How To Use Nationalism In A Sentence

  • Because you're right, there is a great deal of sort of barely covered, sort of littling to nourish kind of (INAUDIBLE) kind of nationalism. CNN Transcript Nov 9, 2007
  • The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
  • Possibly in a bid to allay fears that nationalism and protectionism were driving the agenda--though it's hard to wonder how they couldn't in a country whose motto translates as "we wish to remain what we are"--a Luxembourg minister said on Tuesday that the takeover law, which it plans to enact in May, was in no way aimed at creating impediments to Mittal's play for Arcelor. Luxembourg Minister: We're Not Trying To Stop Mittal
  • It has now been engulfed in nationalism, religion and history. The Global Marketplace
  • This sense of internationalism can be traced right back to when Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1840s.
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  • In the late nineteenth century these movements developed into forms of religious nationalism.
  • Binationalism, as a general category, need not be equated - as Lama Abu-Odeh equates it - with the specific proposal for a binational state as opposed to a two-state solution.
  • Because of the invariable growth of the counteracting force known as Regionalism, or Nationalism, the Spiritual Power can not prevail.
  • The return of the popes to Rome after their exile in Avignon in the second decade of the century probably encouraged a new internationalism, as Dufay's career in Rome and his relations with Florence, Ferrara, and Rimini show.
  • Communism has been replaced by equally totalistic and militant forms of nationalism and religious fundamentalism.
  • After the destruction and ruin of the war years, and the climate of nationalism which preceded them, many hoped for a new model of political co-operation in Europe.
  • More central to his thinking is the economic nationalism of'America first '. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the long term, one of the greatest threats to human liberty is internationalism.
  • Older traditions of internationalism and isolationism have been revived and adapted to post-cold war conditions.
  • After the cold war, a trend of "New Nationalism" thoughts went rampantly in the Japanese politics, which sought for a big power position in the international politics.
  • The club should be congratulated for this tremendous example of internationalism.
  • The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
  • First, the Liverpool dockworkers should not be seen as emblematic of a new form of labor internationalism.
  • It has now been engulfed in nationalism, religion and history. The Global Marketplace
  • Fukuyama's solution...can better be described as ineffectual internationalism. Daimnation!: "Ineffectual internationalism": The failings of Francis Fukuyama
  • France, he insisted, wants a "new internationalism" based on multilateralism and compliance with international law.
  • They were created with the aim of appeasing Indian nationalism and preventing India's eventual independence.
  • This form of nationalism is unificatory and corresponds historically with the nationalisms of Italy and Germany in the nineteenth century.
  • Alongside joyous hallelujahs, we find religious nationalism: Let the praises of God be in their throat and a two-edged sword in their hand; to wreak vengeance on the nations 149:6-7a. John Backman: Praying The Most Difficult Psalms
  • This generous nationalism went one stage farther, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nationalism that O'Hagan describes as ‘shaking hands with the past’ has not a wheen of history about it.
  • In times of war, the distinction between patriotism and nationalism vanishes.
  • Thus the centrifugal tendency of seceders' nationalism was crucial.
  • This path treads a thin line, as history should remind us, between economic nationalism and xenophobia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fascists themselves claimed that ultranationalism was their motive force, and that the realization of the mobilized national community was their goal.
  • Richard Carrier: I predict Evangelicals and Catholics (and Mormons and Baptists and everyone else) will not be able to arrest the current trend in younger generations toward liberal non-denominationalism and the abandonment of the entire church-sermon model that Christianity has maintained so far. Interview with Richard Carrier
  • The Fascists had their roots in bitterly anticlerical Italian radical nationalism, Mussolini himself having been a Socialist leader until the First World War.
  • Literary romanticism and cultural nationalism informed the historical consciousness of regional raconteurs like Hall who looked for American themes within the history of the West.
  • It stood in stark contrast to what became known as "developmentalism" or "Third World nationalism" in the post-war developing world. Reviewing Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"
  • She was always aware of the force of nationalism behind all the political ideology in the region. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nationalism is a form of universalism when it makes universal claims about how the world should be organized, but it is particularistic with regard to individual nations.
  • Welsh nationalism was about neither land nor Home Rule but was founded on the Nonconformist campaign to disestablish the Anglican Church, which was maintained by the payment of tithes.
  • That's -- that's what I call nationalism, enlightening ... Completing the Revolution: A Vision for Victory in 2000
  • Internationalism and its call for collective sovereignty - like socialism - may sound like the new messiah to dewy-eyed idealists.
  • Its nationalism is seen as civic rather than ethnic, political instead of cultural, pluralist rather than homogeneous.
  • Our business, academic, and media elites, says Kurth, are united in their devotion to global consciousness, transnationalism, multiculturalism, and other dissolvents of American identity.
  • In Wales, the survival of the Welsh language gave a cultural focus to nationalism.
  • The new mood allows for more nationalism, more assertiveness, less patience with allies, a greater readiness to go it alone.
  • I am not familiar with Mischa's thesis but I am ready to bet that most of the "nationalisms" it deals with are varieties of imperialism or ethnic exclusivism. TRANSLATION IN RUSSIA.
  • ABS: During the Indonesian times, while doing my studies in Yogyakarta, I came across books on Timor-Leste such as “EasTimor: Nationalism and Colonialism” by Jill Jollife, a fellow journalist, from Australia. Global Voices in English » East Timor: Abe Barreto Soares’ Poetry for Nation Building
  • Seen in this light, contemporary Taiwanese nationalism belongs to a political family with a well-established ancestry.
  • Much has been said about nationalism; independence forces one to confront what it means to be ‘Bermudian’.
  • The exclusive force is represented by caste and class, by gentility and donnishness, by sectarianism and nationalism, and even by patriotism ” and the inclusive force is represented by Walt Whitmanism and Christianity.” Father Payne
  • This work is driven by our strong belief in internationalism, a commitment to professionalism and an enthusiasm for creativity.
  • Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving "the white man's Christianity" upon Asians is no longer advisable.
  • Grimoire commented in entry 'Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) 1. (main blog)
  • It was replaced with a more local, romantic Palestinian nationalism - familiar to Europeans - that reveres the peasant and the shepherd and dreams of reaping the land.
  • One of the ways in which this is accomplished is by the Mexican government promoting the idea of extraterritorial nationalism among its citizensthat is, the notion that Mexican citizens have an indigenous claim to large swaths of the United States. Liberty and Tyranny
  • Racism and extreme nationalism, which live on in our new century, do not always lead to genocide.
  • The internationalism if film distribution has always guaranteed the rapid dispersal of any significant discovery.
  • The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modern nationalism thinking history.
  • Thus some nationalism has involved movements that aim to break up existing states, through secession or fragmentation of various forms.
  • To begin, I will discuss two central notions - the issue of nationalism and the issue of women as a political cohort - from a deconstructionist perspective.
  • Three days before Mr. Mubarak left office, al Qaeda in Iraq, an affiliate group, released a statement that highlighted the gulf between the protesters in Tahrir Square and the jihadis on the sidelines: "Beware of the tricks of un-Islamic ideologies, such as filthy and evil secularism, infidelic democracy, and putrid idolic patriotism and nationalism," it said. Uprisings Put al Qaeda on Sidelines
  • I see the other individual "nationalisms" within the UK as looking to separate from the united body rather than to work alongside it. Quote of the day
  • Under his leadership, a strong sense of nationalism emerged.
  • With the beginning of modern Iran's nationalism movement, Islam Shiah gradually became important factor affected social development.
  • It reflects patriotism as identity rather than the brute and ugly side of nationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will take genuine multilateralism and internationalism; radical innovations and new forms of collaboration with civil society and supranational institutions.
  • They defend the framework of the nation state and often promote some form of nationalism or regionalism.
  • A communist and uncompromising anti-militarist from well before Hitler rose to power, he was born Herzefeld and anglicised his name as a protest against rampant nationalism during the war.
  • Nationalism which is the result not of race but of education, depends for its existence almost entirely on so-called ethnological propaganda and continues to thrive by the cultivation of two propositions, neither of which is true: that all the members of one national group are racially different from all the members of the neighbouring group; and that this racial difference naturally and necessarily and properly implies the mutual hatred of the two nations. The World in Chains Some Aspects of War and Trade
  • Finally, Lee embodies a kind of nationalism in his own physical presence and allows his body to evolve as the filmic representation of nationalism.
  • And in his 'Notes on Nationalism' (1945) he wrote: "Those who" abjure "violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf. George Orwell FAQ - George Orwell: The Chestnut Tree Cafe
  • Economic hardship and nationalism are corrosive forces. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • In Eastern Europe, most of the new states of 1920 had fallen under Moscow-controlled communist regimes at least formally committed to the concept of proletarian internationalism.
  • This is a betrayal of what used to be called internationalism.
  • The monarchy would be preserved, despite the deep republican strand within Scottish nationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has underlined that Third World nationalism may frustrate zero-sum calculations by the superpowers.
  • But people's moral righteousness is tuned up by a most unholy trinity: sex, nationalism and empire.
  • A nascent neo - nationalism is emerging but so too is a cussed independence.
  • Even the high principles of liberal internationalism, with an emphasis on the League of Nations and collective security, made neutrality problematic.
  • The Ukrainian state and most strains of Ukrainian nationalism are a product of the last 100 years.
  • The party had 'coquetted' with Afrikaner nationalism in 1920-22 and helped it into power in 1924, 'if only to accelerate the disillusionment of Class & Colour in South Africa - Chapter 17
  • Such knee-jerk flag-waving is anathema to Banville, a writer who despises nationalism in all forms.
  • In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states.
  • The belief in America's "differentness" began to give way, and American liberalism set itself free from the call of nationalism. The Foreign Policy Difference
  • He closes with a disquisition on the meaning of Europe, examining the dark elements of racism and extreme nationalism but remaining optimistic and with a reflection on the EU which seems to be the repository of many of his hopes.
  • The mass media promote racism and nationalism in an effort to divide us and blind us from the real problems of society.
  • A U.S. congressman who supported Irish nationalism joins us to talk about it straight ahead.
  • These books suggest that our commitments in their totality may be more important in choosing a church than denominationalism or form and style of worship.
  • At worst, it may see the world racked by explosions of racialism, xenophobia and ultra-nationalism.
  • The project thus straddled the financial crash of 2008, and now concludes amid rising economic nationalism and anti-globalization sentiment. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A high level of religious practice often underlined regionalism and even nationalism.
  • The only things I'm definitely against are short-termist thinking, nationalism, cheap arguments and sloganeering.
  • The nationalism (and hence the spoken heterosexuality and unarticulated lesbianism/queer sexuality) of the album, however, is compromised by its visual subtext.
  • And if some congregations are choosing denominationalism, who and where are they?
  • Was it economic crisis, political liberalization, the revival of minority nationalisms, cutthroat electoral competition, the greed of the local nomenklatura, the inept application of force by the central authorities, or the inherently fragile structure of the Soviet ethno-federation? The Return
  • Irish revivalism, an example of linguistic nationalism, arrived only when the language was already in grave peril.
  • This unusual and well-written book instead foregrounds issues relating to identity, nationalism and gender in contemporary literary writing.
  • Will the struggles against global capitalism go forward on the program of socialist internationalism or will they be diverted into the blind alley of reactionary nationalism?
  • Add 3 teaspoonfuls of Russian nationalism and voila - the balalaika hit the streets in a blaze and haze of string glory.
  • They would not be tempted by nationalism or chauvinism which could provoke regional instability, nor would they be tempted to develop and equip their armed forces with nuclear weapons.
  • The colonial experience gave him material for his propositions about colonial nationalism, the subject which he quickly made his own.
  • In Northern Ireland, Unionism continued to appeal to an explicitly Protestant identity, reinforced by the threat, real and imagined, of Catholic nationalism.
  • The trump card that the elites have played over and over is white nationalism.
  • Other predominant reasons Anderson presents for the pervasive spread of nationalism are new inventions of ideal types of nationalist symbols and other idioms such as lexicological terms that exclude, stereotype, and stress human differences in lieu of bridging human ideological gaps. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • It does not now and never has represented the Marxist program of socialist internationalism.
  • For about two decades, it seemed to many that a new national nirvana, an alternative to revolutionary socialist internationalism, had been discovered.
  • But by the time of Australian federation, nationalism had undergone a profound transformation.
  • The main concept is that of an international solidarity expressed in practice through worldwide division of labor: free trade is the principal point in the program of internationalism. Christian Lange - Nobel Lecture
  • The task of anti-capitalists is rather to work towards separating national liberation from nationalism.
  • In turn, this history illuminates the Janus-faced nature of nationalism, remarkable in its fluidity and ability to accommodate a wide spectrum of political agendas, from the radically democratic to the most conservative and insular. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • One of the bedrocks of old-style Marxism was atheist internationalism, which is of course against all religions and all kinds of nationalism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Born Jewish?
  • the unitary principles of nationalism
  • Faithfully confessing Christ is the church's task, and never more so than when its confession is co-opted by militarism and nationalism.
  • The socialists, following internationalism and pacifism, also argued against intervention.
  • This changed towards the end of the century, when a turn to evolutionist Darwinian theory and German nationalism drove German anthropology towards racialism.
  • She was much beloved of many here, although unionists had many problems with her irreverence and perceived sympathy for Irish nationalism.
  • Hollywood films played a key role in articulating this antifascist popular nationalism, beginning in the late 1930s with a cycle of films that raised the cry of alarm to the American people about the dangers of fascism and ushered in a new era of "political" filmmaking. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Internationalism is at the heart of the anti-capitalist, anti-war movement.
  • Also, let's not kid ourselves about the roots of Australian nationalism, the fathers of federation and all the rest of it.
  • According to Kryshtanovskaya, Putinist Russian doesn't have an ideology as such - beyond what she dubs a "chauvinistic nationalism".
  • If you protest Starbucks in the Imperial Palace, why don't you protest speaking English to your Chinese buddy in China? It's ultranationalism, and too narrow-minded.
  • His political conclusion repudiates the crude nationalism, a form of anthropomorphism when all is said and done, which projects upon regional botany its vainglorious xenophobia.
  • It was nationalism, quintessence of Chinese culture and pragmatistic thought that led him to the idea of calendar reform.
  • Who's going to hurl abuse at internationalism when they have to fight globalisation to keep their job.
  • I am very interested in the idea of collaborative work, very interested in the way subaltern histories have given presence to several voices in history, and talked about the asymmetry of nationalism.
  • From my point of view, in sum, it is not the culture wars in the churches that signal the decline of denominationalism and the seriousness of religious commitment.
  • At first glance, bi-nationalism seems to offer an attractive exit from the grinding impasse of the current conflict.
  • Nor have we examined adequately suffrages for the dead, the question of indulgences, the role of Mary in Christian piety, or the sins of denominationalism against the communion that is God's present gift.
  • If I ruled the world, nationalism and patriotism would be abolished.
  • Yugoslavia was also drunk then; on slivovitz and nationalism.
  • And, contrary to the claims of the fathers of federation, Australian nationalism was not progressive.
  • In early 20th Century nationalist politics, what was of greater concern was that a pre-occupation with caste reform would retard nationalist mobilisation and not that caste might be antipathic to nationalism.
  • He was a sceptic liberal who, in Two Cheers for Democracy, reviled Churchillian nationalism and powerfully argued the social value of being tepidly rather than ardently nationalist.
  • Perhaps the remarkable phenomenon is that anything like the old nationalism echoed at all.
  • What I like about the film is that it is just about war, not about the nationalism or patriotism associated with it.
  • The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modem nationalism thinking history.
  • More important to him may be economic nationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • One only needs to wait for the continent's biggest soccer event, the African Nations' Cup in January 2002, to prove how the game is at the core of renascent nationalism whenever patriotism needed revival in any participating country.
  • Conversely, he does not believe that modern ideologies such as Marxism, post-structuralism, and nationalism are useful tools for the historian of Byzantium.
