Sunday Times
So, in short, the things that (IMO) made Firefly bad sci fi were: too much sex, not balancing sex with other aspects of human relationships, failure to address the classic problems of the genre (such as FTL travel and terraforming), too much preachiness (for gay rights and for a "naturalistic" worldview, ie atheism), and clumsy treatment of the role of religion in human interactions and the big unanswerable questions.
June 2007
HB to Bilbo: Behe (and almost nobody else) believes that no list of naturalistic processes can ever fully explain variation: he suspects that some supernatural process was involved … this is probably why he is regarded as a crank.
Behe and Gene discuss the Evolution of the Flagellum
At the same time his style changed, as he abandoned Cubist leanings for a more naturalistic idiom.
I don't have a problem with naturalistic explanations for miracles, as long as they are not too tortured or based on a philosophy which is, at bottom, the adamantine will to deny the supernatural at all costs.
Some of them were naturalistic, others approaching Italian mediaeval art to such an extent that Jenny recognized certain Annunciation angels and madonnas in the cloaks of knights and maidens, and the leaves in gold and purple she remembered having seen in a book of mass in the San Marco library.
Jenny: A Novel
What this aesthetic shares with its uncomic nouveau roman forebears is an anti-naturalist, anti-humanist bent: we're being given access not to a fully rounded, self-sufficient character's intimate thoughts and feelings as he travels through a naturalistic world, emoting, developing and so on - but rather to an encounter with structure.
London Review of Books
What Delaroche was presumably getting at was that painting as a naturalistic representation of reality was terminally threatened by the arrival of the new technology of "painting with light".
Farewell to the fine art of focusing
He was delicate in health and of a nervous disposition, but this is hardly apparent from his work, which uses colour in a bold, unnaturalistic manner echoing the Fauves.
And evolution is the naturalistic theory by which animal life has evolved into Homo sapiens.
Shot in one unbroken take of more than two hours, and with naturalistic performances to match the technical virtuosity.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Methodological naturalism’ refers to the idea that as a practical matter science must restrict itself to naturalistic theories.
It is a masterful naturalistic performance, combining anger and despair with humour, resilience and altruism.
Times, Sunday Times
Any inconsistency - any departure from the laws of science - would argue for a method which was not literally and painstakingly naturalistic.
The chief aesthetic charge against the art works was that their characteristically modernist expressionist distortions failed to conform to a naturalistic realism.
This motif had already gained currency in the naturalistic representations of Renaissance artists.
The only thing that links them is the quality dialogue and naturalistic performances.
Times, Sunday Times
Naturalistic animals were carved on misericords in the early 14th century, and individualized facial features appeared on the small human heads that decorated keystones and arch mouldings.
He returned to Prague in 1920 and in his later work developed a more naturalistic style based on folk art.
One of its manifestations was naturalistic sweeps of winter aconite, bluebells, daffodils or anemones multiplying by the thousands in woodlands.
The earnestly intense and naturalistic performances, fine for Ibsen, fit poorly here and consequently come off as either dangerously self-indulgent or oddly casual.
Somewhat surprisingly, Moore in effect also argues that most forms of non-naturalism are also guilty of what he calls the naturalistic fallacy.
Moral Non-Naturalism
But now we have put our childish ignorance behind us, and we know that there is a perfectly naturalistic explanation for the wondrous rainbow.
Times, Sunday Times
This proves a wise move, as the sheer weirdness of the story is counterpointed by Jonze's naturalistic approach.
Theistic evolution at best includes God as an unnecessary rider in an otherwise purely naturalistic account of life. As such, theistic evolution violates Occam's razor.
One of its manifestations was naturalistic sweeps of winter aconite, bluebells, daffodils or anemones multiplying by the thousands in woodlands.
His pictorial curiosity was however not matched by a preoccupation with naturalistic fidelity: several replicas of this painting exist in which he varies even the shape and size of the cone of Vesuvius.
It was he who first realized that mundane daily life, relayed in completely naturalistic language, contained within it all the ingredients of tragedy.
in naturalistic colors
What you ignore is the fact that most ID supporters don't believe in a purely naturalistic evolutionary process.
