How To Use Natural phenomenon In A Sentence
I believe that categorizing this story as an allegory is more appropriate than doing so as a myth because a myth is defined as explaining natural phenomenon.
That is no natural phenomenon but the result of centuries of politically directed ethnocide.
In other words, in the diremption of myths which yielded here a natural phenomenon to be explained and there a moral value to be embodied, Platonism attached divinity exclusively to the moral element.
The Life of Reason
He told the story of what had occurred as if it were a natural phenomenon, not mechanical failing or human error.
In 1744, Bishop Berkeley paradox in the absence of the case or say, but also to beg of Hope Hospital in philosophy by the term meaning: "a natural phenomenon is only natural appearance.
Gravity is a natural phenomenon.
Random mutation is inevitable because mutation is a natural phenomenon.
Stanley's poetry is always lush, frequently visionary, and sometimes sublime: It lights upon existential nanoseconds without affixing itself so doggedly to any one natural phenomenon that the presence and significance of the human is diminished a claim sometimes leveled against younger poets working in the New Minimalism, a kissing cousin of Slow Poetry.
Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
I think we are dealing with a natural phenomenon here, not witchcraft.
Fushida became very excited by this natural phenomenon, viewing it as a mystical sign portending the success of the sneak attack.
It could be an entirely new natural phenomenon.
The Sun
Another haunted and related natural phenomenon is known as frequency infrasonic sound waves.
To some, that squid is simply a bizarre natural phenomenon.
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The infusion of supernatural elements into human societies is itself a natural phenomenon that has a naturalistic origin and history.
In fact, giving and taking are natural phenomenon in human relationships.
Category Tree: phenomenon ╚natural phenomenon ╚geological phenomenon ╚deposit, sedimentation, alluviation Generally soil and deposit are the same terms define any organic, inorganic or mixture of organic and inorganic compounds on a given surface.
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He said the fog reported by the farmers was a natural phenomenon and not connected with the power plant.
Electricity as a natural phenomenon shows up in many forms, including piezoelectricity, static electricity, atmospheric effects, and cosmic rays.
A rainbow is a natural phenomenon.
It is regarded as a purely natural phenomenon which, by an unusual coincidence, occurs in the walls of their convent.
The Debris - flow is a kind of common natural phenomenon.
But I can say that the level of inequity in the world is not a natural phenomenon, it is designed by men.
Instead they see low concentrations of magnesium as a natural phenomenon exacerbated by air pollution.
A rainbow is a natural phenomenon.
Global warming is generally accepted to be a non-natural phenomenon.
Beyond the infrequency just from a regional perspective, there are a lot of reasons to be excited about a total solar eclipse simply as a natural phenomenon.
Global Voices in English » The Sun went out over Japan recently.
The kilogram is the only one of the seven basic units of the international measurement system defined by a physical artifact rather than a natural phenomenon.
This natural phenomenon has only recently become known to Western physicians, who call it ‘infradian rhythm,’ but Taoists have been aware of it for millennia.
The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
He was a world authority on the natural phenomenon known as apomixis, by which plants reproduce asexually.
Day of the Dandelion
He told the story of what had occurred as if it were a natural phenomenon, not mechanical failing or human error.
The sulphur odor is more pungent at night in this natural phenomenon know as the world's only drive-in volcano.
Dwight Brown: St. Lucia -- The Shangri-la Caribbean Island
NATURAL phenomenon of human life brings us to the scientifical source of ethics and I prove that the so-called “highest ideals of humanity” have nothing of “sentimentalism” or of the “_super_natural” in them, but are exclusively the _fulfilment_ of the _natural laws_ for the _human class of life_.
Manhood of Humanity.
Not only have they dared to reveal some of the secrets behind their own tricks, but they've also made a name for themselves as debunkers, exploring the fraudulence of so-called supernatural phenomenon.
Gravity is a natural phenomenon.
Red tide, she says, is a natural phenomenon caused by a microscopic plant-like single cell organism (a dinoflagellate) that blooms annually as part of its growth cycle.
Fianlly I find your argument about the burden of poof quite weak: all peoples in the world and all over the history have developed religious belief, hence, provided that religion is a "natural phenomenon" sociobiologically speaking the burden of proof that a religious belief is something stupid or wrong is on you...
No miracles this time
How should you like to be called a vampyre, and stared at as if you were some hideous natural phenomenon?
Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 1
In 1744, Bishop Berkeley paradox in the absence of the case or say, but also to beg of Hope Hospital in philosophy by the term meaning: "a natural phenomenon is only natural appearance.