  • Distinctions can be made between reformist, unificatory, and secessionist types, between revolutionary and counterrevolutionary forms, between successive liberal and conservative variants, and between European and colonial manifestations of nationalism.
  • The fundamental belief in a rational relationship between internationalism is Grotius type of human rationality, that is, the concept of social affinity.
  • While Prussia had used nationalism to overcome France's advantage in recruiting, it found that adopting a meritocracy was more difficult.
  • Yet despite what the majority of Americans believe and want their leaders and elected officials promote another agenda called internationalism or globalization. "My Fellow Prisoners"
  • Don't indiscriminately consider nationalism to be heretical.
  • This psychopathology is made all the more palpable because of the intense moral contradictions: while it has accomplished impressive things, including “Jewish democracy,” a place for some Jews to take refuge or to find pride, survival at all odds, and economic and technological development, Israel is a colonial settler society in origin as much as Zionism is also a variant of Jewish nationalism; it is both non-democratic in its exclusion of non-Jews and democratic for its Jewish majority. Think Progress » Lying About Ledeen: National Review Falsely Claims NeoCon ‘Has Opposed Military Action Against Iran’
  • This is an important service, for much of the scholarship to date has focused on the words and deeds of the proponents of various forms of Syrian, Arab, and pan-Arab nationalism, chief among them the founders and leaders of the Ba ` th Party and Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP, also known as the PPS).
  • Looks, smells, sounds like N. Korean, Nazi Germany, China, Old Russia propoganda … The Nationalism of Amerika is alive and well in Amerika … Think Progress » ‘Katrina Kids’ Sing to Laura Bush: ‘Congress, Bush and FEMA…Have Come to Rebuild Us’
  • Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination.
  • Antebellum nationalism, as it surfaced in Jacksonian rhetoric of the 1830s and early 1840s, acknowledged the aesthetic problem of originality and dependency, but it also turned to a separate, though related, critical concern: the popularity of British books and its effect on 'An Anti-Democratic Habit of Feeling': Nationalism and the Rhetoric of Toryism in O'Sullivan's Democratic Review
  • This policy was associated with the radical Arab nationalism of the middle-ranking military officers who had carried out the June 1989 coup.
  • By placing her audience within a context of music and rhetoric, balladry and legend, Kelly symbolically inserted them in the larger construction of nationalism promoted elsewhere by the media.
  • The Blackfoot never coveted a territorially bound nation-state, yet their nationalism was intrinsically tied to their territory and to Blackfoot conceptualisations of territoriality.
  • Tom Albanese , Rio Tinto's chief executive officer, said this week that all mining companies need to better manage what he referred to as the "curse of resource nationalism. Brazil's Push to Oust Vale's CEO Reflects Trend
  • He rejected nationalism and instead advocated a state which based its legitimacy on Islam and implemented sharia.
  • More important to him may be economic nationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • What primarily entrenched a culture of incompetence was a combination of nationalism and equalitarianism.
  • Transferred nationalism, like the use of scapegoats, is a way of attaining salvation without altering one’s conduct. Notes on Nationalism
  • The struggle to achieve statehood for a given nation was the driving force behind nineteenth-century nationalism.
  • Khalid al-Mansour is also featured in a DVD with a title that foreshadowed the internationalism of the Obama administration: Will the West Rule Forever? Post-American Presidency
  • Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.
  • There are two positions toward this question:one is nationalism that it emphasis the nationality, and taking it as the basic for syncretizing the comment rules of internationality.
  • Moreover, he says, it looks as if African nationalism is bent on the same self-destructive trajectory as its predecessor.
  • The picture of strong supranationalism is wrong.
  • The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.
  • Hitler used those games to fan xenophobia and nationalism, leading ultimately to world war.
  • I seek here to explore these questions of miscegenation and homosexuality in these literary and cultural texts, demonstrating the conundrum of nationalism in the context of the indubitable threat of oppression.
  • Their plans were strikingly similar to the integration of nationalisms or what might more accurately be called the supranationalism of today's European Union.
  • A third area of interest includes the mechanisms of capitalist accommodation, especially nationalism and corporatism.