Darwin and Social Darwinism
In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
Works by artists working in a naturalistic style, such as the Spaniards Ramon Casas and Santiago Rusinol, are a corrective to our notions received from the more familiar and colourful views of the Impressionists and their heirs.
His decorations combine Gothic and Islamic features: grotesque animals, as well as naturalistic ones, geometric interlace designs, architectural elements designed in the Mudejar style, and carpet pages.
That is, Polanyi identified this kind of irreducibility as a naturalistic impossibility, and argued that it should be recognized as such by the scientific community, so I am simply attaching his name to the principle.
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There is something meditative and naturalistic about it, not least the depictions of the sea and nature and the slow humdrum ordinariness of small-town life.
Times, Sunday Times
So if a naturalist argument based on success is to succeed, some other naturalistically acceptable but non-question begging understanding of ˜success™ must be found.
Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
It’s no coincidence that 2006’s best scripted dramas — The Wire, HBO’s multi-season epic of inner-city Baltimore; and Children of Men, Alfonso Cuarón’s futuristic thriller — were studies in meticulously crafted “realness,” deploying naturalistic dialogue, decentered and chaotic action, stutter-step pacing, and a reporter’s eye for the telling detail.
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Naturalistic it isn't; Parker has introduced some fanciful set - pieces that have had purists chuntering like warhorses.
If you want to produce a naturalistic painting, there's no better way of doing it.
Acrylics Masterclass
Viewing knowledge as a tool for enriching experience, pragmatism tends to be pluralistic, experimental, fallibilist, and naturalistic.
As a prelude to an “inevitable” battle between the Red Man and the White Man in a later story in the same collection, a similar setting in all its naturalistic splendor is detailed:
“The Kipling of the Klondike”: Naturalism in London's Early Fiction
Euripides characteristically opens his plays with a markedly non-naturalistic prologue.
The film suffers from naturalistic excesses, at times severely.
Caravaggio returns to the half-length format of his early genre scenes, but all naturalistic bravura and illusionistic detail are gone.
The infusion of supernatural elements into human societies is itself a natural phenomenon that has a naturalistic origin and history.
Although box and yews can be clipped into formal shapes, most shade plants appear at home in that naturalistic setting.
The acting is quite naturalistic and the incidents between the affected and unaffected people are humorously portrayed.
A casual reading of the passage might suggest that Descartes offers a naturalistic solution to the problem (viz., a non-theistic solution), in the form of a continuity test.
Insect photos in naturalistic macro-focus - Boing Boing
Boing Boing
The second is that the mnemonic power of a life-size naturalistic effigy vivifies the presence of the dead during the second-burial ceremony, enabling mourners to treat the image as if it were alive.
The noun form of the term bright refers to a person whose worldview is naturalistic--free of supernatural and mystical elements.
So what's so wrong with a "WYSIWYG" world?
More naturalistic are the latest mosaic ‘pebble ‘tiles, popular for contemporary bathrooms as a floor and wall covering.’
A student of his was an extraordinary planner and plantsman who promoted a naturalistic approach to landscape design.
Bratlie makes her best pitch for coherence in a claustrophobic staging that evokes the oppression of the times, doing what she can to break the play's naturalistic stranglehold.
It is a masterful naturalistic performance, combining anger and despair with humour, resilience and altruism.
Times, Sunday Times
Maybe so, but I think there's also a sense in which readers of fantastic fiction become attuned to these irrationalities, such that when realist writers do introduce them as purportedly naturalistic events, the artifice is obvious.
Strange Fiction 4
Even the small selection illustrated here shows a wide range of expressions, from the rather naturalistic Yoruba twin figures to this highly abstract Metoko pair.
There is something meditative and naturalistic about it, not least the depictions of the sea and nature and the slow humdrum ordinariness of small-town life.
Times, Sunday Times
His instinctive, hand-held camerawork complements the naturalistic performances perfectly.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, we have found that our history fits the naturalistic world of science.