How To Use Nates In A Sentence

  • But the subordinates accentuated the differences between the roles of individual contributor and manager that best fitted their interests.
  • That was the genesis of the cartoon, which fascinates the young and the old.
  • By 1000 most English bishops were monks, and both bishops and abbots deliberated with lay magnates in the king's council.
  • The principle of the itinerary engine is simple: from a departure address and an arrival address, or from longitude/latitude coordinates, Maporama International's servers calculate an optimized itinerary, respecting several constraints: the shortest or the more rapid itinerary, a pedestrian or car itinerary, a multimodal itinerary… Internet News: Travel Archives
  • The vital factor he boldly designates "entelechy", or "psychoid", and advocated a return to Aristotle for the most helpful conception of the principle of life. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
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  • The line of stemware and tumblers feature a unique magnesium-based crystal that the company says eliminates the trade-off between clarity and durability in this product category.
  • The most striking but by no means the only instances are the hole cut in a page of his novel Albert Angelo and the presentation, in The Unfortunates, of a box containing a bundle of unbound gatherings to be read in random order.
  • At the beginning, Asked For is in Venice with her father, where she meets an ageing Jacob to use the English version of his name Casanova; her father dies, and she begins to travel with the man who fascinates her. Susan Swan: What Casanova Told Me
  • The Other in Being and Nothingness alienates or objectifies us (in this work Sartre seems to use these terms equivalently) and the third party is simply this Other writ large. Jean-Paul Sartre
  • The discharge of sewage water into the river severely contaminates the river with coliform bacteria.
  • In this sense, he saw scientific psychology as anti-life: the more the critical reason dominates, the more impoverished life becomes; but the more myth we are capable of making conscious, the more life we integrate.
  • This transform is essentially an equation which will convert from image to map coordinates and vice-versa.
  • Complication of mechanical ventilation in neonates with respiratory distress.
  • The other extreme involves slow weathering of terrestrial carbonates, their dissolution, river-borne transport, and eventual sedimentation in the ocean, and the element's return to land by geotectonic processes. Global material cycles
  • The acid protonates the amidine groups and renders the catalyst water-soluble. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
  • Perot claims he is serving as a stand-in for whomever the Reform Party nominates at its Labor Day convention.
  • The most conspicuous result now is the Rideau Canal, an immensely expensive waterway that terminates in Ottawa.
  • Laikening, Masa, the storehouse also occupy compared to the card the edge which eliminates.
  • The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
  • This eliminates the possibility of the wrong person being updated, and enables the operator to see if any details are incorrect.
  • Rome and her iniquities; the streets, deserted by the people, were trodden by French patrols; all was silent as the grave itself; and not a friend was there to bid them adieu; not a relative to speak a consoling word to the departing; and none to acquaint the unfortunates who remained behind with their terrible calamity! Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge
  • The majority of the carbonates and gypsum are autogenetic with only minor secondary accumulations with depth.
  • In addition to the presence of neutralizing antibodies, in vitro studies have shown that human adenovirus type 5 hemagglutinates human erythrocytes and is partially inactivated by the classical complement system.
  • This conceptualization resonates with such postpositive movements in psychology as social constructionism, postmodern thought, and discursive psychology.
  • A pleasure trip or an outing rejuvenates your energy and relationships today.
  • The workbench is her favorite right now; using the screwdriver fascinates her. Garage Sale Loot and Cooking Limbo
  • ducktail" was barely visible from the cabin, standing in sharp contrast to the GT3's rear spoiler that dominates - and obstructs - the rearward view. Autoblog
  • This is more than twice the production rate in adults, primarily because of relative polycythemia and increased red blood cell turnover in neonates.
  • Eliminates drips, mess, and pot-life problems of liquid epoxy.
  • Gordon's eighth work of fiction is a triptych of lives, a weaving of three histories that culminates in a few days of crisis.
  • Hereafter no remittances shall be made for annates or for any other purpose to the court of Rome, the vice legation at Avignon, or to the nunciature at Lucerne.
  • Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, rectal tenesmus: unable to keep standing, she urinates under herself; the pupils are dilated, the eyes haggard; complete mind-blindness, near-total failure of reflexes, deep unconsciousness, breathing dyspneic, heart-beat faint and very fast, pulse barely perceptible; dead in thirty-six hours. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • The height of the one pillar was eighteen cubits, and the chapiter upon it was brass: and the height of the chapiter three cubits; and the wreathen work, and pomegranates upon the chapiter round about, all of brass: and like unto these had the second pillar with wreathen work. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • Drogo, ever the clever Dothraki punster, says that he'll give Viserys "a golden crown that men shall tremble to behold" and then coronates the would-be king by pouring molten gold over his head. Game of Thrones Postmortem: Harry Lloyd on Viserys' Golden Crown
  • These are usually carbonates and oxalates in limestone environments.
  • It is thus obvious that picric acid is much less explosive than the nitric ethers, such as nitro-glycerol and nitro-cellulose, and very considerably less explosive than the nitrogen compounds and fulminates. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Data from both venogram and fibrinogen scans demonstrate that deep-vein thrombosis usually originates in the deep-veins of the leg.
  • It was also the scene of murders: mafia henchmen allegedly threw unfortunates who couldn't pay their debts from the seven-floor building.
  • Hima applies particularly to wildlife and forestry and usually designates an area of land where grazing and woodcutting are restricted, or where certain animal species are protected.
  • A vibrating sound resonates through my chest cavity, like a cat purring.
  • The binomial designates a duel made up of two individuated forces which intersect.
  • A beer in which neither the sweetness of the malt nor the bitterness of the hops predominates.
  • Administration of surfactant in neonates with infant respiratory distress syndrome has led to improved survival rates.
  • Therefore, we used Western analysis to determine the relative contents of these contractile proteins in whole lung homogenates.
  • Without giving too much away the whole story cumilnates to the point that the story attempts to make: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Movie Review: Watchmen | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Again and again he declared that he would vigorously enforce laws which he abominates, on civil rights, abortion rights, gay rights, etc.
  • In return for this patronage, magnates expected their clients, tenants, and neighbors — their "affinities" — to support them with men, arms, and money when the magnate needed military resources. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • For an unassuming pair of country-folk dreamers, their debut resonates with a wild collection of weirdos: county-fair folk-fest burn-outs, cowboy junkers, and record store braggarts.
  • The jalfrezi is a scrumptious curry that originates from the ancient Mogul era of India. WalesOnline - Home
  • The process of choosing eight alternates is under way.
  • I focus on eight players because six running backs and two alternates are elected to the Pro Bowl each year so that seems to be a fair marker for a standard of excellence.
  • Although sagebrush now dominates this zone, it may not represent climax growth, but rather a disclimax produced by overgrazing. Intermountain Semidesert and Desert Province (Bailey)
  • Some geminates, however, are clearly more morphologically distinct than others are.
  • This review of chemical monitoring of agents that induce OA emphasizes the progress being made in developing highly sensitive detection methods for certain compounds such as diisocyanates, formaldehyde, and anhydrides.
  • The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.
  • However, when an emergency occurs, the curled varieties will be found suitable for cooking, and the broad-leaved for salading, and therefore there need be no waste where one sort predominates. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • It is the word magnus; the Scotchman makes of it his mac, which designates the chief of the clan; Mac-Farlane, Mac-Callumore, the great Farlane, the great Callumore [41]; slang turns it into meck and later le meg, that is to say, God. Les Misérables
  • Kruse-Elliott's collaborator, Jess Reed has been working with other foods such as pomegranates and grape seed extract, as well as whole cranberries.
  • And, of course, mania usually alternates with depression, to form a bipolar disorder.
  • The secret is using magnesium oxides instead of calcium carbonates, the main ingredient in Portland cement, the most common type. The Winners, Category by Category
  • Emotionally unstable, his aggressive attitude frequently culminates in violence.
  • A giant Ferris wheel dominates the skyline.
  • The opposition had no chance to speak to the public via the state-controlled media, which totally dominates the market.
  • The second and third groupings were obviously longitude and latitude coordinates.
  • At the moment the hot picks are avocado, pomegranates, yuzu goji chia tea, urple ... The Sun
  • Hines MT, Palmer GH, Knowles DP, Alperin DC, et al. (2003) Analysis of anamnestic immune responses in adult horses and priming in neonates induced by a DNA vaccine expressing the PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The direct-drive AC spindle eliminates the use of gears or belts to drive the spindle and reduces vibration and chatter.
  • Rainwater typically has very low hardness levels, which reduces the use of soaps and detergents, and eliminates the need for a water softener.
  • It is a wildly ambitious essay that has been anthologized elsewhere, but it resonates here more than ever, finally nestled among the other work that occasioned it.
  • In customariness the spirit enters into its true reality; the person finds the good outside of himself, as a reality to which he subordinates himself, as a moral world. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • As is also the case with the opus sectile floor of the Roman Baths, also the marble wall veneer from this building originates mostly from Dokimeion, while cipollino is the second most frequent stone type used for marble wall veneer in the Frigidarium II, the Apodyterium and the room to the south of the Apodyterium. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Stone
  • Now the company begins a donation matching program and no upper limit, which means, if an employee donates $100, then Microsoft will donate another $100.
  • As she falls, the street lamp illuminates her face.
  • The sequence comprises Lower Ordovician conglomerates and carbonates overlain by Upper Ordovician to Middle Devonian limestone with occasional phyllite and quartzite.
  • The authors also thank their colleague for sending them the coordinates of mercuric ion reductase.
  • Those unfortunates who don't make it will then play up to seven more events to determine who gets to play the tour in 2008 and who doesn't.
  • The body eliminates bilirubin by transporting it to the liver bound to albumin in the serum.
  • From the vein that passes through the liver two branches separate off, of which one terminates in the diaphragm or so-called midriff, and the other runs up again through the armpit into the right arm and unites with the other veins at the inside of the bend of the arm; and it is in consequence of this local connexion that, when the surgeon opens this vein in the forearm, the patient is relieved of certain pains in the liver; and from the left-hand side of it there extends a short but thick vein to the spleen and the little veins branching off it disappear in that organ. The History of Animals
  • He had learned that it was not to befriend his subordinates, nor to compete with or dominate them.
  • An uncompromising self-absorption which alienates others and compromises the well-being of all.
  • Physical therapy alternates with chemical.
  • Emotionally unstable, his aggressive attitude frequently culminates in violence.
  • There's something about winter and snow that eliminates sound, and in that immense and roofless vacancy you sense another presence, something that doesn't move.
  • The subtleness of colors fascinates Paul Koloszar, a horticulturist at the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, a not-for-profit horticulture resource center in an urban setting. Fall in the Midwest: Colors are subtle but lasting
  • A normal heart rhythm is one in which each heartbeat originates in the sinus node and proceeds normally through the rest of the body's electric conduction system.
  • Four adult patients, including ours, had clinical pneumonia with basilar infiltrates revealed by chest radiograph, rather titan the interstitial pattern seen in neonates.
  • The legislative branch dominates this distributive type of policy, especially the standing committees with programmatic jurisdiction.
  • It is only in the rock-shelter area, B, that we have classic lunates, here residuals in neolithic levels.
  • Their oxidation products include an array of arsenates, selenates, and selenites.
  • The mancipable (conveyable or movable) possessions of a woman who is under tutelage of [her] agnates [18] shall not be acquired rightfully by usucapion (long usage or long possession), save if these The Twelve Tables
  • In addition to carbonates of sodium, especially the hydrocarbonate known as glycolate, the bile apparently contains ammonium sulphate combined with hydrocarbon (taurin); but this results from the transposition of sodium sulphate and gelatine. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Sometimes male workers collectively mocked and challenged managerial and supervisory claims for respect and authority from their shop-floor subordinates.
  • Scientists believe that diamonds ascend to the earth's surface in rare molten rock, or magma that originates at great depths.
  • Provide two coordinates - email and phone number - since any more and you'll look like you're handing out a sample chit sprayed with Eau de Pas De Vie on it.
  • Bentley conjectured AVERSO for _aduerso_, and the two words are obviously prone to interchange: compare _Tr_ I iii 45 (of Ovid's wife, after his departure) 'multaque in auersos [_Heinsius_: aduersos _codd_] effudit uerba Penates' and the variations among the manuscripts at The Last Poems of Ovid
  • a strange unity, that is to say, everything that Western man for twenty-five centuries was able to see or feel as common to what are at times radically heterogene - ous experiences, which he designates by the same word. LOVE
  • The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
  • Humans, she demurs, are not accustomed to such ‘rapid changes,’ as she terminates the relationship.
  • Plant growth originates from meristems, localized tissues with stem cell features that are at the origin of all organs of the plant.
