How To Use Naples In A Sentence

  • A reporter was dispatched to Naples to cover the riot.
  • French warplanes based in Italy report to NATO's command headquarters in Naples while aircraft flying sorties off the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle report directly to French military commanders in Paris. Political Gridlock at NATO
  • This is procured by mixing massicot, or Naples yellow, with a small quantity of realgar, and a very little Spanish white. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • It looks at some appalling racial attacks, including a skinhead raid last June on a Gypsy camp near Naples.
  • As revolution spread to Palermo, Milan and Naples it seemed as if the people of Italy could break the domination of the myriad of foreign rulers and domestic autocrats.
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  • The poverty-stricken viceroyalty of Sardinia contributed little, Sicily somewhat more; most of the burden fell on Naples.
  • The home of the Margarita pizza, Naples offers wonderful opportunities for the feeder.
  • Nearby was the Bay of Naples, an arm of the blue Mediterranean.
  • Supposedly a speciality in Naples (where it goes by the name pizzelle fritte or montanare) the pizza-maker rolls out a small portion of dough and fries it on a pan in a smattering of olive oil, occasionally covering the pan until the dough is crisped. Slice
  • Moreover, that they should be in the hands of a powerful vassal of Naples such as Orsini suited the Pope as little as it suited Lodovico Maria Sforza. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • His mistake was to anger his nephew, who proclaimed a republic in a bloodless coup in 1973 while he was on an island off Naples, taking mud baths for his lumbago.
  • One unpleasant aspect of the commercial invasion of Italy by the Teuton was his liking to live there, and consequently the amount of real estate which he was collecting on the Latin peninsula -- so much that the lovely environs of Naples were fast becoming a German principality! The World Decision
  • Enter the UglyRipe, a lumpen, misshapen, odd duck of a tomato grown near Naples, Florida.
  • His Eminence accused Eugène of being a frondeur; M. de Canaples, whose politics had grown sadly rusted in the country, asked me the meaning of the word. The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
  • He wrote a very funny piece about going on a boat from Naples to Capri, and when all the tourists went into the Blue Grotto in tiny coracles, he remained on the boat, thinking how nice it would be if they never came out again.
  • And hour later she said:'sudie , some day I hope to paint the Bay of Naples.
  • I mean, I was coming from Pozzuoli, which is a little town near Naples. CNN Transcript Dec 11, 2004
  • Naples was altogether different, but even here it must be admitted that her conception of deserving people was not at all that set forth in those novels of Dostoievski which Albertine had taken from my shelves and devoured, that is to say in the guise of wheedling parasites, thieves, drunkards, at one moment stupid, at another insolent, debauchees, at a pinch murderers. The Captive
  • A town of central Italy in the Apennines northwest of Naples.
  • From the villa rustica known as the Villa Carmiano are three frescoed walls from the triclinium, the sitting room, in which three couches in a U shape typically faced a view, in the case of Stabiae, of the Bay of Naples.
  • At Oxford he went in for scenes of dissipation, at Wilson's he was unruly, in Naples he had a mistress.
  • I spent a week in Todi, and several days trapesing around Tuscany, Rome, Naples and Pompeii.
  • In Siena, Gissing worked on the Dickens study, and no sooner had he finished it, than he headed south to Naples.
  • A seven-foot-tall statue at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, Italy, shows the god Atlas kneeling with a globe weighing on his shoulders.
  • His style of composition changed noticeably after he arrived in Naples.
  • Robert was succeeded by his sons Roger and William, to whose dominion not only was Naples added, but all the places interjacent as far as Rome, and afterward Sicily, of which Roger became sovereign; but, upon William going to Constantinople, to marry the daughter of the emperor, his dominions were wrested from him by his brother Roger. The History of Florence
  • The archaeological collections in the Roman National Museum in Rome and in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples are probably among the world's best.
  • You shall sojourn at Paris, Rome, and Naples: at Florence, Venice, and Vienna: all the ground I have wandered over shall be re-trodden by you: wherever I stamped my hoof, your sylph's foot shall step also. Jane Eyre: an autobiography, Vol. II.
