How To Use Namur In A Sentence
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
We are warned about the dreaded black biting flies, but having spent many a camping holiday in Skye and Ardnamurchan, where midges rule supreme, I reckon I can cope.
It must be concluded that the Visean/Namurian formations of this area were not buried beneath particularly thick Westphalian sediments prior to the Hercynian.

A quick and easy example of this is Bhadriraju Krishnamurti's use of laryngeals in the 1st and second pronouns *yān 'I' and *nīn 'you' or in his view, *yaHn and *niHn1 to account for lengthening in the nominative which opposes oblique stems *yan- and *nin- lacking added vocalic length.
Archive 2009-07-01
Some 5,000 Kurds from across Europe have staged a demonstration in Brussels calling on the authorities to put an end to police abuse against representatives of the Kurdish diaspora in Belgium, local media has reported. carried out large-scale raids in Kurdish-inhabited districts in the capital, Brussels, as well as in the cities of Antwerp, Charleroi, Namur, and Verviers.
RIA Novosti
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
Dr. Sam was short for Swaminathan Narayanamurty, a professor of biometrics at the University of Arizona.
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
The richly fossiliferous Namurian bed is packed with both brachiopods and goniatites.
Pluralitatem vero Deorum abominamur, quod diserte scriptum sit,
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Air supply connection is designed in accordance with NAMUR Standard to install solenoid valves.
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
Ambleve; or you may still cling for a little while to the fringe of the Ardennes, which is also the fringe of the industrial country, and explore the valley of the Meuse westward, past Huy and Namur, to Dinant.
Beautiful Europe: Belgium
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
Krishnamurthy S, Samal SK (1998) Nucleotide sequences of the trailer, nucleocapsid protein gene and intergenic regions of Newcastle disease virus strain Beaudette C and completion of the entire genome sequence.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
Coimbatore: T.e N.tional youth athletics championship got off to a rather violent start at the N.hru Stadium here with the Coimbatore District Football Association Joint Secretary T. Krishnamurthy and former national champion high jumper N. Annavi coming to blows in front of a large gathering that had come to witness the action on the track.
The Hindu - Front Page
A knock on the door startled Namura and she gave an involuntary jump.
Benedictine of the Congregation of Saint-Maur, and chronologist, born at Gourieux near Namur, Belgium, 1 April, 1688; died in the monastery of the "Blancs-Manteaux", Paris, 3 November, 1746.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
Krishnamurti: We separate it because the rememberer, the experiencer, the thinker, becomes permanent by separation.
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .
Arriving in Cherbourg on July 23, we boarded a special train car for a slow rail tour of the Normandy area en route to Copenhagen by way of Paris, Namur, Liège, Aachen, Bremen, and Flensburg, for the first round of embassy dinners and receptions.
Going Home to Glory
Part of thia fnow, whic niton. is not diflblved during fummer, imnreg Gtv£i; » a town, late of Namur, near nated with rain and fnow-water, is troze Charlemont, in the dept. of the Ardennes, during winter, and forms that opaque sn the fortifications of which are the work of porous ice of which the Lower Glaciei Vsuban.
The universal gazetteer : being a concise description ... of the nations, kingdoms, states, towns ... &c. in the known world ; the government, manners, and religion of the inhabitants ... of the different countries. Illustrated with a complete set of
Narayanamurti said Harvard will focus on strategic areas, such as bioengineering and the interface of biology and applied physics, math and computer science.
On August 31 it will be the Rhythm to Music and Dance workshop conducted by Sheila Srinivas and the young Bharatnatyam danseuse, Suhasini Krishnamurthy.
In A Chorus of Names of Manjushri, the Sanskrit word murti appears in the expression jnanamurti, the physical form (embodiment) of deep awareness, used in reference to Manjushri.
The Kalachakra Presentation of the Prophets of the Non-Indic Invaders (Full Analysis)
jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment .