
How To Use Narrator In A Sentence

  • The narrator is somewhat sardonic about his guests and is perhaps influenced by the three whiskies he's had and the cleanskin he's finishing up with.
  • The narrator asks, " Is it death?
  • In his 1982 "Secondary Currents," which is described in the film's title credits as a "film noir," Rose pushes the sound and image concerns of structuralist filmmakers by creating a work that is "imageless": on a black screen, white subtitles translate the gibberish of the unreliable narrator in the voice-over. Baltimore City Paper
  • In 11 volumes published between 1888 and 1894, and many years later widely published in a condensed edition, the narrator's adventures in the London demimonde are narrated in such detail as ultimately to become tiresome rather than titillating. Deborah Lutz's "Pleasure Bound," on Victorian sex rebels
  • Do you think we will be awed by the number of nubile, dim-witted, improbably large-breasted young ladies your middle-aged "narrator" sleeps with in the throes of his midlife crisis, after leaving his wrinkled shrew of a wife? Archive 2009-09-01
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  • That was a storytelling device. It was the ultimate frame - and television newspeople the ultimate narrators.
  • A bummel, the narrator eventually explains, is "a journey, long or short, without an end; the only thing regulating it being the necessity of getting back within a given time to the point from which one started. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Complete the line in the narrator's Tribute to Hampshire: `A domain where a man might reasonably...' C: `Attain transcendence. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Moreover, in the antepenultimate chapter of the novel, when the narrator reflects on his project, he intimates that he has been writing a novel all along.
  • Which is why one gag concerns the apparent interchangeability of the twenty-something Wall Street brokers and dealers with whom our narrator consorts. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
  • The book does not attempt to find coherence beyond each narrator's individual account, which is precisely what makes it so affecting. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The real monster in them, he said later, is the amused narrator, ‘the young foreigner who passed gaily through these scenes of desolation, misinterpreting them to suit his childish fantasy’.
  • Here, because the second sentence contains no verb to orient it in time and may plausibly be attributed to either the narrator or the character, it acts as a sort of atemporal link between the voices of narrator and character.
  • All three sections begin powerfully and carry that puissance - and often it's not a force that we nor the narrator can control - throughout the section.
  • While there was Elie Wiesel's Night, Primo Levi's If This Is a Man, in these stories, the narrator is a witness. Jean-Jacques Greif - An interview with author
  • The lawyer's "ally is chance," and his "task is to disrupt an overhasty reliance on what appears to be the truth," says the rather fiendish omniscient narrator in one story. Suburban Tensions In a Gauzy Glow
  • In an open voice the narrator implores the reader to ‘Come along,’ to enter the ‘wind’ that sweeps over the cane, to become part of this vision based on an almost physical palpability.
  • The narrator describes his successive days with Usher and his artmaking thus: ‘An excited and highly distempered ideality threw a sulphurous luster over all’.
  • With a metafictional wink and a nod from Dew, the narrator comments, "In fact, not until the second decade of the twenty-first century would Sputnik's connection to the demise of Desert Rose dinnerware . . . be noted and remarked upon in a novel written late in the career of one of those three-named women writers who initially cropped up in the 1980s. Book World: 'Being Polite to Hitler' rounds out profile of an American family
  • No mere endpapers, they continue, in their unwrittenness, to evoke the narrator's traumatized mind. The Times Literary Supplement
  • As mentioned, SIMMONS takes a step forward from "The Terror" here; by introducing an unreliable narrator, he successfully manages to blur the line between facts and fiction and thus piquing reader's interest. Archive 2009-12-01
  • NARRATOR: Camouflaged by thousands of truckloads of legal commerce, multiton shipments of drugs come across the border with ease and efficiency. CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2009
  • Emma's vision is shared only by the narrator and is potentially ironized from that vantage.
  • ‘I had more confidence than others,’ the narrator explained, ‘in the vincibility of this disease, and in the success of those measures which we had used for our defence against it.’
  • Is it ever okay for the narrator to behave this way – where the antagonist is the protagonist? Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Voice Q&A: Evil Narrators and Guy Talk
  • The merchant maintains that the day for obeying the New Testament rule, "Let the wife fear her husband," will never pass away; that although unfaithfulness, which is assumed to be impossible on the part of the wife, may happen in other classes, in the merchant class it does not happen, and that the carouses of married men at the fair, which the narrator has heard him relating, and of which he reminds him, form a special topic which must be excluded from the discussion. Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata"
  • The narrator is himself an unengaging figure whose status as a blank slate on which his friend Perkus inscribes a more capacious understanding does not make him a character with whom one wants to spend over 450 pages. Detecting a Wrongness
  • ''I feel her everywhere,'' Mrs. Danvers insinuatingly tells the second Mrs. de Winter, the unnamed narrator. Psychos, Obsessives And Other Loons
  • NARRATOR: The stage was set for deregulation of the U. S. economy, and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.
  • Beginning with lyrical descriptions of visions experienced by the narrator, we develop expectations of a narrative arc that follows the structure of religious conversion or resurrection.
  • Kent the narrator is wise to the flaws of his younger self, if not exactly regretful.
  • Nine chapters take the unnamed narrator from boyhood to early middle age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the narrator's poetically expressed assertion that "history tightropes toward family," history barely puts in an appearance here.
  • While coming home from fishing one night, the narrator was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of rank, primitive animality, a feeling of wildness.
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The narrator makes himself deaf from playing the drums and settles into a gentle life. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Q: How does the narrator take his leave of these student parties? MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Her daughter, the narrator, is a New Age arty trendoid sui generis.
  • (Chapter 2) The narrator's letters act neither as "chatty" correspondence nor as a narrative device that substitutes for conventional expository narration but could just as easily be replaced with some other device that gets the story told. Time's Arrow
  • There he is blathering away in old concert footage, as narrator Johnny Depp explains that Mr. Morrison picked out all his own stage clothes, "from the concho belts to the leather pants seemingly designed to accentuate his crotch. Does He Still Light Your Fire?
  • The identity of the film's voiceover narrator is never adequately established, and this proves distracting.
  • Ishmael the character is an objectified self, a projection of the self image and frame of mind of the narrator hero.
  • There are two narrators: Felipe and his anonymous friend who retells the story he was told at the age of twelve by Felipe.
  • NARRATOR: Next day, Gen. Lucius Clay, the man in charge of occupied Germany, demanded to know what Erhard thought he was doing.
  • Through such experiences and spectacles, the modern, detached, moderate rationality of the narrator, and often the hero, is linked to a restored sensorial excitement, as the novel connects the reader vicariously to a passional self momentarily free from habitual restraint (although in practice, still carefully insulated from any action that would seriously offend conventional proprieties). Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism
  • An omniscient narrator speaks neutrally about what has passed.
  • Narrator : The city had been saved, and would thrive again.
  • The book has no narrator or main character. Consequently, it lacks a traditional plot.
  • A voice-over narrator " explains " things, whereas we want to see and experience them.
  • Deconstruction theory and the decline of the omniscient narrator demonstrate a newfound humility.
  • The narrator tries to crack one and finds it made of pastry. SPICE: The History of a Temptation
  • In stanzas twelve through fourteen, the omniscient narrator directs our eye to the movement of the skies.
  • Teresina, "La Tere," a thirty-something teacher's aid at Cabritoville Elementary School, is the narrator of Loving Pedro Infante, and she tells us a lot about Pedro Infante. Loving Pedro Infante by Denise Chavez
  • If the programme were an English literature text, the first question you would ask would be about the unreliable narrator. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he had echolalia, which, the narrator explains, is a mental disease where the patient repeats what they hear.
  • What is difficult to translate and what I specifically concentrated on in my review were moments where Proust describes as minutely as possible, and as no one had ever done before or after him, the psychological currents that run between one person and another, between those who do not wish to reveal anything about themselves and the narrator who is forever deciphering their hidden motives. 'Proust's Way?': An Exchange
  • "Well, there you have it, " came the narrator's voice.