  • They chew hasheesh; cut themselves with poisoned creases; swing their hammock in the boughs of the Bohon Upas; taste every poison; buy every secret; at Naples, they put St. Januarius’ blood in an alembic; they saw a hole into the head of the “winking Virgin, ” to know why she winks; measure with an English footrule every cell of the Inquisition, every Turkish caaba, every Holy of holies; translate and send to Bentley the arcanum bribed and bullied away from shuddering Bramins; and measure their own strength by the terror they cause. VIII. English Traits. Character
  • Sicilian marquetry furniture is immediately recognizable by the rosettes with eight petals, similar to the quatrefoil of Genoa and the star of Naples.
  • Without Milan, there would be no millinery; without Genoa, no blue jeans; without Naples, no ice-cream.
  • Also, the lateral napless edges along a fabric web have also been scanned by means of mechanical sensors.
  • Byzantium, Gaeta had then, like Naples and Amalfi, a republican form of government under a "dux" or lord. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Berlusconi is facing other presurres at home, including an EU austerity push and a trash crisis in Naples. Ruby Berlusconi Sex Scandal Expands As Berlusconi Speaks Out
  • Gomorrah, directed by Matteo Garrone, is an unflinching and unromantic look at the story of the Camorra - the crime syndicate, operative in Naples and Caserta, that is responsible for more murders than the IRA or Cosa Nostra. National Review Online
  • Here in Naples, Hurricane Wilma caused flooding, including inundating a parking garage.
  • Everyone agrees there is a lot more to do, but for now he has made Naples the most exciting of all Italian cities to visit, in the first flush of its re-emergence: dynamic, unselfconscious, and as distinctive as it has always been.
  • Canaples accomplished; I had dreamt of gratitude, and gratitude unbars the door to much. The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
  • This old man wears a hat, a thumbed and napless and yet an obdurate hat, which has never adapted itself to the shape of his poor head. Little Dorrit
  • On 6 April 1648 a negotiated settlement allowed the Spanish garrison to re-enter Naples, while in the countryside the baronial forces gained the upper hand over the peasants and rebel communes.
  • Naples (1645-48), and Pedro Mancro (1651-55) tried without success to give definite statutes to the cismontane family, while the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Joined by my daughter, who teaches middle school in Naples 'eastern suburbs, we spent the first few days leafleting the endless grid of streets that cover what had been, for thousands of years, slash pine forest and everglade waterways. Richard Appelbaum: Election Day Audacity in Immokalee, Fla.
  • Cartloads of treasures were brought to the surface, destined for the art collection of the King of Naples.
  • In Naples, the annona was in the hands of a cabal of corrupt city magnates and nobles, and the royal government was too weak to counter their influence. Delizia!
  • Thus, then, the coloring matter described as chlorophyl by Lankester has really been mainly derived from that of the endodermal algæ of the variety _plumosa_, which predominates at Naples; while the anthea-green of Krukenberg must mainly consist of the green pigment of the ectoderm, since the Trieste variety evidently does not contain algæ in any great quantity. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • We are in Naples in 1926 and the great Italian tenor, Rocco Campobello is recovering from an illness that nearly killed him. Reneging on the Devil « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Clotilde Otranto, or "Clo," as her friends call her, was the principal conductor for the Miami City Ballet, and before that was the resident conductor of the Naples Philharmonic Orchestra. Naples Daily News Stories
  • He also owned a palatial home in Naples. Times, Sunday Times
  • This long letter from Maria Theresa, archduchess of Austria and queen of Hungary and Bohemia, is handwritten in 1768 and addressed to her daughter Marie Caroline, the future queen of Naples.
  • In his exhaustive examination of human history, Giovanni Battista Vico (1668-1744), Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Naples, concluded that marriage between a man and a woman is an essential characteristic of civilization, and as such is the 'seedbed' of society. 05/26/2004
  • In retaliation, Teresa tried to lay claim to the Barberini fiefs in the Kingdom of Naples, but she did not pursue this very far.
  • The red used was a sub-oxide of copper; the yellow was sometimes oxide of iron, sometimes antimoniate of lead -- the Naples yellow of modern artists; the blue was either cobalt or oxide of copper; the white was oxide of tin. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 4. (of 7): Babylon The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • Yet it is none the less true that the portion of Italy unequivocally Austrian is better governed and enjoys, not more Liberty, for there is none in either, but a milder form of Slavery, than that which prevails in Naples, Rome, Tuscany, and the paltrier native despotisms. Glances at Europe In a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, &c. During the Summer of 1851.
  • He frequently travelled abroad and it was during one trip in 1973, while taking mudbaths near Naples for his lumbago, that he was overthrown.
  • Based on (1) the marriage of Margaret (daughter of Charles II of Naples) and Charles of Valois, the parents of King Philip VI; and (2) the claims of the so-called second house of Anjou founded by Duke Louis I (d. 1384) of Anjou, count of Provence. 2. Sicily and Naples
  • Both had been stuck outside the city for a long while waiting for the Senate to vote them their triumphs—years, in the case of Lucullus, who had whiled away his time building a vast retreat at Misenum on the Bay of Naples as well as his mansion north of Rome. CONSPIRATA
  • Right: Side detail visible of an 18th century chasuble from the monastery church of Santa Chiara, Naples.) (Centre: A chasuble from the church of the Gesu in Rome, made for Cardinal Farnese in the second half of the 16th century and based upon an earlier design of the artist Raphael. Roman Exhibition Showcases Significant and Historical Vestments
  • To get the correct likeness of Naples we merely reduce the priests by one-half and increase the beggars by two-thirds; we richen the color masses, thicken the dirt, raise the smells to the Nth degree, and set half the populace to singing. Europe Revised
  • So for instance, I picked the “N” page on which Featherbottom visits the North Pole instead of the one where he goes to Naples or New Orleans because the North Pole is where Santa lives, and also, the illustration on the North Pole page showed an awesome narwhal with a giant cone on its head that I knew Austin would think was pretty boss. Three awesome things I’ve discovered that that you should absolutely check out | Johnny B. Truant
  • Page 297 alone manages to refer to Alonso in The Tempest as "Alphonso," describe him as duke of Naples, rather than its king, invent for Gonzalo a nonexistent comparison of the courtiers 'garments seemingly new-dyed by salt water to "players' costumes, "and misread Prospero's account of the witch Sycorax (predictably yet another caricature of Queen Elizabeth) arriving on the island" with child "as meaning she already had a small Caliban trotting by her side. The One and Only
  • I threw caution to the wind and took a napless Michael. But Mommy, Where is the Panda?
  • A reporter was dispatched to Naples to cover the riot.
  • The Camorra is a network of clans that run protection rackets, prostitution rings and, more recently, the drug trade in Naples and the region around it. ITALY'S MAFIA MESS
  • When you go to Naples you'll find that any brioche or cornetto is served with ... Il Cornetto Marmellata all'Albicocca
  • The party of five emerged into the moonlight that silvered the high round of Naples's city wall, a looming mass of dead masonry that could have stood for the soul of the city.
  • The most immediate agents of this gigantic scheme were the Normans, who had conquered Naples by the arm of the adventurer Robert Guiscard, and under the gonfanon of St. Peter. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 11
  • He inherited a vineyard east of Naples from a friend who was murdered in Paris, but the wine was undrinkable.
  • She first did some research work in Naples on certain marine worms that live in the kidneys of sea birds.
  • Naples, and containing actual drippings of sweat from a pieman who can trace his lineage back to a 15th generation pizzaiolo, forget about it. A New 99 Cent Pizza Battle Surfaces | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus
  • Naples and Gulf Coast high schools hosted anti-tobacco activist Rick Bender to hear his story of his tobacco use, smokeless tobacco which he calls spit tobacco. Undefined
  • It is said that, in some parts of Italy, a species of stone is used for this purpose, which is described as being of two different kinds; the one is found in the chalk hills near Naples, and has a white, porous, stalactical appearance; the other is a hardened turf from some volcanic mountains near Florence. The Book of Household Management
  • Stout men with napless hats on, look out of the bedroom windows, and cut jokes with friends in the street. Dombey and Son
  • Glenn Basham is associate professor of violin at the University of Miami, first violinist with the Bergonzi String Quartet and concertmaster of the Naples Philharmonic.
