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How To Use Natural law In A Sentence

  • Kind of pruning back Natural Law, which a perspectivist should appreciate. Max Stirner and the Problem of Compassion
  • Supervenience on the physical realm is thus a far weaker requirement than that some property should enter into natural laws, say, or be analysable by the methods of the natural sciences. Naturalism
  • I'm reminded of the first Christian legislators, who didn't quickly abolish the tolerant Roman laws regarding practices which didn't conform to the natural law, or which were actually contrary to it, such as concubinage and slavery," Cardinal Cottier wrote. CathNews
  • The remaining 5 percent aligned themselves with fringe groups such as the Natural Law, Green and Libertarian parties.
  • We deem it another radical defect in Mr. Combe's theory of "natural laws," that he represents the _distinct existence and independent action of these laws_ as "the key to the Divine government," as the one principle which explains all apparent irregularities, and accounts satisfactorily for the casualties and calamities of human life. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
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  • By showing in the 17th century that the universe conforms to natural laws, he encouraged our age to see money as a branch of physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Creation Theory of Taoism generated TCM holism. And dialectic promoted TCM principal of treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Following the natural laws laid foundation for TCM homoeopathy.
  • He was an outspoken advocate of law reform, a pugnacious critic of established political doctrines like natural law and contractarianism, and the first to produce a utilitarian justification for democracy.
  • This proves the great importance of KNOWING THE NATURAL LAWS for the human class of life, and making natural time-binding impulses conscious, for then only will the spiral give a logarithmical accumulation of the right kind, otherwise the biolyte will be “animal” in substance as well as in effect. Manhood of Humanity.
  • The most remarkable alteration in secularist thinking over the past century has been its abandonment of natural law in favor of dismissing “reason” as a human construct. Lenten Weblog
  • Natural Family Planning cooperates with the natural law and teaches that fertility is to be treasured, not feared.
  • As we saw in section 3.4, the Second Analogy of Experience, if true, guarantees both the objectivity and the universal diachronic or temporally successive causal necessitation of objects of experience and all of their parts under natural laws. Kant's Theory of Judgment
  • No argument but if the nature of building block biochemicals and natural laws indicate that a process culminating in a cell is implausible - what then? Berlinski stirring the pot
  • Such interconnection is traditionally asserted in the principle of causality or natural law.
  • The jurists of that period very commonly assert that the power of Testation itself is of Natural Law, that it is a right conferred by the Law of Nature.
  • The theory of modern natural laws inherits and develops the heritage of traditional natural laws in the period of the ancient Greece, the ancient Roman, and the Christian scholasticism.
  • By showing in the 17th century that the universe conforms to natural laws, he encouraged our age to see money as a branch of physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The JAP project inserted itself, uncalled, into the turbulent confluence between natural law and state regulation, and signaled its allegiance to the former.
  • There were a number of post-Thomistic writers in the medieval and modern periods who in some way denied (2), the natural authority of the natural law, holding that while the content of the natural law is fixed either wholly or in part by human nature, its preceptive power could only come from an additional divine command: the views of John Duns Scotus, Francisco Suarez, and John Locke fit this mold. The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • While a natural law theorist might downplay the importance of derivationist knowledge of the natural law, it is hard to see how a consistent natural law theorist could entirely reject the possibility of such knowledge, given the view that we can provide a substantial account of how the human good is grounded in nature: for to show that the human good is grounded in nature is to show that human nature explains why certain things are goods, and it is hard to see how one could affirm that claim while entirely rejecting the possibility of derivationist knowledge of the human good (see Murphy 2001, pp. 16-17). The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • The Southern judiciary countered the argument of natural law by evoking the argument that, within a democracy, positive law trumped natural law.
  • Quite apart from that, which represents the momentary state of science that may change tomorrow, the whole idea that natural laws imply a lawgiver is due to a confusion between natural and human laws.
  • For it is part of the paradigm natural law view that the basic principles of the natural law are known by all, and the sort of arguments that would need to be made in order to produce derivationist knowledge of the human good are certainly not had The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • In the same way a knight-errant is one who submits his actions to an absolute and severe moral law, so that natural law can maintain abundance on earth with absolute freedom. When Books Collide « So Many Books
  • This sensory receptor with its cerebral perceptor has in the long process of time, aided by vision, under the influence of natural laws of the survival of the fittest, educated and developed an instrument of simple construction (primarily adapted only for the vegetative functions of life and simple vocalisation) into that wonderful instrument the human voice; but by that development, borrowing the words of Huxley, "man has slowly accumulated and organised the experience which is almost wholly lost with the cessation of every individual life in other animals; so that now he stands raised as upon a mountain-top, far above the level of his humble fellows, and transfigured from his grosser nature by reflecting here and there a ray from the infinite source of truth. The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song
  • Subjunctive conditionals are connected with natural laws.
  • St. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian , tried to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy of natural law with Christianity.
  • In the meantime, here PDF; hat-tip: Legal Theory Blog is a discussion of rule consequentialism, which is the form of utilitarianism that I think most obviously shows similarities to natural law. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Seen in this light natural law appears as a group of principles that tran - scend the law of different epochs and regrouping a set of norms endowed with a certain continuity by opposi - tion to the law of a given epoch, which is transitory and changing; for the law of any epoch is the inter - preter of the preceding one, whereas natural law is the law which outlives the times. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Some have thought, echoing criticisms of natural law theory by those entirely hostile to it, that derivationist theories of practical knowledge fall prey to The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • The integrity of the natural laws being guaranteed by Allah Himself, the maintenance of the moral laws, has been left to the initiative and active effort of His vicegerent on earth.
  • Law was no longer conceived of as an eternal set of principles expressed in custom and derived from natural law.
  • There are some very important natural laws which are illustrated in the punka. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • Eastern Orthodox bioethics is distinct from that of traditional Roman Catholicism in that medical morality is not governed by the casuistical application of a natural law known by all through discursive reason.
  • Behind his numerous reforms lay a comprehensive program influenced by the doctrines of enlightened absolutism, natural law, mercantilism, and physiocracy. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The French believed that the complex of traditional custom governing the social order could be replaced by simple, elementary rules deriving from the exercise of human reason and natural law.
  • The explanation is grounded in the notion that natural laws are the principle of a natural activity that constitutes a myth.
  • For example, Albert the Great remarked that the more general a precept is, the more properly it may be said to belong to the natural law.
  • Though far from a scientific conception of natural law, many men had become sufficiently monistic in their philosophy to see in the current hagiolatry a sort of polytheism. The Age of the Reformation
  • Her book, a masterful retrieval of the natural law perspective of medieval theologians and canonists, contributes significantly to current debates in fundamental moral theology.
  • Furthermore, Natural Laws such as Gravity, Inverse Squares, Cause and Effect, and Thermodynamics imply a Law-giver.
  • In Britain, William Paley's Natural Theology saw adaptation as evidence of beneficial "design" by the Creator acting through natural laws.
  • It is therefore a very necessary and important point, to inquire whether there be really any such thing, as a sanction of natural laws, that is, whether they are accompanied with comminations and promises, punishments and rewards.
  • This natural law is the foundation of criminalistics and is the motivation behind the acquisition and analysis of trace evidence.