  • It speculated on the evolutionary origins of such thermogenesis and observed how it predominates in ancient lineages of flowering plants like magnolias and water lilies.
  • When he sees an accident at the Heart Machine, he hallucinates the machine as a demon's mouth swallowing the workers.
  • That metal dominates the list is not surprising: for getting "amped" there's no better soundtrack than reckless speed, brutally simple rhythm, and screamed anthems. Bob Moses: The Songs They Carried: Music at War
  • In general, people have two types of physical condition: either the yin dominates or the yang does.
  • Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.
  • There is no ventilation system that reduces or eliminates the carcinogenic products of second-hand smoke or the sidestream smoke from cigarette smoking.
  • The film culminates in a massive assault on the police precinct where the stoolie is being held.
  • No one trend dominates the market, but chenille continues to be a heavy favorite.
  • It's off-grid, but its cool co-ordinates are firmly fixed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor are the skies above frequented by commercial airlines, which eliminates interfering radar signals.
  • Although the word reengineering dominates business jargon, as a metaphor for organizational change, it has become wildly imprecise.
  • I throw a couple cups in when I will be away for a couple of days, and it super chlorinates the water ensuring no contaminates grow. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Constructed of coquina, a fossilized coral rock (also known as ‘black teeth’ or ‘iron shore’) and limestone, the cathedral dominates the city's Plaza de Catedral.
  • As they learned to appreciate communication and ownership, they set themselves to building subordinates' commitment to the strategy.
  • Martin honed his expertise of various banjo styles, such as "three-finger" picking, made famous by Scruggs, and "clawhammer" - also known as "frailing" - a style known for its syncopated rhythms and distinct melodic phrasing that employs the back of the fingernails to strike or strum the strings, and a thumb technique that alternates between the strings. NPR Topics: News
  • Concerned with the male-dominant discussions of Negritude, Sharpley-Whiting illuminates the path, which led to a significant black movement, taken by the outspoken and courageous Martinican women mentioned above.
  • No one trend dominates the market, but chenille continues to be a heavy favorite.
  • The name originates from the word for crab, the term for the two creatures being almost interchangeable in early cultures.
  • Private land dominates the nation's landscape and is held by a small fraction of its population.
  • Cropland dominates the leveed bottomlands of the Red River. 35a. Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
  • This all culminates in the gospel reading, the story of Jesus calling Nathaniel and Philip.
  • The early experiments involve simple angular measurement of the coordinates of celestial objects for star positions, planetary motions etc.
  • The spectra of the two homogenates of the same tissue type from the biopsy samples of each patient were averaged to obtain a single spectrum.
  • Purposeful American play in the middle culminates with a fine strike towards goal by Eddie Johnson.
  • Making quality health care more universal and affordable is the best argument and it is an argument that resonates especially well during hard economic times, when few people feel secure. Matthew Yglesias » You Can’t Create Jobs by “Focusing” on the Economy
  • And, of course, mania usually alternates with depression, to form a bipolar disorder.
  • In 1873 the Russians established their control over Khiva, the last of the major independent khanates of Central Asia.
  • Aspect is a verbal grammatical category, which originates from Slavic language. Various discussions and studies have been made on it.
  • Palm-drenched Koh Samui, Thailand's third largest island, boasts the country's only LGBT diving organization. coordinates trips in the calm southern Gulf of Thailand around neighboring Koh Tao ( "Turtle Island") and north to famed Sail Rock, where schools of batfish and giant grouper patrol the 40-foot vertical passage through its granite core and plankton-feeding whale sharks are often sighted. - Gay OnLine Community for Entertainment and Daily News
  • He had had enough of the shilly-shallying that now dominates the game's upper echelons.
  • Some polymers, such as most polyimides and polycarbonates, are not photosensitive and are typically processed using photoresist patterning and reactive ion etching.
  • The perkiness of her French-Canadian accent resonates in Seripop's vibrant work.
  • The babymoon culminates with dinner for two and a half on the beach, all heartshaped raked sands and napkin art. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1999, relatives of the churchwomen filed a lawsuit against Garcia and Vides Casanova, but the men successfully argued that they could not be held responsible for the actions of rogue subordinates.
