How To Use Natural language In A Sentence
The acquisition of knowledge from natural language text is a very important application of NLP. This technique has great prospect because it can help people search and acquire knowledge efficiently.
Algorithms can be expressed in many kinds of notation, including natural languages, pseudocode, flowcharts, and programming languages.
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If you've never heard of it, it's a simple app that puts the current time into natural language.
American philosopher Paul Grice concluded that natural language had its own logic.
Question Answering System for Reading Comprehension (QARC) can automatically analyze a passage of natural language text and generate an answer for each question based on information in the passage.
Computers are increasingly being used for natural language processing.
The libretto of Doctor Atomic was greeted by a torrent of criticism in the press for its unusual use of both natural language (as lifted from primary sources, like letters and biographies) and poetry, as well as a perceived lack of "verismo" in some of the arias.
Annotation is the keystone of the knowledge representation of any natural language processing ( NLP ) research.
Natural language is characterized by redundancy .
Computers are increasingly being used for natural language processing.
The third technology relevant to taming the Big Data beast is natural language processing or NLP, which is a group of technologies that mine facts from unstructured data.
Steve Hamby: Top Three Technologies to Tame the Big Data Beast
Some think that considerations like this show that there are no genuine synonyms in natural languages.
Every normal human being acquires a natural language and that language is extraordinarily similar to that of the surrounding group.
Traditionally, computational linguistics was usually performed by computer scientists who had specialized in the application of computers to the processing of a natural language.
By contrast, the logic of Buddhism relied on natural language and examples drawn from unmediated personal experience.
Kay wanted more of the flexibility and creativity of a natural language.
PENG is a computer-processable controlled natural language designed for writing unambiguous and precise specifications text.
Question Answering System for Reading Comprehension (QARC) can automatically analyze a passage of natural language text and generate an answer for each question based on information in the passage.
Natural language is characterized by redundancy .
In summary, their “results suggest that, in the absence of training, cotton-top tamarins learn a rule that is formally similar to affixation patterns [...] in natural language.”
2009 July « Motivated Grammar
The paper mainly discusses the retrieval technique with natural language interface. It contains some key techniques, such as extraction of concept, choice of chunk and combination of concept.
Although the existence of interrogatives seems a universal property of natural languages, languages differ substantially in the strategies they employ for coding interrogatives.
Both deconstruction and structuralism asserted that people are culturally and socially constructed, and that they internalize culture much in the same way that they internalize a natural language.
The goal of articulating a logical framework tailored to a representational system that is motivated by systematic evidence about meanings in natural languages is not acknowledged by all linguistic semanticists.
Natural language is incoherent, and its underlying sensible structure is that of an infinite hierarchy of levels.
It is also widely held that in addition to having such properties as reference, truth-conditions and truth ” so-called extensional properties ” expressions of natural languages also have intensional properties, in virtue of expressing properties or propositions ” i.e., in virtue of having meanings or senses, where two expressions may have the same reference, truth-conditions or truth value, yet express different properties or propositions (Frege 1892/1997).
Mental Representation
for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed
Weizenbaum, Joseph. "ELIZA ? A Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man and Machine. " Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 9 (1966).
The 7,000 or so natural languages spoken in the world today differ radically in vocabulary and grammar.
Times, Sunday Times
An example of an instantial term in natural language would be occurrences of ˜n™ when one supposes that
Text inference is central to natural language applications. This paper presents an inference method based on HowNet, which organizes knowledge with semantic net and infers with marker passing.
Then each number is assigned a finite string of symbols in the natural language, and in certain cases the string will define a number, Val (n) = “the decimal number which is determined by the expression encoded by n and interpreted according to the rules of the natural language”.
Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
In the light of all this, I do not think it premature to put forward an evolutionary scenario for natural language.
Natural languages arise unconsciously, haphazardly, while artificial languages lack expressiveness.
I explore the consequences of the logically heterogeneous character of exception phrase NPs for proof-theoretic accounts of quantifiers in natural language.
The way humans normally communicate is through natural language.
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Identification of translingual equivalence of named entities is substantial to natural language processing.
Forgive me if I stumble through my explanations of the quite remarkable Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in, computational linguistics using Python.
Yet if you choose to prefer Coleridges explanation, no great harm will be done: since Coleridge, who may be presumed to have understood it, promptly goes on to deduce that, as the elements of metre owe their existence to a state of increased excitement, so the metre itself should be accompanied by the natural language of excitement. which is precisely where we found ourselves, save that where Coleridge uses the word excitement we used the word emotion.
IV. On the Capital Difficulty of Verse
For a human reader a discursive natural language definition is a more sensible format.
The 7,000 or so natural languages spoken in the world today differ radically in vocabulary and grammar.
Times, Sunday Times
Woo gently argues for the superiority of natural language to rigid formal mathematization when it comes to describing and analyzing complex economic events.
Economic Principals
Spoken language makes use of sound carried on out-breathed air from the lungs, which is modulated by articulators (tongue, lips, etc.) to produce the vocal repertoire of a natural language.
Laforgue puns, makes up portmanteau words and re-applies tags from the natural language, the Christian liturgy and well-known works of literature.
I then present three arguments that this dynamic approach is more faithful to natural language semantics than static Montagovian theories.
The natural language determiner binds with a noun to form a noun phrase, and the result binds with a verb phrase to form a sentence.
WordNet is a big lexical dictionary heavily used by this community for creation of natural language systems.