
How To Use Mutter In A Sentence

  • Two bus-rides and a walk in the rain later we found the old dairy farm, muttering under our breaths about the wisdom of locating such an establishment way out in the sticks.
  • Passengers' eyes divert to Lauren and they begin to mutter incoherently about her.
  • Muttering under his breath, the soldier extended the spyglass, increasing the magnification of the instrument.
  • ‘I'm coming,’ he muttered, under his breath as he pulled on his bathrobe.
  • ‘You didn't tell me I was going to have to cross-dress for this,’ I muttered.
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  • I don't need a drink, " she muttered through clenched teeth.
  • He was muttering incessantly to himself, as if delighted at having found his tongue, his head swaying on his shoulders, and a strange murmur, soft, birdlike, meaningless, like sounds heard from a vast distance, coming from his wide-open mouth. Vandover and the Brute
  • Before she could announce me, I retrieved the coat, muttered a few feeble excuses, and ran.
  • 'I never want to come here again,' he muttered to himself.
  • I'm getting a de-rection," mutters Barney, aghast at her decline. The New Season in Review: Monday Madness
  • From beyond the doors, the hubbub still continued; but it trailed off, damped by the hush of those in front to a kind of shamefaced muttering. Funeral Games
  • I mutter a sheepish apology and get to my feet, smoothing my shirt and trying to flatten my hair.
  • I don't get your confusion if I mutter under my breath about the enormity of your shelter, or your look of dry indignation if I run and buddy up with you under your brolly - there's room enough for two, no?
  • He spoke in a mutter.
  • Coates wry, muttered lyrics lend his ditties a mischievous if subdued charm.
  • They heard him mutter,'One Hundred and Five, North Tower;'.
  • So saying, he dismissed Roland Graeme, through a different door from that by which he had entered, signed a cross, and pronounced a benedicite as they parted, and then, still muttering to himself, retired into the garden, and locked the door on the inside. The Abbot
  • ‘Thanks a lot,’ Miryoku muttered, walking past his brother and whapping him in the head with his book.
  • Far better than those fusty old democracies, mutter the admirers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a play where priests are elderly and drunk, old ladies mutter curses and blessings, supernatural visions are everywhere and nobody can open their mouth without uttering a mystical insight.
  • 'Now this beats a', 'muttered his wife to herself;' however, I shall be obedient for a time; but if I dinna ken what all this is for before the morn by sunket-time, my tongue is nae langer a tongue, nor my hands worth wearing. ' Stories of Mystery
  • So even as they mutter racist slogans, members of Siberia's Lumpenproletariat benefit from proximity to the dragon.
  • The only sound to break the silence of the night was the soft mutter of my engine.
  • My birth mother hugged me and muttered something in my ear. Times, Sunday Times
  • (`More likely VD ," Essie's brother had muttered and had been soundly shushed. FAIRYLAND
  • He settled back, shut his eyes, began to mutter.
  • I don't need a drink, " she muttered through clenched teeth.
  • He conferred again, and I tried to picture the other side of the screen, with the Rani, sharp-faced and thin in her silk shawl, muttering her instructions to him, and puzzled to myself what the odd persistent noise was that I could hear above the soft pipes of the hidden orchestra - a gentle, rhythmic swishing from beyond the screen, as though a huge fan were being used. Fiancée
  • ‘Next time knock before you come in’ I muttered, my face still beet red as I dried the plates.
  • Where's my wife? he muttered almost inaudibly, his face buried in the pillow as she cleaned his waste from underneath him. Waiting for His Wife
  • I followed him inside the rambling barbed wire, shaking my head and muttering “Cayuse?” Silver Zombie
  • So he may appreciate the paradox of his lightning ascent in his second calling – not to mention the mutterings of those press-box colleagues who have toiled diligently for years without recognition from their trade's association and remember the days when they called him Captain Grumpy, a soubriquet he did his best to live up to. US hard courts will reveal if Andy Murray's lapses are part of a cycle | Kevin Mitchell
  • However, equally I don't think one can credibly take a blithely post-modern approach and mutter vaguely about ‘multiple truths’, if basic historical factual assertions have been misstated.
  • ‘Lewis,’ he said in a mutter, barely acknowledging my presence.
  • I still say we should just fry them all, she muttered.
  • A tech knew the appropriate litanies to mutter.
  • Sounds similar to the sauce for mutter panner (obviously without the peas or paneer) ... Chipotle ketchup changes everything | Homesick Texan
  • Companies that trampled over shareholders' right of first refusal over new stock would do so at their peril, they muttered darkly. Times, Sunday Times
  • NIV what my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long.
  • You see them muttering together in corners, their skin grey and baggy and their unbrushed hair matted with Playdoh.
  • The hairs on its chin muffle its muttering, and its skin is moist, laughable, and it's big. Goat
  • He muttered something under his breath, and started planning his next plot to kill her.
  • Graham is still swotting up on bicycles and has got to the stage where he's constantly muttering technical-sounding buzzwords.
  • He held his hand in the air, muttering Swahili curses as I wound the fabric round.
  • Whereas our analogues on the right used to effuse over how W. was doing a helluva job even as the country went to hell, we mutter or post disparaging comments about how Obama has let us down. Mark Klempner: Hope 2.0: Standing With Obama Over the Long Haul
  • He communed with himself for a moment, and then muttered indignantly: THE SEA FARMER
  • She basically went all to pieces and I spent more than an hour angrily muttering and refolding every piece of linen in the closet so that when I was finished, it looked like this.
  • The ending really is one where you stare at the TV for about 5 minutes after its over and mutter gibberish.
  • Muttering some more apologies, which Rose echoed, he went with her down the road. UNREASONABLE DOUBT
  • Affecting someone's conscience by grace and restraint does not mean rolling over and playing dead, muttering meaningless politically correct platitudes, or remaining silent as many find it politic to do.
  • I muttered and began to adjust the black leather jacket and stuffed it in my bag, before overlooking the boxes.
  • No wonder the guy muttering the prayers over the burial plot has a wireless phone receiver permanently fixed to his right ear. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gro ? mutter : Ich wei ? auch nicht, wann der Regen aufh ? ren wird.
  • I can see "purring," and even "muttering," which brings to mind bits of charred wood falling with little thunks. MURMURING?
  • Beyond shakings of heads and dark mutterings, I can get nothing out of Wada or the steward. CHAPTER XXXI
  • And hotels cannot afford to leave out aloo gobi, aloo mutter, paneer butter masala, chana masala and dal fry from their list of curries.
  • The crowd began to mutter angrily, the glowing embers of their ancient prejudices that had been viciously stoked by the near murder of their King were being fanned to fury so easily by the power of the monarch's simple words.
  • Gro ? mutter : Ja , wir k ? nnen dann im Taxi die Tiere besichtigen ?
  • "Thon is one buck eejit," one of the men muttered.
  • But Woking, I'm sorry to say, seems to have accepted this slight without even the mildest mutter of protest.
  • So I took my time finishing the job, heaved myself upright and turned to face the source of the muttering.
  • He seemed to be studying up on something, and he would mutter to himself from time to time.
  • Gro? mutter : Nun warte doch , wir haben keine Eile, Herzchen. Ich muss mich noch anziehen.
  • Randolphe muttered some indistinct response; and was again sinking to For - getfuJnesS, when Monta*iba«, with a tran - sient exertion of strength, rudely shook, him, and sternly bade him rise. The confessional of Valombre
  • After all, if you wander past many licensed premises in the early hours of the morning you are likely to hear subdued mutterings which the more feeble-minded are likely to interpret as ghosts.
  • Ralph muttered a word of thanks and sipped from the kind of bendable plastic straw that you can only find in hospitals and nursing homes. The Wind in the Woods
  • The Americans muttered darkly about damage to the relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Oh, you impudent child,’ Mrs. Hastings muttered through clenched teeth.
  • I pretended not to hear what he muttered under his breath. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a guilty pleasure in witnessing his obvious discomfort and huffy asides to the camera - ‘four hours’ he mutters darkly while getting fitted for a swish suit.
  • The chef mutters something about being in shock.
  • He dusted the edge of his desk with an index finger and muttered darkly into the phone. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • He muttered as he reached for his bag and pulled out a yellow legal pad covered in scrawled writing.
  • Howell was muttering threats and imprecations.
  • ‘You're awfully late, dear,’ Prince Alfonso was heard to mutter in English.
  • Every now and again, a snaky comment would erupt from his lips but there was always a quick apology while he muttered something that she couldn't ever hear.
  • He scowled at the now-empty bottle, shook it, and muttered something.
  • I had to quietly excuse myself from a Vinyasa class with mutterings of trick knee.
  • The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/ peanut.
  • The guy put his head down and stormed on, his vicious racist rantings now dimmed to a mutter, his hate-filled words completely stripped of any power.
  • Still, we mellow out round the fire, toasting marshmallows and muttering into the gloom.
  • The old women called at houses selling lucky charms and muttering curses if they found a door slammed in their faces. LOST SUMMER
  • Fact is, his grogginess is of a piece with his intensely absurd comedy, the enervated mutterings of one worn out by too much hard thinking.
  • I heard both murmurs of approval and mutters of discontent.
  • His friend began muttering in German and what I possibly believe is that they were talking about me.
  • When the game was over, Drew stalked off, muttering obscenities under his breath.
  • "It must be my irresistible charm, " I muttered to myself amusingly.
  • The yellow youth in the grass skirt was swaying beneath a mango tree, muttering to himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sarkozy was insulted by a member of the crowd, and with the cameras still rolling muttered, "Casse-toi, pauvre con" -- which basically translates as buzz off, jackass. Elizabeth Bard: Paris Notebook: A Day at the Salon d'Agriculture
  • He muttered, looking insolently at the flooding shelter as the torrential waters rose.
  • Robbie Conal, who had Lobdell as his graduate advisor at Stanford in the late '70s says that "Frank would mutter at me, sometimes wearily, sometimes conspiratorially, every time we were together for more than half an hour; 'Nothing worth anything is easy.' John Seed: Frank Lobdell: "Nothing Worth Anything Is Easy"
  • He was muttering unconnected phrases, like ‘make you love me’ ‘dog… no, mine’ it was insane jabber.
  • She began to mutter incoherently.
  • "It's not by choice, " he muttered, and crushed his empty plastic cup in his hands.
  • It wasn't so long ago that a request for a third glass of fino sherry would raise a few eyebrows and mutterings about a drink problem.
  • The man obviously was a superior being, because other than a muttered "whew" he showed no sign of discomfort. Outfoxed Diary Entry
  • o 'that kin', be 't as mad an 'pranksome as ever sic ploy could be, is to be made mention o' aside the things at was mutit (muttered) o ''s brither. Malcolm
  • "Shut up," she muttered before taking a quick chug of the soda.
  • Lord Grade could estimate the cost of your clothes at a glance (adding 50\% for overheads and a 50\% markup), having been in the schmutter business before deciding that there was a brighter future dancing the Charleston. The Guardian World News
  • The word Reds seems to strike a sour note with Will, and he mutters under his breath, “I think Reds is the worst nickname of any team.” WHY is the FOUL POLE FAIR?
  • These aren't just the mutterings of an old curmudgeon.
  • Sometimes it is your individual heart, as you hum a lucky tune or mutter a childhood prayer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Little wonder there are dark mutterings that some in the elite are already planning for the new drachma. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics regularly mutter about how hard it is to write literary biography in the 21st century. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Then you owe me, buster,’ she muttered as she stood up from the bed.
  • Muttering how far behind he was with correspondence he moved towards his study. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • I longed to get a steady rhythm going and muttered impatiently that we had a mountain to climb.
  • Kira carried on walking, muttering angrily to herself about the absolute stupidity and selfishness of demons and mythical creatures.
  • Mr Morrigon's secretary was at her side muttering platitudes about the weather and asking her how many sugars she'd like in her coffee.
  • Charity muttered something, raised her wand, and send electrical blue sparks towards the dragon.
  • Michael Gove , for example could besport himself in the manner of a free marketer and if you called him he would mutter suggestively about tax cuts working into a frenzy of anti Islamic legislation. Political Adverts Should be Allowed on TV
  • But it is no use muttering about Luddism when people are simply asking how society will gain from new medical technologies or biobanks.
  • I love shopping and my house is full of schmutter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mariko, looking over the detailed itinerary, muttered.
  • When Jana emerged from the stall, she was tucking her white shirt into the regulation plaid skirt and was muttering harshly under her breath.
  • The mutter of sinister threats and portents was already to be heard.
  • ‘Might be the last time I get to see this beaut country’ he muttered.
  • It was a muttered accusal as Rachel made to walk past him rather than waste any more of her time trying to make him see her side of it. Separate Cabins
  • Muttering and cursing to herself she pulls herself upright and finds that her trousers are covered in mucky water from a bowl that has been left on the floor.
  • Once, with a muttered imprecation, Kama leaped away, a stick of firewood in hand, and clubbed apart a tangle of fighting dogs. Chapter IV
  • Then he concluded by shaking his head and muttering, "Tough place. Christianity Today
  • ‘We don't know it's her,’ muttered Ross sulkily.
  • Instead of yelling back or muttering cusses at her father, Jazlyn just balled her hands into fists.
  • Mutter Angst und Vater Schmerz.
  • If Thorne had been more aware of the niceties of American society, he would have muttered something like `Ivy League" to himself. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • People would run from across the street to try and grab a dry space among the crowd, who were muttering to themselves and shuffling from foot to foot while they waited for the storm to abate.
  • One wrote: 'Where did this idea that mumbling and muttering makes a drama more realistic? Times, Sunday Times
  • Mood index: slightly horrified: early morning mutterings from the AP newswire: August 3rd, 2005
  • The word `barn" dominated his mind: he fixed on it, muttered it like an incantation. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The word has even appeared in the funny pages where Dilbert muttered a disconsolate "frack" - the original spelling before producers of the current show changed it to a four-letter word - after a particularly dumb order from his evil twit of a boss. :
  • He was heard muttering in a barely audible voice.
  • Then he fell back on the bed and tossed about as though he was in the throes of a poison, muttering through clenched teeth.
  • Ancient memories of treachery and betrayed trust screamed in warning at the very thought, and Bahzell had muttered of gods and wizards while the dream was upon him, even if he couldn't recall the words to his waking mind.
  • They mutter and mumble and soldier on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Weel, weel," muttered David, as they continued their walk through the miserable region, "I've gane an 'gie'd her a' the siller I had i 'my pouch. The Garret and the Garden
  • Holy bosh ,' Wesley muttered, rapidly reeling the rope back in. BEHINDLINGS
  • Each of these pieces of ancient cosmic data "represents a little moment of history, and it's sending out information about how much the universe has stretched," said Dr. Perlmutter, who is also an astrophysicist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. Nobel Given for Study of Universe Expansion
  • One muttered something about the front hedge. Times, Sunday Times
  • David muttered something incoherent and rude and scrambled to his feet, fumbling for the sword.
  • There was a surge of muttering among the guardsmen, but most of it seemed to be agreement that the young man was more churl than Charl. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Neruda is master of a living world in turmoil, and his expression is at times scarcely more than a sibylline stammer, a primitive muttering.
  • During a pretrial hearing last month, Abdulmutallab muttered "Osama's alive" to some spectators as he was brought into the courtroom and mumbled "jihad" when the judge used the phrase "al Qaeda" as she read the charges against him. Reuters: Press Release
  • The lights were still on at my house and I walked in, barely muttering a goodnight to him.
  • His foot was throbbing madly, but he gave the door another kick, muttering more curses under his breath.
  • When she saw me, she rose and came hurriedly at me with a gugglet58 of water; and, muttering spells over it, she besprinkled me and said, “Come forth from this thy shape into the shape of a dog;” and I became on the instant a dog. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Cue for groans and muttered oaths from my neighbors, and that was before they'd stepped out on to Madison, where New York's finest were out in force, checking identities and blocking off half the streets of midtown.
  • Muttering under his breath, he gets a sponge from the kitchen and starts mopping up the wine from the table before it can spill onto the floor.
  • “They only give up those men to impress us,” she muttered once as they rode away from a newly decorated dule tree on a gray and drizzly afternoon. THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD
  • It is such a gem and he manages to have the audience mutter in support as Antoinette declares that she could use one of those evenings of dance in the reggae dancehall, when the dancehall is a holy place. Calabash, The Third Day : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • John deBrun had been muttering about Joginstead and a bath under his breath, while every once in a while Oaxyctl caught the long-off look of mourning in the man's eyes. Crystal Rain
  • I crumpled to the ground where I lay muttering to myself about all the things I did wrong in my life.
  • But none of the people muttering came any nearer. CHARMED LIFE
  • His temper was obviously getting the best of him, so he muttered a few undistinguishable words and scribbled down something.
  • 'If you sit down and listen in any moderately lucid state of mind the impression you have is of an old man muttering and ranting on in the aural foreground, while some young lads, engaged on some completely unrelated project, footle around with the controls on a mixing desk in the next room' FallNet - the punk foot of nose
  • I heard the soft mutter of voices in the next room.
  • Astor could ignore someone beside him mouthing words without sound and muttering impatiently whenever he had to rewind the tape.
  • ‘Revenge and death,’ he muttered, trying to rouse anger to replace the sudden fear that coiled in his belly.
  • ‘Whatever,’ I mutter irritably, not bothering to hide my disapproval.
  • Just like my mother can hone in on my weak points with GPS accuracy, teenagers can humiliate me with a muttered monosyllable.
  • He then lit the incense and let the smoke rise for a few moments before taking it and walking around the room muttering the same words he had spoken before.
  • He muttered a quick prayer to God, asking him for forgiveness.
  • Evelyn muttered something under her breath and walked over to her sister's hi-fi system and switched the power off.
  • Good, Cassius heard himself mutter, but knew he had meant Bad.
  • They mutter and mumble and soldier on. Times, Sunday Times
  • With this knowledge in hand, I happily settled back on the bed as he drunkenly muttered his hypnotising mutters.
  • It's hard to think of a performance by an actor billed as the star of the picture that is any worse than the muttered, uncharismatic, disinterested effort delivered by Ice T in this film.
  • ‘She'll be fun to deal with,’ she muttered to herself as the warning bell rang, announcing to students that they should begin to head to their homerooms.
  • Elah then returned to the sink and poured the last remaining drops into the sink, touched plastic-tipped fingers to it and abluted the smooth surface of his face, muttering a few words of prayer as he did so. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Vincent muttered darkly, ‘I don't recall inviting you two boneheads.’
  • Idiot muttered, he had stayed, making sure I didn't choke up to death with my own barf; and I heard his footsteps leaving the girls' bathroom.
  • Of course, the rest of the nation — or, perhaps, most of it — was laughing at the Cowboys, hoping they'd plunge to 0-16 and owner Jerry Jones wound be found, like Dickens's Miss Havisham, wandering his $1.1 billion stadium barefoot in tailored Neiman Marcus pajamas, muttering gibberish about Tex Schramm and the NFL's collective bargaining agreement. In Dallas, Stars Are Again Aligned
  • Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines.
  • Cody muttered, just as the doors to the labs burst open again.
  • There is some muttering about being 'dragooned', but I do not take insubordination from the lower ranks. Home | Mail Online
  • While some muttered unintelligibly, others just didn't have any answer.
  • At this hint the captain put on a martial frown, and looked very big, without speaking; while his yokefellow, with a disdainful toss of her nose, muttered something about The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • a trysting with a Lowland hallion, who came with a token from '' --- he muttered the name very low, but I thought it sounded like my own. Rob Roy
  • ‘I'm all for sleeping in these clothes and roughing it tonight,’ she muttered.
  • ‘Oh, goody,’ Kate muttered under her breath, but luckily Emily didn't hear her.
  • One wrote: 'Where did this idea that mumbling and muttering makes a drama more realistic? Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics regularly mutter about how hard it is to write literary biography in the 21st century. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, he would dimly recall Tychus muttering and shoving and positioning him, sometimes ungently, but never, ever letting him give up. Starcraft II: Devils’ Due
  • Williams subsided over his beer, muttering some kind of incoherent threat, as Leslie smiled.
  • After all, if you wander past many licensed premises in the early hours of the morning you are likely to hear subdued mutterings which the more feeble-minded are likely to interpret as ghosts.
  • Old men used to mutter about him, rail at him, as the Israelites did to Moses.
  • Abdulmutallab, who muttered "Osama's alive" to some spectators as he was brought into the courtroom, mumbled "jihad" when Judge Edmunds used the name "al Qaeda" as she read the charges against him to the jury. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I bent down to inhale, but he blew the powder into the air, muttered an expletive and stumbled out.
  • She began to mutter again and he leaned forward to listen.
  • But the boy Mohammed being by me objurgated-for I remarked in him a jaunty demeanour combined with neglectfulness of ceremonies-saluted it sulkily, muttering the while hints about the holiness of his birthplace exempting him from the trouble of stooping. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • ‘Oh, yeah,’ I muttered, pressing the Talk button twice and starting the redial.
  • I follow sullenly, muttering something barely coherent, concerning lies and unfairness.
  • Horrified, Patience muttered an imprecation, and rapidly did it up. A RAKE'S VOW
  • Those toiling under the vultures mutter to one another in Warao, an indigenous language spoken in the nearby delta where the Orinoco, one of the world's mightiest rivers, meets the Atlantic.
  • I heard two more men muttering by the tailboards, found the driver's cab of the slabber, and lifted myself up. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • I trudged to my room, all the way muttering about how she would blackmail me with this little bit of information.
  • ‘Another session with that damn headshrinker,’ she muttered, heading into the kitchen.
  • ‘There's something I'm good at,’ I muttered, thinking of the fine, silky butter I would churn.
  • I think we have a shadow on our tail, " muttered the detective.
  • Slowly gathering up all her baggage, Mercedes muttered incoherently a number of rather shocking French curses.
  • At almost every other street, someone in the car mutters, ‘This used to be a good block.’

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