  • One has the sense of an actual, as opposed to a fictional, narrator forced to convey a plethora of background information about his characters, at the expense of descriptive detail and incident.
  • Another way the narrator is annoying is that he doesn't talk to us. Wishing Woody had shot the narrator or, better yet, not shot Vicky Cristina Barcelona
  • But of course there is no contingency in novels, only writing and plot, and the point of this twist of events, I think, has less to do with punishment of any kind, of the self or of others, than with what the narrator calls the "monothematic" nature of pain and humiliation. Ian McEwan's 'Solar': The Fat Man's Vengeance (New York Review)
  • The introduction of a narrator, speaking in the vernacular, only reinforces this separation.
  • The experience of reading it is bewildering at first, with no friendly narrator to hold your hand and just a cacophony of unidentified voices for company. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naturally we are meant to question the reliability of a narrator who recounts events he never physically witnessed.
  • Traces of the epistolary - characters speaking in their own voice without the socially regulative interference of the narrator - are to be found in the ‘detail,’ the reading of which ironizes the norm-enforcing narrator.
  • As the narrator cleans the mansion of his dead employer, the reader learns of Kaji's predilection for cloning dead celebrities and engaging in lascivious acts. REVIEW: Voices From Punktown by Jeffrey Thomas
  • The male narrators offer the woman's body as the place where they are momentarily free from the pressures of dissembling a myth of themselves.
  • She assigned the story, she said last week, as an example of ‘an unsympathetic narrator, a guy who is sadistic and sexist.’
  • In paradise, the omniscient narrator concludes, there are no stories because there are no journeys.
  • Says the narrator: "The worst thing about going to a whorehouse was the moment of entry". The First Post: Latest
  • In Yendi, there is an attractive romance subplot between the assassin crimelord narrator and the woman who kills him before he gets "revivified", but the core story is mired in complex dynastic politics which were never explained to the point where I could actually care about them. Well, Ken MacLeod agrees with me rather than with Jonathan Swift
  • The film has a voice-over narrator who carefully explains the film's meaning, thus sparing us the trouble of employing a single brain cell.
  • Nog is a mysterious itinerant who sells the narrator a foam-rubber octopus, and whose name he adopts as an alias.
  • NARRATOR: The hearings began, and officials from the Civil Aeronautics Board were called to testify.
  • For instance, the use of first person limits the book to the point of view of the narrator. Smithsonian Mag
  • And we understand that the narrator, Sammy, is correct: the world will be hard on him. Updike, John
  • Each narrator is an archetype - the spurned lover, the heartbreaker, the battered wife - and explores a different wrinkle of the urban African-American female experience.
  • To conclude, this is a film that problematizes woman's representability, both her representability as image and her status as narrator and as subject.
  • On the very day of sailing they caught their first glimpse of some large species of seal or walrus, which is thus described by the old narrator of the expedition: -- Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic
  • All that they gave me, my brothers, was a crappy starry mirror to look into, and indeed I was not your handsome young Narrator any longer but a real strack of a sight, my rot swollen and my glazzies all red and my nose bumped a bit also. Where's the show?
  • One option we talked about was framing the story itself in flashback with a narrator.
  • Epitomizing Sokurov's ambivalence, the narrator scoffs at the film's climactic (or should I say inevitable?) ballroom dance yet expresses regret at having to leave.
  • You could hardly make this up, and a less reticent narrator might have turned it into a ripping yarn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Van Wyk's narrator, a harum-scarum, hard-drinking journalist called Scara Nhlabatsi, relishes all manner of rude jokes, bawdy abuse, malapropisms and puns and provides a slew of images of the vulgar excess of power.
  • The narrator lives in Shiraz-a city with a long, poetic history that provides him with inspiration-while Sara and Dara's love story takes place in Tehran. Censoring an Iranian Love Story by Shahriar Mandanipour: Questions
  • For instance, the use of first person limits the book to the point of view of the narrator. Smithsonian Mag
  • The section's title poem, an incantatory piece, again acknowledges the weight of exchange, although the poem feels buoyant and light; it is a kind of waking song for the narrator's yet-unborn baby.
  • Thus the unnamed narrator of Will Wiles's ingenious first novel, holed up in an anonymous Eastern-European city and four days into a week of entropically bad luck. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • In the final chapter the narrator relates the actions of the new people as they flee from their encounter with the Neanderthalers.
  • The central pleasure of a truly satisfying memoir is the narrator's ability to reflect, artfully and persuasively.
  • It made you stop listening to what the narrator was saying. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name stirs in herdsmen and reapers sentiments of loyalty and liberty, and in the narrator nostalgia for the old days in hope that they will become the future days. Captivation and Liberty in Wordsworth's Poems on Music
  • You mentioned earlier that all of your narrators are obsessives.
  • NARRATOR: The stage was set for deregulation of the , and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.
  • Eugenides lets us know he knows what we know about the fictiveness of fiction; he even evokes "Tristram Shandy's" digressive account of the narrator's own conception. The Gender Blender
  • But the narrator is so unsympathetic, so blank and fleshless, that it's hard to feel engaged by her story, unless by the freak-show details.
  • The didacticism of this passage demonstrates that the caprice of nature expresses the narrator's perspective and not the other way around.
  • Worst of all, Hull is to fill up with giant, brightly coloured fibreglass toads, a stunt so loopily against the spirit of the two poems that are their inspiration – "Toads" and "Toads Revisited", in which the squatting toad, impossible to shake off, is both a symbol of work and of the narrator's timid and confining personality – I find myself wondering whether their creators have actually read either one. In search of the real Philip Larkin
  • The narrator explains that this was because of Newton's Third Law of Motion: for every action there is a reaction equal and opposite in direction, which is useful in rocketry.
  • Its hero struts about in underpants, a cape and red wellies, and the narrator is a talking cat. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, the narrator uses her life story as an example of how any woman can leave an abusive relationship.
  • According to the narrator, this Celtic icon had emerged from Cork 15 years earlier, scored a No 1 hit with his husky versifying, and vanished.
  • We also have a voice-over narrator to explain everything, along with lessons learned.
  • In the first part the narrators reveal and analyze their own natures as well as their corrective visions of the world.
  • NEW YORK -- The author known simply as Sapphire titled her acclaimed, controversial 1996 novel Push for a simple reason: Her narrator, an illiterate and obese 16-year-old - Articles related to Mariah Carey to play Vanessa Hudgens' mother in new film?
  • In chapter 15, "The Right Whale's Head," the narrator says that the Right Whale is a Stoic and the Sperm Whale is a Platonian, referring to two classical schools of philosophy.
  • The final way the narrator is annoying is that his voice is just plain grating. Wishing Woody had shot the narrator or, better yet, not shot Vicky Cristina Barcelona
  • Post-Renaissance literature is usually dialogic - it has the voice of the narrator and those of the characters.
  • A differently important story is that of the novel's narrator, who improvises, discovers her mistakes, and retells a story that refigures the past but remains nonetheless historical.
  • With Bley conducting and Paul Haines, the original librettist, as narrator, the opera was revived to ecstatic reviews.
  • The primary job of the literary critic is to pry open the craniums of characters, authors and narrators, climb inside their heads and spelunk through the bewildering complexity within to figure out what makes them tick. Experimental Fiction
  • If the programme were an English literature text, the first question you would ask would be about the unreliable narrator. Times, Sunday Times
  • The battles Arthur fights are not romanticized, and particularly their aftermath is not romanticized: Malgwyn, the narrator, has lost a wife and an arm to the Saxons and is not, at the beginning of the book, particularly sure he thanks Arthur for saving him. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • There is no animation at all, simply a superzoomed camera panning slowly over the static illustration while a narrator reads the page.
