
How To Use Nation In A Sentence

  • If you wonder about ‘furphy’, as I did, here's a gloss and explanation.
  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage. The Seattle Times
  • It is recognised as a crime against humanity under international law.
  • The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
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  • With the Senate gearing up for an all-consuming battle over judicial nominations, Congress has no time to waste.
  • China says it respects the legitimate status of President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) while calling on Palestinian forces to end conflicts.
  • A few uncounted votes or a few thousand voters turned away can be the difference between a national victory or not.
  • The carbonation is a little heavier than what I normally expect in a stout, but not unpleasantly so. Miasmatic Review
  • For instance, a few weeks ago in my sports statistics class, I envisioned a type of graph that’s a combination boxplot and lineplot — instead of turning towards Excel, I coded a Mathematica module to create this type of graph and then automate the creation of many of these. Wolfram Blog : Get Your Game On for Mathematics Awareness Month!
  • A few talented writers en dowed with originality and exceptional animation, a few brilliant efforts, isolated, without following, interrupted and recommenced, did not suffice to endow a nation with a solid and imposing basis of literary wealth. Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
  • Among our number, there must be some who can bring home to the viewers the value and fascination of history as an art and science.
  • The recent U.S. ranking by the World Economic Forum of 48th out of 133 developed or developing nations in quality of math and science instruction is a siren call. Jacqueline Edelberg: Political Will
  • However, on the day, they showed such determination and resolution that nothing could stand between them and victory.
  • On paper, we're a one-person-one-vote nation; in reality, we're more than a bit of an oligarchy, in which a handful of wealthy people dominate.
  • Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
  • The overseer, a great strong man, cracking his "blacksnake" from time to time, to enforce authority, excited our strong indignation. 'Three Score Years and Ten' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West
  • The manager never falters in his determination.
  • The two-hour show was televised on the national network so the whole country could watch.
  • Another harvest has failed, and international aid agencies warn of the threat of mass starvation.
  • Plans include occasional stops at Central Terminal, which saw its last passenger train in 1979, and special excursions through the region to destinations such as Niagara Falls, Medina, Jamestown and even Cleveland. The Buffalo News: Home
  • The area of domination and control that affected me the longest isn't limited to just my small church. Christianity Today
  • He provides clear explanations of complex economic issues, using anecdotes to illustrate each point.
  • Europe was last united in neolithic times, before the inseparable meshwork of land, people, community and trade separated into hierarchy, nations and cities.
  • The example of the first fighter aces fixed itself in the imaginations of a generation being born just as they had met their deaths. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • The rest of the explanation seeps out gradually as midnight melts into the early hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.
  • So if you take it and call it your own, you're just uncreative and have no imagination.
  • Many had played around the world, including in North America's National Hockey League.
  • A study by Conservation International, an American organisation, found that nearly a third of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibian species were likely to disappear within 100 years.
  • Or is the idea of foreign policy beyondmilitary commitmentsso far off the radar that when the polls open, everything will hinge on the pitch-and-toss of national concerns? And Now, The Choice « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you have passed.
  • The chancellor has declined to alter the co-determination of company decisions exercised by management and labor jointly.
  • The series was scripted to appeal to an international audience.
  • How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • She spoke of a new beginning for the nation.
  • It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite. Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
  • He spoke of the difference between the journey and the destination and how lasting success was found at the latter. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had begun the seventies with the declared intention of contributing 0.7 percent of the gross national product in official aid.
  • But Arthur's do-gooder streak didn't particularly please other Republicans, and he became one of the few Presidents to fail to win his own party's nomination for re-election.
  • the national government
  • The overall tax burden, according to the Tax Foundation, is the third-lowest in the nation.
  • We've seen how things turned out for Scotland's national football manager; matters are organised no differently in the more modest context that is Scottish shinty.
  • He urged booksellers to cooperate to form a nationwide chain of ecumenical book outlets that would be well-funded and professionally run.
  • The attitude of sex offense and the examination of mass media were the topics less to be reported lately.
  • The contours show combinations of mimic phenotypes that are attacked by predators with equal probability.
  • In these cases, then, thixotropy cannot be the explanation.
  • At the beginning of the war, the Nationalist forces had eighty thousand men. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • _clear, fair_, and _satisfactory_, not in our being always ready to offer an explanation, whether satisfactory or not. Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Met
  • Could the hearts of kings and the counsels of cabinets be known with that literal exactness which is so desirable in politics, and yet so unattainable, we should probably find that Prussia's apparent readiness to lead Germany was owing to her determination that German armies should be led nowhere to the assistance of Austria. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
  • The recent Australian National Championships and Olympic swimming trials give a strange story to the world of swimming.
  • The Blonde had the doracha seekh, a combination of chicken and crab flakes chargrilled in the tandoor oven and served with a piquant mango and avocado chutney, at £7.50.
  • We have here no mythicized version of a real journey but a voyage of the imagination. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • The machine then applies a thin, even layer of cells to a microscope slide for examination.
  • Therefore, if the vaccine afforded protection for life, there would be a very strong argument in favor of universal vaccination - no chicken pox and no shingles.
  • It joins a host of other multinational businesses making similar pledges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before scrubbing, gowning, and gloving, the surgeon usually performs a rectal examination and proctoscopy to suction out any remaining stool in the distal rectum.
  • (Applause) Without boasting, without any kind of immodesty, that is how we Cuban revolutionaries understand our internationalist duty. TRICONTINENTAL CONFERENCE
  • Yet, some studies have suggested some kids with ADHD benefit from an elimination, also known as a hypoallergenic, diet. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The first is that China will continue to sustain high growth rates in gross national product.
  • I'm a 25-year-old single bloke who plays international cricket and tours the world.
  • This was the theory of alienation whereby the audience, already familiar with the story line, does not get caught up with the narrative.
  • I boxed, swam, sailed, rode horses, lived in the open an arrantly healthful life, and passed life insurance examinations with flying colours. Chapter 29
  • It was not just established states that were eager narrowly to define the right of self-determination as a right end colonial status.
  • It would make a good month for national museums weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best adequacy for EA was obtained by combinations of imipenem/cilastatin or piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin and a glycopeptide, with values reaching 99% and 94%, respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities. Analysis
  • She would not say if the law could also be extended to Chinese nationals living overseas.
  • The livestock scheme is run on commercial lines rather than donations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Volumes of exchanges have been taking place over what some of these correspondents have called the militarisation of Haiti by international forces, many of the voices sounding off against it. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • Oman: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • The Israelis already possess them, operating disingenuously and outside international norms again, an exceptionalism granted by the United States’ favor andmight. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
  • In some cases, difficulties arise because of a combination of less individualisation and low survival.
  • The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
  • Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
  • The battle against racial discrimination is not over.
  • Now, moreover, with the nation in an economic downturn, is not the time to assert the urgency of passing referendum legislation.
  • The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.
  • The schematic for the DTMF decoder in the figure below. Again you can use a combination of wire wrapping and soldering. Part placement is not critical.
  • Critics fear the environmental impact and possible contamination of groundwater as well as the risk of earthquakes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even among the veterans, there is no consensus: is it an economic area or something much greater with supra-national ambition? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nationally, Republican delegates listed fiscal issues as most important by a two-to-one margin.
  • Tessa Morris-Suzuku of Australian National University perhaps the most widely known Australian historian of Japan presented a paper on colonial Karafuto, one of many topics she is currently researching. 2007: Japan Top Ten Year in Review
  • The term comprehended the whole nation, and no one will contend that the choice spoken of indicated that every Jew was safe for eternity. The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • One Saudi national was held for 119 days before being charged.
  • Obviously, Roosevelt was feeling his way and assuring his nomination in 1904.
  • Although nationally distributed boxes do not change fronts often, the regional ones do, making them a prime target for collectors.
  • Long before the statue was unearthed, the natural process of patination had caused the formation of the red cuprite, blue azurite and green malachite commonly found in ancient bronzes. Apollo Deconstructed
  • I doubt that Michelle Obama was surprised or dismayed by the boos at the Nascar rally: it's not surprising that the national doubtfulness about first ladies and the strong, accomplished women who are coming to hold the role would emerge in boos from some of the Obama administration's fiercest opponents. Michelle Obama's Nascar boos | Kay Dilday
  • Along the way, I must qualify extreme principles in various ways and then challenge my students with examinations and term paper reports about my lectures.