  • The poem is re-created in glowing phrases — “A rich distilled perfume emanates from it like the breath of genius; a golden cloud envelops it; a honeyed paste of poetic diction encrusts it, like the candied coat of the auricula”. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • The vast pool is contained in the so-called carbonates, which are limestone rocks that contain crude, but which have so far resisted efforts at commercial production. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • As soon as the second-year plants set seed and die, that seed germinates into pretty new rosettes that quickly monopolize light, moisture, nutrients, soil, and space.
  • The power station dominates the landscape.
  • The digital audio chain eliminates a compandor and its artifacts, and provides audio frequency response flat to 20 kHz.
  • Her professional life continues its steady ascent, and the novel culminates with her promotion to the position of assistant minister of education.
  • It is He who brings gardens into being: creepers and upright trees, the palm and all manner of crops, olives, and pomegranates alike and different.
  • We arrived in the middle of winter to participate in that village's annual Stick Dance, a weeklong ceremony for the dead that culminates in a traditional potlatch.
  • So, for much of the latter twentieth century the economical use of standard sizes of fibro, plywood or precast concrete provided one of the fixed coordinates of formal invention in architecture.
  • The mercury fulminate detonates and that causes the loud bang you heard. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • Yet, in the absence of the traditional ruling magnates to supervise border rule and defence, the region's precarious peace dissolved into feuds and reiving.
  • The major agricultural crops are cotton, tobacco, grapes, sunflowers, tea, pomegranates, and citrus fruits; vegetables, olives, wheat, barley, and rice also are produced.
  • Court officials hope to have 12 jurors and two alternates in place by Friday.
  • The second Expedition failed to find gold, but brought back argentiferous galena in copper-stained quartz, and possibly in the ochraceous red veins seaming the Secondary gypsum; with silicates and carbonates of copper: select specimens of the latter yielding the enormous proportion of forty per cent. The Land of Midian
  • Several years ago, it appeared that the only solid acids that could support high proton transport were those based on sulfates or selenates.
  • Bold, unapologetic juniper dominates a highish-proof spirit. American Entrants in the Gin Game
  • In its widest sense the term designates not only the sacred texts, but also the voluminous theological and philosophical literature attached thereto, the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The Podolia ash beds consist largely of clay minerals accompanied by a variety of primary volcanogenic crystals and secondary sulphides, sulphates, oxides, carbonates, and silicates.
  • An alkalizing substance that could alter serum or plasma pH, or concentration of bicarbonates, or carbon dioxide may not be given within 24 hours prior to post time of a race in which the horse is entered.
  • It was founded in order to fight the unwritten law on the job market that discriminates against older employees.
  • The U.S. squad is made up of 6 riders with 9 alternates.
  • Although accusing someone of working in Starbucks might be taken as an insult in the US, in Italy where the word barista originates it denotes a bartender, which of course is a noble and ancient profession. My First 'Hate' Email: A 'Chiropractic Doctor' Writes
  • A couple of oxygenates are anacharis, and elodea.
  • On Hardball and its like, egos run rampant, insider jargon predominates, and agreeability, if any can be detected, is strictly limited to commercial breaks. J-School for Jerks
  • There's something about a rampageous woman flashing men that resonates with power.
  • She also incarnates expatriate women, like Hooda, living in exile in London and perpetually nursing her Scotch, and the American woman watching CNN in dismay.
  • The Government also suggests that a second Baker factor justifies our finding that this case is nonjusticiable: the Court could not fashion “judicially manageable standards” for determining either whether a bill is “for raising Revenue” or where a bill “originates.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
  • Anger exceeding limits causes fear and excessive kindness eliminates respect. Euripides 
  • He had the understanding, though, that each soul reincarnates until it becomes completely pure, and that each soul finds its own level, designated by reactions to its actions in this and previous lives.
  • The digital image processing technique has been developed for measuring of fragment mass and the coordinates of its centre of mass.
  • Findings of this study suggest that conventional triaxial apparatus still dominates, particularly in rock mechanics to study multi fluid flow through rocks and its stress/strain behavior.
  • While feedback generally originates from a teacher, learners can also play an important role in formative assessment through self-evaluation.
  • The card eliminates the need for coupons, and savings are automatically deducted at the register.
  • It eliminates the tissue stages of heartworms and also removes and controls adult and immature stages of hookworms.
  • Highlighting the heroism and absurdity of war, it also illuminates a forgotten byway of African experience. The King's Rifle: Summary and book reviews of The King's Rifle by Biyi Bandele.
