How To Use Mysterious In A Sentence
The mysterious jack snipe is a typical bird of the often water-logged northern taiga, birch and willow country.
We also ate a lot of mysterious crumbed meats accompanied with fried potatoes.
Solomon himself impersonated the phallic god Baal-Rimmon, "Lord of the Pomegranate," when he was united with his divine bride, the mysterious Shulamite, and drank the juice of her pomegranate Song of Solomon 8:2.
Archive 2008-03-01
The worst of the attack is over but I'm still spending a great deal of time sleeping and, although the fever's gone, the mysterious joint and muscular aches remain.
Hesher (Director: Spencer Susser; Screenwriters: Spencer Susser and David Michod; Story by Brian Charles Frank) — A mysterious, anarchical trickster descends on the lives of a family struggling to deal with a painful loss.
Sundance 2010 Competition Lineup Arrives, And Here Are Some Highlights » MTV Movies Blog

Searle wants to deny that collective intentions are analyzable in terms of singular intentions, but he also wants (and in my view with better reasons) to deny that there are collective spirits or other mysterious creations.
This would suggest that he might have returned to bed before collapsing and dying in mysterious circumstances.
Times, Sunday Times
Along the rocky paths Buddhist monks appear like ghosts and vanish mysteriously into the trees.
He stacked the books on pedestals, making three mysterious columns on one side of the shadowy gallery, two on the other.
History repeats itself in some less than mysterious ways.
Gulf War veterans fighting to prove hundreds of former servicemen have been crippled and killed by a mysterious syndrome caused by their time in the conflict have been dealt a massive blow - their own solicitors say the case is unprovable.
Then, when cashiered out of the navy after refusing to follow orders which offended his conscience, he is visited by the mysterious benefactor who has shadowed him his entire life, who invites him to join a highly exclusive gentlemen's club, Redking's.
REVIEW: Not Less Than Gods and The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker
But while the mysterious circumstances of the tragedy keep on adding up, the ghostly presence of her partner seems intent on having his say.
The Sun
Thanks to a swift horse powered by a mysterious elixir, he intercepts Domenico, wounding him mortally.
Their opera is the mysterious and darkly moving tale of what happened after the pied piper left Hamelin.
For three hours a mysterious cloud of acrid smoke hovered over some of London's busiest streets.
Times, Sunday Times
But then came the mysterious disappearance.
Times, Sunday Times
Where was this mysterious slum?
Times, Sunday Times
The mysterious tonic and the fine-tooth metal comb brought Walker incredible wealth.
Brown, a captivating and mysterious Midwesterner whose intimate slices of life are as heart-achingly beautiful as she is, will begrudgingly let listeners step into her secret hiding place filled with honest-to-goodness words and music about the human condition.
Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
Overall, the ‘strong emotions’ seek out what cannot be put into propositions, or even words: everything that is mysterious and unpresentable.
He might have believed the pain he'd felt had been imagined if not for the mysterious situation he now was in.
Fate was - in the past - supposed to be the supreme delver into the arcane and the mysterious energies of the universe.
The new system was as deep and mysterious as its chromatic code name implied.
The most sumptuous and heady of fragrances, these feature exotic flowers like Bulgarian rose, jasmine and tuberose, as well as mysterious musks, woods and other exotic essences.
Except that Bainbridge was never quite that neat a writer; elliptical, mysterious and not too hung up on the indispensability of closure, her novels quite frequently seemed to lack an easily decipherable resolution, and be all the more powerful for it.
The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress by Beryl Bainbridge – review
By the late 1880s there was nothing terribly mysterious about getting a steam hammer to deliver a blow of so many tons.
But I suppose it was too much to expect for him to have a black, twirly moustache and for her to cackle mysteriously from beneath an impenetrable black shroud.
Almost out of reflex she glanced up at the hospital, wondering if it was possible that was where the mysterious looker stood, watching her movements.
It is then as mysterious an art as it is loathly and horrible; it needs as
The Defense
From this silence there arises a certain mysterious plenitude which filters into thought and there congeals into bronze. The compression of history produces conciseness in the historian.
And just as I was settling into the new world, ready to explore it, I was whisked away to the mysteriouse oriente ....
How To Kill My Interest as a Reader
I am oppressed by a nameless and mysterious suffering, .. my brain is darkened, -- my thoughts but half-formed and never wholly uttered, and I, -- I who once deemed human intelligence and reason all-supreme, all-clear, all-absolute, am now compelled to use that reason reasonlessly, and to work with that intelligence in helpless ignorance as to what end my mental toil shall serve!
Covered with mysteriously indented curves and sinuous ridges, the sculpture invites comment and touch.
In one case, a man was subdued by police after squirting a mysterious spray at a Maryland subway station.
In this version, for the first time, the mysterious unnamed "wingman" is being mentioned who supposedly was an eye witness to the incident
Armstrong, Frank A. III
The chemistry between conductors and orchestras is mysterious.
Times, Sunday Times
Theo was in the depths of despair as it was ten years to the day that his beautiful wife died, somewhat mysteriously.
Fortunately, although much about the cerebellum is mysterious, enough is known for such features to have been identified.
The science of narcolepsy and the associated condition, cataplexy is mysterious and wasn't fully explained.
Times, Sunday Times
A wealthy, mysterious Englishman named Henry Philips arrived in the port and rapidly gained Tyndale's trust, and hence access to the Pointz household.
He would smile mysteriously at her, or look at her with a new kind of interest that made her feel awkward and clumsy around him.
The papers ran speculative stories about the mysterious disappearance of Eddie Donagan.
Insipid, as if the full, lush taste of prime toro had been washed out by some mysterious force.
Geographically, it's part of Polynesia and it's home to nearly 1,000 mysterious statues called moai, positioned across the island like sentries.
For Chile, Colossal Trouble On Easter Island
There is a theme running through the magazine of crushes on gorgeous men, and mysterious romances with strange disappearing boys.
Classical music, 14-18sNational Youth Orchestra, conducted by Semyon Bychkov, at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 7 August by Sasha Millwood, 18The magical and mysterious quality imbued to the Dukas never came at the expense of the clarity of the virtuosic lines.
Guardian young arts critic competition: 2010 winning entries
Their secretive rituals and mysterious ceremonies have gone largely unchanged for centuries.
Times, Sunday Times
The plot is thus: Madame Fate, a mysterious fortune teller, has foreseen her own death through her crystal ball with only 24 hours before the allotted hour.
Life will now become a flat, prosaic routine of matter-of-fact; and sleep itself, erst so prolific of numerical configurations and mysterious stimulants to lottery-adventure, will be disfurnished of its figures and figments.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864
Whether Godzilla’s attacking, a meteor is about to hit Metropolis or every car in town has mysteriously turned bright pink, a journalist will have something to do.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Common Superhero Day Jobs, Part 1
Gladly would I grace my tale with decent horror, and therefore I do beseech the "gentle reader" to believe, that if all the _succedanea_ to this mysterious narrative are not in strict keeping, he will ascribe it only to the disgraceful innovations of modern degeneracy upon the sober and dignified habits of our ancestors.
Humorous Ghost Stories
The counter appears longer and slightly lower and now backs on to a solid wall rather than the doorway into a mysterious treasure room as in the previous set up.
A photographic survey spanning the career of the pioneering American known for his bold use of colour and his vivid and mysteriously poetic images.
Times, Sunday Times
Another mysterious incident, which happened six months later, destroyed his mental balance completely.
A guy known mysteriously as "GST" e-mailed me about my article.
This, admittedly, gives one a splendid insight into the more mysterious workings of the human mind.
Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart.
The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.
Arab Belly Dance is a religious ceremony from the beginning. It is the expression of nature and human to celebrate fertile women and the mysterious nature.
At the same time he was conscious of a deep and mysterious horror deep inside him.
It is cropped close to the low-pitched gable roof of a ranch house where a mysterious figure enclosed in the oval medallion floats by.
His idealism runs full pelt into entrenched interests and ends with mysterious forces ousting him.
Times, Sunday Times
When I got home, I found a mysterious message sellotaped to the front door.
The flowers were the same colour as the mysterious building which flanked the cemetery - an innocuous pale pink.
The Crossing-Place
He was darkly sensual and mysterious.
Viki remembers the mysterious figure in the dark calling her 'alula' and, as she does some research, the first of a series of startling events that will change her life forever unfold.
Those servers (which were lodged in the basement of a bank in Chattanooga, Tennessee) mysteriously "malfunctioned" during a critical period in the deep night of the election when a 200,000-vote exit poll margin for John Kerry somehow morphed into a victory for Bush/Rove.
Harvey Wasserman: Do the Neo-Cons Need Karl Rove When They Can Count on the Democrats?
Gorky's drawings are so rich, so various, so complex, and often so mysterious that they must be studied with rigorous concentration if we are to tease out their secrets.
The flowers were the same colour as the mysterious building which flanked the cemetery - an innocuous pale pink.
The Crossing-Place
Equipped with new detail on the operations of each individual factory, the company boss might feel more comfortable yielding greater discretion to each factory manager; any drop in production - or mysterious disappearance of yarn from the supply room - would raise red flags at the head office.
In defense of middle management
So who are these mysterious people and why do they look so kindly upon bankers?
Times, Sunday Times
The thistles, knapweeds and willowherbs are truer purple, but the bluish nettle-leaved bellflowers and field scabious are also tinged with that mysterious shadow which has more to do with night than golden day.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
Fairly mysterious is the word hoosh-mi, from the royal family of England.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 4
The mysterious male ego seems to enter the equation, too.
Times, Sunday Times
But it's very deep and mysterious and superbly written, and superbly translated too.
Isaac Newton obtained some of Boyle's mysterious red powder and experimented on it.
He was very mysterious in his manner.
More than that, though, it is a mysterious, numinous presence that inhabits it, both attractive and frightening, grand and gentle, like the spirit of the sea itself, and the peoples that live by and with it.
The plot of the five-issue miniseries is loosely based on the Fall Out Boy song "Tiffany Blews" and will focus on "a mysterious toymaker, a cyborg gal named Tiffany and a kid in a bear suit that looks lifted from the cover of Fall Out Boy's Folie á Deux," their latest album released last year.
Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz to write Fall Out Toyworks for Image | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
Three days after Ray had been sentenced, he said he had been framed -- he was just a "" legman, '' he insisted, recruited by a mysterious drug dealer named Raoul.
Death Of An Assassin
All the rose bushes seem to be suffering from the same mysterious malady.
But before Rachel can contact the President, she and Michael are attacked by a deadly team of assassins controlled by a mysterious power broker who will stop at nothing to hide the truth.
Instead, she studied the Fannings intently for clues as to their mysterious behavior.
The secrets of The Mysterious Bog People are unravelled in a new exhibition.
Her compositions featured decorative motifs inspired by nature, nodding to the mysterious world of fairytales and their enchanted gardens.
Times, Sunday Times
Visiting the megaliths, especially the circles, grounds us in the long and mysterious history of humanity.
The mysterious stranger took his departure; Laura Lipping distinctly saw a snarl of baffled rage reveal itself behind his heavy moustache and upturned astrachan collar.
Donna was probably the third most beautiful with her ebony black hair and dark, mysterious eyes.
to find some moussaka in the freezer, as well as a rather mysterious bread and butter pudding in the fridge.
It's Lambs Pride Superwash in Mysterious Fuchsia - a beautiful heathery damson purple.
Archive 2009-02-01
Even though they cooked the bodies before eating them, they still contracted a mysterious fatal illness called "kuru," akin to mad-cow disease. - Current Articles
There have been cases in which men have been mysteriously excruciated with the thought of having committed the unpardonable sin.
Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
Very little is known of events inside this mysterious country.
Mr. Catlin, who could hardly be called reticent, at once made plain his feeling about the Missouri, the river that was to carry them some two thousand miles into the mysterious reaches of the West.
The Berrybender Narratives
Briefly, in this man of culture and refinement, in whose own mysterious life one might perhaps have found various crimes but not a single act of base improbity, one could divine an implacable, obstinate theoretician, who was resolved to set the world ablaze for the triumph of his ideas.
The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete
Besides these, they have a certain mysterious deity, whom they call Amida; and say, this god has built a paradise of such distance from the earth, that the souls cannot reach it under a voyage of three years.
The Works of John Dryden
As might be expected under such circumstances, the literature on this deliberately mysterious country tends to be polarized and politicized, with the ratio of opinion to fact often distressingly high.
Friday, March 27, 2009 at 06: 41 PM how odd to read this particular bit of news as i enjoy one of the only still-functioning electrical devices in my home (the computer), the others suffering from a mysterious anti-surge, in which switches produce only intermittent and then very weak current. nothing is 'crame' but the fridge has no cold, the water-heater no heat, the lamps flicker like candles guttering out their last wisp of light, etc. the electrician will be coming tomorrow; meanwhile one is very conscious of being (but not wishing to be) very spoiled and electrodependent ......
Cramer - French Word-A-Day
After being told by producers that a match would run long, abbreviating the Evening News, he mysteriously found someplace better to be, thus leaving the network with more than six minutes of dead air.
Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
The croak of the great blue heron sounded again; then far away, mysterious and spirit-like, floated a soft _qua, qua, qua_ -- the cry of the least bittern out of the heart of the swamp.
Roof and Meadow
Robert carried a mysterious brown box in his arms, which tickled Tracy's cat-like curiosity.
Not only had they appeared mysteriously, but the caterpillars vanished equally suddenly.
She recalled his hauteur and studious coldness towards herself, his air of deep understanding and mastery, his magic look of wizardly youth, his eloquence, his immense self-possession, his mysterious connection with Cleopatra's indisposition and recovery.
Too Old for Dolls A Novel
The evening is beautiful and mysterious and the outskirts of Reading full of softly lit curtained windows and familiar homely sounds.
I pointed out the mysterious and mildly alarming position of the bag to an usher, and he, rather phlegmatically, held on to it until the woman returned to claim it.
While David is away chairing (very eccentrically of course) the Cannes festival committee we finally get to see close to his best and most mysterious and touchingly tragic movie.
She smiled at Lady Eileen, but not patronizingly, because a mysterious instinct told her that the plain, pleasant young girl in Irish tweed was a "swell.
Winnie Childs The Shop Girl
Moreover, the circus promises the appearance of a mysterious Prince, a demagogue who is plotting untold evil.
Read in studio Police say they're baffled by the mysterious disappearance of a twenty nine year old farmer.
On the signboard outside the village hall, a mysterious announcement appeared: Let all men recognize your unselfishness, your considerateness, your forbearing spirit.
A Christmas Parable By Judith Moran
That is mistakenly attributed to a nonexistent mysterious disease.
When three students encounter a strange presence while exploring a mysterious cave, they develop telekinetic powers.
The Sun
In the light of our foregoing discussion, it is clear that letting deflation happen must not be simply equated to an apathetic resignation before the power of mysterious forces and blind market mechanisms.
Suddenly the writer remembers the nameless malady of the poor — that mysterious disease which the rich share but cannot alleviate, which is too subtle for doctors, too incurable for Parliaments, too unpicturesque for philanthropy, too common even for sympathy.
The Greatest Thing in the World And Other Addresses
They can be mysterious or just incredible to look at.
The Sun
The telephone, the camera, the photocopier, the fax machine are all old hat, but they remain for me no less mysterious than the miracles of Christ.
Last year she had a mysterious illness and undisclosed medical treatment.
Times, Sunday Times
I can legitimately lay claim to have done something that millions of God gospellers from all over the globe have for thousands of years said that the mysterious bloke called Jesus Christ is gonna do.
He stood up awkwardly and strolled mysteriously to the corner of the room where a peculiarly large gramophone horn dominated.
The trailer is meant to be a bit mysterious because Christiano wanted it that way.
The truths he affirms are encoded in his own poetry, rather than mysteriously embodied in Scripture, and he addresses a cultured but non-Latinate audience unschooled in philosophy.
Somehow, writing extremely plot-driven fiction seems to have pushed me over into the borderlands of genre -- in most bookstores my book's shelved with literary fiction, but at least one genre bookstore carries it (Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego) and it was reviewed in Mystery Scene.
Archive 2010-05-01
The lights mysteriously failed, and we stumbled around in complete darkness.
The early drawings are similarly mysterious and brooding, in somber tones of black, gray and brown.
Burke hooks Clayton in by suggesting that his father, who died under mysterious circumstances 10 years earlier, may actually have been a CIA spook as well.
There are so many entities in this passage that seem to be mysteriously conjoined in some kind of hermaphroditic unity.
Or, as seems more likely, a mysterious white cat stroking a bald man.
Times, Sunday Times
After the mysterious disappearance of the world's most famous scientists, New York comes under attack from flying giant robots that land on Broadway and march in serried ranks through the city's narrow streets.
The stunning cover of this mysterious novel provides a clue to its structure.
Other households had found her too talkative and too opinionated, forever giving pelf mysterious airs.
You will find yourself on a mysterious and uninhabited island, solving loads of puzzles to unlock its secrets.
The Sun
The day of the referendum, an article in the UK Independent cited mysterious "exit polls" and predicted a massive repudiation of Chavez.
The eyes of the two men were held on the still hovering crystals as they once again began to pulsate with a mysterious power beyond the wizards' imaginations.
Another, styling themselves ‘Kraska’, left a link to a mysterious Russian site.
Them mysterious words of an Iowa baseball announcer lead Ray Kinsella to carve a baseball diamond in his cornfield in honor of his hero, the baseball legend Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Perhaps, and perhaps not, " she said mysteriously.
Benson later disappeared in mysterious circumstances .
Michel Bouquet delivers a revelatory, award-worthy performance as the amiable and mysterious French president.
More often the delicate simplicity of a blue question mark posits the faceless face beautiful in enigma, the shadowy mysterious introvert edging to the boundary of a looks obsessed society.
I had blepharospasm, a rare and mysterious condition - sometimes diagnosed as psychological - that prevented my eyelids from opening.
Times, Sunday Times
The rationale for replacing the old buses remains slightly mysterious.
But for the purposes of this thought experiment - that you are not the disenchanted, mechanistic universe of conventional modern cosmology - but rather a deep-souled, subtly mysterious cosmos of great spiritual beauty and creative intelligence.
Kenny Ausubel: The Revolution Has Begun - "The Shift Hits the Fan"
He also helps to show that some mysterious creatures are not terrible monsters.
The letter had mysteriously disappeared from the file overnight.
The sky darkened, and mysterious howls and hoots came from every direction.
It's all very mysterious - why, for instance, does Cape still need a managing director but not Chatto?
How can you skulk mysteriously when you're goggling at the camera?
Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
As the sun climbs higher into the sky, the buildings seem to glow and the black holes of their entrances deepen and become more mysterious.
But even this melted away: first, under the reflection that if the mysterious fur-merchant wished to remain incognito, he must be extremely provoked with Margaret; (and she rather liked the idea of any body being provoked with Margaret;) and secondly, a further thaw took place on more amiable grounds, when the Duke, laying his hand gently on her arm as she passed from the dining-room, said fondly:
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
Tasmanian devils have for some years been plagued with a mysterious and lethal cancer. Now, the dog-sized mammals are fighting back: They are breeding at younger ages.
A small tweak in selection can, by mysterious alchemy, make a radical difference.
Times, Sunday Times
The carpet was probably once an off white color, but now it was gray and dotted with mysterious brown spots.
Read in studio Police say they're baffled by the mysterious disappearance of a twenty nine year old farmer.
Beyond the apparent simplicity lies something mysteriously complex.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr.W. John Martin, chief of immunopathology at the University of Southern California, has tentatively linked the mysterious microbe to an equally enigmatic illness: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
A Clue To Chronic Fatigue
When infected by a virus known as baculovirus, gypsy moth caterpillars mysteriously climb for the treetops.
NPR Topics: News
He declared mysteriously that he would like Nick to meet with Jordan to discuss a certain matter.
All he knew is that his father's money had mysteriously disappeared, vanished into thin air for all he knew.
As her heartbeat slows, her mind settles on the same thoughts that have haunted her for weeks: her desire to understand the order and purpose of things, especially the ambiguity of death and the mysterious abyss between matter and spirit.
The Impulse of Breathing
Umaid Hospital was about to descend into crisis: Up and down the maternity ward, new mothers were mysteriously starting to die.
The early drawings are similarly mysterious and brooding, in somber tones of black, gray and brown.
And so much in answer to this objection; which being thus removed, I come now to shew, that the mysteriousness of those parts of the gospel called the credenda, or matters of our faith, is most subservient to the great, important ends of religion; and that upon these following accounts:
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
Surfer was the comically subversive tale of a group of ski bums (the Slackers) visited by a mysterious stranger who skis magically and imparts mystical knowledge.
If we ponder this thought, we shall perhaps discover the reason for the mysterious accord between works of Catholic inspiration, like those of my friend Graham Greene, and the vast dechristianized public that devours his books and loves his films.
François Mauriac - Banquet Speech
Yellow sunlight shines through the semi-opaque white plastic tank, and the lethal fluid within glows mysteriously.
One day , a mysterious stranger called at the house.
Most Americans will have to wait until the end of the month before the postman delivers the mysterious objects of desire.
Times, Sunday Times
The suddenly orphaned 15-year-old Melanie and her siblings are shunted off to live in south London with their mysterious Uncle Philip, a toymaker who rules his family, including his mute wife and her Irish brothers, with a rod of iron.
It's quite a mysterious, sloppy dish, you can't really see what you are eating, you just have to trust the taste combination.
This summer, he's been hired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to journey to the Philippines and the remote Pacific ocean and study the mysterious cephalopod Nautilus, a living fossil over 500 million years old that just might be reaching the end of its expansive evolutionary rope.
Scott Thill: We've Entered the Age of Mass Extinction
A mysterious illness confined him to bed for over a month.
Such mysterious things, which we ought perhaps to call the putrescence of the human heart, lie at the base of the greatest revolutions, political, social or domestic; but in telling of them it is desirable to explain that their subtle significance cannot be given in a matter-of-fact narrative.
The Celibates
Over his shoulders, clasped at the neck with a large gold-and-precious-stone buckle of the same mysterious form as the hieroglyphic crest at the head of the Programs, he wore a wonderful burnouse of white and gold fleece, the gold predominating over the white, and flashing fiercely, gorgeously in the sun.
The Mark of the Beast
It was thirty pages long, column after column of kanji characters arranged vertically on the pages, with never a strikeover or erasure, now and then a crude stick-figure drawing with arrows or dotted lines signifying this or that mysterious pathology.
A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
And undoubtedly, their mysterious, indefinable quality is the source of their disconcerting power.
The voice lost its mysterious deep quality and rose to a nasal whine at the end of the sentence.
When the High Gods had destroyed Atlantis for its sins, the priests of Xotli and their slaves had fled from the sinking land in a mighty fleet of flying ships powered by the mysterious force called vril.
Conan Of The Isles
Three artists not normally mentioned in the same breath are brought together in an exhibition that explores light as a powerful, mysterious and celestial force.
Times, Sunday Times
May 12th, 2006 at 10: 09 pm james risser says: tice will turn around at some point in his testimony to see at least one of his family members sitting rather close to a man in black trench coat with a gun pointing to said family member, in the right-hand pocket of the mysterious gentleman … or,
Think Progress » NSA Whistleblower To Expose More Unlawful Activity: ‘People…Are Going To Be Shocked’
He appears in the cartulary of the Holy Trinity, Aldgate, as an alderman in 1249 and 1250, was associated with the parish of St John, Walbrook and had an estate in Bishopsgate.3 But little is known of his origins; indeed, his mysterious background evokes Bedes comparison of the passage of a mans life with the flight of a single sparrow through a chieftains banqueting hall.
After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 – a massive, top-secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota that houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government.
Sci-fi TV Preview: Warehouse 13 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
Gone were the piles of undifferentiated clutter, the narrow passageways, and the mysterious back room.
Tethlis dies afterwards under mysterious circumstances.
Even holding the week at his mansion, with the stories of his dead wife haunting the place, added to the mysterious feel of the week.
Living in hotels, engaging in empty sexual encounters, silently and impassively taking in the world without responding very much to it, Anna is a mysterious and somewhat forbidding figure.
Blanche DuBois arrives at Stella's and Stanley's house under very mysterious circumstances.
The relationship came to light when a mysterious note was handed to a barrister at an earlier hearing.
But understanding of how these beetles live, and how they evolved from a common ancestor, makes them less mysterious.
Dark energy is a mysterious pressure that counteracts gravity, forcing the universe to expand faster than it otherwise would.
The text weaves between the two time frames, the past and the future, and in both people are dying of a mysterious contagion.
I had always figured the reclusive Yeti as being a mysterious, private creature who lurked in some backwoods plot of land slowly being bulldozed and turned into apartment complexes.
It is set in the beautiful, mysterious landscape of the Peak District in the North of England, populated by a bizarre collection of campers, ramblers and hikers.
No one has ever equalled him in quickness and depth of musical insight and feeling, nor in the constancy with which he bears within himself, in all its fulness, that mysterious power which can be called by no truer name than _musical inspiration_.
Music and Some Highly Musical People
Continue reading Mysterious "lawer" threatens to sue over Bad Samaritan story.
Boing Boing: February 19, 2006 - February 25, 2006 Archives
His idealism runs full pelt into entrenched interests and ends with mysterious forces ousting him.
Times, Sunday Times
There is something mysterious about the depiction of a simple, humble home.
The mysterious Mr Kipper has never been traced and Susie is presumed dead.