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How To Use Nark In A Sentence

  • Alaric got a bit annoyed at how long we took to leave becuase of the guinea pigs - I didn't know weather to be sympathetic or laugh when he got narky about it :/ Snell-Pym » Guinea Pigs!
  • Traditionally, the resistive force established for such a test is determined from total body mass for a friction loaded Monark cycle ergometer ie 75
  • Though best-known for his fantastic novel " Lanark, " Mr. Gray worked for many years as a portraitist, and provides a typically distinctive and opinionated account of his life, times and acquaintances in words and pictures. Books to Furnish a Coffee Table
  • God must have chosen to bless New Orleans because of the way the Republicans crapped all over them./snark Think Progress » Palin says she’s fine with Limbaugh’s use of the ‘r-word.’
  • (I'm never home when it's on anyway) and setting the DVR to record it for later viewing seems more than I'm willing to do to expose my brain to the neuron-apoptosing and - necrosing antivaccinationist stupidity that Jenny routinely lays down, as lately I've been questioning whether any blog post, no matter how snarky and fun, is worth that kind of self-abuse. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
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  • I really, truly, don't mean to snark, but your question is your answer: nobody dates because to not do so would be "unhealthy".
  • The answer is that the clubs lay at the heart of industrial Lanarkshire and football was pre-eminently the game of steelworkers, miners and shipbuilders.
  • Divers even pick up these dozy little sharks, but if you do that you will find yourself with a suddenly alert fish that is probably a bit narked at being disturbed.
  • Now I am somewhat narked about this.
  • This is industrial Lanarkshire where for generations hard men have been reared at the coalface, bound together in friendships forged in a dirty and often dangerous working environment.
  • But I am tired and unable to refrain from the snarking here, because this was just sloppy and pathetic. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • Reviewers, for instance, were narked that the special effects were not all that special.
  • This is not a place where snark and sarcasm are part and parcel of the social landscape.
  • I didn't realize the Constituion differentiated between "creative artists" and ordinary schlubs. * snark snark* Libertarian Blog Place
  • This guy had thrown down the gauntlet, and it was a bloody t-shirt with Snark emblazed across it. Archive 2006-04-02
  • I was dating a man at the time, and got kind of cheesed off when my dearest friend/ex-wife who, not incidentally, dated a bisexual woman for several years got all snarky with me about the “heterosexual privilege” thing. Biphobia in the GLBT community from a bi man’s point of view
  • Reviewers, for instance, were narked that the special effects were not all that special.
  • Both stories are agreeably self-deprecating and rimed with snark.
  • Meanwhile, the only thing I like about watching the show is snarking about the contestants.
  • I'd put in eight weeks of training, but the controversy has narked me a bit.
  • Big oil will make more money and like we saw when Dubbyah ‘jawboned’ the price of gas down to 4 bucks a gallon [snark] the oil companies made a record profit. Think Progress » Bush Official Dan Bartlett Admits Authorizing Offshore Oil Drilling Will Be Unlikely To Win Over Any GOP Votes
  • It's like God and Buddha just heaped bountiful blessings on every snarky blogger in the world.
  • Brown gets narky: nothing irritates him more than the sound of soft but universal derision. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • I wonder if the Canadian police could consider invoicing narks directly?
  • However, with prices rising to £50 a ton Scottish Coal, Scotland's biggest producer, has decided to open and extend opencast mines in east Ayrshire, south Lanarkshire, the Lothians and Fife.
  • Maybe smarmy snark is an ethnic trait that you possess ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • I've been narked off with studio trailers for years.
  • « 500 Greatest Songs links for 2006-05-15 » snark­mar­ket is brought to you by Links for 2006-05-14 « Snarkmarket
  • If I hadn't stumbled on a link one day that led me to a snarky sarcastic blonde doing something that resemebled cable access on crack, I would never have made RB one of my daily fixes and BTY, I am one of those conservative viewers you told John Edwards you were trying to "alienate" - obviously it didn't work. For the Record
  • What I wanted was my snarky reproductive endocrinologist to get a goddamn gray hair, who was he in his smooth Armani suit to tell me my FSH sat where my LH should, higher than a cloud and incompatible with life? 1998, What I Wanted
  • Aadhar is the story of a young girl - Aishwarya Narkar who takes upon herself the responsibility of being the sole breadwinner for her family which includes an unemployed brother, a mentally-impaired brother, a sister who wants to complete her education and a father who has lost his hand in an industrial accident. - Articles related to Murli Deora, Ashok Chavan visit CPCL desalination plant
  • I'm a bit narked the Boro game was called off on Wednesday.
