How To Use Mutation In A Sentence

  • The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The study also examined blood plasma levels of atazanavir, residual (low-level) viraemia, and drug resistance mutations. Undefined
  • This product series adopts bridge commutation mode with rectiformer attached , featuring energy saving And efficency.
  • I just didn't understand that the ricochet is the second part you can't hide what you intend, it glows in the dark once you start the path of revenge there's no way to stop the more I try to hurt you the more it hurts me strange, it seems like a character mutation though I have all the means of bringing you fuckers down Killing the Buddha
  • I've given you the password to my heart in all its anagrammatic permutations; but you seem to insist this is nothing but a start; so herewith, at last comes the story of my first puppy— Spill
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  • A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
  • And they've also found two new mutations that make the roaches more resistant to pyrethroid and related insecticides.
  • Meant as a follow up to Stadler’s Pools & Pouf collection from earlier this month, Tephra is a co-edition with Carpenter’s Workshop Gallery that represents mutation rather than dissolution. Unique Desk Design : The Wave Desk by Robert Brou
  • Most importantly, if mutations have no effect on organismal fitness, the genealogy of a sample can be separated entirely from the mutational process.
  • It follows from Dirichlet's box principle, that in any permutation of 10 distinct numbers there exists an increasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers or a decreasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers.
  • In contrast to the 11.5% of the patients with hepatitis C, only 4.5% of the patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis showed the HFE mutation.
  • How does the counter generate the correct permutation of the binary numerals?
  • Beginning in 1972 they exposed teratocarcinoma cells to a very strong chemical agent that caused mutations, and then injected the mutated cancer cells into mice to see if there was a genetic pattern to the weird variations that grew out of the tumor; as a control they injected other mice with unmutated teratocarcinoma cells. Vaccinating Against Cancer
  • These species do not share other mutations, so taurine cattle, zebu, banteng, and gayal all occupy separate branches in the network.
  • They found that never-smokers had more mutations in the genes that encode molecules called epidermal growth factor receptors EGFRs, which receive signals on cell membranes, than current or former smokers. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • We showed that CmACS-7 is specifically expressed in carpel primordia, and, in andromonoecious genotypes, a missense mutation leads to loss of enzymatic activity. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In a two-locus model, the gametic (and therefore genotypic) frequencies need not be constant across generations, even in the absence of selection, mutation, migration and drift, unlike in the one-locus case. Population Genetics
  • When combined in the ancestral background, the two mutations had an additive effect, leading to a net increase of 17% relative to the ancestor.
  • When, for example, Karl and I made the simulation more realistic and allowed for mutations, or mistakes in an evolving population of players, then we saw cooperation and defection wax and wane over time, as those with a good reputation are actually undermined by indiscriminate altruists who help anyone, no matter how well or badly the latter have behaved in the past. SuperCooperators
  • By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail.
  • But the severity of even a fully penetrant condition like Huntington's disease seems to depend on not just genetic factors like the number of DNA repeats in the mutation but epigenetic factors like the sex of the parent who transmitted the mutation (Ridley et al. 1991). The Human Genome Project
  • This would allow direct measurement of how far senescence in the original population had been caused by accumulation of partially recessive mutations.
  • In one published familial case, the mother of a 46, XY boy with anorchia who also harbored a p. Val355Met mutation in NR5A1 underwent left ovariectomy and homolateral fallopian tube ablation for ovarian cysts at the age of 22 years and subsequently had two spontaneous miscarriages, an outcome that suggests impaired ovarian function. New England Journal of Medicine
  • You tell us your theoretic can't tolerate extreme adaptations, coordinated mutational events and expression suiting, or the possibility of any organism that hasn't already existed at some point (and been duly deconstructed) ever existing at all. Behe's Test
  • One example he gives is the number of permutations possible with 59 objects - only slightly more than a deck of cards.
  • The loss of eye function is the result of a ‘downhill’ mutational change, a corruption or loss of the genetic information coding for eye manufacture.
  • He has two extra toes on each paw, due to a genetic mutation called polydactylism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they're computing permutations of combinations?
  • Many cancers result from the acquisition of mutations in a family of genes called oncogenes, which normally serve important housekeeping functions for our cells.
  • Amino acid mutations associated with andromonoecy are located at the active site of CsACS2. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • By mutations that place the histidine in a similar distance to the heme as in the active site of peroxidases, compound I of myoglobin has been observed, probably owing to an increased rate of heterolysis.
  • In Celtic languages such as Welsh, there is a process of mutation affecting the beginning sound of a word, according to the word which comes before it.
  • The claims of mutations refer to natural phenomena; the triangles are a normal pattern variant in the Bolson tortoise populations and the pads of nopal coyotillo turn a shade of violet during a dry spell. The Zone Of Silence of nothern Mexico - scientific marvel or just fiction?
  • If it were not for Willie Horton, I might say give Huckabee a pass on this commutation thing, but turnabout is fair play for the Republicans. HuckPAC coordinator steps down, citing clemency decision
  • A less stringent criterion is whether a certain type of mutation occurs more often under conditions favorable to the survival of the resulting mutants.
  • Fully recessive mutations are maintained in higher frequencies than partially recessive ones and thus cause greater declines in fitness under consanguineous matings.
  • The concomitant development of QS malfunction significantly correlated with the reduced production of rhamnolipids and elastase and with the occurrence of mutations in the regulatory genes lasR and rhlR. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I like to think my syndactyly is an outward indication of some other greater, more profound mutation. Syndactyly (Webbed Toes/Fingers) Forums
  • When punk rock burns brightly, it is capable of amazing feats of transmutation.
  • Chromosome-wide significance thresholds were determined by permutation as previously described.
  • Objective To establish a genetic diagnosis method for a novel MSH 2 mutation.
  • The mutation rate is bound to place an upper limit on the rate at which evolution can proceed.
  • This is called a phenocopy, where an environmental factor induces an effect similar to a genetic mutation. It's more than genes, it's networks and systems - The Panda's Thumb
  • If the mutation occurs in a somatic cell, it can cause altered cell growth (e.g., cancer) or cell death (e.g., teratogenesis) in the exposed person. Toxicity
  • Some of these parameters change rapidly, others very slowly, and the possible permutations are nearly infinite.
  • It is at first perfect at the instant the kernel is going to send forth the acrospire, and form itself into the future blade; it is again discovered perfect when the ear is labouring at its extrication, and hastening the production of the yet unformed kernels; in this it appears, the medium of nature's chemistry, equally employed by her in her mutation of the kernel into the blade, and her formation thus of other kernels, by which she effects the completion of that circle to which the operations of the vegetable world are limited. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
  • It was here that we found the four petitions that sought pardon or commutation of his death penalty.
  • Objective To establish a method with high efficiency in detecting phenylalanine hydroxylase(PAH) gene mutations and hence to rapidly diagnose prenatal fetals with phenylketonuria .
  • Our evaluations after such transmutation will again be merely perspectives, but their point of view will then be affirmative and affirming.
  • If another mutation allows this ensemble of cheats to grow, it could give rise to what is called an adenoma. SuperCooperators
  • Q Joe, Howard Wolfson, who is the spokesman for Mrs. Clinton's exploratory committee, says, "she stands by her Saturday statement," which was that the FALN convicts '"absence of a response speaks volumes," and the commutation is a mistake. Press Briefing By Joe Lockhart
  • Yesterday's term was commutation, which is defined as: Define That Term #31
  • Familial adenomatous polyposis is inherited by transmission of a mutation of the APC gene on chromosome 5.
  • A canine Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) mutation leading to a sulfatase deficiency is associated with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Innovations-report
  • The changes in asexual reproduction are more likely to be a “single point mutation” and get copied in every successive generation. Think Progress » Poll: Large Number Of Texans Doubt The Theory Of Evolution, Believe In Human-Dinosaur Coexistence
  • We did not detect any somatic mutation in PTCH gene.
  • (auxotrophic) mutant strains of Neurospora, and to show that each single deficiency produced was associated with the mutation of a single gene11. Edward Tatum - Nobel Lecture
  • The relevance to my analysis in The Edge of Evolution is that, like other mutations that help with malaria, these mutations, too, are ones which degrade the function of a normally very useful protein, called pyruvate kinase. Scientists' Responses Solicited
  • Those who test positive for the glucokinase mutation can usually stop treatment with no untoward consequences. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the case of electrons, nine alleles had point-like mutations and three had rearrangements.
  • Generally, mutations which disrupt or weaken the stem structure reduce the pausing strength, whereas compensatory mutations restore the pausing strength.
  • Eigen says this is too short to encode for an RNA enzyme that might act as a replicase—that is, an enzyme that increases the rate of RNA replication and reduces the mutation rate. SuperCooperators
  • Now, since we're considering order, each of these combinations has a number of permutations.
  • Recently, the president did not pardon him but granted him with a commutation, which is definitely to his advantage. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2007
  • In this study, mutation analysis was used to analyze the association of hepatitis C and cryptogenic cirrhosis with hepatic iron concentration.
  • The extra toes are the result of a genetic mutation called polydactylism. NYDN Rss
  • Gene mutations occur spontaneously and can be induced by mutagenic agents such has high temperature, mustard gas, and radiation.
  • Cancer patients can now have their tumours tested for dozens of genetic mutations that affect which drugs are likely to work. Times, Sunday Times
  • From their own pocket and without any access to commutation or pension entitlements.
  • Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
  • The more elaborate the ornament, the more likely that a random mutation will make the ornament less elaborate, not more.
  • Neurofibromatosis type 1 is a common autosomal dominant disorder with a high rate of penetrance. It is caused by the mutation of the tumor suppressor gene NF1, which encodes neurofibromin.
  • It is the quick, hourlong sequence of alpha, beta and gamma emissions that can lead to the mutations in the lung tissue, which can cause cancer.
  • Recessive deleterious mutations are a major cause for the phenomenon of inbreeding depression, and diploidy may have evolved to mask the effects of recessive deleterious mutations.
  • The functional SNP that the scientists found was located on what is known as intron 6, a reference to a specific location within the gene that is typically overlooked when searching for a functionally relevant mutation. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Among their findings, mice heterozygous for a null mutation of the alpha-isoform of calcium / calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II show profoundly dysregulated behaviors, including a severe working memory deficit and an exaggerated infradian rhythm (cycle of increases and decreases in locomotor activity in their home cage; 2-3 weeks / cycle), which are comparable to the symptoms observed in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders. News Feed
  • If a particle permutation P is applied to any state function for an assembly of particles, then there is no way of distinguishing the resulting permuted state function from the original unpermuted one by means of any observation at any time. Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory
  • This lethality is suppressed by mutation in any one of the recombination repair genes RAD51, RAD52, RAD55, or RAD57.
  • Mutations of aspartates and glutamates were done by substitution of the carboxyl group by the amide group.
  • Even without considering the historical tendency he describes, this illustrates the movement of mythoi displacing themselves, or being displaced, away from the original, mythic scene through a series of permutations layering on additional plausibility. Anime Nano!
  • Like a proofreader searching for a typo in a book, the lab must read each exon to see if it contains a mutation. Genetics and Alagille Syndrome
  • In some way, mutations must correlate to produce an overall advantage for an organism as a whole.
  • The death penalty may only be imposed for the most serious crimes with sentenced persons enjoying the right to seek a pardon or other commutation of the sentence.
  • It's a wondrous transmutation, where the blood of one man is turned into the money of another. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • In this study, three factors affecting the distribution of fixed mutational effects are evaluated: pleiotropy, drift, and stabilizing selection.
  • In addition, recombination may lead to the acquisition of mutations that compensate for a loss in viral fitness or replicative capacity due to previous acquisition of resistance mutations.
  • It's one of the most rewarding attributes they possess - discovering and articulating the weird mutation in the human race.
  • In people with filaggrin mutations, foreign substances easily enter the skin and are detected by the immune system. The Sun
  • Starting with a pair or triplet of markers, parametric approaches carry out local extension and perform local permutations of consecutive markers to produce the most likely marker order.
  • Clearly, keeping animals packed together in unnatural conditions is conducive to the breeding and mutation of viruses. Times, Sunday Times
  • A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
  • the mutation has been evolutionarily successful
  • Weak png mutations permit several transient S-M cycles to occur, producing embryos with a characteristic phenotype of multiple polyploid nuclei.
  • So there are all sorts of permutations and combinations available to us.
  • A second bug experienced a mutation that allowed it to make use of the acetate excreted from the first.
  • This commutation of a liar and an obstructor of justice will go down in the annals of American shame. Outrage: Bush Commutes Libby Sentance
  • He made six separate applications for a total of 39 000 shares, using permutations of his surname and Christian names.
  • The suo mutations were screened for their ability to restore growth of pex2 mutants on OA medium.
  • Many other permutations of the alternatives presented are certainly possible.
  • Objective: To investigate the association between gene mutations of ion channel gene KCNQ1 and KCNH2 and familial paroxysmal atrioventricular junctional reentrant tachycardia (FPAVJRT).
  • We propose that the genotype-phenotype map can evolve by two main routes: epistatic mutations, or the creation of new genes. Darwin and neutrality - The Panda's Thumb
  • Among several mutations rumoured to alter senescence are the clavata mutants.
  • Mutation bias is not enough to produce orthogenesis, however.
  • Only after the first several million generations has mutation added enough variability to reach the equilibrium.
  • We now believe that proteins in a structure called the kinetochore are among the most sensitive to degradation or mutation. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • Molecular methods have been developed to monitor these mutations in the field isolates so as to evaluate the efficacy of sulpha drugs to treat malaria.
  • The use of untransformed data for multiplicative fitness traits induces positive bias in the estimates of up to 50% for the ratio estimate when there are many segregating deleterious mutations per individual.
  • Thus the ratio of the proportions of deleterious mutations and nonsynonymous sites to that at synonymous sites is 6.6: 1.
  • Objective : To analyze G 6 PD gene mutation in 168 Cantonese G 6 PD deficient male infants.
  • The effect of irradiation is absolutely universal, mutations appear after irradiation within all organisms, from simple viruses and bacteria up to the most highly organized plants and mammals. Physiology or Medicine 1946 - Presentation Speech
  • The plant and seed pigmentation components can be lost independently by mutation or unequal crossing over, leading to different derivatives.
  • It is the most common genetic cardiac disease, there are at least 11 genes that encode sarcomere proteins, more than 200 types of mutations relate to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  • A nude mouse is a laboratory mouse from a strain with a genetic mutation that causes a deteriorated or absent thymus, resulting in an inhibited immune system due to a greatly reduced number of T cells. Nudity among animals
  • What was remarkable about the spruce was its color: a lambent yellow, caused by a rare genetic mutation that affected its ability to make chlorophyll.
  • Maximum likelihood performs a nonlinear dimensionality reduction, choosing permutations that compact the permuted image vectors into a volumetrically minimal subspace.
  • With this scenario, the fragmented delegate count produces several possible permutations.
  • Each candidate was then backcrossed to the unmutagenized parent and tetrads were dissected to ensure that the synthetic lethal phenotype resulted from a single mutation.
  • Mutations in a protein called dynein, required for the proper functioning of sensory nerve cells, ca ... THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Don't use ALL: One of the most common mistakes is to grant all-- access to all commands, access to all users, or any other permutation.
  • Herr Carlo Landberg (Proverbes et Dictons du Peuple Arabe, vol.i. of Syria, Leyden, E.J. Brill, 1883) explains layta for rayta (= raayta) by permutation of liquids and argues that the contraction is ancient (p. 42). The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Mutations in FHL1 are present in several myopathies, including reducing-body myopathy THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • If that changes with a mutation or a recombination or reassortment of one virus to the other, that could change everything.
  • You only get malaria protection. It's only when you inherit the mutation from both parents that you get sickle-cell anemia.
  • Nanoscale biosensors capable of detecting specific DNA sequences and genetic mutations in the lab could lead to new cancer detection methods or aid drug development.
  • There is a rare but distinct pink-berried mutation, Chardonnay Rose, as well as a headily perfumed Chardonnay Blanc Musqué version, sometimes used in blends.
  • Because isomer weapons would not involve transmutation of nuclear species, they don't come under the rubric of existing nonproliferation treaties.
  • The consequence of these mutations is a cascade phosphorylation of certain serine/threonine protein kinases.
  • Netto made major steps towards abstract group theory when he combined permutation group results and groups in number theory.
  • The empirically observed mutations are thus neither favored nor disfavored by natural selection.
  • The estimate is based on a large mutational target, the 804-base TMV MP gene that encodes the viral movement protein, which is a cognate sequence for the viral replicase.
  • We have developed predictive software, Prethermut, based on machine learning methods, to predict the effect of single - or multi-site mutations on protein thermostability. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The antibodies attack the tips of the protein, whose form varies between flu mutations. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no detectable p53 mutations in genomic DNA from the six children who developed secondary brain tumours.
  • So far researchers have been fairly confident that they can propagate cells beyond their natural lifetimes without introducing oncogenic mutations. The Scientist
  • Do we call this transmutation or transubstantiation?
  • People with a so-called codon 13 mutation of KRAS lived a median of 7.6 months, and lived four months before their tumors progressed, while taking a combination of Erbitux and chemotherapy, the researchers found. Lilly's Erbitux May Help Some Cancer Patients With Mutation, Study Finds - Bloomberg
  • One simple criterion for a developmental mutation is embryonic lethality, but this also catches mutations in genes involved in housekeeping functions.
  • Until 2003, scientists knew that the principal distinction between the “normalcy” of a cell and the “abnormalcy” of a cancer cell lay in the accumulation of genetic mutations—ras, myc, Rb, neu, and so forth—that unleashed the hallmark behaviors of cancer cells. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Furthermore, the total rate of production of deleterious mutations and their pattern of age-specificity are unknown.
  • Indeed, all but two haplotypes can be connected to other haplotypes by a single mutation.
  • These rates are greater than expected for additive or multiplicative effects of the single mutations.
  • Looks like the "middle ground" is where the quantum mystics hang out and propose unnecessary quantum explanations for well-understood chemical mutation processes based on an extremely vague analogy between photon capture in chlorophyll and base pair mutations in DNA. A Voice from the Middle Ground
  • It appears in all the canvases and works on paper in different combinations and permutations, linked by linear extensions that form varying kinds of S-curves or semicircles.
  • Single bases in DNA can be chemically mutated, for example by deamination or alkylation, resulting in incorrect base-pairing, and consequently, mutations in the DNA. Another Protozoan and Front-Loading
  • In this study, tests for associations between insertions as a class and variation in bristle number were assessed using a permutation-based one-tailed test of significance.
  • Leach can now conduct large-scale genetic screens, studying the progress of mutations designed to mimic the way human pancreatic disease develops.
  • Rather than trying to understand these as aberrations -- as the half-and-half and not-quite-either of "cross-genre" and "interstitial" -- or as subversions of the form, we might better approach each text as an individual permutation of possible approaches. Archive 2008-01-01
  • From the missing mutations in the old DNA sequences the researchers calculated that the Sima hominin lived about 400,000 years ago.
  • It just happens that mutations that construct organisms which reproduce more efficiently are conserved over time.
  • Many cancers result from the acquisition of mutations in a family of genes called oncogenes, which normally serve important housekeeping functions for our cells.
  • Of course, I can do multiple transmutations at the same time.
  • The distribution of mutational effects was assumed to be gamma, which allows a wide variety of shapes.
  • They found dental cavities can be caused by mutations in a protein that also causes hair loss. The Sun
  • Here, we have approached this problem by using an efficient in vitro method for generating mutations at defined regions.
  • Put forward a planner permutation network by using the ergodic and good relativity of Chebyshev-map chaos sequence, and the time complexity and analyzed permutation character of permutation network.
  • And the direct analogue of gene knockout also demonstrates that the opcode programs evolved in Avida are irreducibly complex, and yet they readily evolve by means of random mutations and selection. Robert Camp:Can Intelligent Design be considered scientific in the same way that SETI is? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Stanley CA, Lieu YK, Hsu BY, Burlina AB, Greenberg CR, Hopwood NJ, et al. Hyperinsulinism and hyperammonemia in infants with regulatory mutations of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene. Resources for Professionals
  • Repeated exposure to nitrite could lead to an unfavourably high frequency of mutations.
  • It's only when you inherit the mutation from both parents that you get sickle-cell anemia.
  • That his endless permutations jar the sensibilities of lavishly paid footballers is hardly in itself a cause for complaint. Times, Sunday Times
  • A woman who tests positive for the gene mutations may choose to undergo preventive procedures, such as mastectomy or oophorectomy, which might be unnecessary if a given mutation would not lead to cancer.
  • His commutation of those death sentences to a maximum of life in prison makes any future execution in Illinois - formerly site of one of the nation's largest death rows - at best a distant prospect.
  • Chloroquine resistance in P. falciparum may be multigenic and is initially conferred by mutations in a gene encoding a transporter (PfCRT) (13). Reality 1, Behe 0 - The Panda's Thumb
  • This fragment was cloned into a plasmid vector and sequenced to exclude mutations introduced during PCR.
  • Interesting and well-executed permutations of the flavourful Indian bread abound: chicken naan, keema, and garlic and spinach, my personal favourite.
  • His execution became certain when the state board refused his request for commutation.
  • Damage caused to DNA may, in turn, induce mutation and chromosome abnormalities of the meristem cells.
  • There are 16 different permutations for a possible World Series matchup this season.
  • This is why Darwin resisted the use the term preferring the word “transmutation” which I think came originally from Lamarck whose scheme was also progressive but involved environmental mechanisms as well as God-given drives to complexity and spontaneous generation. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design Review: Why Should Words Have Meanings? (Chapter 1) - The Panda's Thumb
  • This suggests that the mutation might help explain both asymmetry and schizophrenia.
  • Classical genetics of human disease deals with monogenic disorders in which a single mutation in a single gene is causatively related to the phenotype.
  • They were also tested for the common gene mutations that predispose to venous thromboembolism.
  • Rather, he is speculating about the frequency of occurrence of a multigenic trait that involves two or three genes, and more perhaps many more than two mutations. Reality 1, Behe 0 - The Panda's Thumb
  • One sample was found with a mutation in its first tissue microsection while not being detected in its second round of microsection was considered to be a PCR artifact.
  • The aim is to use the genetic mutations that each of these organisms acquire to construct their family trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • I may have to send this news article to school with her: investigators have found that a mutation in chickens causes them to develop teeth—and the teeth resemble those of the common ancestor of alligators and chickens, an archosaur. Chicken, archosaur...same difference - The Panda's Thumb
  • The possible permutations of the final four are intriguing.
  • Of course, through gene doubling, it IS possible to duplicate a gene, and then have the duplicate altered by point mutation to produce a different protein, such as, say, a hemotoxin component. "Retraining the Scientific Imagination..." - The Panda's Thumb
  • In this case, however, mutations affecting the expression of any one factor invariably affect two adjacent parts of the flower.
  • When a person is carrying a mutation in an autosomal dominant gene, each egg or sperm cell has a 50 percent chance of containing the nonfunctioning gene copy and a 50 percent chance of containing the normal copy of the gene. Genetics and Alagille Syndrome
  • A transition of the C 643 to T resulting in a nonsense mutation changing Gln PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Composition involved, in Gaelic parts, the commutation of the chief's right to take up supplies for his household and quarter his kerne and galloglass on his subjects for defence.
  • It's one thing making acid from air and water vapour, quite another for delicate chemical transmutation like this.
  • When beta-catenin was completely inactivated in mice with pre-leukaemic cells, the animals did not develop cancer despite carrying all the necessary MLL mutations. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Conclusion Maybe there is no association with E237G gene mutation between asthma and atopy.
  • But I'm beginning now to think those cofactors may act indirectly by inducing mutations – oxidative stress, free radicals which can induce mutations in the virus. Luc Montagnier - Interview
  • Few things have as many permutations as the Grand National form book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our only refuge is in the worms, and how to account for the transmutation of any worm with which we are at present acquainted into a form like the Leptus, with its mandibulated mouth and jointed legs, seems at first well nigh impossible. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Structure/function studies aimed at identifying pore-lining domains in connexin channels have been largely based on effects of mutations on single-channel conductance or permeation of uncharged molecules.
  • We've asked for a commutation to straight life which would give Stacey a chance for parole after 15 years.
  • CsACS2 like CmACS-7 is specifically expressed in buds determined to develop a carpel in carpel primordia and, like in melon, loss-of-function mutations, located near the active site of CsACS2 are associated with andromonoecy. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A relatively new drug, atovaquone, which interfered with a different step in P. falciparum metabolism, can be countered by a single amino acid mutation in a protein called cytochrome b.3 The very latest drug, artemisinin, is derived from the Chinese sweet wormwood plant. The Edge of Evolution
  • The antibodies attack the tips of the protein, whose form varies between flu mutations. Times, Sunday Times
  • How you design a mutant hunt, isolate additional mutations in a known gene, define a null phenotype, and order genes into a pathway is the same, whatever the problem being addressed. H. Robert Horvitz - Autobiography
  • Patients who are found to have ovarian cancer will be tested for the mutation and, if positive, relatives will also be tested. Times, Sunday Times
  • Warnock DG, Disse-Nicodeme S, Fiquet-Kempf B, Corvol P, et al. (2003) Familial hyperkalemic hypertension: phenotypic analysis in a large family with the WNK1 deletion mutation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • GU anomalies syndrome: These individuals usually carry changes known as nonsense or frameshift mutations that affect one working copy of the WT1 gene. WT1-Related Wilms Tumor (WT) Syndromes
  • Mutations in genes coding for these proteins may be tolerated in an otherwise wild-type cell through the presence of one or more checkpoint pathways.

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