  • When it comes to the racial politics of jazz, Kinch grabs the opportunity to distance himself (and his labelmates at Dune) from any kind of simple black nationalism.
  • France has had a remarkable role in the process both as the first and most vigorous agent of internationalism and as the custodian of one of the world's most culturally distinct sporting events.
  • Is patriotism and nationalism even relevant anymore, or is this another form of tribalism?
  • In the first two decades after the creation of the Irish Republic in 1921, Irish nationalism rarely featured on British cinema screens.
  • In the birthplace of civilization, we have again run aground on the rocky shoals of nationalism, this time augmented by a religious fervor that increases the danger.
  • Would you rather be party to a bit of irredentist nationalism?
  • But the emphasis was on nationalism and independence from foreign economic domination. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • New accommodations for mixed federalisms, regional autonomies, and neo-nationalisms will be equally needed.
  • There were pertinent summaries of Kiwi poetry's nationalism and colloquialism.
  • Thus it is wrong to blame ‘nationalism’ for the violence and vulgarity of mass sporting events.
  • It is an outgoing trading nation, with a military tradition that exists alongside an advanced, even unmatched, sense of internationalism.
  • Many others, such as former head of the Libyan National Oil Corporation, Shukri Ghanem, successfully fended off the worst possible excesses of the resource nationalism and autarkic thinking of Seif's opponents. The Seif Paradox
  • Some let religions guide them, others seek worth for their lives in patriotism and nationalism.
  • Scotland was not 'colonised' as various parts of the British Empire were, the history is as much about the competing interests of rival royals as it is about nationalism. The Case Of The Scottish Pardon: Or, Extremism in Defense Of Liberty Is Becoming A Little Tiresome
  • From the 1920s to early 1940s, he led a series of passive resistance campaigns in pursuit of Swaraj (self-rule), which redefined the character of Indian nationalism.
  • Black nationalism was centered on blackness and saw no value in white culture and religion.
  • Ironically, it is Spiro's unalloyed internationalism, not the New Sovereigntism, that is likely to foster U.S. rejection of international law.
  • Geisler lists the methodologies to knowledge in general and about God in particular as agnosticism, rationalism, fideism, experientialism, evidentialism, pragmatism, and combinationalism. Default Site Weblog
  • For Dedalus, as for James Joyce, Irish history was an ineluctable, disabling miasma of piety, nationalism and superstition.
  • Indeed, its appeal to internationalism may have conflicted with the ready nationalism of the audience.
  • Internationalism is not simply a utopian ideal, but an urgent practical necessity.
  • The communist embodies something further: the idea of internationalism, that is, the brotherhood, solidarity and cooperation among all men and nations in the world. CASTRO READS MAIN REPORT AT PCC CONGRESS
  • Were nationalism and patriotism to be expunged from the human heart, I doubt that a single human life would be saved. War on Terror
  • The Soviet Union was torn apart by a resurgence of minority nationalisms. The Return
  • And unless British, French and German politicians start to be honest, the EU will implode into fractious and competing nationalisms that have always lain under the surface of European rhetoric.
  • In short, the wave of miniature nationalisms that swept russia in the early 1990s had less to do with distinctive cultures and historically rooted identities than with bargaining over resources. The Return
  • In other nations, such as Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, the rise of nationalism led to mandates for majority ownership by the indigenous population.
  • In the twentieth century, Middle Eastern politics was dominated by mega versions of tribalism, namely nationalism and socialism - all inimical to modern development from the bottom up.
  • There are many theories concerning the origins and the nature of Arab nationalism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Even the Franco-German axis, its central bastion, is crumbling under the pressure of resurgent nationalism.
  • But there's also another nationalism, which we call patriotism, which is a love of country and is perfectly inclusive, and I don't think you can run a country unless you can appeal to it. The Guardian World News
  • It is a send-up - nationalism as a postmodern jape.
  • Many women are torn between their nationalism and motherly instincts.
  • International safety dilemma has multiplex structural dimension such as imbalance, extreme of religionism and nationalism, terrorism.

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