How To Use Mutinous In A Sentence

  • And, when the ship becomes becalmed, mutinous impulses begin to rumble beneath the surface.
  • Storm of mutinous anger gathers round the Captain stern and true, The Voyage of Magellan
  • The surgeon they had hailed in had taken liberal time to show them how, night and morning, to unbandage, cleanse and rebind, and to tell them (smiling into the lad's mutinous eyes) that the only other imperative need was to keep him flat on his back for ten days. Kincaid's Battery
  • He took her chin between thumb and forefinger, tilting her mutinous face up for his cool inspection.
  • And of course, the longer the delay, the harder it became to manage an increasingly mutinous staff.
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  • The pony did not like it, sometimes so successfully resisting with spread, taut legs and mutinous head-tossings, as to overcome the jerk of the ropes, and, at the same time wheeling, to fall heavily on its side or to uprear as the pull on the ropes was relaxed. CHAPTER XXV
  • Only, somehow, the package was chewed into a mutinous, multicolored glob of rainbow goo.
  • The president accused mutinous troops of being influenced by ‘the smell of oil.’
  • For more than 200 years, this volcanic rock has been home to descendants of Fletcher Christian and his mutinous shipmates, who burnt the HMS Bounty here in 1790.
  • It may be doubted whether one of these retrenchments, involving a strict revision of officers 'allowances known as "batta," was considerable enough to be worth the almost mutinous discontent which it provoked. The Political History of England - Vol XI From Addington's Administration to the close of William IV.'s Reign (1801-1837)
  • And each humorously, we travel around the world buteo an dealfish of the unclaimed proteinase transcendency to swashbuckling that the mutinous wayne of cc eubacterium heedfully africander. Rational Review
  • But with over five hundred men out for the count and the rest turning mutinous, he knew he had to find another place to settle down for the time being.
  • These mercenaries were, of course, a fierce and rapacious soldiery, and having an idle tale current among themselves, that a lanzknecht was refused admittance into heaven on account of his vices, and into hell on the score of his tumultuous, mutinous, and insubordinate disposition, they manfully acted as if they neither sought the one nor eschewed the other. Quentin Durward
  • The first civil war was sparked by mutinous Southern army officers before independence and lasted until 1972.
  • It was the mutinous bosun, calling himself the captain, who abandoned the three of them and the real captain on the ship.
  • the men became mutinous and insubordinate
  • In 1857, a rebellion in north India led by mutinous Indian soldiers caused the British Parliament to transfer all political power from the East India Company to the Crown.
  • Only, somehow, the package was chewed into a mutinous, multicolored glob of rainbow goo.
  • The mutinous sailors were marooned on an island
  • The revolution itself had been carried out mainly by mutinous soldiers, who represented thereafter the only real authority.
  • Swift Winds is a back-pocket compendium of subversive texts, marvelous manifestos, mutinous rants, outrageous ideas, utopian dreams, impossible demands and incendiary broadsides strategically aimed at countering the pathos of miserablism with the uncontrollable laughter of the insurgent imagination. Portland Book Events: March 22-28 - Reading Local: Portland
  • mutinous acts
  • With the aid of his spirits, Prospero has 'bedimmed/The noontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds,/And twixt the green sea and the azured vault/Set roaring war'. Shakespeare
  • The minister said that 25 civilians and eight soldiers were wounded and 57 mutinous soldiers were arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • The war ended in 1859, and the mutinous troops were tried and executed.
  • The rajas, ranis, peshwas and nawabs had their own cohorts, extended to include the mutinous sepoys.
  • She met his eyes without flinching, a mutinous sparkle enlivening the depths of her own grey gaze.
  • They seem to you inert, flabby, weakly envious, foolishly obstinate, impiously mutinous, and many other things.
  • After that psychological barrier was passed, the remaining scrambles and squeezes were negotiated with relative ease, and any mutinous murmurs were thankfully subdued.
  • But oftener was his magisterial function employed in sentencing the mutinous "darkie" to his due the sheriff -- sterling men, who were lovers of the law and lovers of fair play as well -- and those, armed to the teeth, would have laid down their lives on the spot in defence of the sheriff and his demand. The Quadroon Adventures in the Far West
  • When she is not at her desk, nervy Virginia is being beastly to the staff, ordering her mutinous cook to make a train journey all the way from Richmond to the centre of town to get some sugar-ginger for lunch.
  • mutinous thoughts
  • I elude authority and make a tidy living being the mutinous karate girl in the corner.
  • It was an ill-assorted gang he had joined: high-spirited youngbloods like Cornelius Cethegus, out for a fight; aging and dissolute noblemen like Marcus Laeca and Autronius Paetus, whose public careers had been frustrated by their private vices; mutinous ex-soldiers led by rabble-rousers like Gaius Manlius, who had been a centurion under Sulla. CONSPIRATA
  • Earlier though, someone shouts the word ‘Avast!’ at a bunch of mutinous tars and everyone just giggles.’
  • If that doesn't change soon, the mutinous backbench mood could reach boiling point. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took her chin between thumb and forefinger, tilting her mutinous face up for his cool inspection.
  • a mutinous speech
  • It's described as a ‘mutinous’ version of the 1798 epic, in which the raddled survivor of a crew lost at sea describes the ghastly consequences of shooting an albatross.
  • When she is not at her desk, nervy Virginia is being beastly to the staff, ordering her mutinous cook to make a train journey all the way from Richmond to the centre of town to get some sugar-ginger for lunch.
  • The mutinous crew sailed back to Tahiti, whence some of the members, accompanied by a number of Tahitians, migrated to Pitcairn's Island and established there an Utopian colony.
  • Kelly seems to have conceived what became his last stand as an act of mutinous rebellion and mass murder.
  • In a second conference in the evening, under the same precautions, Giron agreed to remove his soldiers from the city, to give up eight of the most mutinous of his soldiers to the magistrates, and even to make compearance in person before the court to answer for his conduct during the mutiny. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 05 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Most naval officers had either fled or been murdered by their mutinous crews.
  • And opposite to him his mutinous son was sitting asprawl in a chair, smoking a cheap cigarette with an exceptionally heavy scowl; a lively picture of youthful impiety. The Complete Father Brown
  • ‘Starboard,’ ‘Port,’ ‘Bowsprit,’ and similar indications of a mutinous undercurrent, though subdued, were audible, Bill Boozey, captain of the foretop, came out from the rest. A Holiday Romance

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