How To Use Native land In A Sentence
The heroic deeds of this brave and noble Irishman have brought honour and glory to his native land.
Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen.
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
Native Lands attempts to protect indigenous land holdings and reserves.
Sorry, it was late at night and I was just put off by the notion that some substantial return of illegal migrants in the US to their native land would "repopulate" Mexico.
Living in Mexico
Nor is he very hopeful that there will ever be a ceasefire in his native land.
Those infamous English will not permit us to proceed far enough from our native land to acquire what they call the legs of the sea.
They cherish their native land.
I should prefer to watch him in the primeval forests of his native land, wielding an axe against some giant tree.
The story is a glowing portrait of a crusading humanitarian on a difficult mission to save his native land.
Many have returned to their native land having failed to dominate racing.
The man-made structures are concealed by imaginative landscaping that includes coconut palms, hibiscus, cactuses, hammocks, bougainvillea, gardens and lawns opening to beach and sea.
It is precisely this "interspace" to which Jelinek gives a voice in her texts when she, from her outsider position in Austrian culture, writes about those things which are suppressed in her native land.
Elfriede Jelinek: Provocation as the Breath of Life
His hair is tied back into a mantilla more customarily worn by the women of the singer's native land.
Language intoxicated Vijayan; he delighted in the rhythms of Malayalam and its versatility in evoking the many moods of native landscapes and feeling.
The security and safety and the sense of 'belongingness' which freshens up our soul by reminding us that 'this is my own, my native land …' are unquestionably matchless!
Violet by a mossy stone, 469. glowing, 248. here and there a, 428. in the youth of primy nature, 129. of his native land, 632. oxlips and the nodding, 58. throw a perfume on the, 79.
Familiar Quotations A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
Housing developments, which often feature non-native landscape plantings, can bring pests such as the sawfly that infested the Bracken Brae population in 1992.
Galloway Street beautifully captures the harshness of poverty and the warm good humour of a childhood dominated by songs, yarns and the yearnings of his Irish relatives for their native land.
And as a bondmaid steals away from a wealthy house, whom fate has lately severed from her native land, nor yet has she made trial of grievous toil, but still unschooled to misery and shrinking in terror from slavish tasks, goes about beneath the cruel hands of a mistress; even so the lovely maiden rushed forth from her home.
The Argonautica
He followed events closely in his native land, writing frequent commentaries for the press there.
M. de Lally read us a pleading for émigrés of all descriptions, to the people and Government of France, for their reinstalment in their native land, that exceeds in eloquence, argument, taste, feeling, and every power of oratory and truth united, any thing I ever remember to have heard ....
Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
He felt so strongly that in some way he was to receive tidings from his native land, that one day, when a travel-stained runner from the East was brought to his lodge, he at once asked "what word dost thou bring of the French?
The Flamingo Feather
Can you tell them farewell, farewell no more to meet them on earth, can you Oh! can you leave them and native land far, far in heathen lands to dwell, can, you say,
Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie HoustonMay 1857
If the Musæ Exulantes, [The title assumed by them, in the preface to the Latin translation of Cato.] in the swamps of Bruges, could produce an elegant and nervous translation of Cato, will their notes be less strong or less sweet in their native land?
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
Today, most of BC remains unceded sovereign Native lands, over which neither the Canadian or BC governments have the legal or moral authority to govern.
Invisible Women, Good Indians, Taxpayers Like You: An Olympic Triple Screw |
Exiles long to return to their native land.
Out of 94 species of native land birds, 35 were exterminated prehistorically and 8 more have become extinct in the historical period; thus 46% of the original bird fauna is now extinct.
My father died a year ago, and my stepmother returned to France, her native land.
They cherish their native land.
Canada, his native land, the UK where he trained and taught, and the United States all owe much to this sophisticated thinker.
Iswar Chandra, the brilliant young barrister-at-law had discoursed to a philanthropic peeress upon the social future of his native land, whilst an admiring circle of auditors hung upon his words.
Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
I should prefer to watch him in the primeval forests of his native land, wielding an axe against some giant tree.
Geez, before I left, and in my lifetime, the constitution came home, we came up with our flag, we had two failed constitutional efforts (Meech Lake and Charlottetown) and a separatist federal party in parliament...and after I left, more native land settlements happened, and a new federal territory sprung into existence (I'm with the camp that wanted to rename the NWT "Bob"), and the definition of marriage was extended, and the twonie started being minted.