  • He would cut off his supplies from Naples and Sicily, and starve him and all-his subjects; he would frustrate all his family schemes, he would renounce him, he would unpope him, he would do anything that man and despot could do, should the great shepherd dare to re-admit this lost sheep, and this very black sheep, into the fold of the faithful. History of the United Netherlands, 1592-94
  • The estafettes which ran between Naples and Marseilles during the reign of Joachim Murat performed the distance in five days.
  • The Mediterranean weather, beautiful sunsets viewed from the Naples Pier, beach combing, fine dining and world-class art make Naples an art destination adventure.
  • It was a memorable return for the man who seemed to have ended his career a convicted cocaine user in Naples.
  • He had risen through the bureaucracy of Naples as municipal quaestor, aedile, duumvir.
  • Hugo, who had intended to join his wife, Ida, in Naples but was not welcomed by her, returned to Weimar to spend a winter in a state of suicidal depression.
  • Until 1860 Naples was the political and administrative centre of the Kingdom of The Two Sicilies, the most beautiful kingdom in the world. Garibaldi didn’t unite Italy « Isegoria
  • I've got plenty that I could talk about, but we've been following a strict no-sleep regimen around here the better to keep up with the short-burst baby races and the long-distance speed-toddling and the free-style table climbing and all the other events that fill our napless days and I'm really only capable of sotto voce cursing and muttering and, for variety, threatening my husband. And then came the awkward silence...
  • At least I shall end my diplomatical career gloriously, as you will see by what the King of Naples writes from this ship to his Minister in London, owing the recovery of his kingdom to the A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878
  • Today most of the world uses thick, thirsty Turkish bath towels, but for most of history the world dried off after the bath with plain old napless pieces of cloth.
  • The tessera was recovered from the Ninfeo of Punta Epitaffio during the underwater excavation in the sea in front of Baia, which nowadays is a little town near Naples.
  • Most cars did not make it back to the UK but ended their lives on a scrap heap in Naples.
  • The Roman air did not agree with me, and I hastened, therefore, as soon as I had seen the illumination of the dome and the girandola, immediately after the Easter festival, through Terracina to Naples. The True Story of My Life
  • Berlusconi is facing other pressures at home, including an EU austerity push and a trash crisis in Naples. Ruby, Berlusconi Sex Scandal Expands As Berlusconi Speaks Out
  • A similar approach has been applied to marine records of explosive eruptions in the Bay of Naples.
  • The signora is my second wife; she is prima donna assoluta of the grand opera, Naples. The Martian
  • The training of musicians was undertaken within professional musical families, in the conservatories in Naples and Palermo, or at the chapels of the leading cathedrals.
  • Contarini reported that the Spanish monarchy's income and expenditures in Italy in the period was roughly 900,000 ducats in Sicily, 1,200,000 ducats in Naples, and 900,000 ducats in Milan.
  • He had an older brother, who became by inheritance, with Joanna his wife, king and queen of the Two Sicilies, that is, of the kingdom consisting of the island of Sicily and the territory connected with Naples on the main land. Margaret of Anjou Makers of History
  • It had been neither strikingly new, nor utterly shabby, neither napless nor over-glossy, and might have passed for the hat of a frugally given owner, but its artificially prolonged existence had now reached the final stage, it was crumpled, forlorn, and completely ruined, a downright rag, a fitting emblem of its master. The Magic Skin
  • [Footnote 1: Naples, anciently called Parthenope, from the name of the siren who threw herself into the sea for grief at the departure of The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 2
  • Something similar happened with a pasta dish of paccheri (they're tubular, they're from Naples and, no, I'd never heard of them, either) with burrata, a posh type of Apulian mozzarella, and nduja, a Calabrian sausage. Restaurant: Tinello, London SW1
  • In the 1950s, Italy introduced a 33-kilometer swim called Capri-to-Naples. A Bruising New Olympic Sport
  • As a centre of art, Naples has played a major role in Italy since the end of the 13th century.
