How To Use Nationalistic In A Sentence

  • What's more, the prospect of one of the most important chunks of Britain's transport infrastructure being sold soon riled a good deal of nationalistic tub-thumping.
  • It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite. Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
  • Traitorfish said: I know that’s clichéd, but I really never liked Captain America - a superhero that nationalistic is nothing but creepy. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Death of Captain America
  • Those concerns have not stemmed the tide of nationalistic sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The political movement in which it was based became increasingly nationalistic and isolationist.
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  • What will happen as these become more costly than alternative energy sources that can be used to support autarchic, nationalistic systems? Energy and Society~ Chapter 16~ Energy in a Contracting System
  • In taking the nationalistic, idealized and ancient form of the epic and combining it with a narrative of mercantile discovery, Camões embodies early modern epistemological anxiety.
  • He will be increasingly nationalistic, which is to be expected. NYT > Home Page
  • minor nationalistic differences
  • So stop trying to alienate everyone who's not an ultranationalistic right winger from the US like you are! Obama: U.S., Russia 'quite close' to forging new START treaty
  • Then in 1996 the Pats changed their logo to something best described as a nationalistic fish swimming upstream. NY Daily News
  • Gazprom in Russia — control large shares of the world's reserves, and nationalistic governments tighten the screws on foreign companies, the traditional role of Western oil companies is under threat.
  • Our denomination is fortunate to have leaders speaking out against such partisan groups misusing the Christian faith for nationalistic political goals. Media
  • Though, as we discuss below, this provision has been modified, the nationalistic sentiment was clearly registered by prospective buyers.
  • Their investment in nationalistic chauvinism has dangerous implications.
  • The project stemmed from a critical look at the tradition of heroic, nationalistic exposition architecture.
  • Still, his government seems to have been unable to resist exploiting the ruling for nationalistic purposes, unnerving investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have said that our modest country has developed sufficient internationalistic awareness. CASTRO ADDRESSES CLOSE OF YOUTH CONGRESS
  • BUT, they are also strongly nationalistic, which is one reason it would likely have been counter-productive to ever attack the country after we got our hostages back in 1980. "Barack Obama extended the olive branch to Iran's leaders last Friday in a videotaped message praising a 'great civilization'..."
  • His nationalistic tone and speeches against the European Union became ever louder.
  • Social unrest and nationalistic stirrings were very prevalent.
  • On March 23, 1919, Mussolini and other war veterans founded in Milan a revolutionary, nationalistic group called the Fasci di Combattimento, named for the ancient Roman symbol of power, the fasces.
  • Those concerns have not stemmed the tide of nationalistic sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next, there is Stone's objection to my view that Kissinger's brand of interventionism "cannot be described as nationalistic or self-centered. The Real Kissinger?
  • A more likely—and alarming—scenario is that the current regime will harden its stance and tighten the screws or be replaced by an even more nationalistic and militant one.
  • They were encouraging nationalistic sentiment among the students.
  • I did like the title though, very evocative , and a reminder of the ephemeral nature of nationalistic power and military might- c.f. hearts and minds? The Last Raider, by Douglas Reeman. Book review
  • Nationalistic thugs who double as acrobats from the fictional Balkan country of Karonia, The Fearsome Foot-Fighters are masters of savate, a French form of kickboxing.
  • Some observers interpret these symbols cynically, as opportunistic, basely commercial, unquestioningly nationalistic expressions of pro-war sentiment.
  • Police say they believe the crime was "nationalistic" - a reference usually used to describe Arab attacks on Israelis - but have not ruled out crime.
  • He was a very loyal and nationalistic person, as well as being Iraq's best officer at that time.
  • I suspect they actually think the Chinese are fiercely nationalistic, which is true. Free Advice for the Free Tibet Crowd
  • Although he addresses the country directly only on one occasion, the distinctiveness of the argot and the difficulty in understanding the characters' speech continually reminds us of nationalistic differences and tensions.
  • So I think people that are urging war crime trials ought to spend more time trying to assuage worries, e.g. that war crime trials would be seen as illegitimate, would provoke a nationalistic backlash, would start a civil war, or something along those lines, instead of just shouting “principals” and “the law ought to apply to the powerful just as much as the not-powerful” both of which I agree with. pseudonymous in nc Says: Matthew Yglesias » Requests We Can Believe In
  • The following categories of nationalistic blessing and their proof texts indicate they do.
  • There is no reason for me to go there to speak in English. [applause] I was invited to Caracas, Venezuela, a city, a country, with many heroic, patriotic traditions, which has written an indelible page in internationalistic history. MEETING WITH VENEZUELAN INTELLECTUALS & ARTISTS
  • Nationalistic isolation tears apart the fabric of humanity.
  • Not to mention that religion and media moguls propagate the popularity of that nationalistic pride that most Americans have.
  • Still, his government seems to have been unable to resist exploiting the ruling for nationalistic purposes, unnerving investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cloaking narrow nationalistic designs under the mantle of a common regional good will sooner or later rebound on the African countries themselves.
  • As Doctoroff watched in wonder at the nationalistic passion, a brainstorm struck.
  • It goes with the whole Republican profile - greedy nationalistic militaristic, selfish and knavish. bettyboop33 Steele: Crist win 'a real possibility' in three-way race
  • The remaining true humans had by this time colonized a different planet, named it ‘New Earth,’ and quickly factionalized along the old nationalistic lines that had caused so much war in the first place.
  • A territorial dispute, by its nature, is liable to arouse nationalistic sentiment.
  • Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Italians are not a nationalistic people, and one of the few symbols that can unite them is the blue shirt of their football team. Times, Sunday Times
  • For now there seems to be a wide popular consensus around the shape of the new Sri Lanka: patrimonial, nepotistic, nationalistic and militarized. Rajapaksa Makes a Move
  • When Starbucks opened in the Forbidden City, the nation was not offended; it applauded a savvy integration of East and West -- until, that is, the nationalistic blososphere fringe started making noises. Tom Doctoroff: The China Code: From Robotic Depersonalization to Epic Ambition
  • Our society has become less cruelly conservative, our politics less atavistically nationalistic, and our culture less turgidly insular.
  • They were encouraging nationalistic sentiment among the students.
  • The period between 1870 and 1914 witnessed intensifying nationalistic and imperial rivalries in Europe, culminating with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the outbreak of World War I in 1914. 10. World History since 1550
  • One took the propaganda for granted, with little knowledge of how and why it had come about; another was gratified to be associated with a party that was seemingly "reformist" and "revolutionary" at the same time, pro-American and pro-Soviet, nationalistic pro tem and internationalistic traditionally; a third type was more or less mechanically drawn in by virtue of key posts held by Communists in various non-Communist organizations, such as trade unions. Revisiting American Communism: An Exchange
  • Though attempts were made from time to time to mollify nationalistic sentiments, most were cursory and lacked substance.
  • The arousal of pseudo ‘nationalistic fervour’ by the continuous invocation of a foreign threat as the source of all problems is only the first point of similarity.
  • They might be devoutly nationalistic but also ideologically monarchist.
  • Nor has it been helped by the fact that politics has become increasingly nationalistic on both sides of the Atlantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wonder if non-US people know that the infamous convention was not for the glamorous French Foreign Legion, but for the American Legion, which is mostly elderly, ultra-nationalistic US Armed Forces veterans? Legionella pneumophilia
  • It is true that a nationalistic animus did not rally the Russian people into a cohesive national body with the idea of restoring the country's international standing regardless of the cost, as was the case in 1933 Germany.
  • They blamed the republic's nationalistic coalition government for the slide into civil strife.
  • Those concerns have not stemmed the tide of nationalistic sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • When nations intervene, manipulating grief, they offer idolatrous, nationalistic, vengeful substitutions for the grace of God and true community.
  • There is a continual revision of the historical and geopolitical facts, which encourages nationalistic and chauvinistic opinions.
  • I notice that my nationalistic hackles are rising and that the antipathy from the Celts is really beginning to grate on me. England`s Future Decided in Scotland
  • Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Israel miscalculated and to understand the depth of Palestinian nationalistic aspirations.
  • This exceptional program came together because the allies have put alliance needs for air defense and political solidarity above purely nationalistic demands. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • They blamed the republic's nationalistic coalition government for the slide into civil strife.
  • They said it was nationalistic, jingoistic, imperialistic and represented a bad and unjust past.
  • Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several nationalistic organisations pursue this agenda using extreme individuals from the Orthodox Church.
  • The goal of the Boxers, or nationalistic Chinese, was to rid the country of foreigners, thus eliminating foreign intervention and exploitation of China.
  • Those concerns have not stemmed the tide of nationalistic sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • This aria is generally considered a welcome moment of humanity in a relentlessly nationalistic, bellicose libretto, and like other such airs written by Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
  • Together with the Fantaisie Polonaise, it typically expresses his strong nationalistic beliefs.
  • Viennese mobs erupted in nationalistic fervor, expressed by beating up Jews and destroying their property. Eric R. Kandel - Autobiography
  • She talks more about - she has this nationalistic, internationalistic viewpoint of dealing with our enemies as it relates to being forceful, though, at the same time being diplomatic. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2008
  • The surge of nationalistic solidarity sweeping the nation led his neighbors to strike their regionalist colors.
  • A lot of nationalistic bombast was spouted during this era, but there was also a quiet betrayal of an entire generation.
  • Ali's arguments are tinged with nationalistic undertones.
  • Footage from previous Paektusan festivals makes clear that the event is a combination of traditional competition and nationalistic pep rally.
  • Yet even though Nazism was assertively nationalistic, it managed to vie with Soviet communism—which was just as assertively internationalistic—in the struggle for world domination. The Great Experiment
  • They are intensely nationalistic in style, and Hubay either took the melodies directly from Hungarian folk music, or created his own echt Hungarian originals.
  • For this reason we have said that to be internationalistic is to pay our own debt to humanity. PRESS FORUM BY VENEZUELAN JOURNALIST
  • Nationalistic isolation tears apart the fabric of humanity.
  • The revival laid the scholarly and nationalistic groundwork for the Irish Literary Renaissance.
  • This pavilion challenged the nationalistic and decorative emphasis of the 1925 Exhibition by including mass-production, for example a table made by a hospital-furniture manufacturer, Maples armchairs and bentwood chair.
  • The bad news is that popular sentiment in this matter is rather nationalistic.
  • These views were in line with Pirenne's personality as a ‘historian engagé, son of his time, nationalistic, liberal, bourgeois, optimistic…: who saw history as a record of progress driven by urbanisation, trade and capitalism’.
  • They say it's to incite a new nationalistic spirit or some such rot.
  • But history shows that even most prosperous civilisations have decayed and disintegrated if it did not have a nationalistic ideology.
  • It can go into the Sunni areas where an insurgency already exists and increase the rift between the Sunni insurgents that the U.S. tends to term the nationalistic insurgency, that they are, in fact, trying to engage, trying to fold in to the political process. CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2007
  • Those concerns have not stemmed the tide of nationalistic sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not because I am being judgmental from a nationalistic perspective, but simply because I think that the labels they have placed on their foreheads like stickers are cosmetic ornaments that fail to cover their true nature. posted by Dean at Ex-filipino
  • An extreme case of the role of purism in the expression of nationalistic and racial conscience can be seen in Nazi Germany.
  • After the Congress of Vienna (1814-15), the impetus for nationalistic identity grew, in the form of the movement known as the Risorgimento, which ultimate led to unification. Note: Italy
  • The Afghan people are fiercely nationalistic. The Sun
  • Also included is the artificial adoption of dead languages for nationalistic purposes.
  • This is neither an issue of political affiliation or nationalistic loyalty.
  • governmentalism" or "paternalism" under nationalistic control, he himself admits and defends the principle. The Arena Volume 4, No. 21, August, 1891
  • Neto's gesture was exemplary of internationalism, and Cuba's attitude must also be exemplarily internationalistic. INAUGURAL SESSION OF THE CUBAN NATL ASSEMBLY
  • How the brain perceives quiet and subtle movements … Post-Olympic orgy of nationalistic shouting and gesticulating, I suppose this will have no more relevance for my beloved poetry … Presidents Day roundup
  • This is not quite the Iain dale position which to me is unduly nationalistic (calls for a full seperate English parliament), a most un-English trait. A Picture of Mel (plus bits)
  • Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country. Times, Sunday Times
  • After renaming the city itself, they pinned nationalistic and revolutionary labels on its streets and buildings.
  • Tracing the musical genealogy of any given nationalistic genre is no easy task, particularly when there are many influences brought to bear upon it.
  • However, in 1904 academic painting still dominated state-sponsored salons, and a world's fair art exhibition was inherently nationalistic.

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