How To Use Narcissistic In A Sentence

  • Reich 1974 placed the impulsive character, the neurotic character, and the psychopath between neurosis and psychosis and observed the ambivalence, hostile pregenital impulses, ego and superego deficits, immature defenses, and primitive narcissistic features of the impulsive personality. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • And because the kids are such "coddled," "narcissistic praise junkies," they'll be beyond tough to bring into the military. Boing Boing
  • The yogi contemplating his navel often figures for Westerners as an object of amusement, being taken as a symptom of indolence or narcissistic self-absorption.
  • I feel that I have not yet penetrated truly what this book is about, although it surely depicts the hapless life of someone who lives in narcissistic illusion as well as the damage wrought by others who are the same but in a different style. "To Make the Bears Dance"
  • What we have in Barack Obama is the perfect blending of postmodern Marxism with therapeutic psychobabble into a royal narcissistic mishmosh. Archive 2009-03-01
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  • Of 32 revolutionary leaders, 23 were described as egotistical, narcissistic, and searching for personal fame and glory Rejai, 1980. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • He later identifies that pathological disposition as a form of obsessional neurosis tinged with narcissistic tendencies.
  • Intensely narcissistic people often live tumultuous lives, as few people can tolerate them for long.
  • He shows himself to be an ill-mannered, thin-skinned, easily flattered narcissistic ignoramus, given to stupid jokes, banal observations, casual rudeness and hypocritical pieties.
  • Our enemy has made us human and civilized by forcing us to suppress our narcissistic urges and desires for the good of all. 
  • It's a minute and a half -- a minute and a half of pure crazy -- a minute and a half of a self-obsessed, angry, narcissistic, celebutard ranting about a member of the Black Eyed Peas. Perez Hilton's Sobbing Video Insanity Condensed To One Crazy Minute (NSFW)
  • This finding refutes the common stereotype of the narcissistic woman with breast implants.
  • He displays narcissistic syndrome traits. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was infantile, narcissistic, driven, unreasonable and, at times, brilliantly irrational.
  • If Atlanta were a person, a psychologist might well render a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.
  • He has a personality disturbance with narcissistic tendencies, emotional instability and emotional immaturity. The Sun
  • i still don't think the riddler would work. the real riddler is too soft for nolan's dark world, and a hard edged riddler would be too similar to the joker. the only way i could see it work is if the joker masterminded the plans even if offscreen and the riddler is a naive, narcissistic pawn. Check This Out: Awesome Fan Made Dark Knight Sequel Poster! «
  • It brings us back to the heightened state of narcissistic injury, which brooks no logic, reason or mollification.
  • Often, when there are strong narcissistic traits in a person, there has been a disturbance in their early care. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of it is there, both outside and inside me, for all of it was necessary to bring “me” into being, even though it did not all arise just to bring me into being, except in the narcissistic outback of my egoity. Robert Augustus Masters - What Matters About Matter
  • Most metafiction tends towards narcissistic tail-chasing, but let's keep going.
  • It might be taken as a good sign if I suddenly begin fretting about this, but there’s a sense in which it’s kind of narcissistic for this to be what I’m centrally concerned with. Hatin’ On Johnny Rawls
  • He put his grade breakdown on his CV — how narcissistic is that? The Volokh Conspiracy » But Isn’t It a Bit Hard to Predict With a 7-Year-Old?
  • As if in order to get his mind off the ill-mannered, rude, loutish - and potentially lethal - antics of lowbred, narcissistic drivers, he turns to me and asks, ‘Not counting your parents, who most influenced you between the ages of zero and eighteen?’
  • The role of rock singer demands an acceptance if not an embrace of exhibitionism, which necessarily has a narcissistic component that the role encourages.
  • This is not an easy case to argue in societies like ours, where a kind of narcissistic individualism is continually on display, creating a selfish cult of celebrity that is the antithesis of the values I'm advocating.
  • And you risk being labeled as having a narcissistic or histrionic personality disorder.
  • Call me vain or narcissistic or what ever.
  • No wonder the computer wizards were struck dumb by the place; the narcissistic attraction must have been overwhelming.
  • A report by Demos, a UK-based think tank, advises that groups like al Qaeda must be “de-glamorized” and shown as “incompetent, narcissistic and irreligious.” Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 16, 2010
  • This elitist, narcissistic, gigolo is an embarrassment and for the PI to back him just how out of touch they are. Sound Politics: Seattle P-I in a death spiral
  • True to his narcissistic nature, however, Dorian is much more enamoured of himself than anyone around him.
  • The Bhagavad Gita's prescription to combat the narcissistic ego is to create a culture of introspection and self-knowledge whose basic components lie in courage and humility. Ramnath Subramanian: The Bhagavad Gita and the Problem of the Ego
  • This more conventional, male-dominated reading is nevertheless subverted by each woman's narcissistic self-absorption.
  • Severe early narcissistic traumata cause a fixation of the grandiose self. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • And yet, he went on to argue mischievously, are we not the victims of a comparably narcissistic delusion?
  • Young narcissistic adults tend to be ostracized and shunned by peers and colleagues.
  • Our enemy has made us human and civilized by forcing us to suppress our narcissistic urges and desires for the good of all. 
  • This process, which he termed self-realization, is not the one-dimensional, narcissistic fulfilment of ego trips. John Stanley: A Buddhist Ecology Of Self
  • Men tended to utilize the anaclitic choice, Freud thought, and women tend toward the narcissistic.
  • Patients with narcissistic personality disorder feel as if everyone and everything owes them - without any contribution on their part.
  • The loss of the girl/boyfriend, for example, may well be an overwhelming and unbearable narcissistic injury.
  • By AW, January 4, 2010 @ 8: 20 am lame brain misguided misfit narcissistic half-wit Cheeseburger Gothic » Snip snip.
  • Instead, the researchers suggest that a better intervention would be to "emphasize the interpersonal and intrapsychic costs of being seen as narcissistic by others. Do Narcissists Know They Are Narcissists?
  • What if the authors of other nations, when they deigned to include Americans in their fiction, only wrote of Americans as narcissistic serial killers? 2009 October «
  • Thus, the cynical drive toward deconstruction itself can be seen as a narcissistic mechanism that flows from bitter childhood disappointment and traumatic disillusionment.
  • He is socially and emotionally immature and still perceives himself in relation to others from a very narcissistic point of view. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the angry reaction to her comments rose to a new level today with blogs on the left and right accusing her of being self-centred and narcissistic.
  • Such hollow ideas may serve the narcissistic needs and short term interests of a few, but what begins as simple negation can end in nihilistic disaster as those with hollow ideas and hardened avoid the real work of reviving the heart of culture and tending to the soul of the country. The Full Feed from
  • All of us have narcissistic traits, but they're so strong in some people that it can cause problems in relationships. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politics attracts a certain type of guy: the narcissistic showman, hungry for attention and holding centre stage.
  • Head there during the day, and you will think you are in some kind of narcissistic, hedonistic dreamland.
  • Some have said that tweeting during a tragedy is akin to fiddling while Rome burns, that it is evidence of a narcissistic soul. “Who, If I Cried Out, Would Hear Me?” On Twitter, Tales And Tragedy | Her Bad Mother
  • In the field of anthropology this narcissistic consciousness, which prefers to measure itself by its own impossibility, oneiric or otherwise, but impossible nonetheless, hasn't stayed idle.
  • And yet, for some reason, we're largely aimless, apathetic, and narcissistic.
  • That is why we hold in contempt those who, in the unbridled pride of their narcissistic haughtiness, for selfish interests, or even for filthy lucre in various places all over the world—even in our land a small group of such backsliders and traitors can be found - divorce and isolate themselves from their own people and its life and real interests and, with inexorable logic, become instruments of the antihumanistic forces of imperialism and, in its service, the heralds of disruption and discord among nations. Making the History of 1989
  • ‘Thirteen years ago I met a materialistic, narcissistic, superficial, bosomy woman from Long Island,’ he said at an NRDC fundraiser last year.
  • The thing about adults with strong narcissistic traits is that they are like that most of the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our enemy has made us human and civilized by forcing us to suppress our narcissistic urges and desires for the good of all. 
  • Narcissism and narcissistic identification both involve phantasies of power, omnipotence, mastery and control.
  • After his average form over the past two years, the protracted histrionics of his exit, and this latest tell-all tome, most fans view him simply as a narcissistic cry-baby who couldn't even take a rollicking from his own manager.
  • People who possess a negative character and a narcissistic personality tend to be more deceiving and deceptive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He is socially and emotionally immature and still perceives himself in relation to others from a very narcissistic point of view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henry's behaviour, it seems to me plausible that a vain narcissistic man like The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory: Questions
  • In trying to engage and assess patients, therapists should remember that patients with narcissistic personality disorder will have certain traits that should be addressed therapeutically.
  • Our enemy has made us human and civilized by forcing us to suppress our narcissistic urges and desires for the good of all. 
  • By mid-career, he was a narcissistic, dandiacal poseur, although Kelly finds it hard to see him as such.
  • This may especially be the case when a parent has narcissistic tendencies or narcissistic personality disorder
  • Clemens is what a 'demigod' always turns out to be-- cruel, manipulative, narcissistic and controlling. I have made a photograph of the way I feel.
  • The inherent abusiveness of our capitalistic, unloving, unaccepting society revisits itself in the family, producing narcissistically wounded individuals.
  • I thought so, since I judged her to be shallow, petty, vindictive and narcissistic from the start. Rove: Palin's resignation lacks clear strategy
  • Look again at some select details of the definition of narcissistic personality disorder: a sense of self-importance; fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love; belief in being “special” and unique. The Blessing of a B Minus
  • Both are narcissistic outsiders who profess idealism while behaving un-idealistically. Carlos And Zuckerberg: The Men, Myths, Movies
  • People who possess a negative character and a narcissistic personality tend to be more deceiving and deceptive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I propose that a process of refusion of the internalized self and object images does occur in the narcissistic personality at a level of development at which ego boundaries have already become stable. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • Beethoven managed to put an end to this noble tradition by inaugurating a barbaric U-turn away from an other-directed music to an inward-directed, narcissistic focus on the composer himself and his own tortured soul.
  • The other film goddesses were narcissistic, neurotic, concerned about no one except themselves.
  • In Traveling Mercies, she demonstrates a unique ability to lay bare her soul even its ugliest parts without ever coming off as narcissistic or solipsistic.
  • Thirteen years ago I met a materialistic, narcissistic, superficial, bosomy woman from Long Island.
  • Food is a fixation here, as it is in bourgeois culture in general, because it is an easily manipulated projection of narcissistic ego.
  • We also see that perversion is one manifestation of this narcissistic organisation within an individual.
  • She said that the media unfairly depicts celebrities who are publicly involved with politics as narcissistic.
  • The contrast between Freud's instinctual determinism and Nietzsche's contextualism and historicism parallels contemporary psychoanalytic debates about whether human destructiveness is to be comprehended primarily as a manifestation of an innate aggressive drive (later Freud and Melanie Klein) or primarily as a reaction to frustration (earlier Freud) or narcissistic injury (Kohut). Robert D. Stolorow: "Radical Evil"
  • In addition, they describe the treatment of various narcissistic, anxiety, and dissociative syndromes.
  • It looks like he ` s got a delusional disorder of the erotomanic type, specifically, some profound personality pathology with histrionic and narcissistic features, maybe even gender identity disorder in the case of the possible sex change operation. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2006
  • Freud postulated a narcissistic stage of emotional development, or primary narcissism, which precedes any investment of libido in objects other than the self.
  • And he did the right thing, distancing himself from this highly narcissistic pastor.
  • Our enemy has made us human and civilized by forcing us to suppress our narcissistic urges and desires for the good of all. 
  • There were times here and there when I grew tired of being the face that was overlooked whenever I was out with her, and then I let myself call her narcissistic, but in fact it was strange how little it bothered me in general. The Legacy
  • People who possess a negative character and a narcissistic personality tend to be more deceiving and deceptive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I wrote a short story a good few months ago and my main character haunts me, I'm kind of in love with her (very narcissistic because in a way she is me).
  • The narcissistic presumption of centrality that underpins paranoia here gives birth to semiotic solipsism.