  • In the child's imagination, fuelled by science-fiction, the aliens are about to land.
  • We aren't interested in sparkly vampires or international spy thrillers. The Cold and Ugly Light of Truth: Special MFA Edition
  • The class approach centers on the examination of the tactics of class domination and the dynamics of the class struggle.
  • As for the national outpouring of ersatz grief, reminiscent of the scenes that followed the death of Princess Diana, it surely spoke not of feeling but of an egotistical inability to feel, compensated for by outward show.
  • We then repeat this fractionation process on these 10 compounds, rescreen them and find the active one, and then identify what that compound is. Odette Yustman in GQ Magazine
  • Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
  • Memories are to be prized but not relied upon for they are always undermined by the imagination.
  • The desserts were homey and filling - the baked banana with chocolate sauce is the ultimate for those people who love that combination.
  • The graves were of different sizes and some were covered with flagstones, some of the urns were sent to Dublin for further examination.
  • You need to have your destination written out in Chinese characters for cab operators.
  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • The International Labour Organisation identifies the following factors that indicate forced labour.
  • She was accused of failing to keep her promise to work with the aviation industry to improve the choice of destinations.
  • Finance ministers and central bankers from the G-20 advanced and developing nations are meeting in South Korea Friday and Saturday to prepare for a summit of G-20 leaders next month. Japan Calls for Currency-Market Cooperation
  • But the outburst served to confirm the extent of his alienation from reality.
  • But if there was no national style, there were local variations such as the monasteries and churches at Jarrow and Monkwearmouth in the seventh century. Early medieval architecture: a story of castles and churches
  • Invitro certain combinations of oncogenes cooperate to transform primary rat cells.
  • That they sing the national anthem as though it means something. The Sun
  • Nevertheless, the international credit crunch and the weakening of global growth will "aggravate" the slowdown of the Icelandic economy, Mr. Haarde said. As Iceland's Krona Falls,
  • The world may get to have a reformed international financial system but the dollar will still be at its core. Times, Sunday Times
  • While San Mateo is a pleasant destination for home shopping and browsing, it also has excellent restaurants and cafes.
  • The affair ended in rancour and recrimination. Times, Sunday Times
  • The correct designation of the early naturalists who tried to reconcile their observations with Genesis is "diluvialist. Vulcanists & Neptunists
  • Yet because many of the environmental consequences are hidden from view and from our national income accounts, we sit atop ticking ecological time bombs.
  • Nemours showed him at once what use to make of the army under his orders, and having enfiladed his National Guard battalions, and placed his artillery in echelons, he formed his cavalry into hollow squares on the right and left of his line, flinging out a cloud of howitzers to fall back upon the main column. Burlesques
  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • Price as tested is $44,600, including $8,525 in options Deep Sea Blue pearlescent paint, eight-speed Audi Tiptronic transmission, high-intensity discharge headlamps, power liftgate and onboard navigation with backup camera and an $875 destination charge. 2011 Audi Q5 2.0 T Quattro
  • Maui is a popular tourist destination.
  • To buttress his stance that the Church sanctioned such assassinations, Petit drew on Thomas Aquinas and other theologians, but the defense rested on John of Salisbury's explicit theories about the legitimacy of tyrannicide.
  • He looked at the capable assistant with sincere eyes knowing that this would rattle him into some flustered explanation of his whereabouts.
  • The result is a species of amphitheatric arena, in which any of the dramatic exhibitions, that are so pleasing to this spectacle-loving nation, may be enacted. Recollections of Europe
  • Physical examination Your doctor will also examine you for additional clues. BMA Family Doctor Guide - Heart Disease
  • You must get a minimum of 60 questions right to pass the examination.
  • I had a strange fascination with the MGM toons when I was young, especially Droopy.
  • The council said that cuts to national park budgets risked undoing that work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.
  • By doing the activities room, decontamination, dust - free shop has a professional and technical.
  • Dozens of flights from the international airport were delayed as part of the protests and baggage-handling staff held a go-slow.
  • I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein 
  • The judge was making the point that the Pledge, in its current incarnation, is only about 50 – 60 years old and that the language “under God” was inserted at a particular time in response to concerns of that time and that the Pledge is not some sacrosanct invocation from the founders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Reinhardt’s Dig on Sarah Palin
  • The donation he made was a deductible on his tax form.
  • The common basis of all gumbos is the roux, a roughly equal combination of flour and fat cooked until very nearly burnt; it is the dark smoky roux that gives the gumbo its colour and flavour.
  • British companies are subject to international laws and the same applies to companies in Europe.
  • But new national guidelines say the lack of a filtration system and automatic chemical treatment can lead to the development of the cryptosporidium bug, which can cause severe gastro-intestinal infections.
  • In a statement, the Department stressed its handling of all aspects of BSE fully accords with EU and national legislation.
  • I also think that Edwards took certain positions in his 1998 Senate campaign which won't work well in national Democratic politics - particularly, if I remember correctly, supporting right-to-work laws.
  • From multinational corporations to pushcarts, there is a wide variety to choose from in terms of foodstuffs.
  • It's great that she was able to tie up Super Smize's narrative, since half of these girls would have been so confused if they just encountered her in plainclothes without an explanation. Taking the boot off
  • A troop of Hanuman langur a watering hole used by tigers in India's Bandhavgarh National Park.
  • The apparently unabating national and household poverty is widely debated.
  • John Kerry of Massachusetts will accept the party's presidential nomination.
  • The principle of the itinerary engine is simple: from a departure address and an arrival address, or from longitude/latitude coordinates, Maporama International's servers calculate an optimized itinerary, respecting several constraints: the shortest or the more rapid itinerary, a pedestrian or car itinerary, a multimodal itinerary… Internet News: Travel Archives
  • The national park is under renewed threat from road-building schemes.
  • The dinner has highlighted the difficulty for the duke and duchess of how careful they should be about where their charitable donations come from. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a wide and varied selection of events, displays and performances, the festival captures the spirit of Yeats's works and the imagination of Sligo audiences.
  • FI changed the regs to prevent out and out domination.
  • In 2004, when Merck's brand of simvastatin, known as Zocor, was about to go off patent, Merck teamed up with Schering-Plough to produce a new patented product called Vytorin, a combination of simvastatin and Zetia. Zetia: Down for the count?
  • Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.
  • On the promotion campaign across 11 cities, the Dew Adventure Games with daredevil feats by international skate boarders and BMX bike riders drew huge crowds.
  • Our pupils and students leave schools and universities after an incredibly narrow diet of education compared with their international counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • His success depended on a fortuitous combination of circumstances.
  • This continued in to the dressing rooms at half-time where coach Delio Rossi had no choice but to hook the emotional Azzuri international, claiming he was 'inconsolable'. Which club has put the most final nails in managerial coffins? | The Knowledge
  • Vanessa raised hundreds of pounds for the charity by playing requests in exchange for donations to the appeal.
  • In addition to information about glassified waste from national defense projects, such as plutonium production at Hanford, DOE also is interested in information that could be useful if the nation decides to reprocess commercial nuclear fuel and then glassify the waste from reprocessing. The Seattle Times
  • If you believe the media, England is consumed by a deep and soul-searching debate about the state of the national sport.
  • Dole is now expected to tap a new source of campaign financing: the Republican National Committee.
  • It is the structural nature of centre-periphery relations that explains the nature of international politics and economics.
  • Anything you may hold firmly in your imagination can be yours. William James 
  • The report ranks the UK 20th out of 22 advanced nations.
  • The overriding principle is not to offend the sensitive by immoderate cachinnation at an inappropriate joke. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had already experienced discrimination in the army while fighting the "crusade for freedom". The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Experts warn overdevelopment is threatening the golden seashores in Hainan island, the popular sub-tropical tourist destination.
  • The most important of the salts, formed by the combinations of the sulphuric acid, are, first, _sulphat of potash_, formerly called _sal polychrest_: this is a very bitter salt, much used in medicine; it is found in the ashes of most vegetables, but it may be prepared artificially by the immediate combination of sulphuric acid and potash. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • Why it gave me consternation I could not have told; I dare say my inveracities of the day before had failed to digest. The Flower of the Chapdelaines
  • Manzo noticed the neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination that framed Rossiter's facial features and the chiseled jaw of a man who was in peak physical condition.
  • The Korea Skating Union suspended Lee Jung-su and Kwak Yoon-gy from all competitions until April 2013 as punishment for allegedly helping to fix competitions and national team tryouts in March, KSU official Kim Tae-wan said. Two South Korean Olympic medalists get 3-year skating ban
  • Specter, who is in a tough primary race in the Rust Belt state of Pennsylvania, said Chinese subsidies and what he called dumping are "a form of international banditry. The Seattle Times
  • Newtown is the place to be this month if you have an interest in palmistry, astrology, numerology, Egyptian sand reading or other forms of divination.
  • Examination papers will be handed back after the marks have been officially recorded.
  • ‘Maria Maria Maria’ is simply gorgeous - a dark, reverb-soaked slab of despondency with a lyrical combination of absurdism and sincerity that could only have come from Merritt.
  • Browne's time in the 60m sprint equalled his best performance this year, which has him ranked in the top 10 nationally.
  • The governor refused to accept Cox's resignation .
  • The other route would see the fruits of eight years of growth wither on the vine through inaction and lack of imagination.
  • There was a national outcry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stooping, I lifted the belt, ornamental silver medallions that tinkled faintly together like coins of small denominations. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • And second, it's probably not good to intervene in the internal affairs of a nation that is looking for a worthy path of development.
  • Brown, OTOH, is attractive and charming, with a compelling tie to the military – MASS National Guard Units (like everywhere) have been heavly involved in the wars over the last 8 years, and stories about them abound on local news. Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of Scott Brown
  • The simulations were iterated 500 times for each parameter combination.
  • The most beautiful world is always entered through imagination. Helen Keller 
  • International relations examines the political relations between countries and the dynamics within the worldwide system of states.
  • It's time for the Senate to release him from legal limbo and give his nomination a final vote by simple majority.
  • In the offices, there was an explanation of the computerised administration processes, grave search and interview room facilities.
  • His current research is about the role of intelligence in multinational counterterrorism activities.
  • Let us not lose track of the fact that she is a fringe extremist with as much chance of winning state-wide election as Mel Gibson has of winning a commendation from the National Organization of Women. Dylan Brody: Christine O'Donnell Is Just a Stalking Horse in Cute Pumps
  • Petrocelli Monday afternoon began an aggressive cross-examination after Simpson finished five hours of gentle questioning by his own lawyer Friday and Monday.
  • Today, because of that initial donation, we have been able to raise additional funding for the now formidable Salone Microfinance Trust to fund microcredits for over 7,000 Sierra Leonean women and men! Tiffany Persons: The Never-ending Story of One Donation
  • It was purfled about the rim of the soundbox with trapezia of shimmering mother-of-pearl, and it had a black strikeplate in the shape of a clematis flower, inlaid with multicoloured blossoms that were purely the result of an exuberant craftsman's imagination. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Why, I'm sure that Saint John the Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Populist's votes had nothing to do with the corporate interests in North Carolina that he might find necessary to court later (or pay back for an earlier campaign donation). Tonight: The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
  • People keep trying to find rational explanations for their behavior.
  • In Munich last February, Putin railed against America the "hyperpower" that flouted international law. The Tyrant's Turn
  • The prodigiously capable Louise, for instance, is weighing the relative claims upon her imagination of long jumping and bobsleigh.
  • I does create the rebuttable presumption of discrimination. Ah, gerrymandering. | RedState
  • Few chefs teach them and fewer have the inclination or time to learn. Times, Sunday Times
  • With other controversial issues such as slavery and women's ordination, laity and clergy could find Bible verses to help Spirit-led changes.
  • Police have launched a nationwide hunt for the killer.
  • Instead of carrying the nation's hopes, he has an albatross around his neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • It widely considered the president's attempt to save a sliver of his otherwise, rather soily international legacy. Archive 2008-11-01
  • It is not a battle for territorial domination, ideological supremacy or economic hegemony.
  • Staff writer Colum Lynch at the United Nations, correspondent Anthony Faiola and special correspondent Samuel Sockol in Tunis, and staff writer Steve Hendrix in Benghazi contributed to this report. U.S., Europe considering naval operations to deliver humanitarian aid to Libya
  • My first explanation is my theory for the sci-fi physics of the electromagnetic storm.

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