  • They've made snarky jabs about the administration using our soldiers as ' social workers, ' doing all sorts of unmanly, unsoldierly duties.
  • Lanark, which is used by the natives to dress the hair and anoint the skin, so as to keep off insects. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Ooooo who doesn't want to be called a tantalizing treat by Miss Snark! The Slush pile turns up a tantalizing treat
  • There were still narked at what the weather had done to their tracks and overhead cables and were holding up the commuters.
  • Blair was particularly narked by its stinging criticism that his Government had been playing to its masters in Washington.
  • Smith's love of her home and the affection of her family mean that her wanderlust never stops her returning to Lanarkshire.
  • While we're on the subject of bathroom issues that I'm narky about, isn't it convention that shampoo bottles are made in a darker colour than their corresponding conditioner bottles?
  • Michael Pollan and the Modern Hunt » snark­mar­ket is brought to you by Powers of Ten… Or, You Know, a Gazillion « Snarkmarket
  • The use of carriageways constructed of two layers of stone broken to different dimensions antedates the construction of Telford's government roads from London to Holyhead and in the environs of Glasgow and Lanarkshire.
  • Gotta love the the snark of pointing out that the endorsement form is badly written.
  • Aside from snark, I find it very heartening, actually.
  • At that point I had yet to meet an atheist who wasn't narked by the whole thing - Chris Cooper had certainly not been impressed.
  • Today, 1pm The rangers of Chatelherault Country Park in South Lanarkshire lead a day of exploration inside a disused coal bing in search of signs of mining life, wildlife and plant life.
  • Sounds snarky, but no matter how much one "conserves" it is totally undone by having kids, sending them off to a college campus (which uses more energy to maintain the grounds for a month than the most wasteful family uses all year), having them see the world (unneccesary travel), have more kids and so forth. where did you get that Brad Ideas - Comments
  • AFTERSNARK: One wonders what Stephen Harper propagandist and personal fellatrix Sandy Crux thinks of this fascinating approach regarding fiscal efficiency and budget cuts. Archive 2008-08-01
  • This accolade was accompanied by the wonderful spectacle of dweeby scientists getting narked because they invent everything yet remain unloved and unglamorous.
  • Seems like the cops got pissed because the Prof was a bit narky. Cambridge police arrest Henry Louis Gates
  • My own guess is that they might be ableto hold their own against Obama .. but not against O AND the press .. if McCain keeps narking the press off it's curtains for them. CBS Faults McCain Ad Featuring Katie Couric As "Misleading"
  • Perhaps not surprisingly, they offer their female readership a male perspective, too, in a snarkily condescending column called "birdlife" by "Tone": Archive 2009-05-10
  • Her mother was clearly in a nark, which was nothing new since the divorce. JUST BETWEEN US
  • The drum machine offbeats are still present, but instead of snarky basslines and slow grinds, the song features a wistfully high organ stomp, and shifting tempos throughout.
  • When I was down at Aireys Inlet with the Darklings for our writing retreat, I told them about that mean man who said something narky after the meme thing I did, and out of that came a conversation about the value of knowing 25 random things about the characters in our manuscripts. Book Giveaways « Tales from the Reading Room
  • He deserves every bit of snark he gets for this ridiculous contention, but I still have a question: why?
  • If you've waited a day to crack your joke, you're better off finding the next thing to snark about.
  • You are of course free to debate the books and characters here But if you cannot do so without resorting to the kind of snarkiness or rudeness that passes itself off as wittisism but is in reality childishness better suited to a grade school playground, then simply go. Crazy Screechy Monkeys 1, Best-Selling Author 0 « Whatever
  • After all, she had only been going to ask why Janet Hudson was so snarky. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • And there's a special layer for those who treat books badly, and narky editors and publishers who publish Dan Brown. Gillpolack: Today I am full of interesting stuff. T
  • Its first blast furnace was built in 1953, to complement other Lanarkshire steelworks.
