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How To Use Mundane In A Sentence

  • The result of this inversion is for Chayes a new transcendentalism, one in which "the man raises himself to a level above both the human and the mundane natural" (Shelley 624). Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • There was a great deal of variation, ranging from the mundanely technical to the anguished plea for understanding and cooperation.
  • You're gonna become one unhappy, sore and mundane dude if you wore uncomfy shoes all the time.
  • At the root of the problem is nothing so mundane as access to the hills and glens but the booming industry in Scottish barony titles that sell on average for £55,000 each.
  • Alternative ideology becomes a means of imbuing both self and community with an element of the mythic, and validating perceived limitations and shortcomings while sacralizing the mundane.
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  • Back in the late 1970s it languished at motoring's base camp, keeping company with much more mundane marques.
  • If, however, the Logos is intrinsically the Son of God, then Christ is the Son of God, not because he is the begotten of God in the flesh (early Christian), but because the spiritual being existing in him is the antemundane reproduction of History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
  • We're basically conditioning our physical bodies to run with our spirits when we cast away the mundane and fly into the world of ritual.
  • It was hard to return to mundane matters after such excitement.
  • You are too bored and lack enthusiasm for mundane tasks today. The Sun
  • There was a brief pause, as neither of us said anything; the only sound was the needle of my fountain pen scraping mundanely on the rough paper.
  • Its significance for adherents was that the goal they hoped to achieve by following the teachings was a supramundane one.
  • He volunteered for the most mundane tasks. Christianity Today
  • It allows me to take advantage of travel time, time spent waiting in lobbies, and most recently time spent on jury duty, to blast through some fantastic books and escape from some of the more mundane times in one's life. What's Your Favorite Bookstore?
  • Instead, this title practices the picaresque by following a rogue on his adventures in the mundane world. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Sarkar's second PROUT principle states that "There should be maximum utilization and rational distribution of all mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities of the universe. Economics of Liberation
  • A barely audible, beautifully modulated voice recounts some mundane or tragic moment, as it relays from one audio station to another.
  • The most mundane things will keep me up all night. Times, Sunday Times
  • It sounded a little dry for my liking — I was kind of imagining the sort of intellectualist discourse that made the Mundane SF movement sound awfully stuffy, with their pshawing at pulp “follies”. Ethics and Enthusiasm
  • The vistas of fir forests, islands and lakes disintegrated into an outer London suburb and a mundane wife called Letitia.
  • While predictability in behaviour of this kind may enhance the anticlerical view of the monk, it also renders his portrait mundane.
  • But such is the uneasy state of the Lakers that something as mundane as his participation in an exhibition game qualifies as news these days.
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Enlisting Crumb's help, he writes a series that chronicles his mundane, day-to-day existence.
  • The rhapsody draws a moral from the mundane machine; Zhang Shunmin sees in the mechanical movement of the mill the steady moral virtue of the scholar-official.
  • For today I think Eliade's focus on what he called hierophany, the eruption of the divine into the mundane is the most important thing. UUpdates - All updates
  • There are also more mundane suggestions like using cheap shampoo instead of expensive cleansers to remove dirt from shower doors or using unsweetened lemonade Kool-Aid to remove lime and soap scum buildup from your dishwasher.
  • Mundane words such as lesson plan, morning traffic, boyfriend, and tennis club would in an instant give way to medical terms such as skin graft, debride, burn unit, bum victim. Healed by Horses
  • They remembered their Ruskinian youth, and the confidence with which they would once have condemned it; and they had a sense of recreance in now admiring it; but they certainly admired it, and it remained for them the supreme expression of that time-soul, mundane, courtly, aristocratic, flattering, which once influenced the art of the whole world, and which had here so curiously found its apotheosis in a city remote from its native place and under a rule sacerdotally vowed to austerity. Their Silver Wedding Journey — Volume 3
  • And yet there is some essence of Mininess in the DS3, some inescapable core quality that goes beyond the mundane fact that it is a small three-door car. On the road: Citroën DS3 1.6 THP DSport
  • Do something productive but mundane to clear your head, maybe some early spring cleaning. The Sun
  • One of the strangest things that happens to you when you are raising a toddler is how the normally mundane things get you incredibly excited.
  • Given that Interzone took its name from Burroughs's city, I think its fair to say that while "Jingling Geordie's Hole" lies, as I recall, at the extreme end of its output at that time, a certain "fucked-up" aesthetic was at play in those early days of the magazine, before Cyberpunk, before the New Space Opera, before the New Weird, or Mundane-SF, or even Infernokrusher. Why Do I Infernokrush?
  • Their balletic movements are heightened versions of everyday gestures; their costumes are mundane.
  • Because of this subjects may have ignored memories of mundane situations and concentrated instead on recalling the ones which they remembered as risky.
  • But Sophie Ryder is a sculptor who finds artistic merit in the more mundane aspects of rural life.
  • A limp handshake and a thank-you for rounding out the end of an otherwise mundane Sunday.
  • Clinton arrived, of course with a more mundane ambition than his grand Republican predecessor.
  • More mundane tasks are also in the line of fire. Times, Sunday Times
  • All everyone wants is pleasure, money, affluence - no matter how mundane or how temporal it is.
  • Everyday, mundane energies dictate that you let go of dishonest or negative relationships, especially those that undermine you, or draw forth your lower self.
  • Cope, like all the best poets, has the ability to twist the mundane and workaday into something new and enchanting. Times, Sunday Times
  • These open narratives are luscious representations of mundane non-events.
  • Taking these contemplations to heart one realizes the futility of relying on mundane sources of refuge such as money, friends, family, etc., and turns one's thoughts to practice.
  • I concentrate, more than I think virtually any comic book artist has in the past, on the so-called mundane details of every day life - quotidian life.
  • Couldn't you place the bends on mundane stretches of the road and leave the spectacular views cleared for observation and enjoyment?
  • More mundane tasks are also in the line of fire. Times, Sunday Times
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • When I looked at the insular P----, and his active rod, I thought him like to Archimedes who had found his extramundane spot of ground, and, as he threw the fly, and bent his back to let it touch the water lightly, was endeavouring to fasten his lever to the base of the adjacent mountain in order to consummate his wish of raising the world; and the circumfluous R---- with his long tackle, that hissed when he cast it with the petulance of an angry switch, appeared an ocean god, who had selected a shorter route to the North Cape by the A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • Today was mundane at work; however I ended up eating out for two meals out of three.
  • La realizzazione ha fortemente integrato le immagini con il sound design di The Great Mundane. No Fat Clips!!! : Motion Graphics Festival 2008
  • Christianity can dispense with ‘cosmologies and systems’ as love abides and descends into mundane existence.
  • It was surreal to be performing something so very mundane while knowing we were heading straight into hell. The Sun
  • Economists generally take for granted, if only tacitly, a teleological view of money's historical development, according to which it first takes the "primitive" form of mundane commodities such as cowrie shells and cacao seeds, and then advances through various stages, culminating in the national fiat monies most economies rely upon today. offers a spirited rebuttal to this naively "whiggish" perspective. EconLog
  • And he ends the sestet by mentioning the mundane work he wants to abandon for the sublime enjoyment of the warm, spring day. Archive 2009-06-01
  • What I think we have here, at the heart of slipstream, is a folding through of the strange and the mundane, a radical interpenetration (far more radical than that of intrusion fantasy), one that leads to the deep instability and uncertainty of an infused realm, offered as an estranged postmodern view of the world -- infusion as confusion. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Some pilots ejected in the heat of battle, while others joined this exclusive club for more mundane reasons, such as bird strikes or technical failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • For, as the producer states: ‘You see why people are attracted to each other, why people fall in love, why people fall out of love, why you get sucked into the mundaneness of a relationship after a long time.’
  • It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less. Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
  • For Particulars and Universals alike it is established that to the first of those known as the Fates, to Clotho the Spinner, must be due the unity and as it were interweaving of all that exists: Lachesis presides over the Lots: to Atropos must necessarily belong the conduct of mundane events. The Six Enneads.
  • He volunteered for the most mundane tasks. Christianity Today
  • The mundane becomes the edge of glory, just as a carpenter's son became a healer. Christianity Today
  • These are empirical questions rather than theoretical ones, and the issues seem mundane.
  • Mothering takes on new meaning, and the mundane becomes surreal Kate's goldfish, according to the oceanologist Sara consults in a desperate effort to save the pet's life, requires bottled water, and the mere thought of buying Jesse a new pair of soccer cleats after Kate relapses seems downright obscene. My Sister's Keeper: Summary and book reviews of My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.
  • The presence of this entity signifies intense levels of ultramundane energies and dimensional rifts and when detected evokes the joyfully horrific.
  • The Frankenstein creature is kid stuff horror: one-dimensional, mundane, bumbling, awkward, clumsily destructive.
  • Was it the big plot points that you wanted to reflect in your life or the mundane little details that you were going for?
  • Mundane practitioners also make use of maps for the moments of New and Full Moons, eclipses and planetary ingresses (especially the Sun's ingress into Capricorn, which is considered an important predictive tool).
  • It lets you turn something that's so mundane into something really yummy. The Sun
  • From the humorous to the tragic to the mundane, stereography has left its indelible mark on history.
  • And in a few years, they'll be utterly mundane, and it will seem ludicrous that anyone ever wrote articles about them, held conferences to discuss them.
  • Given data on planetary orbits, conventional GA could only perform mundane tasks like sorting them into ascending order of diameter.
  • A set of inconsequential random and rare moments of happiness joined together by swathes of mundaneness.
  • It's an attitude that turns the mundane into some-thing rather more interesting and exciting.
  • Unsurprisingly, perhaps, terrestrial transport can seem a trifle mundane. Times, Sunday Times
  • specific something" that organizes, that is, of "dominating organic agencies," be they psychic or super-mundane, which dominate and determine the organization of the different parts of the body into a whole. The Breath of Life
  • The thought of being entertained purely by tap for an hour and twenty minutes sounds mind-numbing and mundane.
  • As participants in communication we adopt as it were an extramundane position with respect to the innerworldly items (including our own experiences) about which we can come to an understanding.
  • It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less. Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
  • Because God is in everything and everyone, the most mundane activity is regarded as a spiritual activity.
  • Now we have a ghastly split between the mundane, apparently unsusceptible to any form of artistic transfiguration, and pure music whose splendour and misery are that it is uncontaminated by reality.
  • Such power can be put to use for achieving mundane objectives or spiritual advancement.
  • And the staff are somewhat taken aback at a request for something quite so mundane as a list of properties for sale. Times, Sunday Times
  • She begins to experiment, creating casts of mortuary slabs as well as mundane household objects.
  • She offers us an invocation of a life so drab, so mundane that, emerging from the final close-sealed video room, our own everyday existence seems incomparably transfigured; ineffably glorious.
  • Don't worry though, this collision won't occur for another 3 billion years or so, by which time we'll all be long dead, having killed ourselves by much more mundane methods such as biological weapons or global thermonuclear war.
  • Even when describing his initiation as a bebop-loving 20-something into the beatnik scene, Pekar manages to make working in a New York East Village coffee shop in the late 1950s sound mundane.
  • The interaction between the parts and the horizon brings the lunation cycle down to earth, projecting it, via the ascendant, into the sublunar sphere of the mundane houses.
  • The emphatic affirmation of a supermundane, spiritual order of reality and the equally emphatic assertion of the caducity of things material fitted in with the essentially Christian contention that spiritual interests are supreme. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • On a more mundane level, can we talk about the timetable for next week?
  • Now Microsoft has completed the first formal study of health-related Web searches, and the rise of so-called cyberchondria: the distress caused by searching innocuous symptoms, and finding links that then quickly lead to extreme conclusions. pain would more likely lead to a link for the worst-case scenario like heart attack, than to the more mundane, "indigestion. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Indeed, it's widely believed that the Austrian approach to mundane topics such as factor productivity, the substitution effect of a price change, the effects of rent control or the minimum wage, etc., is basically the same as the mainstream approach, just without math or with a few buzzwords about "subjectivism" or the "market process" thrown in. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • The whole idea of a ‘soap opera’ suggests an overt incongruity between the daily mundaneness of the narrative and the lofty form it takes.
  • He can describe the seemingly most mundane of things and make it sound magical.
  • The next day was as boring, mundane, unexciting, humdrum, dull, tedious, uneventful and monotonous as usual.
  • Mosaics can be made from any of a number of materials, from the traditional tessera and glass, to mundane materials such as stones and beads, to the unexpected bottle caps, nuts and bolts, and industrial cast-offs.
  • This is the mundane tragedy of life at the bottom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Gaelic language ensures that even the most mundane of social intercourse became occasions of prayer.
  • Her desire to see the world and get out of the mundane makes her a likable character, despite her trance-like personality.
  • Grif's sensitive, intelligent and sweet-tempered demeanour sets him apart from his more mundane siblings. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Such a supramundane observer would find himself entering into a new era, in which all his previous knowledge would sink into oblivion. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • Perhaps they were feeling above mundane trivials of life, still moving apace, bypassing obstacles such as moss-covered trees through the vast green tunnel.
  • Petty, mundane chores and tasks you need to catch up on take up most of your time today. The Sun
  • A week after the honeymoon, the doldrums hit and the realities of mundane married life hit me like a brick. The Sun
  • Sometimes when a person is vulnerable for psychiatric reasons some relatively mundane thing triggers enormous resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The high prices signal not just quality but luxury, and the specialized vocabulary ( "venti," "doppio" and the like) elevates a mundane form of consumption into the realm of cosmopolitan taste. The Fresh-Roasted Smell of Success
  • While it seems clear that intramundane causation is transitive, that if (where A, B, and C are events) A causes B, and B causes C. then A causes C, there is no necessary transivity in the case of any causal aspects or features of the divine willing permission, if there are any (there are some causal features if wicked people are upheld and conserved in being by God). Triablogue
  • The search for profit becomes part of the search for new ways of doing mundane things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Epicurus had a mundane philosophy yet despite suffering intense pain of the intestines, he enjoyed a blissful last day on earth.
  • whatever of transmundane...insight...we may carry
  • Moon moorcock morgan howell mortal instruments mossflower mouse guard movie movie marathon movies mr. whiffle ms paint adventures mt. doom mt. st. helens mtv splash page mummies mundane SF muppets mur lafferty murals murder Nerd Bling - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
  • She has the happy knack of making the most mundane report appear interesting.
  • There's little glory in mundane tasks like fixing roundabouts and widening slip roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all joked about the mundane and unexciting routines which the majority of us shared with girlfriends and wives.
  • The Vedanta is supermundane, not because it looks down in any way on the dreary earth with a transcendental egoism, but because it transforms and then embraces its fallen brother, the mundane life, in its bosom of an all-inclusive knowledge and love.
  • Not only is it a supramundane and magnified man -- that it will always be while its spots are so anthropoid, and man himself is so anthropomorphic -- but it has ever been, and still is, a being of maleficent and misanthropic disposition. Moon Lore
  • Be willing to do even mundane tasks.
  • The search for profit becomes part of the search for new ways of doing mundane things. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mundane becomes the edge of glory, just as a carpenter's son became a healer. Christianity Today
  • It was hard to return to mundane matters after such excitement.
  • This spectacular piece of research and empirical discovery was brought to us in a rather mundane and morbid way, because the results had to prove a negative. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is of course a pleasant paradox that these texts, now diligently kept from unscholarly eyes in the reverent hush of university libraries, were once the subject of scribblings, doodles, litanies of the mundane.
  • The patient finding himself abulic, and perhaps too critical minded to accept the mundane supports in his vicinity, seeks a solace in that which to him seems powerful because incomprehensible, that is to say in something supernatural. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Special Mount: The antipaladin's special mount is identical to the paladin's special mount, except that it is a crossbreed of mundane steed and nightmare and is utterly evil.
  • I am only pleading with you to use the term Austrian in the same mundane and common sense way. On Beating Dead Horses - The Austrian Economists
  • In fact, it's almost easy to not read beyond her almost lyrical prose that makes the most mundane of everyday routines fascinating.
  • They just wanted to see something exciting happen, something to break up the mundane humdrum of everyday life.
  • Initially, the work was pretty mundane.
  • When the writing is at its most mundane we feel faint biblical echoes in the background. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Ninety per cent of my life is quite mundane. The Sun
  • He has so much, grandeur, his appearance is imposing and in general His Divine countenance overflows with heavenly grace and an inexpressible ultramundane beauty.
  • But just as soon as the question is posed, it is mooted by Amis's perspectives on the cosmic and the mundane.
  • Like that classic bit of American animation, much of the comedy comes from taking people that we view as comic book super-villains and presented them and their day-to-day evildoing as exceedingly mundane. Scott Mendelson: Huff Post Review: Four Lions (2010)
  • My life is too mundane and repetitive to want to do it somewhere else as well. The Sun
  • Although pornography is edging closer to mainstream society, its naughty aura means it isn't yet mundane.
  • As time goes on his status is arguably portrayed as even more liminal because he is the only non-empowered member of the Scooby Gang, doesn't feel he quite belongs amongst the slayers and witches and vampires and ex-demons -- but of course can't go back to the mundane ignorance of the seams that permeate the world. Notes on Strange Fiction: Seams
  • There's little glory in mundane tasks like fixing roundabouts and widening slip roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has the happy knack of making the most mundane report appear interesting.
  • I lead a pretty mundane existence.
  • Sometimes when a person is vulnerable for psychiatric reasons some relatively mundane thing triggers enormous resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found myself getting angry that I was doing mundane things instead of changing nappies. The Sun
  • I found myself getting angry that I was doing mundane things instead of changing nappies. The Sun
  • You need presenters like the ones on the show to provoke a reaction rather than the mundane nonsense that is taking up precious airtime. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the writing is at its most mundane we feel faint biblical echoes in the background. The Times Literary Supplement
  • For the dominant Unity of the universe not only rules the world, but also constructs or makes it; and it is higher than the world and, if I may so put it, extramundane; it is thus the ultimate reason of things.
  • There are others however who may well have "commited" Mundane SF but who have also produced great works far from its shores: Michael Swanwick's industrial fantasy masterpiece The Iron Dragon's Daughter; Bruce Sterling's postmodern slipstream novel Zeitgeist; Philip Dick's gnostic novels such as VALIS that certainly don't engage with the world through science; Aldiss and Ballard's many stories from the New Wave period that explicitly reject the precursor to Mundane SF; Ryman's own work of magical realism, Was. Rules And Mundanity
  • As Voëgelin concluded, "The Marxian spiritual disease … consists in the self-divinization and self-salvation of man; the intramundane logos of human consciousness is substituted for the transcendental logos …. Latest Articles
  • The reality of his life is more mundane. Times, Sunday Times
  • All religions have their symbols of holiness through which the sacred flows into the mundane.
  • The innovator innovates, only to end up managing the mundane day-to-day operations of a company.
  • My life is too mundane and repetitive to want to do it somewhere else as well. The Sun
  • I may have an impoverished imagination, but the only explanation that seems to fit is the mundane power of money to corrupt one's beliefs.
  • More mundanely, by reducing the weight, recoil, and the upper-body strength required to use infantry weapons effectively, technology has made it possible for women to participate in combat on an equal footing with men.
  • Yet they put this knowledge to good advantage, both officially and in more mundane matters.
  • Its influence was always dreaded in mundane astrology, being unfavourable to the farmer's work.
  • The most mundane things will keep me up all night. Times, Sunday Times
  • These memories can pop up at any time and transform even the most mundane occasion into something special.
  • The role of the stars in the life of individuals is known as "natal" astrology while "mundane" astrology deals with the fate of nations and concepts like the AGE OF AQUARIUS. Concise Dictionary of Religion
  • They are the mundane things but people often get them horribly wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Somehow Ludwig seemed to have succeeded in functioning in the mundane, workaday world and still keep a spiritual perspective on matters.
  • In the Upanishads, the veritable storehouse of Indian philosophy, the sublime and the mundane, occasionally even the ludicrous, co-exist.
  • Such mundane matters were rarely discussed in the Karien camp. TREASON KEEP
  • Patch. com, part of a chain of local sites called Patch. com, and since February she's been covering mundane events in this suburban town of 20,000 residents with a zeal most journalists re-serve for a big scoop.
  • The thought of being entertained purely by tap for an hour and twenty minutes sounds mind-numbing and mundane.
  • Even laziness, inattention and simple absorption in the mundane can gradually erode the capacities in which this property resides.
  • The mundane task of setting the table can be fun on holidays.
  • Even in more mundane circumstances, we can think quite honestly that we are under no obligation not to fantasise. Archive 2009-08-01
  • He has long loved and cheered me; but you, madam, who have never forgiven me the least fault, or praised any good act I may have done, though you knew by experience that it was not my wont to talk of love and mundane vanities, and that I lived a more religious life than any other of your servants, you have not hesitated from the first to take offence at my speaking to a gentleman as unfortunate as myself, and in whose friendship I sought nothing else than consolation of mind. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • Knotty or mundane national topics often come into relief through a current reference.
  • We sat in the cafe and had a mundane lunch (a jacket with tuna - the tuna was more mayonnaise than anything and tasted like cement).