  • Behind you often - That's a little creepy assuming the decorator was a narrator here, as in I'M behind you often European!
  • Narrated in the present tense, the story unfolds in the voice of an unnamed third-person narrator.
  • ‘A floodtide of filth is engulfing our country in the form of newsstand obscenity,’ its narrator intoned.
  • Apple's "What's Hot" designation affirms the fact that TourNarrator is meeting its objective to help real estate agents succeed. Current News - Top Stories
  • But when the narrator is good, the whole experience can be transportingly joyous. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will support his arguments with many stories of the wonderful instinct and percipiency displayed by his animals; all of which stories, though exceedingly marvellous, obtain implicit credence in the mind of the narrator; and only come short, in point of hyperbolical marvel, of the wonderful utterance of Tom Connor's cat, in the plain Anglo-Saxon vernacular. Fern Vale (Volume 1) or the Queensland Squatter
  • This peculiar narrator is perhaps one of the most intriguing elements of the story.
  • This provides a backdrop for her novel, a story beautifully told of a mother's descent into madness when her husband deserts, devastating their sensitive daughter Faith, the narrator.
  • Whilst the narrator poses questions to himself and the viewer, the nature of death, bloodlust and voyeurism is brought home.
  • Nissan also calls attention to the narrator's ‘otherness’ by incorporating a substantial number of words from Ladino into the text, which is written mostly in Spanish.
  • Mr. Bruce was a voice actor in many cartoons of the thirties, forties and fifties, most notably as the narrator of silly travelogues and newsreels.
  • These men descend from the era - long before radio and television, cinemas and telephones - when itinerant narrators brought news and entertainment to country fairs and village squares.
  • In wondering whether time is, in fact "a line," the narrator is also announcing the novel's preoccupation with the relationship of time and memory, whether the latter always conditions the former, or whether it is possible to get an accurate sense of the former while thinking of it as a "line. The Reading Experience
  • Nine chapters take the unnamed narrator from boyhood to early middle age. Times, Sunday Times
  • The poem is written by a narrator who looks back at '48 with a mixture of affection and repugnance; mainly the latter.
  • Here, the narrators of these tales in the Middle Ages - and especially theologians - had to avoid any hint of metempsychosis (perhaps why Bernard and others clung so hard to hybridity).
  • Although both narrators are prone to purple passages, the texture of Singer's Gothic prose remains one of the novel's strengths.
  • He reproaches the narrator, Miles Coverdale, for grumbling about the weather.
  • The narrator calls it a "uniped," or some sort of one-footed goblin, [232] but that is hardly reasonable, for after the shooting it went on to perform the further quite human and eminently Indian-like act of running away. [ The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest
  • The story begins in a dusty attic where'a mysterious figure' announces herself as our narrator. Times, Sunday Times
  • With The Instance of the Fingerpost, Pears created a new kind of masterwork-a historical novel constructed intricately to work like clockwork, which glides sequentially from one subjective narrator to another, so that each section unveils new explanations that upend the previous narrator's picture of the characters 'motivations and actions. The Inverse Square Blog
  • For instance, the use of first person limits the book to the point of view of the narrator. Smithsonian Mag
  • And the story is told by a possibly slightly unreliable narrator, which is a nice touch.
  • The narrator of this passage is a psychiatric patient, committed to a hospital after a suicide attempt. 2008 May « Becca’s Byline
  • The narrator in the urban nineteenth-century Russian novel is likewise informed by a coupling of the Russian chronicle tradition with the Parisian physiological sketch, filtering via the feuilleton into the serialized novel.
  • Her invisibility results from her invented love story with the French lieutenant and her shelter in Rossetti s notorious art studio with the aid of the male narrator, Charles and Doctor Grogan.
  • The narrator of the story is a pilot who has crash-landed in the desert.
  • A voice-over narrator ‘explains’ things, whereas we want to see and experience them.