  • Men sported with flair velvet sherwanis and Anarkali-style kurtas rich in thread work over churidars. The Times of India
  • It's generally not responsive, and turns either the political or issue debate that might otherwise happen on this notably high-quality site into a contest of who's more snarky, and what does one person have to type to personally feel like they've one-upped or out-negatived the person they disagree with. Thirty-Two Ambassadors Praise Hillary's Foreign Policy Experience -- As First Lady
  • She of the spiked heels and pink-tammed poodle: her divineness, Miss Snark! Archive 2006-04-02
  • New Lanark would still have been a sheepwalk, and Greenock a fishing hamlet. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
  • Sorry about the narky tone in the last couple of postings.
  • This caricature laden snark peddling is what passes for comedy and political insight nowadays (though it has existed for ages). The Volokh Conspiracy » Much Easier to Fight Caricatures
  • The system would implode from the bon mots and snark. My God, It's Full Of Tweets!
  • Now turned 70, he says he passes for mid-50s and is narked that I've pointed out a stiffness in his gait.
  • So they were on their phone calling the city narking on me on a private lunch. The Foie Gras Wars
  • I went to the LOLBuilder at I Can Has Cheezburger and went through the torrent of photos being submitted, captioning as dementedness and snark came to me. LOLMAGGIES
  • For all my snark and displeasure, there are still some good things about the Complete Seventh Season.
  • This narked a few people, including his apparently unpaid vet and a group who claimed that the animals on his ranch were being treated cruelly.
  • Had Johnson been a "nark" of the police he would soon have been exposed, but as he dealt with cases which never came directly into the courts, his activities were never realized by his companions. The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes
  • Even second violinists in top quartets get a bit narked about this, apparently (some of them share the leading, of course.)
  • The word Narcissus comes from the ancient Greek word narke which means a stupor.
  • On November 14, 1908, a very ill Jack London, having left the Snark in Guadalcanal, arrived in Sydney, Australia for medical treatment. Introduction to Jack London's Australian Newspaper Articles: Dan Wichlan Collection
  • The anonymous snarker is safe from snark blowback. Alex Remington: Middle-Aged Film Critic Writes a Book Railing Against Snark; Man on Internet Agrees
  • He's probably narked because he didn't see the ad himself.
  • You're asking this of Miss Snark who regularly writes 'gin pail' 'reticule' 'heaven forefend' and '23 skidoo'? Alas, poor Snarklings
  • The 'squatty' eyed the gesticulating Manarkan and spoke, in a beautifully modulated deep bass voice, to a supple, lithe, pantherish girl with vertically-slitted yellow eyes, pointed ears, and a long and sinuous, meticulously-groomed tail. Masters Of The Vortex
  • There will always be something in D.C. to snark about.
  • After a few moments the problem was obvious and proved that the 1996 team hadn't been totally narked when they reported that the rigging was still upright and intact.
  • I miss Molly's words so very much and always thought that she struck a good balance between good-natured humor and "snarkiness" with common-sense, insightful political commentary. Times Public Editor Hammers Maureen Dowd's Coverage Of Hillary
  • Whether it be for 'narking' ... or as a taxpayer, who should fork out more to alleviate the poverty that apparently lies at the heart of this dysfunction? Not PC
  • So I get a little narked and start going for my ear with the scissors in the same manner as one might angrily grab for a fly.
  • He's indisputably one of the testiest, the sarkiest, the narkiest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The link was pretty damned snarky and all about Martin Peretz and the alabaster quality of The New Republic.
  • Despite the snarky sideway snickers of my sister, ever the doubter, I refused to dumb down dinner, and committed to cook as I always have, with no special orders of PB&J. Karen Kelly: Babies and Dinnertime: It Can Be Done
  • Based in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, it makes speakers that are a reference point for many studios. Elite audio firm Arcam targets iPods – and goes for volume
  • That will soon fade as more people use the word snarky to describe someone who is being a juice. Undefined
  • Readers, bloggers, leave your suppositions in Comments; satire and snark are welcome.
  • Ah, it's just that snark-ass kind of astuteness I need in my presidential administration. Credit crunch solutions #1: Rent a wife
  • In March they went to the regular dumps of the Argent Lead and Silver mine for vanadinite, pyromorphite, and crocoite and then moved to the slag dumps, on which were found linarite, anglesite, leadhillite, lanarkite, and gypsum.
  • Ik denk Misser Snark omhoog e-mail maakte en dat verkeerd is. Default answer
  • He remained a collier until he was 23, by which time he had become an agent of the Lanarkshire Miners Union.