  • This artistic knowledge is an instance of what Maritain calls, in general, knowledge though connaturality; it is a kind of 'creative intuition' that arises out of "the free creativity of the spirit" (Creative Intuition, p. 112; Natural Law, p. 18). Jacques Maritain
  • By showing in the 17th century that the universe conforms to natural laws, he encouraged our age to see money as a branch of physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the fact of variability of desire is not on its own enough to cast doubt on the natural law universal goods thesis: as the good is not defined fundamentally by reference to desire, the fact of variation in desire is not enough to raise questions about universal goods. Carry-Over Thread
  • That is, unless we assume that all currently known natural laws are literally all there are or even can be (as Lord Kelvin infamously did at the end of the 19th century), then it is possible that in the future new versions of purely natural laws will be discovered that can explain the existence of those entities now claimed to be possible only through supernatural intervention. 2006 April - Telic Thoughts
  • It might be thought that there is nothing that can be done to begin a discussion of natural law theory in ethics other than to stipulate a meaning for ˜natural law theory™ and to proceed from there. The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • Thus natural standards of temper and conduct are seen to exist, below which men may not live without loss, and hence there are natural laws to disobey which is sin. The Things Which Remain An Address To Young Ministers
  • Moral philosophy reposes on natural law precepts as common presuppositions, but its advice will be true only in the main.
  • In this way, Kant renders a service akin to that which Aristotle, Aquinas, and Locke offer though their descriptions of natural law.
  • NATURAL phenomenon of human life brings us to the scientifical source of ethics and I prove that the so-called “highest ideals of humanity” have nothing of “sentimentalism” or of the “_super_natural” in them, but are exclusively the _fulfilment_ of the _natural laws_ for the _human class of life_. Manhood of Humanity.
  • The Levellers held themselves to be freeborn Englishmen, entitled to the protection of a natural law of human rights which they believed to originate in the will of God - rights vested in the people to whom alone true sovereignty belonged.
  • Positive law that does not comport with the natural law (law intended to protect natural rights of individuals) always and everywhere, without exception, ends in the Rule of Man — via the Miracle of Selective Enforcement if via no other means. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Exxon is Not the Audubon Society
  • Accordingly we conclude that just as, in the speculative reason, from naturally known indemonstrable principles we draw the conclusions of the various sciences, the knowledge of which is not imparted to us by nature, but acquired by the efforts of reason; so, too, it is from the precepts of the natural law, as from general and indemonstrable principles, that the human reason needs to proceed to the more particular determination of certain matters. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Money: Natural law of money, international bimetallism, "free silver," currency; the silver question and hard times by John Joseph Valentine OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!
  • Instead, evil becomes abstract and inescapable, defiant of natural law and irreducible to a single bad person or wrong action.
  • What such sources do is present arguments, based on Scripture, Tradition, and natural law, that the "unitive" significance of sexual intercourse cannot be had without procreative significance. Same-sex marriage: back to square one
  • Unlike human laws which imply the existence of a lawgiver, natural laws are simply sophisticated ways of saying ‘That's the way it goes.’
  • Critical of science's objectification of nature, Smith constructs mechanized assemblages whose structural workings derive from natural laws and principles, such as chaos theory, fractal geometry and biomathematics.
  • One has to assume, for example, that a word will mean tomorrow what it means today and what it meant yesterday, just as the scientist has to assume the invariability of natural law, which could never be proven, in order to apply the laws of physics at all. "It is better to receive than to give... at least when the subject is guns."
  • No one can survive violating natural law.
  • There are still laws against copying intellectual work, it ` s just that they ` re restored in alignment with natural law, ie you can copy what you privately possess, but not that which someone else privately possesses. Intellectual Property and pink socks
  • They are backing John Hagelin, a nuclear physicist and leader of the Natural Law Party.
  • Wilson's quest for "consilience" shows how the tradition of natural law reasoning can be extended and deepened through a modern science of human nature. Darwinian Conservatism by Larry Arnhart
  • A certain dissolubility of marriage whenever contracted must therefore be admitted, even according to the natural law, at least in the sense that marriage, unlike other contracts, may not be dissolved at the pleasure of the contracting parties. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • My college zoology is forty years past. but I remember a Roberts or Robertsons natural law that applies to all mammals. My wife and I disagree on how deer in the south are small compared to the deer up in the north.
