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How To Use Napping In A Sentence

  • Moray eels, garfish and trumpetfish were roaming and snapping at a plethora of potential prey.
  • Lost in nostalgic souvenirs I ambled past les belles, snapping a few more photos along the way. Kindness of strangers
  • All three impulsively committed a felonious act that lead to their incarceration, i.e., attempted murder and kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder.
  • It is snapping and whirring, emitting a high-pitched tome like the mewling of a cat. Death's Noisy Herald
  • Once the victim's mind had "snapped" into cult mode, the unsnapping requires a massive assault on the victim's mind to untangle the coded messages injected into it by the sinister forces of the cult leader. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
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  • Maru smiled slightly, unsnapping the flap of her bag and starting to dig through all of the random objects.
  • The threat to foreign contractors has escalated in the past month following a series of kidnappings and murders.
  • AND THE RULES, THEY ARE A CHAAAAAANGIN': You'll love this bit emphasis towel-snappingly added: It's still "Senator Franken" to you.
  • Rather, Robertson, skulking ahead, has now downgraded his earlier call to murder and mayhem to mere kidnapping.
  • Both were convicted of indecently assaulting one victim, two charges of kidnapping, one of attempted kidnapping and three of false imprisonment.
  • There have been reports of recent attempted kidnappings, muggings and stabbings.
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • Startled, she looked around for the blue dragon and saw it flying around and snapping at the insects around it.
  • Aggressive behaviors included pecking the male, bill snapping, reverse mounting, and frontal attack, which resulted in aerial grappling.
  • a cold steel, Laredo bowie, a flint knapping kit with a large novaculite biface and a trained peregrine falcon If you were dropped out of a helicopter in the center of Alaska and could only bring three items besides clothing what would the
  • Spainhower explains that the pressure of biting on even a hair-thin tippet of mono can crack a preexisting fracture line in the tooth, but more often it is pulling at leader clamped between teeth or the snapping of tooth against tooth after the mono is cut that causes the damage. Chew On This
  • There are documented cases of rape as a tool of war, mass killings and kidnappings.
  • They're tiny knitted creatures, with spindly legs and multicoloured bodies, and snapping at their heels is a gnarly-looking wolf in sheep's clothing. The graffiti knitting epidemic
  • She told me that the reason she fell in love with anthro was because of a flint knapping demonstration by one of her professors. Fort Worth Prairie Fest « A Working Title
  • The overturning of card tables or the snapping in two of billiard cues are signs that the loser has a very low self-esteem. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • First, a pair of snapping legs, then the thorax, then the orb of the abdomen. MINUTES TO BURN
  • According to sources, Smart will testify that Mitchell was motivated primarily by sex and not religion in kidnapping her, and that his behavior was inconsistent with that of a 'prophet,' which he proclaimed himself to be. Reader poll: Send Roman Polanski to prison? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • On your walk you will probably see mallards, grebes, canvasbacks and coons and perhaps snapping turtles and white pelicans.
  • That custom lacks the quaintness of lobola and in my world, it would be called kidnapping.
  • In France, the Elysee Palace is still reeling after a "bossnapping" - manufacturer 3M improved the severance packages for more than 110 workers in exchange for the liberty of manager, Luc Rousselet, who spent more than 24 hours as prisoner of his own furious employees. Undefined
  • Towler was serving 12 years to life for rape, felonious assault and kidnapping for an abduction on May 24, 1981.
  • Davis also faces three other special circumstances in connection with the murder charge: kidnapping, burglary and robbery.
  • And can you envision a scenario that would not leave behind embittered relatives who would raise their boys to be the future “terrorists” or “insurgents”, battling in guerilla warfare, using suicide bombers, kidnapping and torturing individual Americans, or whatever else they could do to hurt us in the future? Think Progress » “Guantanamo ought to be closed immediately”
  • The formula includes the obvious, such as murder, rape, kidnapping, and so on.
  • The colourful, fat tubular flowers of the Antirrhinum, with their snapping 'dragon mouths', have long held a fascination for small children.
  • The attack was only the second known kidnapping of foreign women since the wave of kidnappings began earlier this year.
  • —In autumn, with a great creaking and a snapping of twigs, they break away from trunks grown thick with bark and phloem, which become husks with jagged tips, or later often topple from sheer grief. 2009 June
  • Several of the men show great dexterity in shaping stones into implements, a process known as stone or flint knapping.
  • Rookie Trent Whitfield almost caught Joseph napping, surprising him with a quick slap shot from the blue line.
  • A rather rude and tactless comment a few weeks ago when some of them had tried to visit her in hospital had assured them that she was still just as unsociable as before the kidnapping.
  • To go back to the kidnapping in France to murder in Germany hypo, it seems like Germany would not extradite, but if the guy were stupid enough to go to France, he could be prosecuted. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Exonerated” Former Death Row Inmate Reconvicted
  • A tree-snapping wind storm in May and a worsening drought have dealt more blows, and invasive species such as chinaberry, nandina and ligustrum are choking out native plants. Statesman - AP Sports
  • Rachel is napping on her couch in the middle of her run-down apartment.
  • They hijacked vehicles, even UN convoys, and staged kidnappings for ransom.
  • In a fluid, snapping motion, Derryn shifted his feet apart and beckoned to the soldier with an outstretched palm.
  • But why, I asked, would soldiers maraud the countryside on a murder-and-kidnapping spree? The Fall of Mexico
  • They get arrested for sleigh-knapping, which is a serious offense in these parts. New England Sleigh Ride
  • Just let any one try to stop his course, his readiness for snapping fingers at The Job; just let them _try_ it, that was all he wanted! Our Mr. Wrenn, the Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man
  • Flint knapping is a process that can be learned with relative ease. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I've been taking to napping on the subway, and somehow have been honing this sixth sense about when the train is approaching my stop.
  • Behind her, Tian stumbled forward with a neck-snapping jerk and barked his shin on another rock, one he hadn't seen and the plow had, for a wonder, missed.
  • There have been reports of recent attempted kidnappings, muggings and stabbings.
  • Both Becca and Kade saluted as soon as they caught sight of the Admiral, snapping to attention almost in unison.
  • Rinella's meal, which took days of preparation and required ingredients like snapping turtle, swallow's nest and perch milt, was definitely not a novice-level culinary adventure.
  • As night fell the Empire army was in full retreat with wolf riders snapping at their heels.
  • The dog in turn, observed the affect he had on the cat and began to circle around Melinda's feet and start yapping and snapping at her heels.
  • Garrido and his wife Nancy, who kept Dugard and her children in a makeshift hut in their backyard, face charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and rape.
  • I'm incredibly caffein sensitive and I can drink it before napping. Beat Caffeine Addiction, Then Stay Awake With Placebos | Lifehacker Australia
  • His upper body slammed into the damp ground, snapping his head around painfully.
  • More recently, I note that Walker et al. (1998) have published a paper with the title ‘Phylogeographic uniformity in mitochondrial DNA of the snapping turtle’: I haven’t seen this but it at least implies that they did not find evidence for polytypy within snappers. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Instead of the built-in camera snapping pictures of the desktop, this time it's the trackball.
  • Jon Summers, a spokesman for Mr. Reid, said the senator had long been concerned over “rampant” levels of crime in polygamous communities, including the abuse of women and children, financial crimes like welfare fraud and tax evasion, kidnapping and extortion. Polygamous Sect to Defend 6 Members in Court and Its Practices on Capitol Hill
  • Luke's mother Julia told the Guardian: ‘When he gave the snapping turtle some lettuce its head popped out and it spat at him and nearly chopped his fingers off.’
  • He has just been arrested in the small Andalusian town of Alhaurin and is about to return to Britain to start a life sentence for a grim kidnapping that occurred in Kent in 2006 and of which he was convicted in his absence. New Europe: British criminals no longer comfortable on 'Costa del Crime'
  • I've long been an advocate for napping.
  • The wonderfully constructed opening montage sequence, consisting of flashback action coupled with newspaper headlines and photographs, emphasises the centrality of Daisy's kidnapping to the plot.
  • She was aware of every small noise around her, from the smallest twig snapping underfoot to the cries of foreign birds.
  • Naida suddenly jerked her doll upright and the long-lashed blue eyes of the wax bride opened with a snapping sound, and stared, meltingly, coquettishly, at the sister.
  • That deadly combination has let loose a wave of vengeance killings, tribal vendettas, mercenary kidnappings and thievery.
  • We read this article in LC, maybe, about a group of dyke vigilantes in the Bay Area who were kidnapping guys who had been arrested for rape, clearly done the rape but gotten off on a technicality. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: CLASS
  • Shoppers crowded into downtown stores, snapping up once - rationed consumer goods.
  • Snapping out of her trance, she stood up quickly and found herself staring at some stranger with spiked brownish hair and an extremely large puffy jacket.
  • All of them were notorious criminals, who had been charged with every conceivable crime, from burglary to kidnapping and "maiming," and some not to be conceived of by the The Battle with the Slum
  • As their name indicated they were charged with handling all issues involving terrorism, such as the kidnapping of the Anderson family by Abu Sayyaf. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • (Potere Operaio, No. 61, July 16, 1973) Even as late as November 1978, after the kidnapping and killing of Aldo Moro, Negri's own magazine, Rosso (Red), far from condemning the escalating violence of the Red Brigades, wrote: "In claiming as its own all militant actions on the proletarian side, the movement must relaunch the initiative on the terrain of organized counterpower and mass illegality. 'Apocalypse Soon': An Exchange
  • Smith was charged with three kidnappings, three robberies and three firearms offences relating to alleged incidents on the day.
  • Read the whole thing, of course, but here's the bestest part emphasis towel-snappingly added: The public spanking of Shona Holmes.
  • Officials usually avoid even the term "drug cartels," and instead refer to them as "organized crime," perhaps more accurate now that much of the gangs' income comes from extortion and kidnapping. Front Page
  • Those three defendants are to face charges of kidnapping and complicity.
  • In even shallower water, the kelp cover thickened and small pollack and codling darted around, snapping at particles in the water.
  • Let's not forget that it was ENTIRELY your fault for not keeping your dog on a leash -- which notonly prevents dognapping but also dog bites and dog "doody" where it doesn't belong! elcomputo Dognappers
  • Everyone knows that murder and manslaughter, kidnapping and terrorism, treason and high treason existed long before today's penal codes.
  • The agent was first charged with rape and kidnapping, according to Human Rights Watch.
  • Mr Sharif and six co - accused are facing charges of hijacking, attempted murder, kidnapping and terrorism.
  • A snapping behind me made me jump, and I wished for a weapon, any weapon, as I revolved slowly on the spot.
  • Photo settings such as zoom, color tone, self-timer and a high lux flash turn snapping pictures into an art.
  • Like a duenna snapping open her fan – the car snapped open a pair of elegant wings and soared off into Adventure. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang flies again
  • Seymour realized that he had been admonishing the wrong dog, and tried to apologize be giving the dog a bunch of dog treats and taking the dog back to the scene of her "dognapping. Norman Horowitz: What Are the Standard Customs and Practices in the Business of Killing Others?
  • In this novel, Victor Vail, a blind violin maestro, is saved from kidnapping by Doc (who incidentally wrote the piece Vail had just been performing). Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » December
  • In another so-called bossnapping, four dozen employees of a Caterpillar plant in Grenoble held four executives for 24 hours, allegedly confiscated their cell phones and made threatening calls to their families. Sure, Kidnap the Man
  • GRACE: In kidnapping, there has to be an element called "asportation," which is movement, like I put you in my car and drive you away, or it could be as simply as a few inches of forced movement. CNN Transcript Sep 17, 2007
  • Avicularia are small heterozooids in which the zooecium and operculum form a beak-like, snapping structure that deters small predators.
  • And then you ` ve got -- a capital case is going to where you ` ve got a child, kidnapping, asportation (ph) of the body ... CNN Transcript Dec 19, 2005
  • Just today, I talked with a woman about Jake, her fifteen-month-old German shorthaired pointer, who had been barking and snapping at people. 30 Days to a Well-Mannered Dog
  • The glittering blue thigh had articulated sharply in the middle, shortening along its length and snapping the femur within.
  • The sudden snapping together of two lines of thought gives a feeling of insight or discovery.
  • LEBANON: Allegedly shady sheik suspected of staging his own kidnapping Quand une coquille se glisse dans l'Orient le Jour, ca donne ca! - A directory of Lebanese blogs
  • Anyone on Brighton Beach watching Mario Testino snapping away at Tali Lennox (rock legend Annie's daughter) and Tara Ferry (son to Roxy music's Bryan) for Burberry's 2011 spring/summer advertising campaign launched this month, could be forgiven for thinking that it was another display of rock star offspring being loved-up by luxury brands intent on keeping the spirit alive for the new generation. Jess Blanch: Abracadabra
  • The stomachache is a side effect of snapping the transportation spell, Calling On Dragons
  • When the snapping feature is enabled it pulls your playhead to the nearest edit, or when dragging clips, "magnetically" pulls them together.
  • So far US has and is trying to strangulate Iran's economy (please read "Plan for Economic Strangulation of Iran"), repeatedly breached the Iranian airspace, arrested its diplomats and according to the latest reports probably has been involved in kidnapping another diplomat [13]. Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
  • Her tone was biting, snapping at me for interrupting.
  •     "The stomachache is a side effect of snapping the transportation spell," Morwen said. Calling on dragons
  • But they have to stay one step ahead of the black-furred and eyeless aliens, who lumber like bears with the speed of wolves and whose snapping maws contain multiple rows of phosphorescently purple teeth. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Attack the Block
  • Atom was a very competent driver, so I opted for lightly catnapping for most of the trip.
  • Snapping the bracelets on and the chain around my neck, I came to sliding the leather belt around my slender waist only to put the two chains on it.
  • When he witnesses yet another murder being committed by his client, intimidation, kidnapping, and a vicious frame-up conspire to try to keep him from telling what he knows.
  • Kidnapping crime includes two concrete composing items : racketeered offense and illegal imprison offense.
  • Ah, but the President was shrewd, his police were everywhere: would he be caught napping ? COUP D'ETAT
  • At Alchemy he has acquired a reputation for snapping up and reviving ailing companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • She loves to cuddle up with you and of course her favourite pastime is catnapping in the sunshine.
  • Staff at French plants run by Sony, 3M and Caterpillar have held managers inside the factories overnight, in three separate incidents, to demand better layoff terms -- a new form of labor action dubbed "bossnapping" by the media. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • I hope you're not totally mad with me for snapping at you the past few days, but I guess you aren't because you still came through when I needed a shoulder to cry on.
  • It hit a local village, overturning boats and snapping trees like matchsticks.
  • Two Front Teeth trailer: 4. Christmas Evil review – A Christmas cult classic, this film came out before the notoriously boycotted Silent Night, Deadly Night, even though it has the similar theme of a man snapping and doning a red Santa suit to instill Christmas fear in anyone who he deems as being “naughty.” Top 5 Holiday Horror Movies
  • A half-time tongue-lashing by the boss ensured they wouldn't be caught napping again on the restart.
  • When the kidnapping goes horribly wrong, everyone is left hurting and searching for revenge.
  • Forbish joined a church, took a boyfriend and stopped snapping at people who "patronized" her by trying to guess a word she couldn't recall. The Roanoke Times: Home page
  • Libreville - Workers at a French timber subsidiary in Gabon held managers hostage in a French-style "bossnapping" to secure their pay demands, both sides said on Tuesday. News24 Top Stories
  • August historically is his best month, and he showed signs of snapping out of his funk before the break, hitting with authority and showing patience.
  • Most of the kidnappings are by criminal groups that want a ransom, or sectarian groups that want to sow divisions.
  • Other etiologies of groin pain include sports hernia, groin disruption, iliopsoas bursitis, stress fractures, avulsion fractures, nerve compression and snapping hip syndrome.
  • The sudden crack of canvas snapping in the wind halted his endeavours.
  • Secret confinement creates an alternative to the asportation element of kidnapping.
  • He said too many kidnappings were taking place and the kidnappers were becoming richer at the end of the day.
  • Boromir dies trying to stop a band of orcs from kidnapping Merry and Pippin.
  • You'd better add power relaxing: catnapping through phone holds, deep breathing during tv commercials and meditating in checkout queues.
  • The recording gives an account of his kidnapping.
  • The suspect is due in court here shortly on charges of kidnapping, housebreaking and theft.
  • There are live crabs snapping at children, lobster tanks, and giant glass aquariums with huge fish floating sadly in limbo.
  • Mirror lock-up (MLU) is a feature available in some SLR cameras which aims to minimize camera shake induced by mirror-slap (which produces the characteristic snapping sound of SLR cameras).
  • There are at least three reports each year of procurers kidnapping maids off the street and forcing them into prostitution.
  • They hunt by chasing their prey from behind snapping at their tail to demobilise them.
  • Once they had hauled out their gear, he motored away, the flag on his little boat's bow snapping in the winter breeze.
  • She began to unstack the folding chairs, snapping them open and arranging them in rows. The Queen of Everything
  • Later he worked as a fashion photographer for Vogue, snapping a young Brigitte Bardot amongst others.
  • After going cold, the flatstick is working very well again and that's why the 25 / 1 is worth snapping up. Undefined
  • Her eyes were closed; she was probably napping again.
  • I wondered if I had been glued to the bed, I could barely will myself to move, and then finally able to lift a limb or two, I turned over and felt into a sound sleep, napping for an hour.
  • The charges against Abu Bakr and 113 of his followers included murder, kidnapping and the illegal possession of arms and ammunition.
  • Wherever you go in Western France you follow in the footsteps of history, shadowed by myth and legend, with fable and fairy tale snapping at your heels.
  • I saw some sheep knapping the grass.
  • Vices, if they occur, like napping, can quickly be overcome, with no fear of getting the bit pulled through the mouth.
  • AltaRock immediately ran into snags with its drilling, repeatedly snapping off bits in shallow formations called caprock," the Times reports. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • In reality, kidnapping, hostage taking, raping captured women and selling them as slaves or for ransom is all part and parcel of Mohammedan warfare and tradition that goes back to the meshugga prophet. Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
  • The events and power struggles which engulf them result in kidnapping, jealousy and romance!
  • She was surrounded by a group of awestruck teenagers all snapping away on their camera phones.
  • The concrete reality consists of kidnappings, murders, tortures, rapes and massacres.
  • Nadja had out a camera, and was snapping random pictures of a slightly frustrated Grey.
  • Each time it snows again, the dog spins and barks, snapping at flakes, ploughing through drifts, as if this were the first snow she'd ever seen.
  • US officials have cautioned against ransoms, saying they encourage further kidnappings.
  • The sharp sound of a twig snapping scared the badger away.
  • In a presentencing memo justifying a sentence of hundreds of years for Phillip Garrido, District Attorney Vern Pierson said that Dugard spent the first one-and-a-half years after her kidnapping locked in a backyard shed. Jaycee Dugard's kidnapper gets life sentence
  • I began pacing, worried that its owner might wander by in the midst of what he thought was a casual late-afternoon walk with his ‘Liberian Rusky’ and seeing us, accuse us of dognapping.
  • Graphic tile prints have also appeared on the catwalks in recent seasons, thanks to the trend for snapping mosaic floors on Instagram. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report comes amidst hiegtened tension in the area over a serries of high profile kidnappings blamed by government forces on the local Philippines:Basilan Jailbreak reported - terror suspects escape
  • The Carlyles had a miserable time quite visibly, often at odds, often snarling and snapping at one another in the presence of friends.
  • Singh said before his kidnapping that he does not acknowledge the legitimacy of the court ruling.
  • What if all the cities in the US were wracked by a crime wave, with thousands of murders, kidnappings, burglaries, and carjackings in every major city every year?
  • LAWYER reportedly sent by Negros Occidental Rep. Jules Ledesma, husband of Assunta de Rossi, has baffled cops for coordinating with the QCPD to "check on the condition" of two video containing footages of the alleged "rubout" committed by its anti-carnapping - Articles related to A Wake-up Call in Beijing for Delhi
  • To cut acrylic by snapping, first lay out your cut line on the protective sheet, then hold or clamp a straightedge against the line.
  • With so many younger women snapping at her heels, this year may be her last chance to win the championship.
  • Were those artillery gunners hurting anyone by snapping rigidly to attention? The Constraints of Corporate Tradition
  • Because thepolice were involved in the kidnapping disaster, and becausethe man in charge, Lawson, was subsequently imprisonedfor murder (a previous case of Karen's, though I don't think that this has been recorded in a book), and because he's bloody-minded and arrogant, Grant is keen to keep the police out of it this time round. April 2009
  • Many carjackings and kidnappings take place at traffic lights, where cars are forced to stop.
  • He was acquitted of rape, attempted murder, administering poison with intent and kidnapping.
  • Washington - Shellye Stark murder trial (murder of her husband, Dale) - delayed Update: Sandra Cantu murder * Melissa Huckaby arrested and charged with her kidnapping and murder* Bonnie's Blog of Crime
  • Meanwhile, a lone plinking piano note keeps pace alongside Parker's snapping percussion.
  • Martha is a little girl for whom the reader becomes, effectively, a stand-in, and Lionel is a suave, ginger-haired cat-trickster who only pretends to spend his days napping on the sofa. A Walrus, a Bear, A Cat, Oh My!
  • We think they are the kind known as snapping shrimp, which make a bubble with their claw that bursts and shoots sound-pressure onto their prey: The sound petrifies the prey and then the shrimp eat them. Raising the Sounds of (Near) Silence
  • Ashton smiled and brought up a disposable camera, snapping a picture.
  • I was very close to napping on the couch until he was done running around.
  • Steve was napping frequently, though I think it may have been photo trip fatigue rather than physical exhaustion.
  • Kidnapping young girls don't pay like it used to, pardner,’ Jack said.
  • Are his tips on how to deal with snapping crocodiles and charging hippos or on how to swallow fire reliable? The Times Literary Supplement
  • Next entry: Family, friends to stand trial for kidnapping in deprogramming attempt You must be nicer to Muslims, Britain is told by UN human rights chiefs
  • Tom was yawning sleepily, and Lily was already napping peacefully on his skinny shoulder.
  • It ` s my understanding, and I ` ve got the Nevada statute right here, kidnapping does include carrying away a person, but that would include even the smallest asportation of pushing them up against a wall. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2007
  • I've never delivered a lecture when there was a chance of a detective rushing up and snapping on handcuffs. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Usually after they had been driven to snapping point. Times, Sunday Times
  • London Irish couldn't believe their luck, snapping up one of the best buys of the season, a finisher of proven pedigree in the prime of his career.
  • A knifemaker used a process called knapping, a throwback method of shaping stones into useful tools, to form it. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • He got a black eye tussling under the boards with Shaquille O'Neal in a rousing win against the Lakers, snapping Los Angeles' 19-game winning streak.
  • CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Last night, I met with the attorney general of Baja, California, and heard directly about the hundreds -- thousands of killings going on below the border and the dozens of kidnappings going on on our side of the border; gang related. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2008
  • The charges against Abu Bakr and 113 of his followers included murder, kidnapping and the illegal possession of arms and ammunition.
  • I have sudden surges of energy and productivity, or lethargy and napping.
  • Don't make up for a night of sleeplessness by napping.
  • Phylogeographic uniformity in mitochondrial DNA of the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina). Archive 2006-02-01
  • I got on my bike, called the police to report a kidnapping then chased after the car.
  • A grin spread over Michelle's face, snapping out of her thoughts to look at Heath, though she completely missed the look of shamefaced hurt that washed over his features.
  • It was after this that Joe pitched in his two penn'orth; I may have dozed, for I was suddenly aware that he was nearby, whispering angrily, and J.B. was snapping back at him: indeed, the first words I heard were J.B. growling to him to keep his place and mind who he was talking to. THE NUMBERS
  • Dennis said he was uncertain whether the kidnapping was a case of mistaken identity.
  • The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight.
  • They have been behind many of the kidnappings of westerners in recent weeks.
  • But perhaps the most satisfying conclusion that he made was that Mitchell is suffering from "malingering" -- faking psychological symptoms to avoid criminal prosecution for the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart. Robin Sax: "The People" Have the Right to a Speedy Trial, Too!
  • African American political and civic leaders say that equating a challenge to a judge's nomination with the kidnappings, atrocities and murders that black Americans faced during more than a half-century of lynchings is inappropriate.
  • Marsh and Swann team up, styling themselves as ‘the Gilbert And Sullivan of photography’, snapping their clients against imaginative tableau.
  • Evading the first blow, Trachoma struck out, barehanded, seizing his adversary's wrist and snapping it like a dry twig.
  • I got so tired of watching the news because of all the kidnappings and rapes and murders and theft that filled that channel and I wanted to help put an end to it.
  • It is a measure of Donoghue's skill that she almost completely sidesteps the tabloid luridness that stained the news accounts of those actual kidnappings. No Exit
  • The sound of twigs snapping violently and a stumble preluded Rafel's voice.
  • Colin Powell says that the kidnapping allegations are ‘absolutely baseless, absurd’.
  • DiPietro was perfect in snapping the Lightning's 10-game road run of earning at least one point (7-0-3).
  • Then he lunges at me, with tweezers, wire cutters, screwdrivers, bottle openers and scissors all snipping, whirring and snapping at me in perfect synchronicity.
  • Moss straddled the back of the end zone, leaped over the shoulder of safety Donovin Darius and caught a pass from Daunte Culpepper, snapping a 13-13 tie with 5: 34 left.

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