

[ UK /mjuːnˈɪfɪsəns/ ]
  1. liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit

How To Use munificence In A Sentence

  • The Abbey of St. Serge still stands to the north of Angers; its vast gardens and fishponds turned into the public gardens of the town, its church spacious and beautiful with a noble choir that may perhaps recall the munificence of Stray Studies from England and Italy
  • The town became famous and benefited from the munificence of those it helped in the form of fine public buildings.
  • O all unpeered in pride of place, to whom munificence Is as a birthright, Lord and King, whom all in all confess, The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • Though many ages are gone since Nushirowan was in being, yet in the remembrance of his munificence is his fair renown left. The Persian Literature, Comprising The Shah Nameh, The Rubaiyat, The Divan, and The Gulistan, Volume 2
  • One of the qualities of kingship was munificence, and generosity was always an important attribute of power.
  • The Mother Superior is greatly overcome by your Excellency's munificence towards the convent, and much perturbed at being unable to send you a specimen of your protégée's skill, exemplified in an embroidered pocket-handkerchief or a pair of mittens; but the fact is that poor Dionea has no skill. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Their new Republican governor, having doled out huge tax benefits to business, is now trying to essentially dun the middle class to pay for his munificence. Peter Clothier: Wisconsin Rises
  • Viewing their copartnery, however, as a mere commercial speculation, his Lordship's advance could not be regarded as liberal, and no modification of the term munificence or patronage could be applied to it. The Life of Lord Byron
  • Thus some have seen Velázquez's "Breda" as little more than brilliant propaganda, portraying a fleeting instance of Spanish munificence. A Peaceable Canvas
  • The sisters are taking the game forward depending on their father's magnanimity and munificence in paying for air passages, schooling and cricket gear.
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