How To Use Nantes In A Sentence

  • Louis's dragonnades policy was so brutal that it caused great numbers of Protestants to flee France even before the religious rights granted them by the Edict of Nantes were removed in 1685.
  • He ran to earth a couple of needy artists, lured them into the company to play small parts -- apothecaries and notaries -- and set them to beguile their leisure in painting new scenery, so as to be ready for what he called the conquest of Nantes, which was to come in the new year. Scaramouche
  • Lancey, the Huguenot, contended that he had left France before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and had received denization in The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Before he executed this duty, however, the unfortunate man opened what he called a locker -- what a housewife would term a cupboard -- and fortified his nerves with a strong draught of pure Nantes; a liquor that no hostilities, custom-house duties, or national antipathies, has ever been able to bring into general disrepute in the British Islands. The Two Admirals
  • A city of west - central France east - southeast of Nantes.
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  • I et U varias habent potestates: nam sunt aliquando vocales, aliquando consonantes, aliquando mediae, aliquando nihil, aliquando digammae, aliquando duplices. The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • The bone-in steak, one of the very best in the city, comes with sea peas, grilled Benton's bacon artisanal, from Kentucky, delicious, wilted romaine and Nantes carrots, while the fish -- which had been oil-poached -- had artichokes, veloute, and pistachio-basil aillade. Jay Weston: Ray Stark's Exciting Restaurant Opens at LACMA
  • The CGT Transport union says protests also shut down the Clermont-Ferrand airport in the south and disrupted airports in Nice and Nantes. France Riots Disrupt Airport Travel In Paris & Beyond
  • Nantes and Angers, in Saumur, Thouars, and other towns in which the presence of Republican forces commanded the adhesion of the inhabitants this event was commemorated by illuminations, but this very show of joy at so cruel a murder, more than the murder itself, acerbated the feelings both of the gentry and the peasants. La Vend�e
  • Second-placed Auxerre suffered a surprising 2-0 home defeat to Nantes.
  • Mademoiselle de Nantes is in fairly good health, yet it looks as if a return of her fluxion were likely. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Yesterday Antwerp introduced me out here, mill? carrousel? that they had ordered from...the creators of The Elephant of Nantes. Utopiales Poster, Part 7: The Painting
  • Having just sown Kuttinger and Nantes carrot seeds on my plot, this is top of my agenda for the coming weeks.
  • But they could have started last night, they had started last night for there had been no diving-boat in the Dubh Sgeir boathouse, and reports from the Nantesville's owners had indicated that the strongroom was a fairly antiquated one, not of hardened steel, that could be cut open in a couple of hours with the proper equipment. When Eight Bells Toll
  • A city of western France east - southeast of Nantes. It is an industrial center. Population, 55, 524.
  • Bowsers to send out warrantes to all the Tenantes & other friendes of the Colledge, that they should send in extraordinary provision against every Feast, which accordingly was performed; some sendinge money, some wine, some venison, some other provision, every one accordinge to his abilitye. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
  • Young men who called themselves disciplinantes, the flagellators, organized into religious brotherhoods for the specific purpose of scourging the flesh ‘in payment for all the sins of the Christian people’.
  • KING Darius made a great supper to al his domestical seruantes, and to al the magistrates of Media and Persia, 2 and to al that were purple, and to the praetors, and counsuls, and liuetenantes vnder him from India vnto The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Old Testament — Part 2
  • The next telegram, a longer one, was from Nantes. to chief superintendent maigret from the flying squad nantes stop corpse identified as doctor janin thirty-five years of age address rue des eglises nantes stop left home tuesday 11th january without luggage stop inquiries continuing stop telephone if further details required. Maigret In Exile
  • The FSSP apostolate in Nantes, France, recently sent in some news and photographs of their Solemn Mass on the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany -- as a point of note, since it will likely be asked, the church they celebrate within is not their own. Revival in the Traditional Liturgical Arts on Display in Nantes
  • [251] "Vivant omnes honeste, ut clerici, prout decet sanctos, non pugnantes, non scurrilia vel turpia loquentes, non cantilenas sive falulas de amasiis vel luxuriosis, aut ad libidinem sonantibus narrantes, cantantes aut libenter audientes. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • Again vengeance fell upon the inhabitants of the Vendée: columns sur-named "Infernal" inarched through the country in all directions, destroying thousands of its inhabitants, and carrying thousands more as prisoners to Nantes, where they were delivered over to the tiger-fangs of the monster The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • Second-placed Auxerre suffered a surprising 2-0 home defeat to Nantes.
  • Nantes-based artist Jackie Dumonteil has designed a blue and white spray-paint maculation of the inner, corrugated surface.
  • BBC | Secret rivers found in antartic O continente gelado começa a revelar segredos fascinantes. Leituras
  • Hey, maybe they'll ask you to the big European SF convention in Nantes, and you can go ride the steam-powered elephant! Kateelliott: Deals and Deliveries
  • The winners will be announced at Utopiales which takes place in Nantes at the end of October. Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire
  • Well, Utopiales in Nantes is only days away now, so I thought I'd post my schedule for anyone who wants to pop along. Archive 2008-10-01
  • He studied drawing and etching at an art school in Nantes, France, from 1971 to 1978.
  • Et multo plures utraque habitura, multo splendidior futura, si non hae sordes splendidum lumen ejus obfuscarent, obstaret corruptio, et cauponantes quaedam harpyae, proletariique bonum hoc nobis non inviderent. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • H quoque inter litteras obviam grammatici tradiderunt, eamque adspirationis notam cunctis vocalibus praefici; ipsi autem consonantes tantum quattuor praeponi, quotiens graecis nominibus latina forma est, persuaserunt, id est C, P, R, T; ut _chori_, The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • It is not be the first time these areas have become part of this zone; in 1997 the line was drawn as far north as Nantes River.
  • A hamster-themed hotel in Nantes, France, offers rooms and layouts inspired by hamster-cages. Boing Boing
  • I like to grow varieties of the Nantes type, which reach deep into the cultivated soil and strike a perfect balance between sweet and carroty, even as they reach maturity. Groundwork: Rooting to the last
  • In the shameful troubles excited by the refusal of sacraments, the simple presidial of Nantes condemned the bishop of that city to pay a fine of six thousand francs for having refused the communion to those who demanded it. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Incidentally, we met two girls in Nantes who were just starting their own workshop in Rennes (North of Nantes) — I need to get back in touch with them! GSFWC
  • The good news flipside of this is that the reason I can't go is because I've been invited to Utopiales in Nantes as a guest! Soundtrack Podcast & Other News
  • A city of western France east - northeast of Nantes.
  • The Diocese of Nantes has 664,971 Catholics, 52 parishes, 209 succursal parishes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Cyfeirir yma at Lydaw draddodiadol, hynny yw cynhwyswyd yr ardal dde-ddwyreinol, lle y mae Naoned (Nantes), dinas fwyaf Llydaw, er nad yw'r ardal honno'n rhan o'r rhanbarth gweinyddol a elwir 'Bretagne' gan lywodraeth Ffrainc.
  • After France's loss of her colonial empire the merchants of Nantes and Bordeaux sank their capital in the arable land and vineyards of the hinterland.
  • Francine Filion, directrice des Communications, Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants Lessons
  • I know there's a lot of it - I did a panel on steampunk a few years ago in Nantes and it was horrible, being surrounded by steampunk writers telling me about their (very cool sounding) books and I can't read any of them! MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part I )

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