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How To Use Nationalise In A Sentence

  • The impetus was provided by the Baath regime's decision to nationalise the oil industry.
  • A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalised.
  • In South Africa itself, it is proceeding with its criminal moves to denationalise the indigenous African majority. NO ACCOMMODATION WITH APARTHEID
  • The same is the case with automated teller machines installed by nationalised banks.
  • A few have performed better than expected—e.g., the auto bailouts, although a rapid private bankruptcy was preferable and GM and Chrysler are not yet denationalized successes. The Obama Presidency by the Numbers
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  • This led to the partial abandonment of physical controls and a move towards financial disciplines for the nationalised industries.
  • China's Foreign Ministry denounced those remarks as unwarranted American meddling and an attempt to "internationalize" a strictly regional problem. Reining in China's Ambitions
  • And yet, he replied to each one with clarity, in a tone that still hints of a German accent but has been "internationalized," even if not delving into esoteric designer-speak or tech-talk, opting instead for philosophical statements that more people could relate to. Latest News
  • His heroic deeds were nationalized by the press
  • A nationalised corporation, Amtrak, runs all the trains on tracks owned by a hotchpotch of companies (again the effective reverse of the British situation).
  • Ministers insisted last night they were still not planning to fully nationalise the merged 'superbank'. The Sun
  • That pretty thoroughly undercuts any support I might have had for nationalised health care.
  • Most of the industrial sector and part of the agricultural sector have been nationalized. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • However, he is wrong to suggest that we should nationalise adoption. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were "denationalized" and turned into stateless refugees in violation of the law of state succession. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • Allende's government did nationalise some industry in its first year.
  • Let us assume that the railways, mines, and the leading "trusts" are nationalized, public utilities municipalized, and the national and local governments busily engaged on canals, roads, forests, deserts, and swamps. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • We were able to nationalize them during two different vehicle amnesties at very low cost, although it took about a year to do it for one of our cars. Info on how to legalize a vehicle in Mexico
  • Don't nationalise the rail service - monarchise it! Times, Sunday Times
  • State enterprises were first ‘restructured, ‘- i.e., surplus personnel removed - and then denationalised, which was accompanied by mass redundancies.’
  • Also in this respect a mixed or internationalized tribunal would seem to be the proper forum.
  • Beijing, meanwhile, opposed any effort to "internationalize" the issue. North Korea threatens nuclear response to U.S.-South Korea military exercises
  • The government recently nationalized the railways.
  • The Labour government will not renationalise the railways.
  • He thought that a compromise between the two entremes was feasible, by which a certain element of picturesqueness might be introduced into our programmes without exposing us to the charge of deliberately seeking to denationalise ourselves. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, April 1, 1914
  • He revelled in his mission to tax and renationalise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The major industries were all nationalised, trade union power was dominant, and taxes were sky high.
  • Overthrowing capitalism and landlordism , and establishing a nationalized and democratically planned economy, is the only way to develop the productive forces.
  • Perhaps he would like to nationalise them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further publications included works on macroeconomic management and optimal planning for nationalised industries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their accounts look very different from the nationalized industries because they adopt budgetary accounting and also because they adopt fund accounting.
  • Morales built his campaign on promises to nationalize natural resources and "decolonize" the economy, code words for rolling back the rules of gringo-sponsored capitalism. Calculated Contradictions
  • What happens when a nationalized citizen of Latin descent is pulled over and told to show his identification papers? 3 border state governors critical of Arizona immigration law
  • The complex is part of a nationalized vocabulary of religious architecture in which the ritual progression through buildings is consistent from complex to complex, region to region, and religion to religion.
  • Nationalize the Banks yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Nationalize the Banks'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The sooner we nationalize the banks the sooner we can denationalize the ones that can survive.' Nationalize the Banks
  • The first thing Lenin did after coming to power in 1917 was to nationalize all land and establish agricultural collectives.
  • I think it's very important that we internationalize this occupation.
  • For instance, some states think it is lawful to nationalize foreign property without compensation; others disagree.
  • This Government has nationalised the industry, and we now have monopolies with State-owned enterprises on a regional basis.
  • If it had been in force last April, it would, quite simply, have been illegal for the Bolivian government to renationalise the Cochabamba water company.
  • It's just that whenever you Labourite chaps see something that is large, privately owned and working well, you want to nationalize it.
  • Dealer, wisher for a single payor option, nationalizer of General Motors and Chrysler, promoter of the most liberal of union causes, and yet he is not a liberal because some of his programs have not passed and he is reaching compromise on others. - News
  • And the push to nationalize is just another left-wing handout/wish. Matthew Yglesias » Missing: A Plan to Fix the Economy
  • But in order to attract foreign investment into the country the government has agreed to ‘liberalise prices’ and privatise the remaining nationalised industries.
  • My reading of most of the comments here is that stockholders in insolvent enterprises – i.e., holders of worthless assets – should expect to paid market value - i.e., nothing – if the government nationalizes the enterprise. Matthew Yglesias » The Grain
  • The governing policy of Serbia's rulers has consistently been to denationalize the Albanians of Kosova, or failing that, to oppress, deport or exterminate them. UN'S MISGUIDED DECISION ON KOSOVA
  • This value the land nationalizer contends is not created by the owner. Liberalism
  • Western Powers and interests, the racist regime has been trying to dispossess and denationalise the African majority through the so-called independence of bantustans and the forced removals of Africans from their lands and homes. NO ACCOMMODATION WITH APARTHEID
  • The picture he draws is not one of corporations denationalized by economic integration and states whose powers have been eroded, as in much current writing on globalization.
  • But these laws are not applicable in Nationalized Sector where billions of US Dollars are spend and are unaccounted The CBA’s Support for the Rule of Law in Developing Countries — Slaw
  • DUBLIN (Reuters) - Nationalized Anglo Irish Bank ANGIB. UL will be "decommissioned," with a decision on its fate expected within a few weeks, a junior government minister was quoted on Reuters: Top News
  • Thus, in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence collaborated in overthrowing the nationalist regime of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran after he nationalized the oil industry in that country.
  • In nineteen ninety four uh it was almost like a mini presidential election, it was the first nationalized congressional election.
  • I imagine that, irrespective of their political leanings, most people would agree that utilities must again be nationalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • A similar view on land nationalization was expressed in an interview at Adelaide: ‘I am not a land nationaliser in the narrow meaning of the term.’
  • Recent tragedies on the rail network also appeared to have made an impression, with 72% calling on the government to renationalise the railways.
  • The only way to avoid such pitfalls would be to totally internationalize the creation of the governing institutions and democratic structures.
  • Their stated intent is to denationalize the immense natural wealth of the region, and turn it over to private corporations; to force the Islamic Arab states to join the World Trade Organization, and to accept capitalism as the new religious order. Corporate Globalization and Middle East Terrorism
  • It wants greater control, to nationalise industries, regulate businesses, and tax everyone to the hilt.
  • We internationalized the committee
  • The chairmen of the nationalized industries were greatly alarmed by this proposal.
  • The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
  • All other nationalised and private banks, which are part of the clearing houses at the three places, will be able to provide the facilities to their customers at the existing service charges.
  • With respect to her “electability” prior to the gift of SB 1070, as reported by Rasmussen on Jan 25, before 1070 and with only a slight bump from the Nationalized Health Care fiasco … Gov. Brewer removes AG Goddard from immigration law defense. | RedState
  • China's foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, was not amused; Beijing opposed any effort to "internationalize" the issue. Clinton wades into South China Sea territorial dispute
  • Earlier this year, the Czech government renationalised Explosia, the company that manufactures the explosive, after coming under pressure from Nato to clamp down on illegal sales of Semtex.
  • After all, it was less the unprofitable banks than the profitable ones that the party 's left wing wanted nationalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time to renationalise the rail service and that all passengers are taxpayers. Times, Sunday Times
  • People think we couldn't nationalise it because of state aid rules. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1987, Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru's banking and financial systems.
  • George W. Bush has become the biggest nationaliser since Lenin, far outreaching the reversals of free-market reforms seen in Latin America. Free markets are dead. Long live New Capitalism
  • Of the large trading companies that were under nationalized ownership at the beginning of the 1980s, only the Post Office remains state-owned.
  • Well then: refund our taxes, denationalize the roads.
  • In this chapter we analyse the nationalized industries, explain how they have been run, and assess their performance.
  • A further attempt to "internationalize" the Declaration's "right to life" came in 2005, when the World Summit at the United Nations embraced in its "Outcome Document" the principle of the "responsibility to protect. The Only Way to Prevent Genocide
  • Has his administration collectivized the hospitals, turned doctors into a state monopoly, nationalized the insurance companies? Benjamin R. Barber: Socialism For Dummies or: Why Obama Isn't a Communist
  • Surely, our current Commander In Chief -- Comrade Bush, the great nationalizer -- has proven that this is the height of lunacy. Michael B. Laskoff: $1 Trillion Bailout and The Medal of Freedom
  • The twin advantage of this is that it would not only ease the competition substantially, it could also help to avoid any hint that the company might need to be renationalised.
  • If the American media rushed to internationalize 9/11, they seemed to be in an equal hurry in the case of 26/11 (as we would call it in India) to domesticize it, as if "terror" is something that happens regularly in India, like water problems, or sly airport touts. Vamsee Juluri: How the West Lost Us: A Critique of Media Coverage of the Mumbai Attacks
  • There was little or no attempt to denationalize the giant state monopolies thereafter.
  • He has sought to deflect criticism from himself by trying to internationalise the conflict.
  • The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
  • This is because it is privatising the nationalised industries and services and doing everything in its power to attract foreign investment.
  • The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
  • Brownell, a 1958 case, the Court rejected a constitutional challenge to a provision of the 1940 law that denationalized American citizens for voting in foreign elections.
  • There is no need, George declares, to nationalize the land; it would neither be purchased nor expropriated by the state.
  • All unused land would be confiscated by the State, and the banks should be immediately nationalised.
  • Business and industry were nationalized, and farmland was taken from the peasants and reorganized into government-run collectives.
  • Its advocates have urged African countries to privatize and denationalize a wide swath of government services and industries traditionally run by the state.
  • The most radical of all, that of the single taxers, who plan not only that the state shall be the sole landlord, but that the railways and the mines shall be nationalized and other public utilities municipalized, do not deny that they want to put a new life into private capitalism, and to stimulate commercial competition in the remaining fields of industry. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • In effect, it was Russian generals and their turncoat allies who internationalized a war that should never have begun and which could have been peaceably resolved long ago.
  • Domestically, Bhutto pursued a populist agenda and nationalized major industries and the banking system.
  • To ensure that your template is fully internationalised you must make sure that certain XML elements are translated and that the language definition files are listed in the templateDetails.xml file.
  • If the latter is the more important, then privatisation of large nationalised industries intact will have little beneficial impact.
  • It's just that whenever you Labourite chaps see something that is large, privately owned and working well, you want to nationalize it.
  • Indeed, landowners were expropriated almost immediately, while banks, commerce and industry were nationalized.
  • Most of the LoN's ability to project force comes from the WCRB, an organization begun separately in Australia-New Zealand and then "internationalized" along the model of the old Red Cross, and which still basically acts independently of the League of Nations itself. Elections - fresh news by
  • So anticipating those additional costs, we thought we would internationalize them, instead of having our troops taking virtual all the risk and our taxpayers paying all of the bill.
  • Its industry was nationalized, its agriculture collectivized and its people regimented by the Communist Party.
  • Above all, they had been roused to anger by a recent decision of the Court to nationalize the railways.
  • The plans to nationalize these sectors of business were widely accepted. Global Capitalism and National Decline
  • All agricultural capital would be nationalized or municipalized as fast as it became sufficiently highly organized to make this practicable. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • We're not a nationalized industry - we're a profit-making business just like any other company.
  • And Geithner can relax, knowing nobody can call him a bank nationalizer or closet socialist. Benjamin R. Barber: Geithner Loves the Market so Give him Banking Vouchers
  • Some say that as his practical policy recommendation was land taxation, he should be seen as a land taxer not a land nationaliser.
  • IN 1965 there was a crisis after the regime nationalised the oil industry, threatening the Anglo-Dutch multinational Shell, which had a monopoly on Indonesia's oil.
  • Tito nationalized many of Yugoslavia's farms into collectives.
