How To Use Napkin ring In A Sentence
Her silver fork with the monogram engraved on the handle, her silver napkin ring.
In the big lodging house in the town square, the salesmen passing through each have their own distinctive napkin ring.
Times, Sunday Times
Looking lost and fearful, he gave his name and explained he made 150 napkin rings in a day but was reluctant to say any more.
Times, Sunday Times
Do people still use napkin rings?
Times, Sunday Times
Her specialty is pottery and the shelves are lined with mugs, teapots, bowls, candle holders, honey pots and napkin rings.
He was forced to sit for up to 20 hours a day in a squalid back room, sticking tiny pieces of silver onto napkin rings.
Times, Sunday Times
On the desk top, to one side, were a silver napkin ring, a small antique cruet set and a crystal glass of sparkling mineral water.
It's not napkin rings, but I can't stand when cereal box-tops don't easily open and the boxboard starts to separate and rip.
In the big lodging house in the town square, the salesmen passing through each have their own distinctive napkin ring.
Times, Sunday Times
It was between this and the napkin rings.
The Sun
The following is a list of terms used to describe the shape, size, color, consistency, or other characteristics of pathological conditions. millet seed miliary tuberculosis pea-sized plum-sized orange-sized tumors melon-sized pear breast cancer porridge atherosclerotic material napkin rings colon cancers popcorn calcium of hamartoma soupy creamy cheesy discharges anchovy paste word salad schizophrenia oyster ovaries hydatid mole chicken breast rickets cauliflower tumor osteochondroma potato nodes sarcoidosis onion-peel sign Ewing's tumor hard-baked spleen Hodgkin's disease apple-jelly nodules cutaneous tuberculosis strawberry nevus cavernous angioma peau d'orange carcinoma of the breast bacon spleen sago spleen amyloidosis Swiss cheese ventricular septal defects coffee ground emesis gastic bleeding chocolate cysts ovarian endometriosis sugar icing liver chronic perihepatitis port wine urine porphyria corkscrew esophagus diffuse esophageal spasm doughnut kidney bipolar fusion of renal anlagen forkful Colles's fracture
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
Add an acorn, or pinecone and you have a very impressive napkin ring.
The only napkin rings at Buckingham Palace are those used by the household.
AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
Today we'll learn how to hacksaw walnuts into decorative napkin rings.
Her specialty is pottery and the shelves are lined with mugs, teapots, bowls, candle holders, honeypots and napkin rings.
The drawings are remarkable for the pose -- that of the left-hand resembling an attitude assumed in boxing, whilst the dress -- a kind of maillot or "tights" -- is gripped round the waist by a firm ring (like a table-napkin ring), the compression of which is no doubt exaggerated.
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