He's fiercely proud of his native land.
After graduating from Paris, Burman returned to India to renew his acquaintance with the tradition of the art and the culture of his native land.
They never saw their native land again.
Gandhi exclaimed at a meeting in Madras, on October 26, 1896, during a brief visit to his native land.
Deeply attached to his native land, he died in exile in France.
This is my native land and I'll defend it with my life!
They never saw their native land again.
Then he abode with them awhile in pleasance and joyance, after which he began to yearn for his native land; so he went in to Abd al-Rahman and said to him, O uncle, I long for my own country, for I have there estates and effects, which I left in charge of one of my prentices; and I am minded to journey thither that I may sell my properties and return to thee.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
His hair is tied back into a mantilla more customarily worn by the women of the singer's native land.
This might very well be the most complimentary set of remarks ever made by this renowned sourpuss about his native land.
This is my native land and I'll defend it with my life!
return to your native land
He is a genuine tycoon, an authentic media mogul who dominates the newspapers and networks of his native land as completely as he does its political firmament.
In addition, the Anatolian prevails without benefit of a breed name, much less records or pedigrees, in its native land.
Valois," he slowly says, "you have seen these native land-barons at the Convention.
The Little Lady of Lagunitas A Franco-Californian Romance
My spirit and mind are forever tied to Kaiping – My Native Land.
When he returned to his native land, Copernicus was again granted leave from his official duties as a canon in the Ermland Chapter at Frauenburg.
They never saw their native land again.
Exiles long to return to their native land.
After establishing himself as an artist in his native land, he decided to immigrate to the United States.
The incident turned into a major protest against the occupation of unceded native land.
9/11 Truth Is "Splitting the Sky"
Bulgars quitted their native lands -- they were not known to the Turks as Serbs and Bulgars, but merely as raia of the province of
The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1
My salad of pickled wild mushrooms was, our Swedish waitress explained, a speciality of her native land.
Having left families behind in their native land, it was customary for the Chettiars to make periodic visits home to preserve family ties, and to build palatial homes.
Mahoney knew what was wrong with it; because the native land was overstocked, it had eaten something bad.
On returning to his native land, he still continued to turn his chemical knowledge to account, by giving his services to that particular branch of our commercial industry which is commonly described as the adulteration of commodities; and from this he had gradually risen to the more refined pursuit of adulterating gold and silver -- or, to use the common phrase again, making bad money.
A Rogue's Life
No one interested in native land claims can do without this book.
Alternative landscape plants might include spiked speedwell, lilies, Siberian iris, spiked gayfeather and garden sage.
Having lost his native land, … he became a citizen of the world.
Christianity Today
Here 1 live, constantly thinking of my native land, alas, my heart is aching.
The Dawes Act not only severely restricted communal lands and traditional cultural patterns, it opened up huge tracts of native lands to white settlement and exploitation.
Being raised on a farm in rural South Dakota during the pretelevision days gave his German-immigrant father and his Russian-immigrant mother plenty of time to teach their children the languages, customs, and folklore of their native lands.
Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #1
But his pride found some consolation in reflecting that, he and his son-in-law having been so lately in arms against government, it might give matter of reasonable fear and offence to the ruling powers if they were to collect together the kith, kin, and allies of their houses, arrayed in effeir of war, as was the ancient custom of Scotland on these occasions -- 'And, without dubitation,' he concluded with a sigh, 'many of those who would have rejoiced most freely upon these joyful espousals are either gone to a better place or are now exiles from their native land.'
Lawrence's poem that is "slow to mate," serious novelists are often years, if not decades and decades, behind in their calculi about what matters most dearly in their native lands.
The Poser And The (Former) Planet Pluto
As he ponders the next option in his club career, it is just possible that a few proverbs from his native land are springing to mind once again.
Check with your local nursery or horticultural organization for details on alternative landscape species.
If it means that I grow a little too fervid, or perhaps even hyperbolical, in extolling my native land, I admit the full justice of the remark.
Nicholas Nickleby
The tamada, or toastmaster, is chosen by the audience, and leads toasts to the native land, to parents, to friends, to the memory of the dead, to women, to life, to children, and to the guests.
