How To Use Nationalist In A Sentence

  • The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
  • What's more, the prospect of one of the most important chunks of Britain's transport infrastructure being sold soon riled a good deal of nationalistic tub-thumping.
  • It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite. Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
  • At the beginning of the war, the Nationalist forces had eighty thousand men. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • (Applause) Without boasting, without any kind of immodesty, that is how we Cuban revolutionaries understand our internationalist duty. TRICONTINENTAL CONFERENCE
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  • Traitorfish said: I know that’s clichéd, but I really never liked Captain America - a superhero that nationalistic is nothing but creepy. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Death of Captain America
  • Thus was imposed on nationalist people an undemocratic arrangement destined never to yield a nationalist majority for perhaps hundreds of years.
  • He was a perfervid nationalist who was jailed for his beliefs.
  • It's part of a broader Hindu nationalist movement that's gaining strength throughout the country.
  • Kenya's colonial government had responded to the Mau Mau resistance movement by imposing a State of Emergency, detaining leading nationalist leader Jomo Kenyatta, and restricting political organizing.
  • La justice italienne a à son tour passé l'éponge après avoir maintenu l'ancien militant ultra-nationaliste en prison pendant 19 ans, mais l'a remis en 2000 aux autorités turques qui le réclamaient pour purger deux peines auxquelles il avait été condamné en Turquie, l'une pour une attaque de banque commise dans les années 1970 et l'autre pour le meurtre d'un journaliste turc en 1979. belga/th Mehmet Ali Agca,Pope John Paul II's Would-Be Assassin, embraces the Catholic Faith! IMPORTANT INFO ADDED
  • He wants to make the French socialists ‘cosmopolitan, internationalist, solidary, and pro-European again’.
  • In an attempt to divert the resulting social unrest, Stalinist bureaucrats and communalist demagogues fomented nationalist sentiments while seeking patrons among the major powers.
  • Those concerns have not stemmed the tide of nationalistic sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Europe's intransigeance is forcing them to make at least a temporary alliance with the Pan-Islamic and Nationalist groups, even though the liberals know that anything like a holy war would dig a gulf between The New World of Islam
  • The nationalist people lived in the shadow of the Unionist monolith for fifty years until the events of the 1960's occurred.
  • The present crisis on the docks illustrates the dead end of the nationalist and pro-capitalist policy of the trade union bureaucracy.
  • The authors specifically exclude the neo-fascist movement in the west, which they describe as sharing few of the progressive and internationalist values of the other social forces. Undefined
  • Arab dreams: Qaddafi (left) spent his youth as a fervent admirer of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, the pan-Arab nationalist icon of the era.
  • Transnational links were shattered by closing frontiers and the tide of nationalist sentiment sweeping through society.
  • It is doubtful whether the government will ever accede to the nationalists' demands for independence.
  • Police say they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists.
  • The most diverse range of extreme nationalist groups joined together under their leadership.
  • It is pursuing a nationalist, unilateralist policy, dressed up in the language of non-intervention. Times, Sunday Times
  • The last despairing effort had seen the Nationalists gain a decisive victory. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • In the name of bioregionalism they would bring in an age of ultra-nationalist xenophobia.
  • The results exposed deepening sectarian polarisation between nationalist and unionist voters.
  • He insists he has no animosity towards ordinary Catholic people or nationalists.
  • He is not an experienced debater, given in the past to flourishes of synthetic rage at Nationalists rather than the humour and put-down his elevated status requires.
  • Soren Abel was a Norwegian nationalist who was active politically in the movement to make Norway independent.
  • Nationalist officers gave orders in many areas to exterminate the civilian population.
  • The vote came after majority Nationalist Party officials said today the party would use parliamentary procedures to block implementation of the bills.
  • As they grow up amid the emerging wave of nationalist fervor, their friendship becomes strained as they find themselves on opposite sides.
  • Scottish nationalists have made her into their version of Joan of Arc, a martyred hero who struggled against English oppression.
  • An out-and-out nationalist, he promoted Irish industry by building exhibition buildings.
  • A fragile center-right parliamentary majority emerged, composed of free-market liberals, conservative nationalists, and parties with ties to oligarchic clans and big business.
  • The political movement in which it was based became increasingly nationalistic and isolationist.
  • Sometimes this question is posed from a purely denominationalist perspective. Measuring character
  • What will happen as these become more costly than alternative energy sources that can be used to support autarchic, nationalistic systems? Energy and Society~ Chapter 16~ Energy in a Contracting System
  • But it suits Nationalists and unionists alike to maintain the fiction of an indivisible UK health service.
  • Nationalist politics often favor local companies over outside media giants, skewing competition for new licenses.
  • Furthermore, it made the emergence of a countrywide nationalist movement possible.
  • In taking the nationalistic, idealized and ancient form of the epic and combining it with a narrative of mercantile discovery, Camões embodies early modern epistemological anxiety.
  • The nationalist literature has been being the stream of Black Africa and past four stages generally.
  • He will be increasingly nationalistic, which is to be expected. NYT > Home Page
  • The results exposed deepening sectarian polarisation between nationalist and unionist voters.
  • By reconstructing the colonized subjects as warriors rather than as victims, the poem and the play assert the legitimacy of the nationalist struggle.
  • This week, Cllr White reacted angrily to what she calls ‘the smears and untruths,’ levelled at her by Senator Nolan in last week's Nationalist.
  • I have been described as a 'closet nationalist', and as a Melders-like 'pinko' - which has caused eyebrows to be raised amongst some of my more Conservative friends. A Right-Winger - Moi?
  • A strong nationalist belief was instilled in each and every member of the family.
  • He was a fine essayist; an educationist who founded a university; an opponent of the terrorism that then plagued Bengal; a secularist amid religious divisions; an agricultural improver and ecologist; a critical nationalist. Rabindranath Tagore was a global phenomenon, so why is he so neglected? | Ian Jack
  • Chapters encouraged the singing of other nationalist songs or recitations of nationalist poetry during meetings.
  • That agreement merely allowed moderate nationalists like the SDLP to have some share of power.
  • Countries which have won their independence or gone through a nationalist revolution usually change their names, and any country or other unit round which strong feelings revolve is likely to have several names, each of them carrying a different implication. Notes on Nationalism
  • There were calls among Unionists and Nationalists for the Loyalist groups to follow suit, but Ervine said they did not feel under pressure to make a reciprocal gesture.
  • Nationalists and loyalists fought first each other, and then police who tried to separate them.
  • minor nationalistic differences
  • There are the jingoists, the nationalists who just would want the Australian cricket side to win anything they ever enter.
  • He revealed that more than half of those arrested during the rioting - both Loyalists and nationalists - were juveniles.
  • In its street forms, rai operates in France to keep a community of former North African residents connected; in Algeria it operated for a time as a Berber nationalist medium against the Islamicizing, Arabizing currents.
  • These are the most famous greek ultras also known as hooligans or hools these are most fantic passionate and distinguished fanatics in the world the are greek patriotic and nationalist aek pao olympiakos fentagin aris gate 3 gate 21 original 21 enosis antio nae gate - Business News
  • It was an offensive of little military importance but one which clearly underlined the socio-economic motives of the Nationalist war effort. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • As President Boris Yeltsin has lost popularity, he has made concessions to nationalist views.
  • So stop trying to alienate everyone who's not an ultranationalistic right winger from the US like you are! Obama: U.S., Russia 'quite close' to forging new START treaty
  • Loans and foreign investment were encouraged in one decade only to arouse a nationalist reaction against foreign dependency in another. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • [133], Assyrian writers explain that: The deep and hidden reason of the tyrannical oppression practiced throughout the Middle East is the imposition of pan-Arabic nationalist cliques that intend to dictatorially arabize the various peoples of the Middle East, who are � - all -- not Arabs Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Serbia's nationalist Prime Minister, Vojislav Kostunica, called on the U.S. to revoke its decision to recognize "the fake state of Kosovo" and allow the U.N. Security Council to "reaffirm" Kosovo as part of Serbian territory. Kosovo: Independence or an international chess game of interests?
  • On the other hand, if it all goes wrong, he might turn out to be just one more erratic autocrat relying on nationalist rhetoric and the spoils system to stay in power.
  • This is a seismic change because it means the age of liberal internationalist capitalism is coming to an end. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final section of the book covers the beginning of the resistance from below, among the corporals and sergeants of the old army, Islamic activists and Arab nationalists.
  • Then in 1996 the Pats changed their logo to something best described as a nationalistic fish swimming upstream. NY Daily News
  • Gazprom in Russia — control large shares of the world's reserves, and nationalistic governments tighten the screws on foreign companies, the traditional role of Western oil companies is under threat.
  • But the Napoleonic Code remained operative in the kingdom, and the zemstvo reforms in Russia were not instituted in the kingdom for fear that they would be used for nationalist purposes. 1830-31
  • The first protests by feminists were against how the nationalists defined the role of women.
  • Demonstrators also pressed the nationalist campaign for a temple on the site of a mosque demolished by a Hindu mob in December.
  • The rebel Nationalists were drawn up on its outskirts and the Condor Legion of the Luftwaffe was trying to bomb it into submission. THE WHITE DOVE
  • It is the vision of an Englishman, a sportsman and a visitor yet not that of a superficial tourist, and, irritating as it might be to the Scottish nationalist in the age of devolution, it still exerts a powerful appeal.
  • The character of these nationalist movements varied widely in terms of local conditions.
  • Our denomination is fortunate to have leaders speaking out against such partisan groups misusing the Christian faith for nationalistic political goals. Media
  • But a nationalist boycott of the vote resulted in an overwhelming rejection of union with the republic.
  • Furthermore, India's nonwestern nationalists failed to consider that constructing a strong, stable, multiculturally tolerant, viable nation-state required, and could only be effectuated after, establishing vertical and horizontal political legitimacy. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • Nationalist stalwarts foregather in Elgin tonight to adopt their candidate for the forthcoming Moray by-election, now declared for April 27.
  • Faced with this situation, it is increasingly the case that it is not only the most extreme right-wing demagogues who are playing the nationalist card.
  • These are the people who make up the country, in his eyes, not the scheming gentry and generals who composed bourgeois nationalist parties.
  • This heroic, nationalist saga has been recapitulated in hundreds of books, articles, and school-texts ever since.
  • Obama the secret black nationalist is almost equivalent to Obama the secret Muslim. Let Me Teach You My Secret Beltway Handshake
  • Arrayed against them are postmodernists and leftists as well as populist nationalists who have revived Maoist ideas about people power.
  • Now, I guess that some of those figures have been pulled out of the ether (hands shaken?) but my main observation is that with apparently double the “activists”, Labour has handed out less than half the leaflets, put up two-thirds of the numbers of the posters and made less than a third of the phone-calls that their nationalist opponents have managed. Never mind the quantity...
  • Some nationalists would like to depict the British monarchy as a purely English institution.
  • Also, the imposing grandeur of classical architecture, especially buildings based on prototypes from imperial Rome, suited the nationalist temper of the times.
  • Rather they were motivated by nationalist and anti-communist sentiments to pass on information to their handlers.
  • Though, as we discuss below, this provision has been modified, the nationalistic sentiment was clearly registered by prospective buyers.
  • Even so this was chiefly at the expense of Labour, while the Nationalist tide rose still higher on the backveld.
  • Their investment in nationalistic chauvinism has dangerous implications.
  • Some nationalists would like to depict the British monarchy as a purely English institution.
  • Czechoslovak nationalists
  • Born in a time of social/political crisis, the wuxia film reflects a nationalist nostalgia/fantasy for a China that never was.
  • Perhaps some day, political leaders will listen to them as well as to the silent majority and put their house in order instead of adopting an aggressive new nationalist defensiveness?
  • The idea of war appealed to both democratic and nationalist irredentists alike.
  • The Liberals will hope to do as well as at the general election and the Scottish Nationalists to gain from mid-term Government unpopularity at Westminster.
  • Even in the years of oppression, Ghvtismshobeli had remained a symbol of nationalist pride, which the Soviets had not dared tamper with. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Uninterested in any kind of balanced view, Senator Obama sounds exactly like a classic European nationalist, decrying the historic ills inflicted upon his own volk, blaming all of their problems on the crimes of others, denying that anyone has ever done them a good turn, and implicitly justifying a mood of revanchism. Stromata Blog:
  • S. threats could help Bo Xilai, the nationalist party secretary of Chonqqing, a city that recently shut down 13 Wal-Marts for allegedly selling mislabeled pork.
  • The project stemmed from a critical look at the tradition of heroic, nationalistic exposition architecture.
  • The US has two choices, choice one: defend the seduction, causing even more ramage to American's international rep**ation, or send the child back to his only pathological and shoving parent (ding ring ring common fence) and thereby kiss off a few rich nationalists in Rio. Home
  • The fact is that Bouchard always was a traditional nationalist, who would gladly strike a more autonomist deal within Canada. Um ... what?
  • Still, his government seems to have been unable to resist exploiting the ruling for nationalistic purposes, unnerving investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Opposition soon mounted, however, as terrible social and economic conditions fueled nationalist sentiment.
  • In every country, versions of the past provide the raw material for nationalist and patriotic sentiments.
  • Unlike in Tatarstan or Bashkortostan, where Soviet leaders had sought to coopt potential nationalists by creating a caste of indigenous apparatchiks, Chechens and Ingush received no affirmative action. The Return
  • Yeltsin is taking shots from Communists, ultranationalists and even the progressive democrats who used to be his allies.
  • That is hallowed nationalist turf. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is because it could force nationalist opposition parties to share a pro-euro platform with Labour while contesting a parliamentary election campaign.
  • His book bears testimony to the nationalist character of Argentinian communism, which is some - times called socialismo gauchesco or marxismo ver - náculo (“cowboy socialism or vernacular Marxism”). NATIONALISM
  • I have said that our modest country has developed sufficient internationalistic awareness. CASTRO ADDRESSES CLOSE OF YOUTH CONGRESS
  • Chen achieved re-election by just 30,000 votes, beating Nationalist party leader Lien Chan, after a cliffhanger campaign.
  • In celebrating foreign food, she has proved herself more humane and internationalist than locavore leftists.
  • In reality, Chinese culture is a phantom from a more recent concept, projected back anachronously through time to fulfill nationalist goals. Kuo Kuan-ying = Fan Lan-chin?
  • As members of a non-sectarian party, Ford and his colleagues argued that it would be ‘difficult to stomach’ rebranding themselves as unionists or nationalists for longer than a day.
  • Many observers are worried that a resurgent interest in local cultures must inevitably lead to xenophobia and ultra-nationalist sentiment.
  • They were untouched by social radicalism and uninfluenced by extreme nationalist opinions.
  • He created a nationalist and revolutionary rhetoric in order to transform the heterogeneous state into a unitary entity.
  • On the one hand, the study of Canada in the world - Canadian foreign policy studies - constitutes an unreconstructed nationalist project.
  • BUT, they are also strongly nationalistic, which is one reason it would likely have been counter-productive to ever attack the country after we got our hostages back in 1980. "Barack Obama extended the olive branch to Iran's leaders last Friday in a videotaped message praising a 'great civilization'..."
  • These are the people who will have to find a new role 400 miles distant from where the real nationalist action is.
  • Dropping the appeal to the privy council was a matter of petty nationalist self aggrandisement.
  • Even a white nationalist site like VDARE, with its squad of genetic racialists like Steve Sailer, gets alibied away as simply concerned about immigration. Archive 2009-10-01
  • One set of debates is located within international relations theory, between neorealist, ˜international society™, liberal internationalist, and constructivist schools. World Government
  • This changed Israel itself, giving birth to an irredentist religious-nationalist movement intent on permanent colonisation of the occupied lands.
  • The political rationale for this initiative lay in nationalist concerns about Turkey, which prevailed during the period, as well as in the long-standing concerns about the 'demographic problem' given the low birth rate in Greece. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Remarkably, after a few meetings with Griffith, she became a Nationalist in the image of Griffith.
  • It is more than a semantic issue because the word nationalist is bandied about and used to promote or, more frequently, stigmatize policies in a way that obscures clear thought. WalesOnline - Home
  • The new Nationalist MPs were independent spirits and social freewheelers, and life became one long party.
  • Any upsurge of nationalist feeling automatically translates into an oppression of what is perceived as other.
  • It seems that a Cuban blogger who lives in Galicia, in Spain, has fallen foul of the the Major of Oleiros who is supposed to be a Galician nationalist, which he seems to display by attacking the United States and, especially, Israel whenever he can. Rum story from Spain
  • French, whose use has been protested by Kanak nationalists, is used in politics; vernacular languages are reserved for private life.
  • The Russian communist and nationalist opposition pinned upon Lukashenko their hopes of reintegrating the scattered parts of the former Soviet Union under one strong leader.
  • The Republicans will paint him as a daishiki wearing black nationalist who goes to an out of the mainstream curch who only distanced himself not because he disagreed with them (since he initially defended Reverend Wright) but because he wants to get elected. Dianne Feinstein: I'm Sticking By Hillary
  • On the one hand we have the nationalists with a lot of xenophobia, people who want to live with their mirror images; on the other hand there are the cosmopolitans, people who are willing to live with others coming from different backgrounds.
  • Some members of the liberal opposition are nervous about making common cause with the nationalists. Times, Sunday Times
  • His nationalistic tone and speeches against the European Union became ever louder.
  • With the electoral boundaries gerrymandered in parallel, many nationalist council majorities were wiped out.
  • Social unrest and nationalistic stirrings were very prevalent.
  • On March 23, 1919, Mussolini and other war veterans founded in Milan a revolutionary, nationalistic group called the Fasci di Combattimento, named for the ancient Roman symbol of power, the fasces.
  • Now if you think about it, the inequalities and distortions of gender in a patriarchal society are very characteristic of social systems we call militarist and nationalist. This Is Not Tawana Brawley
  • Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the bombing.
  • Those concerns have not stemmed the tide of nationalistic sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.
  • Other predominant reasons Anderson presents for the pervasive spread of nationalism are new inventions of ideal types of nationalist symbols and other idioms such as lexicological terms that exclude, stereotype, and stress human differences in lieu of bridging human ideological gaps. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • The Nationalist plan would also lower the stock transaction tax to 0. 2 percent from the present 0. 3 percent.
  • Nationalists and unionists are expected to be given time to examine the outline of a British-Irish deal, raising the likelihood that the May 1 elections will be extended by anything up to a month.
  • I am a traditional, conservative Roman Catholic, but I am not a denominationalist. Maggie's Farm
  • Prior to the Revolution there was scant institutional evidence of deep-rooted nationalist sentiment.
  • Next, there is Stone's objection to my view that Kissinger's brand of interventionism "cannot be described as nationalistic or self-centered. The Real Kissinger?
  • They have long enjoyed the uses of political power and hark back to a past when they were the rousing nationalist force behind Ceylonese kings. Buddha’s Savage Peace
  • A more likely—and alarming—scenario is that the current regime will harden its stance and tighten the screws or be replaced by an even more nationalistic and militant one.
  • Many unionists, including Northern Ireland's prime minister, James Chichester-Clark, also thought the Irish army would try to seize nationalist majority towns such as Newry and the west bank of Derry. Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • Tito and his Communist regime acted sternly to suppress nationalist tendencies.
  • Independence was recast as outward-looking and internationalist rather than a narrow-minded and dangerous venture. Scotland's Future
  • Why did a petty-bourgeois nationalist outlook gain ascendancy?
  • The fishy business ended with the now obligatory swipe at the Scottish Nationalists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such imposition of ‘nationalist’ corporate statism has most commonly been identified with variations of fascism.
  • The ideology has its importance in that it puts in an Islamic idiom what might otherwise be expressed in a nationalist or Marxist idiom.