  • Maybe those who dream often of swimming are actually expressing their subconscious desire for independence and freedom in an uncluttered world governed by natural law. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is probable, too, that you will become so habituated at last to the sight of inscriptions cut upon rock surfaces, especially if you travel much through the country, that you will often find yourself involuntarily looking for texts or other chisellings where there are none, and could not possibly be, as if ideographs belonged by natural law to rock formation. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • How he would chuckle to behold globes and seas, and empires, fall into such irreverend antics because some poor earthling, be he kingling or common sodling, goes into desuetude, either by the operation of natural laws, or the sharp application of steel or shot! Charlemont; Or, the Pride of the Village. a Tale of Kentucky
  • In other words, he does not insist that ID's central tenet is that life is "the result of a series of supernatural acts, involving God's direct intervention in the course of nature, each of which involved the suspension of natural law. Blast From the Past
  • But the synderesis is a habit, as was shown in the First Part.3 Therefore the natural law is a habit. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Their God could act providentially, and their religious beliefs helped to shape their faith in republican government and the natural law that, in their view, underlay its principles.
  • In the early days of the Bonn Republic members of the higher courts freely invoked a revived Natural Law.
  • Their God could act providentially, and their religious beliefs helped to shape their faith in republican government and the natural law that, in their view, underlay its principles.
  • Bradford: if the nature of building block biochemicals and natural laws indicate that a process culminating in a cell is implausible - what then? Berlinski stirring the pot
  • Thus I have been led to recognise species as exemplifying the continuous operation of natural law, or secondary cause; and that not only successively but progressively; "from the first embodiment of the vertebrate idea under its old ichthyic vestment until it became arrayed in the glorious garb of the human form. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • Instead, reliable human access to natural law is a matter of noetic knowledge, of personal spiritual experience with God.
  • But while the existence of "natural laws" and the operation of "second causes" are equally admitted, and yet duly discriminated, large room is still left for diversities of opinion or of statement in regard to _the precise relation which God sustains to His works_, and especially in regard to _the nature and method of His agency in connection with the use of "second causes_. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a great Dutch jurist and thinker, was not only one of the fathers of modern international law , but also the author of an influential natural law philosophy.
  • He was certainly no British doctrinal conservative, looking to God, natural law, loyalty and duty.
  • But Aristotle did not conceive of natural laws based on mathematical principles.
  • The more developed a country becomes, the more careful it is with its energy: this is a natural law of economics that needs no treaty to ratify it.
  • The Natural Law Party qualified for the ballot last December.
  • That in exceptional cases, in which continued cohabitation would nullify the essential purpose of marriage, the dissolubility may nevertheless not be permitted, can hardly be proved as postulated by the natural law from the primary purpose of marriage. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Property represented a problem for medieval economic thinkers because both scripture and natural law sanctioned the community of goods.
  • Recently there has been a tendency to revive the rule, although it is no longer based on natural law.
  • By showing in the 17th century that the universe conforms to natural laws, he encouraged our age to see money as a branch of physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the firmest enemy of modern ethics based upon scientific knowledge of natural laws, there stands the Christian religion, the outspring of the Jewish one, which former, resting upon the principle of the necessary subordination of woman to man, in consequence thereof energetically combats the attempts for equal rights to both sexes, and, as far as lies in its power, ever will and must combat the same. The Woman's Bible
  • It is a model that applies both a human and a divine teleology through Thomas's hallmark ethics of natural law.
  • In a bit of cloak-and-dagger grandiosity, the firms dubbed their collaboration Team Themis, after a titan of Greek mythology who embodied natural law.
  • And even the natural laws of physics start tormenting you, and you can't even put something on the table without it falling off the other side and down behind the couch…
  • Flatterers, and even the tutor himself, stimulated the extravagant imperiousness of the crown-prince, while Martini (professor of natural law) found in him an eager student of physiocracy -- a doctrine which affected profoundly Joseph's mind, firing him with an enthusiasm for current views, the "rights of man", and the welfare of the people. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Equality that ever linketh friend to friend, city to city, and allies to each other; for Equality is man's natural law; but the less is always in opposition to the greater, ushering in the dayspring of dislike. The Phoenissae
  • Natural law has more power when nature proves itself unconquerable, when a black front moves across those wide plains skies followed by tornadoes.