  • Fragments of other dinosaurs have been found over the past years near Naples and near Trieste, in north-east Italy.
  • Last year there were expressions of shock in Naples when a camorrista who had just been let out of prison, thanks to the amnesty, was involved in a particularly bloody killing. Picture Dreams
  • Both the helmet decoration and the roundel have been identified in this way because of their compositional connections with a sardonyx cameo traceable in the fifteenth century to the collections of Pietro Barbo, and now in Naples.
  • In 1347 the famous Joanna of Naples founded (æt. 23), in her town of Avignon, a bordel whose in-mates were to be medically inspected a measure to which England (proh pudor!) still objects. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • JOACHIM MURAT, who assumed the name of Joachim Napoleon, and was later King of Naples, came from the Department of Lot, in the Auvergne, France, a region known for the Negroid strain in its inhabitants, many of whom are descended from the Moors who settled in that region after they had been driven out of Spain. World’s Great Men of Color
  • It looks at some appalling racial attacks, including a skinhead raid last June on a Gypsy camp near Naples.
  • It included seawater, lime and sand (pozzolana) and chunks of volcanic rock from the Bay of Naples - the same source for material used in ancient construction efforts at Caesarea and elsewhere in the region.
  • Panico, the dancer from Naples who has been wrapping herself around Maradona's new body through tangos, waltzes, two-steps and cha-cha-chas, arrived in Argentina to learn that she and Diego had had their last dance.
  • Roberto Salomone/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images PILING UP: Piles of uncollected rubbish lined a street in Pozzuoli, a suburb of Naples, Italy, Monday, as soldiers arrived in the city to clear some of the 4,000 tons of garbage. Photos of the Day: May 9
  • McGonagle and his signalmen: NAVCOMMUNIT NAPLES msg. The Attack on the Liberty
  • Almost 300 fragments of plaster casts of ancient statuary were excavated in a cellar-like area forming the substructure of a hall or terrace within the great bath complex at Baiae, the Roman seaside resort near Naples.
  • Its oriental trade, which dates from Naples's period under Byzantine rule, included the strong sweet malmsey of Crete, but Apulia produced similar wines itself, mostly for consumption in southern Italy.
  • Panico, the dancer from Naples who has been wrapping herself around Maradona's new body through tangos, waltzes, two-steps and cha-cha-chas, arrived in Argentina to learn that she and Diego had had their last dance.
  • They chew hasheesh; cut themselves with poisoned creases; swing their hammock in the boughs of the Bohon Upas; taste every poison; buy every secret; at Naples, they put St. Januarius's blood in an alembic; they saw a hole into the head of the "winking Virgin," to know why she winks; measure with an English footrule every cell of the Inquisition, every Turkish caaba, every Holy of holies; translate and send to Bentley the arcanum bribed and bullied away from shuddering Bramins; and measure their own strength by the terror they cause. English Traits (1856)
  • Finn springs a surprise wedding on Allie while away on a weekend's break in Naples.
  • Anurag Agarwal, of The Aesthetic Surgery Center in Naples, Fla., and colleagues studied the results of 25 patients who underwent lip augmentation with segments of their own sternocleidomastoid, a muscle running along the side of the neck, and the connective tissue that overlies it. News Feed
  • Fragments of other dinosaurs have been found over the past years near Naples and near Trieste, in north-east Italy.
  • In Naples, these lawyers were often called togati, and the viceroyal administrations fostered them in all the Spanish territories in order to undermine the traditional nobility.
  • -- for these fellows do not only not know or care for the observance of the city ordinance, which certainly is binding on them, but, relying on a fellow-feeling of vulgarity with the mob, resist all attempts made to remove them from the exercise of their most fearful beggary, which is not even tolerated any longer at Naples. Jersey Street and Jersey Lane Urban and Suburban Sketches
  • AGI - Naples, Sept. 19 - The miracle of San Gennaro's blood that liquefies happened again in the cathedral of Naples during the feast of the Patron Saint, which is the anniversary of the martyrdom which took place in 305 A.C. at the Pozzuoli solfatara. San Gennaro: A New Miracle
  • Another Naples mobster got an architect to build him a replica of the film thug's villa. The Sun
  • With the support of the King of Naples, his brother raised an army and expelled him from the dukedom with his daughter.