  • They include reducing ministries and scrapping pork - barrel deals agreed with Basque nationalists.
  • The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.
  • In practice, however, realist arguments for unilateralism predominate over internationalist, idealist ones.
  • It was the divisional commander's intention to force the Nationalist front back from the road. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Such islands have become a symbol to nationalists in the countries involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may have been inevitable that the fringes of Labour and the Nationalists would intersect in the aftermath of the election.
  • The most prominent threats were listed as ‘infiltration and sabotage by hostile overseas forces’, ‘disturbance by nationalist splittism forces’ and ‘religious extremists and terrorists’.
  • The USA has always had a number of nationalist/colonialist/expansionists within the reaches of power in Washington D.C., but history has shown every time they exert power in behalf of their philosophy, the nation and its people end up losers. Robert Schwab: Preemptive War and Other Nonsense
  • September 19th, 2009 BELGRADE - Serbian authorities effectively banned the gay pride parade in Belgrade, gay right activists claimed Saturday following the threats of violence from extreme nationalist groups. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Pete Wishart, who sits for the Scottish Nationalist Party, felt the decision should lie with members of the Scottish parliament, and not with government down south.
  • His biographer has rightly called him a ‘southern nationalist’ and the ‘last of the doctrinaires of the Old South.’
  • The nationalists won in only four of 32 constituencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the blind spot of the internationalist Left.
  • His alliance extends from economic neo-liberals to Christian Democrats and extreme right-wing nationalists.
  • They unlock the secret to how a seemingly normal country can find itself plunged into nationalist totalitarianism.
  • The party has distanced itself from the more rabid nationalist groups in the country.
  • In early 20th Century nationalist politics, what was of greater concern was that a pre-occupation with caste reform would retard nationalist mobilisation and not that caste might be antipathic to nationalism.
  • He was a sceptic liberal who, in Two Cheers for Democracy, reviled Churchillian nationalism and powerfully argued the social value of being tepidly rather than ardently nationalist.
  • Like the Scottish Nationalists, the SSP are breaching the convention of leaving the Speaker's seat uncontested.
  • Thus, in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence collaborated in overthrowing the nationalist regime of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran after he nationalized the oil industry in that country.
  • Some members of the liberal opposition are nervous about making common cause with the nationalists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its military campaigns and parades served only to antagonise the nationalists.
  • They were encouraging nationalistic sentiment among the students.
  • I did like the title though, very evocative , and a reminder of the ephemeral nature of nationalistic power and military might- c.f. hearts and minds? The Last Raider, by Douglas Reeman. Book review
  • Rebello also expressed his desire to see a more nationalist party defeat Jean Charest's Liberals, whom he described as weak-kneed when dealing with Ottawa. CBC | Top Stories News
  • The loyalists in the front line won't listen to nationalist or republican leaders.
  • Nationalist parties of all kinds perform well and the two main parties poll an unusually low percentage of the vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the award is also likely to trigger anger among nationalists who see it as a slap in China's face. Liu Xiaobo Wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • Nationalistic thugs who double as acrobats from the fictional Balkan country of Karonia, The Fearsome Foot-Fighters are masters of savate, a French form of kickboxing.
  • The Scottish Nationalist bandwagon is gathering pace.
  • Some observers interpret these symbols cynically, as opportunistic, basely commercial, unquestioningly nationalistic expressions of pro-war sentiment.
  • Police say they believe the crime was "nationalistic" - a reference usually used to describe Arab attacks on Israelis - but have not ruled out crime.
  • The old nationalist orthodoxy had become by then the domain of a few cranks.
  • Nationalist parties united to oppose the government's plans.
  • Even a politician such as Mitt Romney, ideally-credentialled to run as a can-do technocrat, feels compelled to discover his inner-populist and pander to the party's nationalist base. Obama's Culture War
  • But for a period of some 30 years, we lacked competent, "internationalist" leadership. OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Bush Administration: a study in failure, waste, and needless death
  • The irony is that the most compelling arguments for fiscal freedom come not from Nationalists but from Unionists.

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