- the craniometric point at the bridge of the nose where the frontal and nasal bones of the skull meet
How To Use nasion In A Sentence
- To define the central sulcus (fissure of Rolando) two points are taken; one is situated 1.25 cm. behind the center of the line joining the nasion and inion; the second is at the intersection of the line of the posterior ramus of the lateral cerebral fissure with a line through the preauricular point at right angles to Reids base line. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
- Dalam memperjuangkan substansi UU Perfilman yang baru pun agar lebih banyak unsur kemerdekaan berekspresi dan kondisi yang kondusif bagi perfilman nasional, lebih banyak dilakukan oleh kalangan nonfilm. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Controversial new film law
- Seorang pengacara menemukan surat kawat bersama tim tribunal internasional PBB untuk Rwanda yang berisi bahwa pasukan PBB akan menyerahkan orang local untuk di bunuh dan tidak dapat di hindarkan. KUMPULAN RANGKUMAN PERISTIWA DARI TAHUN 1999 SD 2002
- Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - Pengamat tinju nasional Samsul Anwar Harahap berharap para petinju amatir Indonesia yang bertarung ibarat "banteng" bisa berubah menjadi "matador" saat berada di dalam ring menghadapi lawannya. ANTARA - Berita Terkini
- Below the nasion the nasal bones, scantily covered by soft tissues, can be traced to their junction with the nasal cartilages, and on either side of the nasal bone the complete outline of the orbital margin can be made out. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
- Die indruk is geskep dat die SAUK besig is om 'n onkritiese kanaal vir die klakkelose herhaling van ANC propaganda te word sonder om propagandistiese bewerings te kontroleer of die Nasionale Party se reaksie ook op sy nuusbulletins te dra. ANC Daily News Briefing
- KUCHING: The so-called disunity among members of the state Barisan Nasional is a fallacy, said Parti Rakyat Sarawak president Datuk Seri James Masing. Undefined
- Seorang pengacara menemukan surat kawat bersama tim tribunal internasional PBB untuk Rwanda yang berisi bahwa pasukan PBB akan menyerahkan orang local untuk di bunuh dan tidak dapat di hindarkan. KUMPULAN RANGKUMAN PERISTIWA DARI TAHUN 1999 SD 2002
- Situated between, and connecting the superciliary ridges, is a smooth, somewhat triangular area, the glabella, below which the nasion (frontonasal suture) can be felt as a slight depression at the root of the nose. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
- It is based on an iterative subdivision of arcs on the scalp starting from four craniometric reference points: nasion Recently Uploaded Slideshows