How To Use Napoleon i In A Sentence

  • The first abdication of Napoleon in 1814 had again allowed British tourists into Rome.
  • To serve, place a napoleon in the center of the plate and pipe some chocolate cream on top.
  • A decree of Napoleon in 1808 sent vagabonds to prison and beggars to dépôts de mendicité where they were subjected to forced labour.
  • Poland is the only country in Europe outside France herself where Napoleon is still venerated as a hero.
  • At dinners given by Napoleon III the most honoured guests had aluminium cutlery; the others got gold or silver.
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  • Bismarck rushed from Paris, where he represented Prussia at the court of Napoleon III.
  • In Paris, huge crowds started marching from the Place d'Italie in the south toward the gilded-domed Invalides, where Napoleon is buried. French Retirement Protests Turn Violent (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
  • They have recently acquired a necklace and pair of emerald and diamond earrings that were part of a parure given by Napoleon I to the Empress Marie Louise at the time of their marriage, in March 1810.
  • It is a medal with Napoleon III on the obverse, and the reverse shows Napoleon III receiving the Thai Ambassadors on 27th June 1861.
  • The chocolate-caramel bombe is nowhere near as complicated as its explanation on the menu, and a raspberry napoleon is simple - as it should be.
  • The song is about class division of a rich woman and a poor man (“Napoleon in rags”) who have each fallen from the graces of upper society because they failed to see what was going on around him. Best Bob Dylan Songs | myFiveBest
  • You place your hand on his forehead, thinking Napoleon is going to look awful silly windmilling his arms while you yawn safely out of reach.
  • Napoleon III authorized Haussmann to rebuild Paris.
  • Napoleon is presumably the greatest militarist of modern times.
  • Some French actually refer Sarkozy as Napoleon III, or Napoleon the small as named by Victor Hugo who was forced to exile himself in England for exercing his freedom of speach. (www. txt) 3-strikes plan suffers new blow
  • One of the most striking of these alleyed vistas was laid out under the orders of the first Napoleon in 1810. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • The Turks, as nominal suzerains of Egypt, declared war on France, and to prevent them from using Syria as a base from which to attack him, Napoleon invaded Palestine in February 1799.
  • States of America after the war and during the period of reconstruction, he would have been designated, in the picturesque slang of the period, as a "scalawag"; for he not only deserted Napoleon in his final defeat and deepest woe, but joined his enemies, took office from the victors, perverted his public trust to private gain, and ended his career dishonored in the estimation of all true men. Reminiscences of the Civil War
  • These frontiers held with minor changes until the republic was abolished by Napoleon in 1808.
  • For instance, Prokofiev's boringly patriotic 1945 opera adaptation of Tolstoy's War and Peace was taken as using the dramatic defeat of Napoleon in 1812 as an allegory for the Red Army's recent repulsion of the Nazis.
  • Napoleon III's defeat at the battle of Sedan finally made it possible for Italian bersaglieri to enter the Eternal City on 20 September 1870.
  • The day I was up there (a butte is a hill) they were celebrating the Commune which was an uprising in 1871 by the workers of Paris who were against Napoleon III and then who fought against the invading Prussians and Germans. Frenchless in France
  • Three years later, faced with a Bourbon royalist challenge, he staged a coup, changed the name of the Second Republic to the Second Empire, and took the title Napoleon III. The Great Experiment
  • 1870 - Emperor Napoleon III of France is deposed and the Third Republic is declared.
  • Napoleon III fell from power and in 1870, Hugo witnessed the siege of Paris.
  • Eventually Napoleon III was elected president of the French Republic only to proclaim himself Emperor after a coup in 1851.
  • The chocolate-caramel bombe is nowhere near as complicated as its explanation on the menu, and a raspberry napoleon is simple - as it should be.
  • Napoleon II was "emperor" of France for only two weeks after his fathers 100 day restoration, and that as we all know was in the summer of 1815, three years before the first draisine or velocipede, which I am fairly certain were never used for any sort of organized racing events. This Also Just In: Celebrity Citing!
  • To the left we had the Champs-Elysees with their noble elms whose terminus is marked, off yonder on an elevation, by the great triumphal arch of Napoleon in the Place de L'Etoile. France Through Canadian Eyes
  • George the Third is in his mad dotage, Napoleon is ploughing through Europe and Lord Byron is whoring his way to Greece.
  • His mother's lover, General Victor Lahorie, her husband's former commanding officer, was executed for plotting against Napoleon in 1812.
  • Napoleon III was an echo of the mighty Emperor but an infinitely better man
  • In 1830, an Italian officer came to the inn – an elderly man, exiled from his country for political causes, arid suffering acutely from a frightful wound received sixteen years previously, when he was serving under Napoleon I. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • Its leaders included Napoleon Bonaparte, who served as First Consul from 1799 to 1804, when he ended the republic by declaring himself Emperor Napoleon I.
  • We were the embroiderers for Napoleon III and his court.
  • These frontiers held with minor changes until the republic was abolished by Napoleon in 1808.
  • The grand salon of this superb house is in the white and gold and carved work of the days of Napoleon I.

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