  • The aristocracies of Milan, Naples, and Sicily intrigued against their Spanish viceroys; in Sardinia a viceroy was murdered by dissident nobles.
  • Landfall came just before daybreak Monday near the city of Naples on Florida's southwest gulf coast.
  • Naples has always had a tenuous and insecure grasp upon health and hygiene. Whicker's War
  • Also most of the napless cloths have a lower resilience providing higher removal rates.
  • His own faith came from sunnier lands, and his romerías recall, rather, the splendid church pageants of Seville, Montserrat, and Loreto, or the autumn pilgrimage to Montevergine when Naples spills its vivid multitudes in murmuring thousands across the corn fields of Campania. Pilgrimage with La Virgen de Zapopan from "A House in the Sun" by Dane Chandos
  • Six years later, my son spent his quiet time at the window, longing to be outside with the napless one and shouting at passing cars. Firedoglake » Cheney and Rumsfeld vs. the CIA
  • Early in 1987, when the Graves sets failed to arrive for a performance in Naples, Rauschenberg stepped in and within two days replaced her costumes with distressed black unitards and scarves and created a new set out of found objects.
  • With so many homes on the market and so many foreclosures, the Naples area has developed "a black eye" nationally and lenders seem to feel that "everything down here is kind of jinxed, Undefined
  • This dalmatic is from a set given to the church in Rome in 1810 by a Franciscan sister in Naples. Roman Exhibition Showcases Significant and Historical Vestments
  • With riots in Paris, but not as big as last year, the real news focus shifts to Naples, where Prodi is considering sending in the Army to restore order after a bloody, Mafia-related crime spree has claimed seven lives since Friday. It died of boredom
  • Susie, someday I hope to paint the Bay of Naples.
  • St. Alphonsus was so scrupulous about truth that when, in 1776, the regalist, Mgr. Filingeri, was made Archbishop of Naples, the Saint would not write to congratulate the new primate, even at the risk of making another powerful enemy for his persecuted Congregation, because he thought he could not honestly say he "was glad to hear of the appointment. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • regalism", the omnipotence of kings even in matters spiritual, which was the system of government in Naples as in all the Bourbon States. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Among the striking passages in the work are the pathetic sketch of the old violinist and composer, Pisani, with his sympathetic "barbiton" which moaned, groaned, growled, and laughed responsive to the feelings of its master; the description of Viola's and her father's triumph, when "The Siren," his masterpiece, is performed at the San Carlo in Naples; Glyndon's adventure at the Carnival in Naples; the death of his sister; the vivid pictures of the Reign of Terror in Zanoni
  • He imported a pizza oven from Naples, employed an elderly Sicilian to knead the dough and, in 1965, opened the first Pizza Express on in Soho.
  • Whereas in Burnham Thorpe it may have been Rear Admiral Sir Horatio and Lady Nelson, in Naples it was Mars and Venus.
  • The play opens on the deck of a ship that is sailing from the north African city of Carthage to the Italian city of Naples.
  • Some Pompeii pilgrims visit the museum and then head straight out of Naples. Times, Sunday Times
  • His uncle was stationed in command of the imperial naval base at Misenum, on the north-west extremity of the Bay of Naples.
  • The animals were fed only on pasture, which was often the residue of various vegetable crops grown in the province of Naples.
  • It is ironically fitting that he should successfully lure her with promises of enjoying the glitter and gaudery of Naples.
  • Trips to Pompeii and Naples are absolute musts.
  • Something similar happened with a pasta dish of paccheri (they're tubular, they're from Naples and, no, I'd never heard of them, either) with burrata, a posh type of Apulian mozzarella, and nduja, a Calabrian sausage. Restaurant: Tinello, London SW1
  • We stay in a cheap hotel that has hard, napless, gummy carpeting, like the stuff you sometimes find in the vicinity of indoor swimming pools.
  • And he could promise her an excellent risotto, sardines with pomidoro, and a bifteck such as certainly she could not get in the restaurants of Naples. A Spirit in Prison
  • Most of the territory between Miami and Naples is Everglades, swamp broken up by small patches of semidry land. DearlyDevotedDexter
  • It was a Naples of the north, ‘a picturesque, odorous, inconvenient, old - fashioned town’.
  • The Mussolini application was created by a 25-year-old from Naples, Luigi Marino, who said he in no way wanted to "eulogise" the fascist era. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • I should say at once that through this young man I soon became an amateur of the remarkable North-American idioms, of humour and incomparable brevities often more interesting than those evolved by the thirteen or more dialects of my own Naples. The Beautiful Lady
  • The plan, according to the Lieutenant General in Naples, was to ‘establish monarchic authority, morality, and good sense in Naples and Sicily’.
  • This is procured by mixing massicot, or Naples yellow, with a small quantity of realgar, and a very little Spanish white. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • She has signed my checks now for close to 20 years," says Naples Philharmonic concertmaster Glenn Basham. Naples Philharmonic Enters a New Era
  • Of similar stability, it must not be employed with the true Naples yellow or antimoniate of lead, by which it is soon destroyed. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • By the end of 1777 he was writing operas and ballets in Naples.
  • It was a memorable return for the man who seemed to have ended his career a convicted cocaine user in Naples.
  • Pozzolan (or pozzolana) is an Italian word, named from Pozzuoli, the place near Naples where pozzolan was first mined and used as cement, during Roman times. Pumice
  • His mysterious death in Naples in 1495 ended European hopes of placing a sympathetic figure on the Ottoman throne.
  • The Broadway musical "In the Heights" mamboed, hustled and merengued into the Naples Philharmonic Center on Monday, leaving a lasting impression on the audience - and in the most subtle and caring way bringing up issues about my identity I had not pondered for many years. Stories
  • He frequently travelled abroad and it was during one trip in 1973, while taking mudbaths near Naples for his lumbago, that he was overthrown.
  • He also owned a palatial home in Naples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sicilian marquetry furniture is immediately recognizable by the rosettes with eight petals, similar to the quatrefoil of Genoa and the star of Naples.
  • Another Naples mobster got an architect to build him a replica of the film thug's villa. The Sun
  • In the end, unlike in Naples, Milan, Turin, Venice, Genoa and other cities, the Resistance did not liberate the capital city.
  • Naples, I was informed by a contadino, of whom I had asked my way, that The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
  • Naples possesses several interesting Early Renaissance monuments, chief among which are the +Porta Capuana+ (1484), by _Giul. da Majano_, the triumphal +Arch of A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • From today until Friday Charles, Prince of Wales, is in Italy with stops in Florence, Rome and Naples.
  • A similar approach has been applied to marine records of explosive eruptions in the Bay of Naples.
  • In Piedmont and Naples the nobles were the principal beneficiaries from the alienations of tax revenues and demesne lands.
  • Murat lingered for some time in obscurity near Toulon; and, relanding on the coast of Naples after the King of the Two Sicilies had been re-established on that throne, in the vain hope of exciting an insurrection and recovering what he had lost, was seized, tried, and executed. The History of Napoleon Buonaparte
  • A. tuberculata is a Mediterranean species, whose shell is covered with tubercles rather than spines or prickles, and which is another kind with a red inhabitant, well known at Naples as fasolare.
  • He fled from Rome, hid out with a kinsman of the nobleman from whom he took his famous byname, then went to Naples and Malta, and on, ever on, from there as news of his crime caught up with him.
  • Pompeii is a ruined and partially buried Roman town-city near modern Naples and Caserta in the Italian region of Campania, in the territory of the comune of Pompei. Pompeii Papercraft | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • Naples suffers from a dearth of decent affordable accommodation.