  • ‘She was there for anyone and offered her Maoriness and aroha to anyone,’ says broadcaster and narrator Tainui Stephens.
  • The woman's face, the narrator seems to argue, becomes a figura for the male will.
  • But the drumbeat, as the baritone voice of the narrator reminds the audience, is an inseparable part of African music.
  • It looks at the usefulness of pragmatic theories to the interpretation of literary texts and surveys methods of analysing narrative, with special attention given to narratorial authority and character focalisation. AvaxHome RSS:
  • And 2 1/2 stories ( "Lockheed," "Emily" and part of "April") are inhabited by female narrators, which works surprisingly well and betrays at least a hint of imaginative candlepower. James Franco's debut short story collection, 'Palo Alto'
  • He told everything, and the turfman, chin in hand, eyes riveted on the narrator, listened absorbed. Garrison's Finish : a romance of the race course
  • The long, elegiac camera movements with pained moments of concentration on detail make the lens into the eye of a narrator and effectively take us on the tragic journey which is Hamlet.
  • The seemingly endless onslaught of the narrator's prose stops mid-sentence and drops us unpunctuated into a cold stream of double-quoted closing dialogue.
  • When the inevitable occurs, and he dies as a result of his fragile constitution, the event is of such magnitude that the narrator is overwhelmed by grief and despair.
  • Ishiguro of course has always made a speciality of self-deceiving and emotionally constipated narrators, and Kath is no exception - but this serves to make the true pathos of the story hit home even harder. Questions About Humanity
  • The move to Downburn has often been likened by the narrator to the end of World War II austerity and the first flushes of utopianism. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • In Saul Bellow's "Humboldt's Gift," the narrator describes himself as an "idiotic old lecher" who is "leaving two children to follow an obvious gold digger to corrupt Europe. Bringing Up Baby? Definitely
  • The modern stream-of-consciousness technique was also frequently and skillfully exploited by Faulkner emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator.
  • I, as the narrator want to sound clever, be orotund, and use words that you may not normally use.
  • As Prague's omniscient narrator explains, the game is fundamentally flawed.
  • For example, at one point we learn that the narrator named his black market artiforg scanner after one of his ex-wives because "it could do any number of people at once". REVIEW: The Repossession Mambo by Eric Garcia
  • The narrator seeks to understand what this system is exactly, compared to the 'soothing system' which allows patients to wander around uninhibited.
  • It's easy now, walking across the common, past the sandpit to the crater-like dent that harbours a little lake, to imagine that first discovery just as Wells's narrator saw it.
  • But hieroglyphics and histories which seem to pass the bounds of belief I call inconceivable; yet even among these last there are many which our method enables us to investigate, and to discover the meaning of their narrator. Theologico-Political Treatise
  • These are the kind of observations that we are expected to swallow in a story which seeks to successfully bind a sophisticated narrator together with a dreamy young boy.
  • The narrator of both films is the big, bad wolf - who has his own story to tell as well. The Sun
  • Bolton comic Martin Davies, alias The Mighty Swob, has been recruited as narrator.
  • I need to keep my voice in trim since I still perform as a narrator.
  • In short, the second type of scrutiny, which is very essential in the criticism of traditions, relates to the constancy and perpetuity of the chain of narrators.
  • Most readers don't even notice that David is the narrator of all three stories.
  • Q: How does the narrator take his leave of these student parties? MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • This double perspective is characteristic of child narrators and makes them a useful tool for young writers: characters with two perspectives are usually not one-dimensional.
  • The style takes a while to get adjusted to since the novel starts on a very light note despite its grim underlying events, Portier being a very self-deprecating and wry narrator, while his two companions in the investigation, Chevalier Ilario and sorcerer Dante start as the overdone cliches of "fop" and "brilliant but moody outsider sorcerer". Today in Fantasy: February 8, 2010
  • The narrator showed how money was moved from Citibank to a bogus company.
