How To Use Musculature In A Sentence

  • Musculature of legs was in a constant mild clonus, and the right foot was kept in position of talipes equinovarus. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • The coarctate is immobile and strongly sclerotized, and it has reduced mouthparts, legs, and musculature.
  • Because the skin is attached to the underlying myomeric axial musculature and to the axial skeleton, it can function to transmit locomotor forces along the fish body, as has been demonstrated in sharks, eels, and gars.
  • The smooth musculature of the larger blood vessels is relaxed, including the coronary, systemic peripheral and pulmonary arteries.
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  • Bones are obscured by overlying feathers, skin, and musculature.
  • A hip centric power squat offers the advantage of greater development of the anti-gravity musculature aka - posterior chain. Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • If a salamander is to swim straight, the action of these muscle fibers must be balanced by muscle fibers dorsal to the vertebral centra, presumably in the epaxial musculature.
  • Ultimately the therapist's aim is to achieve a supple musculature allowing the horse to work in comfort and balance, whether that be in racing, showjumping, eventing, endurance riding, polo or dressage.
  • The types of scales that are present in fossils permit us to say something about the dermal musculature.
  • My bod is a nearly 62 year old cast of aging bones, slimming musculature, and diminishing mental and physical capacities. Three truths and a fib.
  • This mode of establishing the mesodermal musculature likely has occurred in small vermiform organisms.
  • The posterior musculature consists of six muscles in two groups, superficial and deep.
  • The jaw musculature is immensely strong, giving rise to huge pressures and displacement forces.
  • These rhopalial ganglia presumably sort this information and then distribute it to the appropriate effectors, the swim musculature, via the distributed nerve net of the subumbrella.
  • When standing, the knees of this figure protrude awkwardly and incised lines in both mobile arms suggest bicep musculature.
  • No soft tissues of the skin, musculature, or internal organs had survived; only osseous material was found, presenting a fairly complete infant skeleton.
  • In contrast to frogs, caecilians have a radically elongated vertebral column, no limbs or girdles, and relatively elaborate hypaxial musculature.
  • By looking at the bones of this animal, we can discover quite a lot about its musculature.
  • The rider, seeing Wilshere, turned his animal, the musculature in the horse's hindquarters straining to be out on the gallop. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • In Japan, the permanent embedment of acupuncture needles in the musculature represents a common acupunctural technique to relieve pain.
  • Cranial nerve musculature is less involved, and ophthalmoplegia is rare.
  • With this revival came a concomitant revival of the corporeal values associated with gymnastics: upper body strength, musculature, elasticity, litheness, flexibility, poise, and equilibrium.
  • He seemed Hap's age, some twenty years old, and his frame and his musculature were the equal of Hap's. The Magic May Return
  • Treatment to restore normal tone and function to the pelvic floor musculature should not be overlooked.
  • Propelled by the contractions that a swallow induces in the pharyngeal musculature, each bolus moves rapidly through the pharynx and the upper esophageal sphincter into the esophagus.
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Their teeth were large and pointy, and their jaw musculature was strong.
  • Second, the snails without opercula are stuck with this sequence because their musculature and body plans evolved from ancestors that had opercula. Sleeping Haplotrema concavum
  • Based on those observations, he initiated a study of the role of the pelvic and tail musculature in the ventilation of pigeons.
  • This method requires the reconstruction of the origins and insertions of the masticatory musculature.
  • The musculature of the wall of the infundibulum is similar to that of the acetabulum.
  • And she looked great in them, her soft, flabbiness gone and replaced by a chiseled musculature he wasn't at all used to. Curb Appeal
  • Internal voids resulted from the more rapid decay of internal organs and musculature than the cuticle of the exoskeleton.
  • Another interesting feature was divarication of midline abdominal musculature, which required correction.
  • He was so perfectly shaped that all she wanted to do was trace the contours of his musculature and well formed face.
  • Functioning of the diaphragm and thoracic musculature may be diminished, contributing to respiratory compromise.
  • Jeff Pearlman of Sports Illustrated, another voter, found Bagwell implicated by his hulking musculature when he could not turn up any tangible evidence of steroid use. Asher Smith: Hall of Fame Voters Don't Care When Pitchers Take Steroids
  • Articulated ichthyosaurs demonstrate that the pectoral girdle was a robust construction with vertical clavicles [collar bones] and scapulae [shoulder blades], so there was a firm base for the articulation of powerful forefins and their musculature. Archive 2006-09-01
  • He or she carefully incises this mark with a knife blade or scissors to expose the underlying fascia covering the intrinsic laryngeal musculature.
  • The esophageal musculature is striated in the proximal esophagus (down to the level of the aortic arch) and is separated by a short transition zone from the smooth muscle portion of the esophagus.
  • Sleek in black leotards that emphasized line and showed musculature, Burkholder and Witting tangoed at times in graceful tandem while positioned one slightly above the other. Arachne Aerial Arts combines dance with aerial acrobatics
  • Involvement of the neck musculature produces torticollis or retrocollis.
  • Even though the heat is generated by the flight musculature, the platypleurine cicadas are able to elevate body temperature without flight.
  • In hetero- and hoplonemerteans investigated there is an ECM layer situated between the vessel lining mesothelium and underlying muscle, which may be part of the general body-wall musculature or an intrinsic musculature.
  • Cranial nerve musculature is less involved, and ophthalmoplegia is rare.
  • Clinical impression of wasting of musculature of the limbs, but not severe enough to describe the child as suffering from marasmus was classified as emaciation.
  • The limbs and appendicular musculature of tetrapods are a further elaboration of the non-axial musculature.
  • Palpation of the head in patients with tension-type headache may reveal tenderness in the pericranial muscles and tension in the nuchal musculature or trapezius.
  • Unlike the upper esophageal sphincter, the lower sphincter is not pulled open by extrinsic musculature.
  • Yet Jalali is clearly satisfied with his endeavors, noting his musculature is the result of dedicated training and careful diet. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The characteristics that link these three groups are the presence of a pseudocoel, as well as their general body plans and musculature. or two in diameter but are usually 10 to 100 centimeters in length. Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • The rider, seeing Wilshere, turned his animal, the musculature in the horse's hindquarters straining to be out on the gallop. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • This was well established through analysis of reflexes in crayfish abdominal musculature.
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • This test will fail if the abdominal musculature is very weak or if you are feeling through a diastasis recti.
  • The jaw musculature is immensely strong, giving rise to huge pressures and displacement forces.
  • Of course, I don't look like Harrison Ford with his athletic bod, trim waist and daunting musculature.
  • The treatment of the musculature is sensitive, with veins, sinews, and tendons clearly depicted.
  • This kind of musculature was probably already developed in the cochleate ammonoids.
  • Stripped to the waist, the contours of their musculature were faintly graven with decades-old surgical scars.
  • The input force is generated by the masticatory musculature and the output force is exerted by the teeth on food.
  • With the musculature of these swine, an upward thrust of the snout is impressive with the "cutters" turned slightly outward, the results are most impressive! .270 vs.
  • The successful treatment of posterior rotator cuff musculature tendinitis, or tensile rotator cuff musculature failure, depends on its differential diagnosis from internal impingement.
  • Unlike the upper esophageal sphincter, the lower sphincter is not pulled open by extrinsic musculature.
  • A neurologic examination revealed normal strength in the upper extremities with normal musculature.
  • Picking up the red chalk, he drew the musculature of the shark and with the yellow chalk he drew the nerves that innervate those muscles. Egnorance: The Egotistical Combination of Ignorance and Arrogance - The Panda's Thumb
  • Chances are the pain will diminish as your musculature recovers.
  • In fish, the retrorse (backward) inclination of the myomeres forms a precursor of the differentiation between a deep and a superficial musculature of the trunk.
  • As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds.
  • In contrast with the gorgonopsians, the jaw musculature in early therocephalians expanded dorsally over the braincase, leaving only a narrow sagittal crest between the adductor chambers.
  • This observation could explain why straining is often ineffective in promoting normal defecation even in low spinal patients with intact abdominal musculature.
  • As with enlarged leg musculature, larger tarsi may be linked to improved adeptness at locomotion for more effective foraging and predator evasion.
  • Imagine an incredibly complex computer program, a physical structure, skeletal at first, then gaining a dense musculature of electronic cabling, pipework and floors and finally, an exterior skin.
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • These forms had two dorsal fins rather than one, and all the fins were supported by an internal skeleton and musculature.
  • The height he must have inherited from English forebears, and the musculature was the result of hard labor. Morgan’s Run
  • With effort he could harken back to med school and recall the musculature of the thumb, thinking that a flexor pollicis brevis is a flexor pollicis brevis, regardless of its size. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • His use of a wide-angle lens facilitated deep focus for faces and musculature, allowing him to render iconic, nearly sculptural images of beauty.
  • Cross-train with the elliptical trainer and recumbent bike, both of which get a thumbs-up for working the entire leg musculature.
  • Neglect can manifest itself as mental stress, psychosomatic pain, excess body fat, deconditioned musculature, low back pain, joint pain, headaches, trigger points, nervousness, insomnia and a host of other ailments.
  • The most crippling injuries were to Simon's right leg, mangled beyond recognition below the knee, the entire calf musculature torn off.
  • Males on the other hand become aware that females are susceptible to power totems such as musculature, money and power totems head waiter knows you by name and takes you to "your" table. The Speculist: The Program
  • Ultimately the therapist's aim is to achieve a supple musculature allowing the horse to work in comfort and balance, whether that be in racing, showjumping, eventing, endurance riding, polo or dressage.
  • Testosterone is the androgenic hormone primarily responsible for normal growth and development of male sex and reproductive organs, but it also facilitates the development of male musculature, bone mass and fat distribution.
  • It is girdled by the external anal sphincter, a striated muscle structure that is part of the pelvic floor musculature.
  • Yet as the last colored leaves, varnished with the first rains of winter, fall earthward, the deciduous trees bare their sinewy musculature for all the world to look upon.
  • Subsequently, the mend in the fabric had parted and the rent now revealed a knee with well-preserved skin covering some musculature.
  • When women tighten to control a full bladder it's the same musculature used for orgasms, " says Lou Paget, author of How To Be A Great Lover.
  • He wanted the body of a muscular mesomorph with wide shoulders and narrow waist but his six foot four inch bony frame had an ectomorphic musculature and no amount of pumping iron would bulk up his long thin limbs. Unfit III
  • It is girdled by the external anal sphincter, a striated muscle structure that is part of the pelvic floor musculature.
  • Atrophy of the hands, particularly the intrinsic musculature, may be present.
  • These muscles originate on a connective tissue layer that surrounds the arm musculature and extend down to converge on the sucker and insert on the outer connective tissue capsule of the acetabulum at the level of the sphincter muscle.
  • Tapping of one knee tended to set musculature of opposite knee in mild clonus of short duration. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • Enhanced levels of expression are seen in older embryos adjacent to the segmental involutions (C, arrowheads) and in the salivary glands, proventriculus, and somatic musculature.
  • In contrast to platyhelminths, nemerteans possess a circulatory system, comprised of fluid-filled, cell-lined channels situated between the gut and body-wall musculature.
  • All of this head motion must be executed by epaxial musculature if the pectoral girdle is reduced or lost, which requires a strong anchor and lever for force transmission.
  • We now know that the actions of the specialized musculature of the lower esophageal sphincter provide the chief barrier to reflux.
  • Although upper airway anatomy and collapsibility are important, it is clear that central control of upper airway musculature and of ventilation play a role.
  • Do I 'adapt to my level of musculature simply because Arnold Schwartenegger's musculature is larger? Dog
  • Similarly, the basic structure of the human body is provided by the skeleton and musculature.
  • Instead, they originate from an aponeurosis that is continuous with the epimysium of the epaxial musculature and insert onto an aponeurosis that merges with the peritoneum.
  • The tongue musculature is largely contained within a fibrous sac, so the whole maintains a constant volume irrespective of its shape.
  • The facial musculature used to express both emotions is exactly the same. COMPULSION
  • Accuracy can be accomplished in the skeleton and musculature, but after that, unless amazing circumstances exist like integument or soft tissue preservation, it's all aesthetic, but even then, I'm very conservative in my approach to most dinosaurs. Life's Time Capsule: Thoughts on Palaeoart II
  • This cryptocrystalline silica can preserve with high fidelity delicate shell detail such as musculature.
  • However, if running up slopes were a major selective factor, then one would expect increased musculature in the hindquarters to drive the legs.
  • In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • There is an initial multiplication of the virus in the local musculature and spread via motor or sensory nerves to the spinal cord and brain.
  • The plesiomorphic nature of myoepithelial organization of the body wall musculature is evident in adult annelids, echiurans, and sipunculids.
  • This allows the anal musculature to relax, and the fissure invariably heals.
  • The front cover sports a bookplate from 1900 of Nietzsche wearing a crown of thorns, the back cover one of him naked, with remarkable musculature, posing on an Alp.
  • His entire body ached, with the remnants of aches all over, twinging his musculature here and there.
  • The musculature and tonality of the men in the lower right-hand corner are reminiscent of the bearded figure in Titian's Bacchus and Ariadne.
  • The axial musculature of all vertebrates consists of two principal masses, the epaxial and hypaxial muscles.
  • The raptorial legs are overly developed, as are the grasping hooks and leg musculature. MINUTES TO BURN
  • The body wall musculature consists of three longitudinal muscles that form a continuous layer around the body.
  • We have presented two models for the origin of the body wall musculature in vermiform bilaterians.

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