  • True to his narcissistic nature, however, Dorian is much more enamoured of himself than anyone around him.
  • The narcissistic involvement with the self and the inability to connect with others are lovingly portrayed in comically caricatured extremes.
  • The real escalation is in our narcissistic preoccupation with ourselves.
  • He is socially and emotionally immature and still perceives himself in relation to others from a very narcissistic point of view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Towards the end of the film, his buff, clueless, completely narcissistic character became less amusing and more annoying.
  • He is a tyrannical, dogmatic and highly narcissistic dictator who has no intentions of going down quietly.
  • But a blind spot around narcissistic vulnerability is perhaps the surest sign of extreme narcissistic vulnerability.
  • If Atlanta were a person, a psychologist might well render a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.
  • Another way that vloggers utilize their sites is to indulge in a natural narcissistic tendency by centering their vlogs on themselves.
  • Evidence points to the common existence of narcissistic personality characteristics and impulse control problems in pathologic gamblers.
  • When I read this, why does the word narcissistic come to mind? "Every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true."
  • Somebody who has a narcissistic personality disorder would be so extremely egocentric that other people would find it very difficult to tolerate being with them.
  • Diagnosing the U.S. 'national character': Narcissistic Personality Disorder 'yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Diagnosing the U.S. \'national character\ ': Narcissistic Personality Disorder\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: Can a nation have a coherent character? .... Diagnosing the U.S. 'national character': Narcissistic Personality Disorder'
  • There's a personality type in guys she's been attracted to in the past where they turn out to be far more narcissistic than they initially seem.
  • Gabby Deeds Kendra Lee Oberhauser, a fast talking, narcissistic, and extremely manipulative hedge fund manager at Icarus Wealth Management Group who has clawed her way up the corporate ladder by becoming a back-stabbing bitch. George Heymont: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
  • In the wake of this a narcissistic overuation of the subject's own mental processes set in.
  • Something in the vibration of that deep, pompous tone he adopts - the lugubrious, narcissistic fake gravity - grates on me.
  • We also tossed the narcissistic Gallicism “memoir,” which we decided was a linguistic mongrel of “me” and “moi.” Last Words
  • One who is narcissistically sensitive is easily offended by the "coarseness" of others, seeks to make his environment change to align with the contours of his needs, and gets angry or offended when this does not happen. The Allure of Narcissistic Spirituality
  • He convincingly argues that the protagonist suffers from a narcissistic disorder that structures her personality.
  • Are we all egocentric, narcissistic online exhibitionists who believe our lives are so important that they deserve to be publicised?
  • The individual gains no narcissistic gratification from his ego ideal.
  • Everything we experience is normally experienced from an egoistic or narcissistic point of view.
  • I say the only paradigm shift self-serving, pretentious, narcissistic and megalomaniacal dictators could bring is to march the "Dark Continent" backwards to the Dark Ages. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Education Unbanned!
  • In 2006, Marga Gomez combined the stories about her parents and mounted Los Big Names, a tell-all memoir-logue about her surreal upbringing by stupendously narcissistic parents. Erika Milvy: "Marga Gomez Is Not Getting Any Younger" Extended
  • He's clearly a shallow, narcissistic poseur - surely we're not supposed to feel sympathy for him?
  • For instance, drug-using mothers have been characterized as egocentric with a narcissistic orientation toward their children.
  • In looking specifically at masculinity in this context, I want to examine the process of narcissistic identification in more detail.
  • That made her much more formidable an adversary because she didn't have the usual narcissistic vanity.
  • All of history's great leaders have been narcissistic; in combination with generosity of spirit, you get Lincoln; in combination with meanness of spirit, you get Henry VIII.
  • Vincent describes three developmental positions in adolescence: chaos, narcissistic depression, and renewed cathexis of the object.
  • Even highly skilled mental health professionals are often fooled by sociopaths, and the narcissistic behavior they exhibit is extraordinarily effective in manipulating and controlling their victims.
  • She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers.
