How To Use Muslin In A Sentence

  • The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass. Brittany & Its Byways
  • I found myself in a salon with a very well-painted, highly varnished floor; chairs and sofas covered with white draperies, a green porcelain stove, walls hung with pictures in gilt frames, a gilt pendule and other ornaments on the mantelpiece, a large lustre pendent from the centre of the ceiling, mirrors, consoles, muslin curtains, and a handsome centre table completed the inventory of furniture. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • These included balsam, musk, benzoin, aloeswood, ginger, muslin, thoroughbred Arabian horses, and Chinese porcelain.
  • But as he neared the crux of his missive, he was suddenly interrupted by a flurry of black tresses and wrinkled muslin rushing into the room.
  • She usually wore a dress of dark gray stuff, with immense pockets, a black silk neckerchief folded over her shoulders, a white tamboured muslin cap, with a black ribbon passed two or three times round the crown. Helen and Arthur or, Miss Thusa's Spinning Wheel
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  • Banker or not, the villas provide a sumptuous holiday complete with giant four-poster beds swathed in billowing muslin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your materials are simple - muslin cut into 8-1/2 ‘squares to create the base window frames, and a variety of prints, calicos, or other fabrics to use for the windows.’
  • At the windows, curtains of heavy white jaconet muslin, not too full, hung in sharp parallel plaits to the floor -- just to the floor. The Sorcery Club
  • Even in midwinter, in the icy church, the blushing bride would throw aside her broadcloth cape or camblet roquelo and stand up clad in a sprigged India muslin gown with only a thin lace tucker over her neck, warm with pride in her pretty gown, her white bonnet with ostrich feathers and embroidered veil, and in her new husband. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • Be prepared to have lots of muslins around you.
  • Four-poster and canopied beds should be avoided, or at least their heavy drapes should be replaced with lightweight muslin or cotton ones which can be washed at high temperatures to kill the mites.
  • When all was mixed, wrapped in muslin, and dumped into two large pans of water simmering on the Aga, the ladies went off to Mar'ton, too, for more shopping.
  • The sky was a kind of famished blue, insufficiently dressed with a few stretches of muslin clouds. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Remove the muslin cloth and take off the heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strain the yolk through a muslin cloth into a clean dry bowl.
  • Strain through a muslin bag and continue stirring until the cream cools and sets. Times, Sunday Times
  • One was of pretty pink glazed calico and of some other shiny stuff called 'chintz' -- white, with tiny lines of different colours; she also bought some red cotton velvet and neat-looking white spotted muslin, and several yards of very narrow lace of a very small and dainty pattern, and other things, all of which interested Alie very much indeed, though after a while Biddy got tired of looking on, and went and stood at the doorway of the shop. The Rectory Children
  • A wet bulb thermometer is simply a thermometer with the bulb wrapped in moist muslin.
  • Gloves, an Ell or two of Muslin or figured Lawn, and as a little of what you call frippery is very necessary towards looking like the rest of the world, Nabby would have me add, a few yard of Black or Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 May 1780
  • Porcelain, silk, ivory, crystal, muslin, chintz and lacquered wood were all first introduced to Europe between 1500 and 1800.
  • It was rather an elderly costume for a bridemaid; but she was determined to dress warmly, and not risk, in muslins and laces, the health which to her now was money, life -- nay, honor. Mistress and Maid. A Household Story.
  • She sat now on a little stool that she had made for herself of empty tomato cans, covered with gaily flowered cretonne, and drawing back the muslin frilled curtains, looked wearily over the fields. The Second Chance
  • A Morning Walking Dress [is] a short gown and coat of fine jaconet muslin, edged with a broad border of patent work, made high in the neck with deep standing collar, trimmed with narrow band of patent work to correspond.
  • She took off the offending dark green velvet dress and changed me into my beautiful white muslin dress with its pale blue sash.
  • Fabrics varied, and included calendared or glazed fabrics of wool, plain or floral printed calicos and muslins, and glazed chintz monochrome or polychrome prints.
  • Remove the muslin bag then whiz the vegetables and liquid in a food processor or blender until smooth.
  • In this hospital the poor are well lodged, clothed, and fed; the house is kept clean and well aired; the young are instructed in the principles of religion, in reading English, and a little writing and are employed in such labour as is fitted for them, as making thread lace, tambouring muslins, setting card teeth etc.
  • Strain the yolk through a muslin cloth into a clean dry bowl.
  • They refuse her every wish - to wear plain, plaid dresses instead of fussy white muslin, to go barefoot outdoors, and to have second helpings of food.
  • One is white muslin from the 1920s and the other red satin from the 1970s, and they terrify me.
  • Before the second class the following week, the muslin strips were stitched on two sides and turned to form a tube shape.
  • Strain through muslin cloth, squeezing all liquid from the herbs and blend two parts of the herbal liquid to one part of white vinegar.
  • The point of the needle darts back and forth, teasing the weave of the fine muslin, mull or cotton.
  • He looked away and saw the bathroom, which, also well muslined, was completely open to the bedroom.
  • This classic cleanser contains creamy eucalyptus and cocoa butter to clean, and a muslin cloth to polish. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was as large as a small room; three sides of it formed by minute wirework, with occasional draperies of muslin or other slight material, and covered at intervals, sometimes within, sometimes without, by dainty creepers; a tiny cistern in the centre, from which upsprang a sparkling jet. Kenelm Chillingly — Complete
  • The soured milk is strained through muslin to leave a soft ball of cheese ready to be shaped.
  • She had leapt out of bed and pushed aside the muslin curtains just in time to see two receding figures as they ran into the forest.
  • Strain the liquid through a colander covered with muslin, and retain the liquid.
  • Strain the shrimp water into a container through a clean handkerchief or fine muslin cloth.
  • Banker or not, the villas provide a sumptuous holiday complete with giant four-poster beds swathed in billowing muslin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remove the muslin bag then whiz the vegetables and liquid in a food processor or blender until smooth.
  • After two hours, carefully strain the oil by using unbleached muslin (usually available at fabric stores).
  • At the borders, it is a gossamer weft of sparse threads; nearer the centre, the texture becomes first fine muslin and then satin; lower still, on the narrower part of the opening, it is a network of roughly lozenged meshes. The Life of the Spider
  • She wore a white muslin dress, a rose-colored sash, and rose-colored ribbons in the pretty cap on her head; her chemisette was moulded so deliciously by her shoulders and the loveliest rounded contours, that the sight of her awakened an irresistible desire of possession in the depths of the heart. The Message
  • While Mrs. Vesey and Miss Halcombe were richly clad (each in the manner most becoming to her age), the first in silver-grey, and the second in that delicate primrose-yellow colour which matches so well with a dark complexion and black hair, Miss Fairlie was unpretendingly and almost poorly dressed in plain white muslin. The Woman in White
  • It generally consists of a long piece of callico, or muslin, wrapped loosely round the The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself. Vol. I.
  • What reason was it, O rose of seventeen, adorning thyself with cloudy films of lace and sparks of jewelry before the mirror that reflects youth and beauty, that made Miss Lucinda array herself in a brand-new dress of yellow muslin-de-laine strewed with round green spots, and displace her customary hand-kerchief for a huge tamboured collar, on this eventful occasion? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • Her taste for wearing loose, diaphanous, white muslin dresses, adopted from Marie Antoinette, gave rise to what became known as the Perdita chemise.
  • Mine has a chunky wooden table sliced from a tree and handmade muslin curtains on bamboo rails. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the early morning my eyes always open on the Governor's handsome Mohammedan servant in spotless white muslin and red head-dress and girdle, bringing a tray with tea and bananas. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • A plain white cotton cloth , heavier than muslin.
  • Supplies for the project included a 10’ x 36’ strip of muslin for each child, diluted fabric paints in a variety of colors, fiberfill, puffy paints, assorted buttons, felt, leather scraps and tacky glue.
  • Place a handful of chamomile in a square of cheesecloth or muslin, gather and tie then throw into your bath for a soothing skin treat.
  • Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I was shocked to find that I was in a fancy room that was decorated with fake fur, velvet, muslin, satin, and angora.
  • the whole garden was covered over and divided into large rooms which were hung with draperies of rose-coloured muslin, enormous ornamental mirrors and numerous chandeliers and perfumed with every kind of flower.
  • Under dress of jaconet muslin, trimmed with lace or embroidery. The International Monthly, Volume 2, No. 4, March, 1851
  • Metal hoops of new cheeses or muslined de-hooped cheeses would be carried from the building where the curds are produced to another shed where they are aged and smoked.
  • Strained yoghurt, yoghurt cheese, labneh (Arabic لبنة), or Greek yoghurt is yoghurt which has been strained in a cloth or paper bag or filter, traditionally made of muslin, to remove the whey, giving a consistency between that of yoghurt and cheese, while preserving yoghurt's distinctive sour taste. Lactose and Fermentation
  • The muslin gowns had been very successful; the skirts fell in a straight line from the waistband high under their arms to their feet, one with a little edge of fine white embroidery, the other with a frill scarcely to be called a flounce round the foot. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • Banker or not, the villas provide a sumptuous holiday complete with giant four-poster beds swathed in billowing muslin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not merely the room itself, with its fresh muslin curtains and vases of flowers. What Katy Did
  • Early the next morning, as a kind of etherealized sunshine broke through the white muslin curtains of Arnfinn's room, and long streaks of sun-illumined dust stole through the air toward the sleeper's pillow, there was a sharp rap at the door, and Strand entered. Tales From Two Hemispheres
  • The elderly beaux still wear the showy embroidered waistcoats, knee breeches, lace ruffles and sparkling shoe buckles of the late eighteenth century, while the younger men, conforming to the newer style, have adopted close-fitting nankeen pantaloons tied above the ankle by a piece of ribbon, and wear long-tailed blue coats adorned with brass buttons, while their necks are swathed in voluminous white muslin cravats. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
  • It generally consists of a long piece of callico, or muslin, wrapped loosely round the body, somewhat in the form of a highland plaid. The Life of Olaudah Equiano Or Gustavus Vassa The African
  • Besides a turban of finest muslin with a diamond aigrette and feathers, a coat of cloth of gold worked with silver flowers, Saïd found a shirt of silver chainwork which was so fine and close and strong that no blow of lance or sword could penetrate it. Hauff's Fairy Tales, Translated and Adapted
  • Cover with a damp muslin cloth and keep aside for an hour.
  • I have seen my mother hem thin ruffles of muslin; and you know with what sort of a needle that should be done. The Old Helmet
  • By doing that she noticed the old muslin curtain was dingier than common ... she continued to clean, and then began going to church, and you wouldn't believe the change that came over the little old brown house just because a little girl gave her little potted rose plant to the old hermit woman. Subtle Frugality
  • Warm up the stock over a gentle heat, so it liquifies completely, then strain it carefully through muslin or a cotton cloth.
  • To the 3x size sewer: take the pattern I recommended here and make it in muslin, m 90 "or 50" wide piece, double, and if it works you know the pattern fits. Alfred Augustus Glendening 1861-1903
  • Art muslin and banjoes, Chinese lanterns and frying, are leading In the Days of the Comet
  • The parts are first thoroughly washed, rubbed dry with towels and dusting-powder, and the ointment applied on strips of muslin or lint and bound on; the dressing is renewed twice daily, the parts each time being rubbed dry with soft towels and dusting-powder, and the treatment continued for ten days to two weeks, after which the dusting-powder is to be used alone for several weeks. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • sprigged muslin
  • Try muslin or gauze, which ensure privacy without depriving a room of light.
  • Cotton muslin,. i.e., a type of “gray baft”, or if affordable, some other higher quality cotton cloth can be used.
  • Lighter window treatments such as voile and muslin can diffuse daylight into a room with designer effects.
  • Jane suspends the pips in muslin to help the marmalade set, but I just use the juice and fleshy pulp from the inside of a lemon… it does the same trick.
  • Owners of pet and show rabbits were advised to have their animals inoculated against myxomatosis or cover their hutches with buttered muslin.
  • Fabrics varied, and included calendared or glazed fabrics of wool, plain or floral printed calicos and muslins, and glazed chintz monochrome or polychrome prints.
  • I have no idea how many muslins I have, because I have so many!
  • Strain the oil through clean muslin or cheesecloth and allow it to cool until it is just warm.
  • The most coveted are made of silk and organza - and some muslin saris are woven so finely they can be folded down to fit inside a matchbox.
  • As my arms flew about in space, my hands sported enlarged puffy boxing mitts which had been sewn from muslin.
  • She robbed the windows of their lawn and muslin curtains, replacing them with gaudy calico from the trade-store, and made herself several gowns. Chapter 7
  • France be so kind as to order me one half a dozen tombour worked Muslin hankerchiefs, 4 Ells Book Muslin, one pound of white threads, 12 Ells of light crimson caliminco with a peice of coarse cambrick and any light wollen stuff that will answer for winter gowns, half a dozen coulourd plumes and a small Box of flowers for Miss Nabby at her request to her pappa. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 April 1781
  • The little front parlour, which is the old lady's ordinary sitting-room, is a perfect picture of quiet neatness; the carpet is covered with brown Holland, the glass and picture-frames are carefully enveloped in yellow muslin; the table-covers are never taken off, except when the leaves are turpentined and bees '- waxed, an operation which is regularly commenced every other morning at half-past nine o'clock -- and the little nicknacks are always arranged in precisely the same manner. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
  • A stout woman clad in sequined pink muslin trousers and brassiere was standing on a platform revolving her stomach in time to the music of a piano and violin, and as we entered she changed her subject matter and began to revolve her large firm breasts in opposite directions. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: Part IV
  • Pray, Clarence, look at her, entangled in her bale of gold muslin, and conscious of her bulse of diamonds! Tales and Novels — Volume 03
  • Place either fresh or dried herbs between some muslin and apply to the affected part. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • It is stirred for a moment, then allowed to stand until firmly coagulated, which is then broken up and the whey strained off through a muslin. The Mother and Her Child
  • Everything comes in white muslin bags, and products feature aromatic oils. Times, Sunday Times
  • My hubby is sceptical about my insistence that we need the two dozen muslins I've bought.
  • A 19th-century painting of a girl in a muslin dress hung on the wall.
  • His dress was that of a miniature man; a white silk burnous, embroidered with gold, over a pale blue vest, stitched in many colours; a splendid red cloak, whose embroidery of stiff gold stood out like a bas-relief; a turban and chechia of thin white muslin; and red-legged boots finer than those of the Spahis. The Golden Silence
  • Strain through muslin cloth, squeezing all liquid from the herbs and blend two parts of the herbal liquid to one part of white vinegar.
  • Mouldings may be applied to a plastered and muslined wall.
  • A change of vowels or a doubling of a consonant is also not infrequent, thus giving English kunkur ` variety of limestone 'in lieu of kankar, mulmul ` muslin' in lieu of malmal, muggar ` kind of crocodile 'in lieu of magar. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
  • This classic cleanser contains creamy eucalyptus and cocoa butter to clean, and a muslin cloth to polish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Banker or not, the villas provide a sumptuous holiday complete with giant four-poster beds swathed in billowing muslin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catherine knew all this very well; her great aunt had read her a lecture on the subject only the Christmas before; and yet she lay awake ten minutes on Wednesday night debating between her spotted and her tamboured muslin, and nothing but the shortness of the time prevented her buying a new one for the evening. Northanger Abbey
  • She robbed the windows of their lawn and muslin curtains, replacing them with gaudy calico from the trade-store, and made herself several gowns. Chapter 7
  • Reasoning thus, and much better than this, she was very particular about her hat, and French pelerine of fluted lawn, and frock of pale violet trimmed on either side with gathered muslin. Springhaven
  • The frame hung below the muslin like a kind of narrow, abbreviated hoop skirt. FAMILY PICTURES
  • They were clothed in dainty muslin, three as sweet young girls as one would ever meet. Just Patty
  • I love you more than all the flannelette and calico, candlewick, dimity, crash and merino, tussore, cretonne, crepon, muslin, poplin, ticking and twill in the whole Cloth Hall of the world. W.G. SEBALD.
  • Strain through clean, sterile muslin cloth and then drip through coffee filter paper.
  • Be aware that you'll need to use a muslin cloth to get it off though, or you will end up with blocked pores. The Sun
  • Strain the liquid through a colander covered with muslin, and retain the liquid.
  • Standing behind them was Ivan, Andrei and Alexis and at the front, sitting in front of father and Nadeja was Natalia and I, both dressed in our best white muslin dresses that our babushka had bought us.
  • A few tresses of her hair had escaped from beneath the Muslin which confined the rest, and fell carelessly over her bosom, as it heaved with slow and regular suspiration. The Monk
  • Let the liquid cool and pass it through a muslin cloth. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was George ‘Beau’ Brummell who restored order to the slovenly neckwear of his time, by devising the use of starch on a muslin neckcloth, so that it would retain its shape throughout the day.
  • The bedrooms are full of limewashed wood, white tiled floors and beds swathed in white muslin.
  • Even in midwinter, in the icy church, the blushing bride would throw aside her broadcloth cape or camblet roquelo and stand up clad in a sprigged India muslin gown with only a thin lace tucker over her neck, warm with pride in her pretty gown, her white bonnet with ostrich feathers and embroidered veil, and in her new husband. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • It is worn with the fermizi, a jacket of velvet or serge with long sleeves that is thrown over the back; waist-high white stockings; and a shirt with wide sleeves made of cotton, muslin, or silk.
  • It is woven into muslins, dimities, cloths, calicoes, &c.; and is also joined with silks and flax, in the composition of other stuffs, and in working with the needle. A Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery. With a Short Explanation of Some of the Principal Natural Phenomena. For the Use of Schools and Families. Enlarged and Revised Edition.
  • She doesn't like most of the polyester material here and often buys plain undyed muslin and dyes it with her batik dyes to get the colors she wants in cottons. A Great (Sewing) Notion
  • From Kitty there was a dainty sewing apron of muslin, with pretty blue bows on the pockets; from Amanda, a fancy-work bag, and from Debby a complicated needlecase. Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party
  • They do everything from logging the trees on their extensive timberland to lining the caskets with white muslin.
  • Because of it, the poor freedmen have gathered the shreds of crape and muslin swept from the doors of the rich, and sewed them together and stretched them across the doors and windows of their own rude homes, to symbolize their humble but sincere sorrow. God's Ways Unsearchable
  • My wrought iron bed came with a white muslin mosquito net, which made me feel a lot like a princess.
  • In the early years of cotton production, the factories produced cotton yarns that local families wove into simple plain or twill fabrics like jean, plaid, stripe, check, and muslin on two- or four-harness looms.
  • Articles of wearing apparel were done upon a soft fine muslin called mull, breadths of which were embroidered for skirts, lengths of it were scalloped and embroidered for flounces, and hand-lengths of it were done for the short waists and sleeves of the pretty Colonial gowns worn by our delicate ancestresses. The Development of Embroidery in America
  • She fingered fine muslins and intricate laces, heavy crimson silks and tulle.
  • Banker or not, the villas provide a sumptuous holiday complete with giant four-poster beds swathed in billowing muslin. Times, Sunday Times
  • From one end of the town to the other clotheslines, dining-room chairs, porch rockers and upstairs bedrooms are overflowing with silk foulards, frilled dimities, beribboned and belaced organdies, not to mention the billows of dotted swiss and muslin. Green Valley
  • She had dressed in a thin, blue muslin gown with a low neckline to show off her décolletage.
  • She was wearing a dress of pale muslin, sari-style, that clung like a gauzy skin but flounced out below the knee above thonged sandals; one ivory shoulder and both arms were bare, and as she swept towards me with a swift graceful stride the flimsy material outlined her figure - gad, it was all there. THE NUMBERS
  • She wore a loose dress... of the finest muslin, her slippers were made of blue satin worked with silver. The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History
  • The food is prepared and served by reserved women wearing white muslin bonnets and long aprons. Intersecting Traditions | The Stiletto Gang
  • On her head is the muslin-draped and high-peaked "hennin. Illuminated Manuscripts
  • You will also need some muslin, which you can buy from all good cook shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fairlie was unpretendingly and almost poorly dressed in plain white muslin. The Woman in White
  • Strain through a muslin cloth and return to the heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strain through fine muslin, squeezing all liquid from the flowers, and refrigerate.
  • I remember a dance given by handsome Mrs. Forrest, when I wore a white "book-muslin," with my hair glued to my head with bandoline, then plaited in sixteen-strand braids coiled in a basket low upon the neck, in which were inserted Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 1843-1920. Recollections Grave and Gay
  • Drain in a colander set over a bowl, then shell the mussels before straining the juice carefully through a double muslin or chinois.
  • Place either fresh or dried herbs between some muslin and apply to the affected part. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • It is a good article for collars and shirt bosoms; also, when much diluted, for thin white muslin and bobbinet. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • Mrs.X. and you occupy a very light bed, which has a tall canopy of red "percale;" the windows are smartly draped with cheap gaudy calicoes and muslins; there are little mean strips of carpet about the tiled floor of the room, and yet all seems as gay and as comfortable as may be -- the sun shines brighter than you have seen it for a year, the sky is a thousand times bluer, and what a cheery clatter of shrill quick French voices comes up from the court-yard under the windows! The Paris Sketch Book
  • I could write a book on the Decline and Fall of the Petticoat, beginning with the billowy white muslin variety, and working up to the present slinky messaline affair. Roast Beef, Medium
  • A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table.
  • Michael C criticizes that a lot of the others are still working in muslin and have nothing for their model to try on, but of course he's well on his way to a finished look, albeit it is a ball gown that has a train which dusts the floor very nicely. Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking: Project Runway, Episode 9 "Race to the Finish"
  • Cut out 8 squares of tightly woven muslin, 8 squares of felt, and 8 squares of autumn or seasonal print material.
  • It was specially suitable to the lawns and muslins of the eighteenth century, but little of this lace is left owing, no doubt, to its great favour except the ubiquitous "lappets," for which it was no doubt "the Queen of Chats on Old Lace and Needlework
  • Yes, for she looked; the frame was only some native reeds or canes and a bit of board; the rest was white muslin drapery, which would pack away in a very few square inches of room, but now hung in pretty folds around the glass and covered the frame. The Old Helmet
  • The bed in a corner was hung in blue shalloon over ruffled white muslin, and there was blue at the windows. The Three Black Pennys A Novel
  • The box contains items such as baby grows and muslins.
  • This slip is 100 percent cotton, thin muslin, and is surprisingly not hot. Home Living
  • Barbara T remembers the St Patrick's concert at which the choirs from the Catholic schools sang together dressed in long white muslin frocks with green shamrock crowns on their heads.
  • Yes, and muslin curtains in all the windows. Anne of Green Gables
  • The sensual, flowing designs are accompanied by must-have boleros of muslin and lace.
  • They can be made of cotton velvet, or any kind of chiffon or silky material, in the same simple way as the fringed muslin curtains. A Plain House - Inside Windows
  • The windows have very handsome gilt cornices, with tamboured muslin curtains, and others of a blue and gold coloured damask; there are two large sofas, and four small chairs of dark walnut wood, carved and covered with the same material as the curtains, and a smaller chair with a tapestry seat -- also a large rocking-chair covered with Utrecht velvet. First Impressions of the New World On Two Travellers from the Old in the Autumn of 1858
  • The paper could be made from silk, muslin or cotton fibre and the preparation of the paper was time consuming in its own right.
  • Combine any of these - the more the better - in muslin or hessian bags, and hang around the house.
  • She wore a muslin mutch, fine but not much different from those of the old wives in the cottages, with a broad black ribbon round it tied in a large bow on the top of her head; and her shoulders were enveloped in a warm tartan shawl pinned at the neck with a silver brooch. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • To Miss B---- I was indebted for the first doll I remember possessing -- a gorgeous wax personage, in white muslin and cherry-colored ribbons, who, by desire of the donor, was to be called Philippa, in honor of my uncle. Records of a Girlhood
  • After 15 minutes remove with a hot muslin cloth, then moisturise, and your skin will glow with health.
  • In their simple dresses — grey jaconet muslin, sparely trimmed with lavender — and wearing no jewel or ornament, but a single snow-drop in the breast, the lovely bridesmaids looked as if they defied all the world to make them brides. Springhaven
  • I met with a lady at a coffee morning a few months back and she had an extra large muslin with red stars on.
  • A draggled muslin cap on his head and a dirty gunny-sack about his slim hips proclaimed him cook of the decidedly dirty ship's galley in which I found myself.
  • Cover, steep for two hours, then strain through muslin cloth into a suitable watering can or plastic pump-spray bottle.
  • Strain the liquid off carefully through muslin making sure that no pips or pulp get through.
  • Using muslin, voile, paper and many other delicate fabrics, learn how to mould and shape the material into individual vases and bowls.
  • Pour liqueur through a fine strainer or unbleached muslin cloth.
  • This classic cleanser contains creamy eucalyptus and cocoa butter to clean, and a muslin cloth to polish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strain the red oil through a muslin bag and dab on minor wounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had done himself up as a ghost with a strip of white muslin that had once been meant for curtains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back of these in turn are folding blinds; then long, close curtains of muslin; then, finally, thick, manifolding, shrouding draperies of some airproof woolen stuff. Europe Revised
  • We then wrapped her in a length of white muslin (white is the colour of initiation) and lifted her above our heads and rocked her.
  • Strain the shrimp water into a container through a clean handkerchief or fine muslin cloth.
  • Here are some photos of my muslined bodice.
  • Strain the sauce through a muslin cloth. A Passion for Food
  • And if 'muslin' and 'tulle' require annotation, why not also 'dimities'? The Times Literary Supplement
  • In keeping with her subject she abandoned the ballerina's standard costume of voluminous skirts and panniers and appeared instead with her hair loose, wearing nothing but sandals and a simple muslin tunic.
  • A scarf of thin muslin or a silk veil wound round the crown of a sun-helmet or hat and falling down behind as a shade. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1156
  • The dupatta, meanwhile, a double-sided scarf or shawl, is made of fine, dusty rose muslin edged with silver-threadedgota, or ribbon. Francesco Renaldi in Dacca
  • Other examples of the same phenomenon include: chokey ` customs station 'and chowk ` marketplace,' from cauki ` marketplace '; mulmul (see above) and mull ` soft thin muslin,' from malmal (see above); pandit ` scholar; man held in high respect 'and pundit ` very learned; authoritative commentator,' from pandit ` wise, learned '; and numdah ` thick felt rug' and numnah VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
  • Fabrics varied, and included calendared or glazed fabrics of wool, plain or floral printed calicos and muslins, and glazed chintz monochrome or polychrome prints.
  • The west of Scotland was renowned for tamboured muslins, which were produced by women and girls working from home.
  • His yellow and blue striped kerseymere waistcoat framed a neck cloth of starched muslin. The Last Gamble
  • Banker or not, the villas provide a sumptuous holiday complete with giant four-poster beds swathed in billowing muslin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use a small trowel to spread plaster onto a piece of muslin.
  • In summer, a gown of light material, such as organdie, muslin, or other soft goods, dainty and somewhat elaborate, is in good taste. The Etiquette of To-day
  • She doesn't like most of the polyester material here and often buys plain undyed muslin and dyes it with her batik dyes to get the colors she wants in cottons. A Great (Sewing) Notion
  • In half-binding chosen for the great majority of books because it is much cheaper than full leather, the sides are covered with muslin or with some kind of colored paper -- usually marble. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • Scotch milliner across the road took what she called a "scunner" at the silk and muslin flowers, with their odious starchy, stuffy smell, and wondered where the farmer was, who two years ago had asked her to marry him. Purple Springs
  • Round the throat a small collar of worked muslin or a necktie of plaided ribbon. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • _Foundation muslin_, a nice kind of buckram, stiff and white, used for the foundation or basis of bonnets, &c. A Treatise on Domestic Economy For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School
  • What a fine India muslin it is! Wives and Daughters
  • Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I was shocked to find that I was in a fancy room that was decorated with fake fur, velvet, muslin, satin, and angora.
  • On Sept. 8, she donned a blue muslin couture frock to the Toronto premiere of her film. Fashion Forward: Blanchett is bright in Armani's Black Lace makeup
  • Store your quilt in a pillowcase or sheet, or roll it onto a muslin-covered tube.
  • Re-strain through fine wire mesh or unbleached muslin cloth.
  • You'll find plenty of room to change your baby's nappy and store wipes, muslins, and other changing essentials.
  • Simply make a bag from a piece of muslin cloth, twenty-five centimetres square, and attach a draw string to close it.
  • Chop the pith and put in a muslin bag with the pips and add this to the pan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remove it with the accompanying muslin cloth to leave the skin exfoliated and truly clean. $75, Reaching Cult Status

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