_Neegig_ and he became great friends; they had one thing in common, and that was a love for tobacco, and in the summer evenings after dinner the young white man and his grown companion would recline on rustic seats in the garden, and smoke pipe after pipe, the red man mixing his "baccy" with some savoury bark from his native land which he produced from the depths of his martin-skin tobacco-pouch.
Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians
To avenge his wrongs, and the loss of his betrothed, who is given to his rival and dies, he blows up the steamer in presence of an assembled multitude, and quits his native land with a courtezan who has conceived a liking for him and will provide him with money to recommence his enterprise elsewhere.
He may be inspired by his native landscape but his pieces are not reproductions, he insists.
Times, Sunday Times
In its native land it functioned as currency for buying expensive things as well as government offices, and as early as the second millennium B.C. there was a goddess of sericulture.
The only wild sheep from their native land in Africa, the aoudad stands about 40 inches at the shoulder.
Vida really did not love her native land, she seemed to enjoy well enough what she called smiling 'the St. Martin's Summer' of her success in London society.
The Convert
But we are to hold in remembrance that Scotland, though it be our native land, and the land of our fathers, is not like Goshen, in Egypt, on whilk the sun of the heavens and of the gospel shineth allenarly, and leaveth the rest of the world in utter darkness.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
Our native land, or the country of our adoption is as dear to us as to the other indwellers.
The Jews and Patriotism
They talk to us about their struggles in their native land and all that they endured and suffered to get to this country.
Here 1 live, constantly thinking of my native land, alas, my heart is aching.
He was exiled from his native land.
Our fathers were exiles from their native land.
He followed events closely in his native land, writing frequent commentaries for the press there.
After eating his usual copious breakfast, he had imprudently asked the waiter for a Russian paper; and, as he read, and sipped his kummel, which he found a little insipid and almost made him regret the vodka of his native land, his eyes fell upon a letter from Odessa, in which there was a detailed description of the execution of three nihilists, two of them gentlemen.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
He's fiercely proud of his native land.
All his work is imbued with an extraordinary sense of place, particularly of his native land.
The landscape shots underscore the indebtedness of Silko's work to her native land.
But the Trojans were dying, first for their fatherland, fairest fame to win; whomso the sword laid low, all these found friends to bear their bodies home and were laid to rest in the bosom of their native land, their funeral rites all duly paid by duteous hands.
The Trojan Women
Imaginative landscaping, decorative lighting, and widened pedestrian promenades are part of the physical change.
Motherless, with neither brother nor sister, his aged and infirm father dying in Italy, where he could not be permitted to visit him, banished from his native land, jealously watched and menaced by all the allied powers, his fair name maligned, all these considerations seemed to fill his cup of sorrow to the brim.
Hortense Makers of History Series
The Nazi regime had taken Germany to war in 1939 and Siegel felt that he could no longer remain in his native land.
Thousands of Irish families left their native land and went to America in search of a better life.
She longed to return to her native land.
We define a location as human property; we inhabit it and call it motherland, fatherland, native land, homeland.
Stevenson's Scotland is a collection of the author's writings on his native land.
Do you not accurse your native land by dooming her to the eternal endurance of the degradations and distresses which she feels she has already borne too long?
National Rectitude the Only True Basis of National Prosperity: An Appeal to the Confederate States
In recent decades agricultural commodity surpluses in the developed world have contributed to a mantra of 'land surplus' in which set-aside, extensification, alternative land uses and
Energy Bulletin -
The moral drama of her native land occupied her entire life: all her books and all her consciousness were about it.
Times, Sunday Times
a fact that no one knows his own country; from assuetude and, perhaps, from the feelings of regard which we naturally have for our native land, we pass over what nevertheless does not escape the eye of a foreigner.
Diary in America, Series Two
Bristol tolsey or court-house saw a crowd of those wretched captives -- clerks out of employment, unruly apprentices, street boys without parents, and occasionally children of honest birth, ay, of patrician lineage, whose prompt removal from their native land was desired by brutal fathers or vindictive guardians; and every morning a mockery of judicial investigation was perpetrated in the name of justice.
A Book About Lawyers
my native land
Gildas 132 describes in florid language the improvements of agriculture, the foreign trade which flowed with every tide into the Thames and the Severn the solid and lofty construction of public and private edifices; he accuses the sinful luxury of the British people; of a people, according to the same writer, ignorant of the most simple arts, and incapable, without the aid of the Romans, of providing walls of stone, or weapons of iron, for the defence of their native land.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire