How To Use National debt In A Sentence

  • The enormous national debt amassed in the last eight years makes all this apparent prosperity nothing but a house of cards.
  • For perspective, start with the fact that our officially acknowledged national debt, source of much caterwauling, currently totals $7.6 trillion.
  • The stair placed in the centre of the house represents an early stage in Soane's systematic development of the theme of the top-lit tribune that was to reach its apogee in his design for the National Debt Redemption Office.
  • National debt is the least of our worries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where else can you spend money, boost your savings, and help fund the national debt all at the same time?
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  • We will be asked to pay billions more each year in interest on our colossal national debt. The Sun
  • Paying back the mammoth national debt could mean raising taxes still further. The Sun
  • They can't wait to pontificate on the virtues of itsy-bitsy, low taxing, low spending government, but then whenever they get their hands on the damn thing they drive up the national debt like Yahweh himself told them it was their personal holy crusader's mission to party hearty at the public's expense ( "I command you to choose a hockey mom from amongst your number, and cause her to buildeth a bridge to nowhere!"). Twenty Years From Now, You Will Lie To Your Children
  • Most complained of rising tuition costs, a horrible job outlook, an enormous national debt, a lack of health insurance and a fear of being drafted to fight in a war they did not believe in.
  • Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt.
  • The increase in the national debt stems from the last war
  • The national debt is an albatross around the president's neck.
  • It still remains to be seen whether China will produce the effect of fiscal squeeze by issuing national debt to enlarge fiscal expenditure.
  • The government taxed fuel highly in order to finance the national debt.
  • The enormous national debt amassed in the last eight years makes all this apparent prosperity nothing but a house of cards.
  • The enormous national debt amassed in the last eight years makes all this apparent prosperity nothing but a house of cards.
  • The government taxed fuel highly in order to finance the national debt.
  • France's national debt has tripled in three decades to more than €1 trillion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such was the foundation f, f what is now called tl; c national debt: for a few long annuities, created in the reign of Charles II. by no means dcferve that appellation. The geographical magazine, or, A new, copious, compleat, and universal system of geography [microform] : containing an accurate and entertaining account and description of the several continents, islands, peninsulas, isthmuses, capes, promontories, lakes,
  • The Government says this austerity is essential to reduce the national debt. The Sun
  • Like our metastasized national debt, it is another way of ripping off the future for the benefit of a corrupt few in the present. The Volokh Conspiracy » Outrageous Treaty Nonsense, or The Copyright Tail Wagging the Internet Dog
  • Walpole was quickly successful, reducing the national debt and stabilising prices and wages.
  • The preponderant bulk of the federal budget is in military spending, Social Security and interest on the national debt. Think Progress » Axelrod Struggles To Explain Why Obama’s Spending Freeze Doesn’t Include Defense Funding
  • The national debt is analogous with private debt.
  • They can't wait to pontificate on the virtues of itsy-bitsy, low taxing, low spending government, but then whenever they get their hands on the damn thing they drive up the national debt like Yahweh himself told them it was their personal holy crusader's mission to party hearty at the public's expense (“I command you to choose a hockey mom from amongst your number, and cause her to buildeth a bridge to nowhere!”). Printing: Twenty Years From Now, You Will Lie To Your Children
  • National debt An accumulation of annual deficits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The war involved an enormous increase in their national debt.
  • Can someone tell me how our nation can justify this expense in the face of an already entropically growing national debt? Boise Weekly
  • George Bush, the elder, was palsy-walsy with Saudi Arabia, pandering for oil, cutting taxes on the wealthy a la Reagan's fuzzy trickle down economics, championing ousourcing of American jobs, increasing the national debt, borrowing to balance the budget. ABC News: Top Stories
  • The national debt is analogous with private debt.
  • Governments have saved billions by refinancing the national debt at lower interest rates.
  • The national debt is an albatross around the president's neck.
  • The national debt stands at fifty-five billion dollars.
  • It will be the final opportunity for us to pray, petition and demonstrate against the evils of international debt.
  • Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt.
  • The national debt is analogous with private debt.
  • Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt.
  • Would it make a difference if our national debt were suddenly forgiven in full?
  • The crisis has been caused because the Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, insist that the debt ceiling should not be raised without dealing with the national debt.
  • In Jackson's second term the antislavery movement began in earnest; the Whig party was organized and named; the national debt was paid off, and the surplus distributed. A School History of the United States
  • The enormous national debt amassed in the last eight years makes all this apparent prosperity nothing but a house of cards.
  • Its fortunes are trammelled by its $13 trillion national debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jubilee 2000 remove the barrier of international debt.
  • It will be the final opportunity for us to pray, petition and demonstrate against the evils of international debt.
  • France's national debt has tripled in three decades to more than €1 trillion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keep building up the national debt and we will be in servitude before long. CNN Poll: Americans say China's an economic threat
  • The national debt stands at fifty-five billion dollars.
  • France's national debt has tripled in three decades to more than €1 trillion. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Colombia, 82 percent of our tax money is channeled toward national debt payments.
  • It is that modern version -- and warped policies that could be collectively called Reaganism -- that has given us an unfathomable national debt, a wide gulf between the nation's rich and poor, the denial of basic science on energy and the environment, and which was even used to justify an unjustifiable war in Iraq that the real Gipper himself would never undertaken. Will Bunch: Why Reagan Still Matters Today
  • The government taxed fuel highly in order to finance the national debt.
  • Traders, industrialists, and working-class consumers had every reason to complain that they were paying heavy taxes to support idle rentiers who had invested in the national debt.
  • As veterans we leave the military with medals, ribbons and a national debt of gratitude for our service.
  • Between 1793 and 1815 the national debt had almost quadrupled. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • If it's jewellery you're after, there are enough gold necklaces, chains and rings festooning the brightly-lit windows of the downtown souks to pay off an average country's national debt.
  • The renewed oppression of the Continent by the old reigning families, the countenance apparently given by the English Government to the conspiracy against liberty called the Holy Alliance, and the enormous weight of the national debt and taxation occasioned by so long and costly a war, tendered the government and parliament very unpopular. Chapter IV. Youthful Propagandism. The Westminster Review
  • The Government says this austerity is essential to reduce the national debt. The Sun
  • The national debt is an albatross around the president's neck.
  • Instead, the national debt is simply serviced with the amount of interest paid in any year being a function of the size of the debt and the interest rates on the appropriate debt instruments.
  • Because they would be getting better jobs, they'd be paying more taxes, starting businesses and creating jobs, all of which would infuse a much-needed kick-start to the economy and help drive down the national debt, Duncan said. Democrats pitch DREAM Act as needed economic patch
  • And if we keep doing that we'll get the national debt down to about $1.1 trillion over the next 10 years.
  • When Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul took the stage at a recent GOP event here, he extolled the virtues of capitalism, worried about deflation and urged people to check out the national debt clock online. In Kentucky race, Rand Paul and Jack Conway divided on strategy
  • But I am aware that there are certain individuals in the community who are endeavoring to excite alarm among you, and 'bugology you', and frighten you from voting for the school system, by telling you if you do, you will smell a polecat -- that it is intended to tax the poor for the benefit of the rich -- that you will be taxed higher than all creation can pay, and finally in a few years, you will be "distinguished" like Jackson 'distinguished' the national debt. The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. II
  • Jubilee 2000 remove the barrier of international debt.
  • The country has been struggling with an economic crisis marked by chronic budget deficits and a national debt that is 116 percent of gross domestic product.
  • The nightmare shutdown scenario, still a few weeks away, would involve Congress failing to raise the national debt ceiling and possibly an unprecedented government debt default.
  • The Austrian national debt in gulden rose from 372m. in 1790 to 658m. in 1800 and 1,011m. in 1821.
  • And they have hammered at the ballooning US national debt and what they described as runaway government spending, vowing to cut taxes and rein in Washington. Top Stories
  • When the housing bubble collapsed, Americans suffered hugely from the devaluation of their main assets, their homes, while the bankers filled their pockets and passed on the mortgages in the form of national debts to foreign banks. Dr. Behzad Mohit: The U.S. Tea Party and General Strikes in Europe -- The Outrage of the Middle Class
  • They all invest money through National Savings, the Government agency that provides safer investment and services the national debt.
  • Between 1793 and 1815 the national debt had almost quadrupled. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • Not building up excessive national debts is something that countries should do anyway, for their own long-term wellbeing.
  • In order to stimulate a recessive economy and pay for the cost of escalating welfare programs, Congress will add to the national debt.
  • Without a developed national debt market, the central bank cannot utilize open market operation to adjust monetary supply efficiently and the fiscal policy also cannot be implemented successfully .
  • Unemployment soared, thousands emigrated and the national debt spiralled out of control.
  • Governments have saved billions by refinancing the national debt at lower interest rates.
  • Will it be stabilised by fiscal transfers from other member countries or should the European Central Bank be allowed to monetise the accrued national debt?
  • That is, there should be a moratorium on the billions of dollars spent on servicing the national debt and this money should immediately be diverted back to social programs such as health care and education.
  • Ex-loan shark Sam Gwynne reveals his contribution to the international debt crisis.
  • While the republicans are doing cartwheels over the lack of competition for their health insurance cronies, no pubic option in heath insurance will grow the national debt much quicker. Public option may be dropped from final health care bill
  • The bond market could freak out over excessive national debt.
  • In a massive turnaround the country paid off its international debts and introduced modern economic management methods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Africa's international debt was well structured with no "clumping" of repayment dates or maturities of portions of the debt. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He called for a spending freeze in light of the mountainous US national debt yet proposed costly initiatives and budget increases. Times, Sunday Times
  • lj: A conspiracy of U.S government, China is the biggest owner of American national debt, U.S devalue its money, so they could pay back less, a three year old child can see it through.
  • Just half of the amount could pay off the international debt of 22 of the poorest countries in Africa, lifting millions of people out of poverty.
  • He also would establish a national debt-elimination sinking fund to set aside the fruits of economic growth for debt reduction.
  • A year period lending rate is used for no-risk guerdon rate in place of national debt interest rate in order to match actual circumstance.
  • The national debt stands at fifty-five billion dollars.
  • It is that modern version - and warped policies that could be collectively called Reaganism - that has given us an unfathomable national debt, a wide gulf between the nation's rich and poor, the denial of basic science on energy and the environment, and which was even used to justify an unjustifiable war in Iraq that the real Gipper himself would never undertaken. Attytood
  • Here a perennial topic in traditional public finance - the burden of the national debt - is considered.
  • In a massive turnaround the country paid off its international debts and introduced modern economic management methods. Times, Sunday Times
  • To illustrate, payments on the national debt, unlike a home mortgage payment that is designed to reduce the principal, are not amortized.
  • The financial consequences have too many variables and unknowns – from the price of oil to the share of the national debt – to be calculable. A new sense of possibility shines on Scotland – but what will really come of it? | Ian Jack
  • Joseph Harker To whom do we owe the national debt?
  • One is to maintain appropriate financial deficit and national debt.
  • The nightmare shutdown scenario, still a few weeks away, would involve Congress failing to raise the national debt ceiling and possibly an unprecedented government debt default.
  • But deflation is also squeezing corporate margins and making it harder to tackle the high levels of corporate and national debts.
  • The national debt is really perpetual debt, and perpetual debt has characteristics that make it different from normal debt.

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