  • While denationalized corporations and multinational elites would assumedly rule such a world from secure urban enclaves, the multitudes would be relegated to urban and rural wastelands. Alfred W. McCoy: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Four Scenarios for the End of the American Century by 2025
  • To prepare the terrain for a genuine emancipation, there is a need for founding social sciences and knowledge on bases that are decolonized, denationalized.
  • But let's remember when Attlee's government nationalised industries, it didn't do it to put the working class in power.
  • It is time to renationalise gas and electricity. The Sun
  • Oversight and risk management improved dramatically at Bank Danamon under the watchful eyes of Singapore's Temasek (which bought a stake, now at 67%, when the bank was denationalized), and at Bank NISP under OCBC Bank of Singapore (which gradually acquired a majority last decade, as the founding family diluted its holding). Can Indonesians Bank on Reform?
  • It was also concerned with the effect of nationalized industry deficits on public borrowing and hence on inflation and interest rates.
  • Subsidise it; bail it out; or nationalise it, so that it was protected by the bottomless purse of the taxpayer.
  • Collectivist institutions like the trade unions, local government, and nationalized industries had already been weakened by the end of the 1980s, as a result of Conservative policies.
  • In addition, enterprises should also be renationalized when the management is unable to pay the bills, including invoices, salaries, and taxes.
  • Severe economic crisis, a blockade by US imperialism and the flight of most of China's capitalists to Taiwan and Hong Kong forced the CCP to nationalise most industries.
  • They have pledged to renationalise rail, water and energy. The Sun
  • Typically too, nationalized industry balance sheets show capital as amounts owed to the central government.
  • One model would simply nationalise the whole shebang. Times, Sunday Times
  • In big companies and nationalised industries a growing number of redundant employees are asking to be retrained in the skills necessary for the one-man business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over there, in the Caribbean, all langoustes are nationalised; they have to be sold to tourists for currency.
  • internationalize trade of certain drugs
  • Slavs was greater on the right bank of the Danube, where they overwhelmed the Thraco-Roman population by weight of numbers, and denationalized the Finnic Bulgars who settled in the country in the seventh century. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The government announced plans to nationalize the public transport system.
  • Usually when I make this observation, I'm thinking of, say, Britain's late unlamented nationalized car industry.
  • China's refusal to leave the reef has prompted the Philippines to ‘internationalize’ the issue, urging the United Nations to mediate a solution.
  • It is the Government's intention to nationalise or socialise the health sector, and we are seeing it with the primary health organisations.
  • It is time to nationalise our political parties. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the recent ASEAN summit, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressured China to "internationalize" the multi-party territorial dispute in the South China Sea. John Feffer: Pentagon in Asia: Use It or Lose It
  • Mrs. Kirchner was speaking to union members of the newly nationalized Aerolineas Argentinas, and she confessed she felt "contenta. Argentina's Warning to America
  • While we do not share his belief that the railways ought to be renationalised, we say that over the last 35 years expedient decisions have left the UK at a distinct disadvantage.
  • The administration is proposing a reorganization that denationalizes operations of the national railroad.
  • Verstrynge has lauded Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda for creating a new type of warfare that is "de-territorialized, de-stateized and de-nationalized," a war where suicide bombers act as "atomic bombs for the poor. Counterterrorism Blog
  • My father was a naval officer and then built a rural electricity supply company that was nationalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do think we ought to internationalize elections.
  • They'll nationalise industry and create a land of milk and honey. The Sun
  • A series of meet-ups, events, get-togethers, photo walks, field trips to what I like to call internationalize-meaning hanging out and collaborating with international people hanging out and collaborating to make media. The Georgia Straight - News And Views
  • ManufacturingCo competes in internationalised oligopolies in its core power systems businesses.
  • Most of the nationalised and private banks today offer flexible repayment schedules for purchase of pre-owned cars.
  • He thought I could "nationalize" it since it was over 10 years in MX (turns out to be a gringo myth), but it cannot be nationalized (VIN # doesn't fall into the correct category). Can I drive this car legally in Mexico?
  • The result of this policy has been to provincialize the State Democracy, and to nationalize the State Republicans. Republican Hand-Book North Carolina. Republican State Executive Committee 1906
  • You've talked about the need to internationalize the operation there.
  • The result: a man with some very liberal ideas, such as nationalized healthcare, won.
  • Perhaps most important, the new carriers were not burdened with staffing levels that make those that existed in some of Britain's nationalised industries seem ungenerous.
  • A regime which tries to denationalise the great majority of the population is described as moving in the right direction when it tries to entice and intimidate the Coloured and NO ACCOMMODATION WITH APARTHEID
  • Pleasure, of the cafe and cabaret and boulevard kind, the sort of thing that gave Berlin the aspect of the gayest capital in Europe within the last decade, that is the insidious leaven that will help to denationalise London. When William Came
  • Ironically, large state enterprises had to be renationalised before they could be privatised, and, even then, the gradual neoclassical approach was not gradual.
  • Some London Conservatives and Ken-haters, who'd convinced themselves that Transport for London was a conspiracy of Communist vegetarians, leaped upon this as proof of hidden agendas to nationalise go-faster stripes, cross-dress Mondeo Man, nationalise the Victoria sponge and so on. London's Greens put congestion charging back on the road
  • Labor in Queensland, even in its earliest years, was never wholly composed of extreme nationalisers; any more than the New South Wales party was composed only of down-to-earth industrial reformers.
  • Bob Marley internationalized reggae, making it known throughout the world.
  • There are a billion people on the Internet, which means there are five billion not on it," said Paul Hoffman, a Santa Cruz, Calif. -based programmer who created the standards behind the so-called internationalized domain names. What's the Hindi Word for Dot-Com?
  • The marchers rallied at key industrial sites, demanding that former state-owned industries be renationalized and reopened.
  • Nationalised public transport provided subsidised fares for commuters and students.
  • As one sign asked of health-care nationalizer Obama at a Wyoming Tea Party, MEDICARE IS GOING BROKE, MEDICAID IS GOING BROKE, AND YOU WANT US TO BELIEVE WHAT? Bracing Brew
  • If this is “nationalization,” then the dog catcher nationalizes every tagless stray he sends to the animal shelter. Matthew Yglesias » Eisinger and Salmon on Bank Nationalization
  • It proceeded to denationalise the African majority through the establishment of so-called NO ACCOMMODATION WITH APARTHEID
  • If we do that, and at the same time, internationalize the project sufficiently, then there will be an easy way for creators to signal the freedoms they intend to run with their work.
  • Most of the industrial sector and part of the agricultural sector have been nationalized. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • A central part of the reform process was to privatize many of the nationalized industries through floating the companies on the stock market.
  • The steel industry was denationalized
  • Mitterand nationalized the banks
  • Labour had made a commitment to renationalise the utilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • China's harsh criticism, currently directed at the U.S., decries attempts to "internationalize" the South China Sea disputes. Chinese Diplomacy Off Course
  • The loans also serve China's drive to "internalize" its annexation of Taiwan -- present the Taiwan issue as an "internal" issue of China, whereas the democracy and independence side here wants to "internationalize" the issue. Archive 2008-12-01
  • A person could be denationalized for, among other things, advocating the overthrow of the government by force or violence.
  • Rationally, the government should have just renationalised Railtrack.
  • Rather than seeing this as Lenovo's opportunity to "globalize," the company's leadership might have been better off thinking of the merger as an opportunity to "internationalize" (a favored term among Chinese companies looking to expand beyond Greater China), focusing on a smaller number of markets where the combined company was strongest. China Stocks News and Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • It has always been the policy of the Government for nationalized industries to adopt best commercial practice at least.
  • All joking aside, the problem of what to do with one's $#%& car, other than wait ten years and hope that it will be one of the cars that can be nationalized and legalized and plated, is one which comes up again and again. SELLING MY USA CAR IN MEXICO
  • Even when the possessions of the ecclesiastics have been bestowed on them by wills, or in any other manner, the donors have not been able to denationalize the property by abstracting it from public charges and the authority of the laws. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Labour's shock leadership favourite also said he wants to renationalise railways and energy markets. The Sun
  • This suited Islamabad since it has always been keen to internationalise Kashmir.
  • Believing as I do, if I supported nationalised health care I would be privileging the needs of those who are undertreated now, over those who have diseases that we could cure in the future.
  • Mangoshuthu Buthelezi, as Chief Minister, with his colleagues, foiled the plans of the National Party Government to denationalise all black South Africans. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • AECL is already "nationalized," of course, and has a monopoly on isotope production, as reader Mike Brock points out. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The traffic signal lamp of the important composition part controlled as the traffic should internationalize too.
  • Furthermore, when the RFC denationalized banks (at a profit to the American people), we subsequently had a stable, well-regulated private banking system for decades. Matthew Yglesias » The Grain
  • The government recently nationalized the railways.
  • When the Government renationalised Railtrack as Network Rail they said it would save the taxpayer money.
  • Britain's banks are likely to fight any attempt to semi-nationalise the banking sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be very difficult to destroy the school centers which we are not putting up; it will be very difficult to convert these schools back into fortresses; it will be very difficult to make the men and children we are teaching now into brutal individuals; it will be very difficult to eliminate the 10,000 classrooms which we have created; it will be very difficult to take all of this away from our mountaineers, way out in the mountains, it will be very difficult to deprive them of the teachers whom we have sent and, in return, send them a tax collector or some other kind of exploiter; it will be very difficult to deprive the farmers of their land and to force them to pay rent once again, to force them to pay 20% or 30% of their harvest, in kind; it will be very difficult to take a portion of their price away on the market; it will be difficult to destroy their cooperatives and their settlements; it will be very difficult to return the factories and the refineries which we have nationalized to the electric power trust or to the telephone company trust or to the petroleum trust. SPEECH AT FIRST NATIONAL CONGRESS OF MUNICIPAL E
  • We no longer run nationalised industries for the good of their workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we set a goal in 2012 to internationalize education for all US students, future generations of Americans will be outward-looking, locally and globally engaged, multilingual, and empathetic. Ed Gragert: America's Educational Exceptionalism
  • You can just imagine a situation in which the Americans wanted to denationalize Iraqi companies. Archive 2004-06-01
  • The country's large oil industry was nationalised and the monarchy overthrown.
  • Some senior officials are said to be keen to renationalise firms controlling Russia's lucrative natural resources, which they believe were sold off too cheaply in rushed privatisations during the early 1990s.
  • I pass one or two points I have, because my time will very soon expire; but I must be allowed to say that Judge Douglas recurs again, as he did upon one or two other occasions, to the enormity of Lincoln, —an insignificant individual like Lincoln, —upon his ipse dixit charging a conspiracy upon a large number of members of Congress, the Supreme Court, and two Presidents, to nationalize slavery. Second Joint Debate at Freeport. Mr. Lincoln's Speech
  • The business might one day be sold off, wound up or nationalised by the host government.
  • For instance, it has been clear to many from the time of Karl Marx that it would be necessary for capitalist society itself to nationalize or municipalize businesses that become monopolized, without any reference to Socialism or the Socialists. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • The socialists started their period in power with a bang: they nationalized large sectors of finance and manufacturing, reflated the economy, and decentralized power.
  • And then, I would try to internationalize this whole effort as quickly as possible so America couldn't be the source of continuing resentment and violence.
  • In parallel, state-owned industry was rapidly denationalized and an army of unemployed established.
  • ‘The not-for-profit sector should take up the challenge and denationalise compassion’, he added.
  • In 1968 a left-wing military junta seized power, seeking to nationalize US-controlled industries.
  • Capital mobility causes plenty of mischief in our overly globalized world, but it's a myth that capital has been denationalized into free-floating ether. Ian Fletcher: A Review of Ha-Joon Chang's 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
  • Other than that, the recommendations are uncannily familiar: We must internationalize our conflicts.
  • This year marks the 50th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and it is a fitting time to consider the current dimensions of this terrible problem, which first gained international attention when the Nazis systematically denationalized German Jews. Eric Schwartz: Recognizing Statelessness
  • Wants to nationalise economy and give workers control of the state. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's nationalised rail system was always beset with major difficulties.
  • One is the setting up of a nationalised digital library with modern equipment, which could be accessed by people from all walks of life.
  • It also excludes various administrative agencies connected with the National Health Service and the nationalized industries.
  • In those days, the merest suggestion that a nationalized army was under consideration by some illegitimate, foreign-born blackamoor prince or other was enough to send our gallant, free-enterprising forebears scuttling back to their moat-girded castles for the billhooks, maces, broadswords, and war hammers guaranteed them under the Second Amendment to Erik Bloodaxe's Rules of Civilized Mayhem. Stop the Government Takeover of America's Armed Forces!
  • At a Mar. 24 meeting with leading Russian businesspeople, he vowed that the state has no plans to renationalize their properties.
  • Outrage at what they saw as the pillaging of their resources led many Latin countries to nationalise oil firms.
  • I cannot say here that all your businesses should be nationalized or that you should not denationalize any businesses. Castro Calls Presidential Summit `A Joke'
  • But these are better viewed, like the term ‘common concern’ as expressions of the common interest of all states in certain forms of ecological protection, and not as attempts to internationalize ownership of resources.
  • There are two elements to this, first the composition of nationalized industry boards and secondly the managerial incentive package.
  • Last year, behind a barrage of misleading propaganda, it enacted a so-called new constitution designed to divide the black people, denationalise the African majority and turn an African country into a white racist bastion. NO ACCOMMODATION WITH APARTHEID
  • The plans to nationalize these sectors of business were widely accepted. Global Capitalism and National Decline
  • Many of the highest earners in the list include present and former employees of recently nationalised banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plant management and regional industrialists are demanding that the strike be made illegal, while union officials want the government to renationalize the plant, which was privatized in 1996.
  • Railtrack was nationalised by ministerial ukase, at a point when the market recognised its crisis had peaked and could be overcome.
  • In his Christmas message, he predicted the State's power would be utilised to "denationalise" the Afrikaner and to attack his identity. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The days when they and their minions ran huge chunks of Britain's nationalised manufacturing capacity are long gone.
  • The lessor, which is 84% UK government owned following a 2009 bailout that nationalised its parent, Royal Bank of Scotland, owns or manages HEADLINES
  • Out of parochial interests, the EU has been pressuring Ukraine to "internationalize" energy transportation. Averting a Post-Orange Disaster: Constitutional Reforms and Political Stability in Ukraine
  • Most of the democracies in Europe at the time had diverse nationalised industries.
  • The only Mexican president who earns his unalloyed praise is Lázaro Cárdenas, who held office from 1934 to 1940 and nationalized the oil industry.
  • At the time, the country hiked import duties, imposed exchange-rate controls and nationalized the banks.
  • His only popular idea is to renationalise the railways. The Sun
  • I imagine that, irrespective of their political leanings, most people would agree that utilities must again be nationalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • University education in the field of art is being "internationalized" -- slowly -- and the linkages between art and creativity being made -- to the extent the higher education bureaucracy allows. John M. Eger: International Council of Fine Arts Deans Meets in Florence
  • Polls show that most people want the railways re-nationalised.
  • At the risk of errant foolishness, I attempted a nationalized semiotics of squibbing: what will the squibs of each country's films tell me?
  • The only way to take money out of politics is to nationalise the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The American organized labor movement needs to internationalize its organizing and unification efforts.
  • This Government has renationalised accident compensation.
  • For example, he says he will renationalise the railways. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cash limit is also applied to nationalized industries to restrict their ability to borrow from sources other than the government.
  • Nationalize or "governmentalize" assets that corporations are failing to husband responsibly, starting with energy and power generation. Flashback from 2003: A Positive, Liberal Vision of The Future; 37 Ways Democrats Will Make the USA Better.
  • The Church was also instrumental in dealing with the financial crisis when the Constituent Assembly nationalized church property (approximately 10 per cent of French land), to be sold as a way of amortizing the state debt.
  • State to step in to nationalize or municipalize; the Individualist reformer who wishes to preserve competition where practicable, at the same time recognizes that it is impossible to do so where monopolies have become firmly rooted in certain industries, and he also at this point proposes nationalization, municipalization, or thoroughgoing governmental control. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • We failed, in No. 4, to internationalize the effort
  • If circumstances force you to denationalise a certain part of your country, you must give the loyal inhabitants an opportunity to leave, and as far as possible must not allow their material interests to suffer. The Adventure of Living
  • My view is that etymon not only can vanish but also can be achieved in the course of the development of the language, and achieving etymon is an important way in which alien words are nationalized.
  • The government possessed a resource of incalculable value; but it was firm public policy to denationalize it as soon as possible. A History of American Law
  • Is there some special reason it cannot come into México without being "nationalize"? Page 3
  • My view is that etymon not only can vanish but also can be achieved in the course of the development of the language, and achieving etymon is an important way in which alien words are nationalized.
  • Deploying foreign forces to the strait, which is part of the territorial sea and economic zone of the littoral states, would infringe upon the sovereign rights of those states and would internationalize the strait.
  • Capital mobility causes plenty of mischief in our overly globalized world, but it's a myth that capital has been denationalized into free-floating ether. Ian Fletcher: A Review of Ha-Joon Chang's 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
  • Or the government can nationalise the debt owed to the banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • SECRETARY BROWN: I think many of the things -- when you look at a chart and you see that that chart is represented by those who are pointing at it as a sign of an immense federal bureaucracy, calling this some kind of federalized, nationalized system, that is a lie, that is not true. Briefing By Shalala Reich Brown On Healthcare Bills
  • Renationalise rail and 'extend social democratic control' over the energy sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not a good policy to "internationalize" bi-lateral border disputes or "militarize" the vicinities of other nation's territorial waters. Fred Teng: Maritime Diplomacy Necessary for Cyber Security
  • When nationalized pre-school was a hot topic I was working in a restaurant and having an economics background, I polled the single mothers who worked in restaurant about what the would rather have X dollars extra a week or free day care, since most had a relative or swapped with a friend the average would rather have an extra $20/week than free day care. Tax-eaters, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Consequently, the Treasury argued that nationalised industries should be set clearer financial targets: and if ministers required them to perform unremunerative tasks in the public interest this should be stated publicly.
  • In 1987, Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru's banking and financial systems.
  • They are demanding compensation not only for the U.S. properties nationalized by the Revolution, but also compensation for the properties of all the landlords, latifundium masters, and rich people who left Cuba and became U.S. citizens. Castro Gives Fifth FEU Congress Address
  • In a total reverse of privatisation, foreign-owned companies will have to be nationalised and then immediately taken over by the people in the region they are situated or where they operate.
  • A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalised.
  • This industry has not been nationalised; it has been regulated.
  • A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalised.
  • While divides among historians on this point are sometimes overblown, there have certainly been times when some of us have made the point that American history cannot be meaningfully "internationalized" if foreign affairs history is not at the table. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Well I see so many americans are getting excited to get promised handouts from bo, you are so entilted and have rights to get it all now, just extend a hand and goverment will give it to you just as it was done in soviet union poland czekoslovakia, korea and so on. politics of envy never produced anything good, just look at soviet block or read some history books. they had free healthcare, nationalized banks, industry and farming but ofcourse this is america and nothing like that can happen here, right? wrong just wait and see jh Networks respond to false Fox ad
  • Initially, the process will be limited to a set range of these suffixes, called internationalized domain names, or IDNs, that involve country codes - such as ". kr" in Korea or ". ae" for the United Arab Emirates. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Such cultural diversity and geographic isolation have led to a nationalized sense of pride.
  • If we renationalise the national network, we will be going back to the 1970s. The Sun
  • The land-nationalizer, looking at rights of property purely from the point of view of the individual, denies the justice of this arrangement, and he sees no solution except this -- that the monopoly value should pass back to the community which creates it. Liberalism
  • Because access to resources depended upon being inside the state apparatus, patrons rewarded supporters with sinecures in the government and nationalized industries.
  • Their accounts look very different from the nationalized industries because they adopt budgetary accounting and also because they adopt fund accounting.
  • DUBLIN (Reuters) - Nationalized Anglo Irish Bank (ANGIB. UL) will be "decommissioned," with Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Their accounts look very different from the nationalized industries because they adopt budgetary accounting and also because they adopt fund accounting.
  • I am being frank about this: We have no need to denationalize anything. Castro Calls Presidential Summit `A Joke'
  • Might, say, a privatised water company in Sao Paulo be renationalised by a left-wing regime?
  • The New Zealand Government has virtually renationalised Air New Zealand to avoid the job losses and company failures which would follow a collapse of the national airline.
  • Only a third of the economy has been denationalised, which is not considered enough by a long chalk.
  • In big companies and nationalised industries a growing number of redundant employees are asking to be retrained in the skills necessary for the one-man business. Times, Sunday Times
  • It nationalized the large latifundium and brought many social benefits. 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CDR

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