  • Tim stops by to congratulate Gretchen on her win and get an update on her jumpsuit, which is not yet finished, but he's not worried and neither is anyone else because Gretchen's the front runner and everyone knows it (although April snarks a bit that Gretchen "is not creative.") Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 2 Recap: Size Matters
  • If you were being narky you might say journalists grandstand and bloggers get bogged down in trivialities. The difference between journalists and bloggers « Squash
  • The first one, where you aren't supposed to call, write, or even breathe in the direction of Snark Central lest we hurl invectives upon your noggin is the query/submission/are we right for each other process. Archive 2006-03-12
  • Aside from the brevity of the story, what intrigued us was how narky it was.
  • 'He gets very narky if he even sees a vet in the yard. The Sun
  • The MP for North Lanark acted on it and the Army had to conform immediately.
  • He was narked to steal his neighbour's pet.
  • Each has its own cadre of leftists who post insults, snark, ad hom and then run to the next post. The Volokh Conspiracy » How to Turn Good News into Bad News
  • A little more research and a little less snark might have made this an interesting post.
  • Never snark at someone's pronunciation.
  • Asking Dirzan to discipline the other apprentices for what was only stupid petty narking wouldn't help. Dragon Drums
  • When it was on - the chemistry sizzled and he was totally her equal in snarkiness and smarts. Win VERONICA MARS Season 3 on DVD | the TV addict
  • Brendan is quite right that Voltaire was basically a Deist, and he would be right to be narked if I were to suggest that Catholicism is 'antithetical' to religion; but I would never argue anything so foolish. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • And, much like camp, snark is tricky to define. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make it even more effective, I would also sincerely enjoy it if the blow-dried media types on television had to offer up the following with their snarky reporting on Obama's vacation: "Full disclosure, I took three weeks off this year and flew my family to Fiji and then Japan and Australia, a vacation far more lavish than the one the president is currently enjoying. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Phony Vacation Outrage
  • The caricature of celebrity-friendly religions, of course, is that they are long on consolation and short on anything else, such as uncongenial moral codes or an actual God whose own celebrity, celeb-watching snarks suggest, might occasionally overshadow the star's own. Undefined
  • Duke o 'Lanark's pairt o' the country - ye ken that's no far off; but if I'll no hae the lodge, put me whar ye wull. Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
  • It will search the text and flag technospeak, offering snarky comments and advice for improvement. Globe and Mail
  • DangerMouse: And here we see the snark, proving his unseriousness and trolling. The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
  • Is it that you believe snarkiness is a decent substitute for a discussion? The Volokh Conspiracy » A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
  • In reference works on bandersnatches, snarks are referred to collectively by the Latin name Snarkidae.
  • And so we hubristically snark about how voters will never elect such a national punchline to the highest office in the land. Bob Cesca: The Perfect Storm That Could Elect Sarah Palin
  • | Reply | Permalink idiotic has been the best snarker at TPM since I joined. Saturday Super-Delegate Roundup
  • For all of the handwringing and concern trolling and conserva-snarking about how his progressivism is part of a cynical bamboozlement or hijacking of the left, leading to nothing but tears and disappointment, Obama has in the first 48 hours of his presidency proven to be astonishingly progressive. No More White Lies, The President Is Black | ATTACKERMAN
  • No wonder he was narky when judging my bowling efforts. Times, Sunday Times
  • No snark intended, but college isn't just all about socializing and hanging out.
  • This lay-off still narks him, and he grumbles before saying it has been ‘forgotten’.
  • Sure, Lewis is a bit narky during the interview, but I come away feeling quite sorry for her.
  • He was ‘a wee bit apprehensive’ about coming to Lanarkshire with his wife and two-year-old son, only because it meant having to find a church he was happy with.
  • We're really cautious about narking people off, though, so please only post images to our Flickr group if you're happy for them to be used to brighten up the site. Londonist
  • Snarky Chris' story, "Godspeed," is up, as is another honorable mention poem from our contest, this one a haiku titled "Open. DKA Magazine Stats for November 2006
  • Brat:/pompa/no prosze jaka artystyczna dusza w narkomanie moze siedziec -
  • So utterly agedly helpless was he, that he was unable to order a sailor to throw a few buckets of salt water on the Snark's deck. Chapter 14
  • A chartered surveyor from Strathaven, in Lanarkshire, who owns a terraced property two doors along, said: ‘Property prices in this place are just cuckoo.’
  • I'm still narky as all hell now and I have a headache in the frontal lobes.
  • Miss Snark, the literary agent: Is it Crap..cover letters.. part huit..part soy. Is it Crap..cover letters.. part huit..part soy.
  • Must … resist … urge … to … snark!
  • In the end, after all you've tried to do to tear this "masterclass" vocalist down, his fans will have the last say and you'll be ridiculed for all your snarkiness and belittling. soundscene (the one who is a David A. fan) Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12: 23 PM EST Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Whether or not you find the repeated use of what we called "scare quotes" in graduate school a sign of pique or merely snarky is up to readers. McCain Campaign Gets All Ironic in Obama’s Grill - Swampland -
  • In the narky world of poetry this is tantamount to a declaration of war.
  • I intend that Lanarkshire Development Agency should continue to receive special additional funding in subsequent years.
  • Its timing could hardly have been bettered and should do a great deal to calm the fevered brows of the Lanarkshire club's supporters.
  • All this has got the genuine aromatherapists a bit narked.
  • Maybe smarmy snark is an ethnic trait that you possess. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • The fear of being labelled a 'nark' … can stop prisoners from speaking up with that information. - Stuff
  • Now all McCain can muster is some snarky, empty drivel comparing Obama to Moses. New McCain Video: ‘The One’ Returns - The Caucus Blog -
  • I think some snarker needs to do another blog post over on the Cafe side about how Obama AGAIN has to answer for all things AA in America, apologize for it, renounce and reject it, etc. Hillary's Chief Strategist On Wright: It's Time To "Move On"
  • You two were throwing snarky remarks at each other as though you were both fighting for the same guy.
  • Already narked off at having his progress interrupted, he would be angrily declaring that he definitely had had a travelcard.
  • Bloggers are usually known as a narcissist, fairly snarky bunch, but Ms. P is anything but. Mix Tape Therapy: You bitch. I mix. Problem solved.
  • Those who snarkily accuse her of selfpromotion are missing the point. The Sun
  • The others are the Derwent Valley Mills in Derbyshire, and New Lanark in South Lanarkshire.
  • I didn't mean that to sound so snarky. Soz.
  • The intrusion of the author is part of the book's narky undertow. La carte et le territoire by Michel Houellebecq – review
  • Being a sore looser is one thing being a smug snarky winner says just as much if not more. Analysis: What impact would Sotomayor have on the high court?
  • Its obviously fun for some people to see what sec code they get but it freaks me out ever since I gave NT one of my characteristic serves and then the next time I logged in I got one that says “narky”. Cheeseburger Gothic » All you can eat.
  • You quote me correctly to say, Maybe smarmy snark is an ethnic trait that you possess ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • Ok, that didn't take long to devolve into totally pointless snark.
  • I hadn't read Wired in about two years, and had forgotten just how cool beautifully laid out, snarky, techier-than-thou, etc. it is. Proximity is the New Collaboration Technology
  • Sculptures from the Uncanny Valley » snark­mar­ket is brought to you by Awwwwww … « Snarkmarket
  • I'm sure that if Harry McGuigan of North Lanarkshire Council had known about end-of-year flexibilities, all that unpleasantness over the Direct Labour Organisations could have been avoided.
  • I'm quite vocal on the pitch, and sometimes I can get a little bit narky with people, but it's all forgotten when the game's finished.
  • The talk also included several pointed gibes against "narratology" and the use of the term "narrative" as in "the Palestinian narrative," which she snarkily associated with a certain literary critic "who had an office at Columbia. Archive 2005-12-01
  • Given that I found the link on another journal where it was also being snarked at, I'm wondering if the site owner got some rather straightforward feedback and decided to modify her presentation a bit.
  • The floor of the galley is a couple of feet above the inside bottom of the Snark; and yet I have stood on the floor of the galley, trying to snatch a cold bite, and been wet to the knees by the water churning around inside four hours after the last pumping. The Inconceivable and Monstrous
  • Edward determined on desolation, when he placed English governors throughout our towns; and the rapacious Heselrigge, his representative in Lanark, not backward to execute the despot's will, has just issued an order, for the houses of all the absent chiefs to be searched for records and secret correspondences. The Scottish Chiefs
  • In the meantime I suspect the greatest difficulties might arise if your sister was to snark about the netbuddy situation or actively criticize you and your decision making.
  • Dick Turpin is no coppers' nark so have the courage of your convictions to stand and deliver your reasons.
  • Gretel was getting noticeably more narky at him, and later at the audience who was booing loudly when she crossed to the house to tell them what happened.
  • Here we go," he says, looking at his mates, and suddenly sounding narky. Dizzee Rascal: Fight to the top
  • In the heart of Lanarkshire, just nine miles from the centre of Glasgow, lies a vast expanse of open land.
  • Still, some Chinese people are awfully narked off about it, as The New York Times reports: Now China Bans The Da Vinci Code Too
  • The answer is that the clubs lay at the heart of industrial Lanarkshire and football was pre-eminently the game of steelworkers, miners and shipbuilders.
  • Oh, I was aiming for sarky instead of snarky, but sometimes my temper turns stormy and rains on my parade of words. When Crowds Cheer and A Woman's Heart Be Still |
  • Sure, Lewis is a bit narky during the interview, but I come away feeling quite sorry for her.
  • He was seriously 'narked' by comments I had made in this blog, criticising the Council for wasting public money employing a private sleuth to investigate its own councillors about a 'leak'. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Given Ms. Dowd's celebrity status and her snarky persona -- at least on TV -- I wouldn't be surprised if she probably thought that no one reads TPM and what's a little pilfering from a blog, anyway? More Than Just Cut and Paste
  • Okay, I'm being narky but it is too easy for us all to get carried away by the moment.
  • He was narked to steal his neighbour's pet.
  • But mostly, being the writerly/vindictive type, I've looked forward to handing in the most subtly snarky resignation letter ever penned.
  • Of the many funny writers in this newspaper, none regularly uses snark. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why were the Lanarkshire whistle-blowers accused of malign intent for demanding early action?
  • At which point the Boy made some snarky comment about people who used "jete de foie gras". Archive 2009-01-01
  • I'll argue, as well, that where there is ironic discourse, snark cannot be far behind.
  • Scouring the Latvian woods and lakeside territories for the capercaillie is reminiscent of Lewis Carroll's epic poem ‘The Hunting of the Snark’.
  • Unlike the snark, which never actually appears, the capercaillie does exist; but the huge birds are rarely seen, and have attained near-legendary status amongst the hunting fraternity.
  • Test Drive Unlimited » snark­mar­ket is brought to you by Aww, What Do Those Guys Know? « Snarkmarket
  • Bolton finally get narked with that and Lee interecepts, sends Taylor free up the left and Reina has to punch the cross clear. Bolton Wanderers v Liverpool - as it happened!
  • And then the little dobber, office nark starts harping on about the need to draw up a roster for using the photocopier.
  • To snark is to insult, but in a particular way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Shipbreakers of Bangladesh » snark­mar­ket is brought to you by Jimmy Wales As Regis Philbin « Snarkmarket
  • The movie makes sure we understand just how mundane the Queen is, showing her rising messily from a bed, sharing a quiet snark among friends, walking in her wellies and a scarf tied around her head — there’s no distant glory here, just a woman living a sometimes-difficult life. Oscar Nominee Roundup: The Queen and The Departed
  • SnarkyPlatypus Not everything that's longer than it is wide is "entrails". Stilgherrian
  • Snark: exhibiting the lowest levels of anti-intellectualism or an admirable passion for literature? 2009 March 12 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • How much can one miss the Great Eye Roll, the snarky remarks, the sarcasm, the feeling that no matter what you do, you'll just never please your child?
  • For, Sir James having first dressed an ambuscado near unto the place, he made fourteen of his men take so many sacks, and fill them with grass, as though it had been corn, which they carried in the way toward Lanark, the chief market town in that county: so hoping to draw forth the Captain by that bait, and either to take him or the Castle, or both. Castle Dangerous
  • Born in Lanark County in 1893, Dr. MacFarlane was educated in Saskatchewan, earning his B.A. at the University of Saskatchewan and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship. The Modern Medical School—Its Aims and Obligations
  • AFTERSNARK: Yes, for God's sake, I realize how utterly unamusing it is beating up on the Twatrick. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Konarka says it will enter the market with a photovoltaic cell in late 2004 that will generate solar power at about $2 per watt.
  • Okay, Ganesh, this is probably gonna sound narky.
  • Already I find it enormously liberating - I don't even feel narky or irritable.
  • Billy snarked, with a little too much discourtesy to be entirely joking.
  • This may be the result of a medical condition, in which case we should hold our snark.
  • On No Reservations' mid-season finale, snarky world traveler Anthony Bourdain visits Japan's island of Hokkaido. No Reservations Gets Real in Japan
  • I was afraid they might have been a bit narked that we didn't tell them

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