  • A viciously intense, poetically raw story, interspersed with moments of dark humor, about two young men - Bassam, the narrator, and his friend since childhood, George - known as De Niro, for his habit of playing Russian roulette like Robert De Niro's character in Bookbrowse - Best Recent Reader Reviews
  • When the supporters singing it, the narrator moves the hand karcheif along with andelu, with the other hand playing tambura and makes a dance with the rhythmic sound of legbells and moves around all over the stage. Untouchable Spring .... అంటరాని వసంతం
  • In both stories the narrator must learn to act in an independent, self-motivated, unprejudiced, and inner-directed way.
  • It begins with an encounter between Malory, a repressed Englishman restlessly wandering the globe, and the unnamed narrator, as they holiday in Europe.
  • The Narrator escapes from the city in order to avoid being infected by cholera.
  • Suddenly, the narrator speaks in his most rhetorically elevated mode.
  • In this disturbing comic story the narrator has become disconnected from his physical body and identity, observing his family as a ghost. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I was about the age of the narrator of Lithium, who is mostly nameless in the book (except for an instant when she appropriates the name of her grandmother, Rose).
  • He knows the characters' feelings, and alternately takes on the roles of narrator, philosophical druggist, host, master of ceremonies, commentator and friend to the audience.
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The very front cover of Mona in the Promised Land iconizes food rituals while taking up the circular trope that the narrator, through Seth, employs to distinguish Japanese and Chinese societies from individualistic Americans.
  • The narrator is a thoughtful, guilt-ridden man.
  • This song is sung by Pete Townshend, whose voice in the film is a kind of choric narrator, directly addressing the audience as in Greek tragedy.
  • I wanted an omniscient narrator to have a kind of ‘looking back on it all now’ perspective.
  • A similar methodology governs the narrator's reading, since she selects books according to categorised titles: women's names or cities.
  • While visiting the island, her Latina narrator falls in love with Wilson, ‘a beautiful ebony-skinned muchacho whose charm was well-known throughout the town’.
  • Humble yet sly, he is quick to identify himself as an unreliable narrator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slowly, we find that we are dealing with not one but three unreliable narrators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mimi the narrator asks, " Can these be the facts?
  • The narrator does not say. Christianity Today
  • Sometimes she's a participant in the story, other times she serves as a narrator of the event.
  • The narrator of a cautionary tale is momentarily excused from the ordinary demands of etiquette that discourages the use of gruesome or disgusting imagery because the tale serves to reinforce some other social taboo. Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales for Children
  • One prime narrator of the story with tambura, three andelu, gajjelu , and one karcheif and two supporters with gummeta/ dimkee. Untouchable Spring .... అంటరాని వసంతం
  • The maids two of whom are narrators describe at length their cleaning routines, cooking schedules and ironing techniques, all of which makes for a kind of prose that bewilders men and enchants women. The Secret of 'The Help': Envy
  • The narrator claims that restraint is an all-or-nothing proposition for her: once she has forsaken that ‘simple rule of renunciation,’ she is under the sway of ‘the seductive guidance of illimitable wants’.
  • But here, interspersed as they are between the episodes, the iterative passages tend again to remove both narrator and reader from the particularity and immediacy of those individual episodes.
  • But despite these several narrators and their widely differing stories, a kind of tonal monotony lies across the novel, which is devoid of the charming humor that leavened "The History of Love. Ron Charles reviews "Great House," by Nicole Krauss
  • Hovering with indecision is common as Clarice Lispector plays out authorial thoughts mediated through her narrator and all in front of her reader. The Hour of the Star - Clarice Lispector
  • It also deliberately evokes them as models through the use of a Narrator, together with large - scale choruses and Lutheran chorales, the latter punctuating the action at three key points.
  • Only occasionally does one of the boys emerge from behind the verbal curtain to assume an active role vis-a-vis one of the sisters -- most notably "Trip Fontane," who attempts to court Lux Lisbon -- and the narrator's role ultimately is really to testify to the enduring spell cast by the sisters, to give us access to them through a concerted act of memory from which they have never departed: Point of View in Fiction

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