  • The struggle between Russia and Great Britain in the late nineteenth century saw major Central Asian khanates, such as Bukhara, Samarkand, and Tashkent, fall under Russian influence.
  • Some wreckage which couldn't be identified was spotted in the vicinity, after the co-ordinates they'd been given the evening before had been reached and gridded.
  • But even if he was a crime lord who bedded whores and killed his subordinates, I had seen the kind side of him too long to absolutely hate him.
  • They want to feel, they want to experience the - whether they ` re going to go ahead and do porcelain laminates, which is - could run them $20,000 to $30,000. CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2006
  • Vulpes vult fraudem, lupus agnum, femina laudem -- this illuminates every profundity. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • As you can see, there's a very limited number of us - there are no alternates, even, although I wish we could find some.
  • Justinian led an austere life, working hard for long hours and expecting the same of subordinates.
  • The captain designates people to that position in the hopes of improving the ship's moral.
  • He rejuvenates and remoulds spiritually enervated souls and purifies their intellects by imparting unvitiated Gita knowledge to them.
  • This is a mark that discriminates the original from the copy.
  • With the Camouflage armchair and the Flex coffee table Godoy is questioning why so many designers choose to cover relatively cheap materials such as particleboard, OSB and plywood, which are commonly used for tabletops, back panels and other furniture components, with wood veneer, plastic laminates or paint. TreeHugger
  • The phrase originates from the days of early bare-knuckle boxing or prizefighting bouts, a time long before any rules were produced by the Marquess of Queensberry.
  • Salut, marmotte = Hello, marmot a marmot is a furry rodent thathibernates Books
  • The network dominates the airwaves through its use of blipverts, which compress thirty seconds of commercial information into three seconds.
  • The superior labial artery originates form the columellar artery, which courses up the columella to the region between the domes.
  • Though we call prussic acid the agent of a person’s death, the whole of the vital and organic properties of the patient are as actively instrumental as the poison, in the chain of effects which so rapidly terminates his sentient existence. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • The use of these ligands proved to be very effective in the reactions of several malonates and cyanoacetates with both electron-rich and electron-poor aryl chlorides and bromides.
  • Despite his frequently tense relations with his superiors, he engendered fierce loyalty among many of his subordinates.
  • The absence of mathematics eliminates any advance treatment, but it could serve as an introduction text and as a source document.
  • Awnings shade raucous vegetable sellers while swarthy men with wooden carts hawk pomegranates, dates and mangoes.
  • We have confirmed that research on cancers and cardiovascular diseases dominates published epidemiology.
  • For the purposes of this Act, a person (in this subsection referred to as the discriminator) discriminates against another person (in this subsection referred to as the aggrieved person) on the ground of the marital status of the aggrieved person if, by reason of: Archive 2006-03-01
  • The thing that kind of fascinates me is this: The Rangers are getting rid of a guy who was a total overpaid bust, and another guy who was supposed to score and didn't, and wasn't coming back as a UFA anyway. Rangers Report
  • This retains its colour after washing and drying, but cannot be recommended as a pigment, being liable to suffer in contact with organic substances, which deoxidize and decolourize the manganates and permanganates. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • All the other deities are subordinates in a strictly organized hierarchy.
  • Only the king could appoint people to it and normally only princes of the blood (the most senior nobles), senior prelates and magnates were allowed to join.
  • Managers have to decide how much rope to give their subordinates.
  • The tumor proliferates, invades the uterine wall, and disseminates to remote organs.
  • This saves costly repairs to existing servos and eliminates difficulties in obtaining spare parts for obsolete equipment. Learn more from EHPS product spec 03342.
  • The upper mandible, which is strongly convex, exhibits upon its median line a slight ridge, which is quite wide at its origin, and then continues to decrease and becomes sensibly depressed as far as to the center of its length, and afterward rises on approaching the anterior extremity, where it terminates in a powerful hook, which seems to form Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • In certain cases, this type of leader has created calamitous results for both subordinates and the organization.
  • And the term "entitlement" resonates with that word's other meaning - selfishness and the greedy assumption that one deserves to be served by others as in "he acts so entitled. Richard (RJ) Eskow: "Entitlement Reform" Is a Euphemism For Letting Old People Get Sick and Die

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