  • Natural law doctrine and social contract theory are different theory models in western political culture tradition.
  • Even if St. Joseph was an older widower, which is in doubt, his marriage to the Blessed Virgin, who at fourteen was of marriagable age, was not contrary to either Natural Law or the civil law of his country. Jon Stewart vs. Mike Huckabee on Gay Marriage
  • Both international law and domestic legal norms in the Christian world had roots in an accepted morality and in natural law, and had common intellectual progenitors (including Grotius, Locke, Vattel).
  • The Natural Law Party, which is fielding 313 candidates, unveiled its long-awaited party election television broadcast last night.
  • It must be conceded, however, that a consistent natural law theorist could hardly hold that derivationist knowledge of the human good is the only such knowledge possible. The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
  • Natural law school provided necessarily theory supports for its generation and development.
  • It is a natural law and normal phenomenon that the opposite exists.
  • What had been supposed to be letters from our friend are proved forgeries; what we called his loving actions are the accumulated results of the natural law of heredity. Robert Browning
  • The best gloss you can put on the natural/supernatural discussion is that science supposes the world to be governed by certain unchanging natural laws such that the world unfolds through a series of causal interactions that are, in principle, predictable. Another Limitation of Science?
  • Diagnoses, treats, and cares for patients using system of practice that bases treatment of physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural laws governing human body Utilizes physiological, psychological, and mechanical methods, such as food and herb therapy, psychotherapy, electrotherapy, natural medicines, and natural foods. Discover What You’re Best At
  • physiocracy" was probably used by Quesnay to convey the idea that the new system provides for the reign of the natural law. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The theory of modern natural laws inherits and develops the heritage of traditional natural laws in the period of the ancient Greece, the ancient Roman, and the Christian scholasticism.
  • Latet anguis in herba," of the most inviting natural lawn, and of its gayest flowers, truly has the poet said, "the trail of the serpent is over them all. Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
  • None could see this truth clearly but an enthusiast in diet like Epicurus, who, discovering the unexceptionableness of the natural law, proceeded to the work of adaptation. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • This tripartition is a trap lying in wait for unsuspecting garden designers who, like God, intervene in the world of natural laws and unfolding evolution trying to make nature or the world into a better place.
  • The Creation Theory of Taoism generated TCM holism. And dialectic promoted TCM principal of treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Following the natural laws laid foundation for TCM homoeopathy.
  • The second is philosophical naturalism, which says that everything in the universe is governed by natural law and nothing ever circumvents that law.
  • In any event, I actually doubt there are THAT many people who argue that even a necessity defense is assertable BECAUSE of natural law. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sonia Sotomayor versus the Second Amendment:
  • It's something of a natural law; we've got to like the little blighters at least enough to feed and water them if the species is to survive.
  • The qualification was based on the idea that a person can forfeit his natural rights to life and liberty by a suitably serious violation of natural law.
  • This problem of the efficacy of natural law is strategically important to the pro-life movement.
  • Natural law theory held the world to consist of a variety of beings and objects whose essence disposed them toward the fulfillment of higher purposes.
  • However, even such dissolubility would not be in accord with the secondary purposes of marriage, and it is therefore regarded by St. Thomas (IV Sent., dist. xxxiii, Q, ii, a. 1) and most Catholic scholars as against the secondary demands of the natural law. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • It is a pre-scientific concept that has been outmoded by modern scientific understanding of matter and natural laws.
  • Bodin was half way between a theist and a deist; he believed that the Decalogue was a natural law imprinted in all men's hearts and that Judaism was the nearest to being a natural religion. The Age of the Reformation
  • Natural law provides ‘a framework for government that permits human freedom,’ Jones said.
  • The dominical precepts express the New Law, and for this reason it is telling that the scholastics interpreted them through the prism of their concept of the natural law, just as they did the precepts of the Old Law.
  • The principles of natural law gained ground, and accompanying them came a growing belief in the equality of all human beings.

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