  • This is common in individuals with destructive narcissistic traits. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, given the crystal clear reality of her situation, for her to have run the kind of full up, stops out, no quarter campaign against the almost certain nominee of her party was nothing less than narcissistic nihilism, Naderism to the tenth power. A Sane Discussion Of Hillary And The Popular Vote
  • They are described as: instinctively rebellious, non-conformist, narcissistic and determined to stay young.
  • People with narcissistic personality disorder have an inflated sense of their own importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves.
  • All of the shooters may have felt the desire to defend narcissistic views of themselves and had very low self-esteem.
  • But I have to take issue about the supposed diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.
  • Somehow I think unsung social workers can reach out to the poor and downtrodden better than narcissistic guys who have gotten too much attention in the first place.
  • These concerns are not essentially narcissistic and not necessarily anti-analytical in the sense that made Freud pessimistic about the curability of narcissists.
  • If schizoids were creating the art of modernism, their narcissistic cousins (who, by definition, need to control other people) are creating its social ideas/systems (socialism, fascism, economic planning).
  • Not surprisingly, the most narcissistic elements in apocalyptic belief require of the individual the most radical forms of self-loss.
  • The statement is often described as a narcissistic rant, and it may be, but it is also an excellent summary of jihadist logic. William Langewiesche on Mouloud Sihali
  • Kohut 1971, an object is narcissistically cathected when we experience it not as the centre of its own activity but as part of ourselves. Why is it Always About You?
  • The narcissistic quest for health through austere regimes of diet and exercise, abstinence and discipline reflects a denial of the inevitability of death.
  • In every respect Mr Ellison seems to be the classic narcissistic boss , claims Mr Chatterjee.
  • I could wake up as my crankiest, most sullen and narcissistic self, roll over, and greet the face of unconditional acceptance. Susan Piver: I Do? Love, Buddhism and Marriage Vows
  • But where else, you may ask, can one go to see shallow, narcissistic pop stars rip off articles of clothing?
  • Narcissistic sensitivity, however, is focused solely on the subtle nuances one's own internality, and resists looking at hard, uncomfortable truths that may upset the self image. Rabbi Alan Lurie: The Allure Of Narcissistic Spirituality
  • "I'm not as narcissistic or self-referential as people think," he says with a smile.
  • Diagnosing the U.S. 'national character': Narcissistic Personality Disorder 'yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Diagnosing the U.S. \'national character\ ': Narcissistic Personality Disorder\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: Can a nation have a coherent character? .... Diagnosing the U.S. 'national character': Narcissistic Personality Disorder'
  • Politics attracts a certain type of guy: the narcissistic showman, hungry for attention and holding centre stage.
  • For instance, drug-using mothers have been characterized as egocentric with a narcissistic orientation toward their children.
  • This blast of a CD opens up with one long fuzzy overblown riff that is the greatest rejection of the narcissistic tortured mumblings that currently prevail in much of the rock fraternity.
  • People who possess a negative character and a narcissistic personality tend to be more deceiving and deceptive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Narcissism deserves its own category, she said, because like most mental ailments, narcissistic personality disorder is partially genetic and partially created by one's environment.
  • Writing requires discipline, and it can be taught, but you don't find it in turgid poems about Bad Daddies and The Struggle to Be Me and all the other flat, morbid, narcissistic writing that is encouraged by bad teaching. Letters
  • His narcissistic lover cautions him against his charity towards his neighbours across the hallway.
  • The core symptom of narcissistic personality disorder is ego centrism.
  • Our enemy has made us human and civilized by forcing us to suppress our narcissistic urges and desires for the good of all. 
  • His pious wife Phrygia is Nina Kaptsova, with Svetlana Zakharova deploying her extravagant supple technique as the narcissistic Aegina. This week's new dance
  • Oooh, now I can add "hypocritical" to "self-righteous, narcissistic, prevaricating political hack"! Sanford releases statement: 'I ask for your forgiveness'
  • It's a classic narcissistic trait to have a bulletproof belief in your own abilities, and to react horribly at the faintest hint of criticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • They see the Internet as a mirror into which they can gaze in narcissistic rapture. Think Progress » Annan Deputy Criticizes U.S. Policy; Bolton Demands Apology, Says U.N. Will Be ‘the Victim’

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