  • This beautiful insect, so common about Florence and Rome, and in central Italy, is extremely rare about Naples; nor does this seem to be from their disliking the sea, for we never saw so many as at Pesaro, on the Adriatic; -- no insect, then, is more volage, or uncertain as to place, than the firefly. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
  • I was playing at Naples, and one night, when I threw the body of my murdered wife upon the ottoman in the last act, my burnouse fell off and fixed itself to my waist like Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • In a series of flashbacks, the narrative shows us the route Campobello has taken from his early days in the backstreets of Naples when he and his friend, Gabriele Tomassini, dreamed of being taken into the one good choir in their area. Reneging on the Devil « Tales from the Reading Room
  • After occupying Naples, Clark demanded more intelligence on the Eternal City, the next prize he lusted. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Water ices appeared in Europe in the 1660s and ices made with sweetened milk first appeared in Naples in 1664.
  • Another speciality is Naples Easter cake, a shortcrust pastry case filled with ricotta cheese, candied fruit and spices.
  • I haven't, unfortunately, so that the world is full of places to which I want to return -- towns with the blinding white sun upon them; stone pines against the blue of the sky; corners of gables, all carved and painted with stags and scarlet flowers and crowstepped gables with the little saint at the top; and grey and pink palazzi and walled towns a mile or so back from the sea, on the Mediterranean, between Leghorn and Naples. The Good Soldier
  • In Naples, Sir William Hamilton collected an extraordinary range of vases, bronze and marble statuary, glass, gems, jewellery, and glyptic art.
  • While Sicily's Mafia, also known as Cosa Nostra, has been feeling the pinch from a steadily growing rebellion of island businessmen against extortion demands, that courage hasn't spread to the Naples area, Maruccia said. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • The two rulers of the Kingdoms of Italy and Naples would not succeed in accomplishing those goals either.
  • a demonstration at Leghorn, similar to that successfully practised at Naples in 1792, which might compel the Court of Tuscany to renounce the formally hostile attitude it had assumed at the bidding of Great Britain; but it does not appear that there was any serious purpose of exposing a large detachment, in the attempt to hold upon the Continent a position, such as Spezia, with which secure communication by land could not be had. The Life of Nelson
  • The Bourbon monarchies of Parma and Naples were swept by hysteria, and the Pope anathematized reform as a threat to faith itself.
  • KayTar had a rough time adujsting between meds and we were both napless and night waking for a while. Wherever You Go, There You Are | Her Bad Mother
  • The low-grade steel, which was given zero rust protection at the Naples plant, was just about acceptable in the warm, dry climate of the south.
  • His mature work both as a painter and draughtsman is clearly defined, but his activity during his earliest period in Italy, before he reached Naples, is still shrouded in mystery.
  • The opaque white is found to be oxide of tin; the yellow is the antimoniate of lead, or Naples yellow, with a slight admixture of tin; the blue is oxide of copper, without any cobalt; the green is also from copper; the brown is from iron; and the red is a suboxide of copper. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • The victories of Michael were achieved by his lieutenants; his sword rusted in the palace; and, in the transactions of the emperor with the popes and the king of Naples, his political acts were stained with cruelty and fraud. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
  • Mal de Naples and Morbus Gallicus-una gallica being still the popular term in neo Latin lands-and the “French disease” in England. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A reporter was dispatched to Naples to cover the riot.
  • This year, to celebrate San Gennaro, patron saint of Naples, Roe is doing a menu inspired by the Mulberry Street fare: sausage and peppers, bracciole, fried shrimp, scungilli and zeppole made to order. Undefined
  • From the Colonna estates Caravaggio continued south to Naples, where he waited for a papal pardon.
  • Very soon Cumae spread its power over the whole Phlegraean area, including Naples.
  • The Bay of Naples is still breathtaking if you can see it through the smog and the smoke from Vesuvio.
  • D'Avino, part of the Naples Mafia known as the Camorra, had been on the run for a decade and now faces 20 years in prison. Evening Standard - Home
  • In Naples last week nonmob bakers handed out 20,000 loaves of what they called pane onesta — "honest bread" — to protest that city's 2,500 mob-linked bakeries, according to Confesercenti, a trade group. Mob-Free Shopping
  • Achille had called his first Florida plantation, the one near St. Augustine, “Parthenope”—Parthenope being the old Greek name for Naples. Dream State
  • He visited Rome and Naples where he made contact with a number of singers, including the soprano Anna Strada who would become his leading lady.

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