  • More mundanely, they're cooks, cleaners, drivers, a pair of willing hands and the biggest fan their child will ever have.
  • Indeed, it's widely believed that the Austrian approach to mundane topics such as factor productivity, the substitution effect of a price change, the effects of rent control or the minimum wage, etc. is basically the same as the mainstream approach, just without math or with a few buzzwords about "subjectivism" or the Libertarian Blog Place
  • She had a gift for explaining how the mundane transactions of everyday living were infused with the sacred.
  • You can count on Laura Linney, but not on the mundane script.
  • The Treasure Island measure started as a simple bill to make what appeared to be a mundane bureaucratic change.
  • Our inquisitive interest encompasses all levels, from the most mundane, such as how do I turn on this computer, up to such profound levels as, what is the nature of reality?
  • What if the mundane is the socio-cultural equivalent of the primordial soup? Archive 2004-09-01
  • This, coupled with the frenzied yells of the supporters, makes even the most mundane fight a thrilling event.
  • The believer not only looks forward to everlasting life, but also looks backward into the antemundane eternity and finds in the eternal purpose of divine love the beginning and the firm anchorage of his salvation. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • The imminent arrival of January's annual pain in the wallet, otherwise known as the electricity bill, is an example of the mundane logistics of life that are preoccupying me.
  • Imagine now, if you will, that this supramundane observer invents a telescope which enables him to perceive more minute objects and thus discovers human beings. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • The young boys and girls from the Fountain of Life in Pattaya saw some of their dreams and wishes come true, and received a break away from the mundane life on land.
  • His deft, side-splitting recollections of mundane British life leave you with the unnerving feeling that this cherubic 28-year-old from Bolton actually grew up in your home as a part of your family.
  • Such power can be put to use for achieving mundane objectives or spiritual advancement.
  • All because s/he knows where they're going, recognizes that "mundane" is the fate of a business filled with "normal," and has the cojones to flaunt the HR/MBA guidelines because of her/his burning desire to achieve greatness. House rules
  • He meshes the grotesque with the strange, interweaves the mundane and normal, and then skews the whole mixture a scoosh to the left of center.
  • The Frankenstein creature is kid stuff horror: one-dimensional, mundane, bumbling, awkward, clumsily destructive.
  • Everyday, mundane energies dictate that you let go of dishonest or negative relationships, especially those that undermine you, or draw forth your lower self.
  • Staring at the nude female sunbather fifteen floors below, her tattooed backside exposed so that everyone in the surrounding high-rises could admire or cajole or admonish from the windows next to their cubicles, office workers on every floor calling friends or documenting the view with cell-phone cameras, I realized that no matter how holy or removed from the everyday we might be, we are all rubberneckers to the mundane absurdities that materialize seemingly out of nowhere. The Cult of Impersonailty
  • Traditional Tantrayana scholars, on the other hand, assert that Buddha's supramundane powers enabled him to foresee cultural developments and that he personally taught tantra to suit people of the future. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 2 The Authenticity of the Tantras
  • The lid completes the roundness, with a mundane finial topping the lid off. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • And the staff are somewhat taken aback at a request for something quite so mundane as a list of properties for sale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interpenetration of the worldly and the otherworldly, the mundane and the spiritual, the workaday and the worshipful, enrich our folklore as well as our classics.
  • You won't read this for the prose, the insight or the critical perception, but it's the fan book for fans who prefer lies, gossip and rumours to mundane day-to-day truth.
  • And while social programs are nothing to scoff at, the more mundane stuff, like where to go when you're 17 on a Friday night, is what most underagers are most concerned with.
  • Tessa had read of them in the Codex: Subjugates, or darklings, were mundanes who had sworn themselves to the service of a vampire. Clockwork Angel
  • A considerable proportion of parenting is in the mundane details that women are raised to manage.
  • Like noises in a swound is not after anything so mundane as mimesis. Sounding Romantic: The Sound of Sound
  • He gradually prevailed over his antagonists, and his system recovered its former station; the scandal of mathematics disappeared, and the quackery of the square of the velocity was dismissed at last to the extramundane spaces, to the limbo of vanity, together with the monads which Leibnitz supposed to constitute the concentric mirror of nature, and also with his elaborate and fanciful system of A Philosophical Dictionary
  • When I get home this evening, I will get back to more mundane things, like just cooling out, or maybe I should go for a walk if I get home early enough as I haven't done that in a while.

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