
How To Use Munch In A Sentence

  • Both favour the no-frills approach, often eschewing swish restaurants to munch burgers together when they meet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of buying pre-packed munchies, involve the kids in making their snacks from scratch. The Sun
  • Today he's happily munching a cheese sandwich and talking about wild swimming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also add chopped, raw vegetables such as carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes to munch on. The Sun
  • He just sat there munching on an apple.
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  • The munchkin is a breed of cat known for its noticeably short legs. Munchkin Cat Papercraft | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • Oh yeah but if it is their munchies then the other side of south please go get a mortar and pestle to make the munchies munchable LOL!!! Archive 2008-10-01
  • He chose teams by munching morsels of food under their flags. The Sun
  • The pounds pile on as they break for split-pea soup, munch chocolate-chip cookies, dine on shrimp and pasta.
  • The timing was perfect: The suburban lifestyle was taking hold, the cocktail party was replacing the urban barroom, making passable, munchable food as essential as ice cubes. One Big Table
  • He munched his way through 165 kernels, picking them up with a toothpick.
  • Once they discovered their expanded digs after a day in pasture, they immediately started investigating it — and found new grass to munch! Archive 2010-09-01
  • With its long claws, the zorilla digs feverishly after the prize, alternately sinking its nose into the ground until it comes up munching.
  • At its side you could see a cow munching on a pile of chaff.
  • A roe deer came down into reeds opposite to munch at green stuff.
  • And teh last wun wuz a wild kitten ai feeded sumware elss, and ai trapt her and keept hur cuz she iz a munchkin and too small tew defend hurself ware she wuz libing. Look dad! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The local name (endonym) for Munich is München, derived from Mönch (monk) as the city was founded by Benedictine monks in 1158. Today's Highlights
  • Written for Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Die Natali is a fantasy on Christmas carols.
  • I slap the tuna onto a cracker and pensively munch while examining the rest of the refrigerator.
  • But she refused to do the donkey work, staying calm while munching on a carrot. The Sun
  • When the blustering wind and swirling snow make sledding and building snowmen feel like work, ditch your icy mittens and spend the afternoon by a warm stove, sipping hot chocolate and munching on cookies.
  • He chose teams by munching morsels of food under their flags. The Sun
  • The kids, meanwhile, munched happily on a pizza (frozen variety), pasta with tomato sauce and chips with a garlic mayonnaise dip.
  • Aug 5th, 2008 at 1: 32 pm fedthefish tiffin wallah is another great choice. or, if you want an even easier intro to indian go to one of those indo-chinese fusion places in curry hill (like indo munch) that has chinese food but with some indian flare. PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Lou” | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • You may have to encourage the seeds to detach from the pith quite vigorously, but you end up with a very munchy pile of purplish nibbles. Culinary adventures
  • Today he's happily munching a cheese sandwich and talking about wild swimming. Times, Sunday Times
  • So what I've been doing all along at lunchtime is unplugging the 3 different cables (power, DSL, keyboard/mouse adapter) from the back of the laptop and carting it up the hall to the kitchen for podcast playback while preparing and munching a sandwich. Bluetooth headset for podcast listening convenience
  • The Mall of America … on a Saturday … in the middle of winter when all of the state of Minnesota is looking for indoor fun to appease the stir-crazy munchkins? Weekend Report « Biodork
  • My Munchurian Chicken was mild, the chicken complemented by a subtle sauce flavoured with onions, garlic, ginger, finely chopped herbs and plenty of pepper.
  • I avoid rushing him, and I keep munching on my sandwich.
  • Munching of the aforementioned butty is optimal with a background sound of Radio 3 and the mere essence of a Christmas joss stick. In praise of … the Big Fish Fight | Editorial
  • If they see a parked motorist munching a sandwich, they have been known to knock on the window and demand a bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • `You've got to have a party for your fortieth wedding anniversary,' Hugh went on, munching his sandwich appreciatively. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Many of Munch's paintings express a deep feeling of despair.
  • Don't let the late-night munchies make you pay £1.50 for a Mars bar or £6 for a single measure of spirits.
  • When I was awake I passed the time by munching on bags of sweets.
  • My father, being a senior consultant in a busy hospital, dragged us around the wards to spread good tidings to patients and to munch the array of nibbles in the nurses' rooms.
  • Some lean meat morsels you may want to munch include skinless cuts of roasted, baked or broiled poultry and seafood.
  • Noyes asserts that the tube sometimes perforates the side of the ducks throat, and he gives Rat Munching on Ducks Bloody Ass Wounds its public debut as he notes, Rats were eating these two ducks alive. The Foie Gras Wars
  • There - munching on a pot plant, stuffing his insolent rabbity face.
  • A hike must be "hiked" to be real, the "grub" must be munched by the side of a stream, and the wild things venturing out for crumbs must be "seen to be appreciated," as the "ad" says; so that it would seem unreal to attempt to put into words the glories of a day in the woods with the Wellingtons. Jane Allen, Junior
  • So now we have our daily pants choosing ritual in which the Munchkin sticks his head under his dad's dressing gown to see what colour pants he has chosen before tootling off to his own room to choose a matching pair.
  • It is a sweet and pretty countenance that can become contorted into a Munchian shriek, a child's importunate obstinacy, a beleaguered housewife's exasperation, a hectoring soldier's grimace, or anything else.
  • Here in Mazatlan shrimp capital of Mexico, huge dried shrimp are sold year round by the seafood changeras and are munched on whole con cascara y todo like popcorn or shrimp jerky by the local beer drinking crowd for about 50 weeks as a botana. What to do with dried shrimp??
  • Andreevich, munching a cracknel after emptying his glass. Master and Man
  • She sat on an overturned twenty-liter bucket (her clothes were too filthy to sit on anything else) and munched a hero sandwich with reflective enjoyment.
  • Every respectable galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center -- all except the one galaxy that has now been caught in the act of ejecting its insatiable mass-muncher.
  • Everyone else whipped out loaves of bread, ham & cheese, sandwiches, tins of beer etc while I munched on my usual choccy bar.
  • And if it all gets too much you can munch yourself into a stupor by devouring zero-rated rum babas. Budget: VAT rise will add £33 to average shopping basket
  • It didn't leap that last hedge: it just munched its way through.
  • Munch on "rabas" (squid tentacles, aka calamari) or "cazon en adobo" (salty, marinated dogfish). -
  • For the duration of the rut, territorial bulls within smelling distance of cows will barely pause long enough to munch a mouthful of grass.
  • We had one of those, when we went for the meeting to get Munchkin baptized: we call it the Catholic Church Poop and it lives on in legend. Hold The Mustard | Her Bad Mother
  • I munched my way through a huge bowl of cereal.
  • But here we are forbidden to walk shodden over sacred ground and details of the cruise must be confined to generalities; otherwise the travels of the celebrated Gulliver would be eclipsed, Baron Munchausen lose his claim to veracity, and the shade of the venerable Miller slink back to its original punishment. Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
  • People everywhere in the city walk around munching on shawarma, a species of doner kebab: chicken or lamb sliced off a hot rotating cone, wrapped in either pitta or flat Georgia lavash and dipped in spicy yoghurt.
  • Key TMS moments during 1981's big Headingley turnaround included a lengthy and entirely straight discussion of the correct way to address a bishop in written correspondence "The Most Reverend", a saliva-drenched interlude of almost silent on-air cake-munching and a bit where Fred Trueman's musings on Graham Dilley are accompanied by a loud and persistent "ching! ching!" noise, which proves to be Trueman lighting his pipe. My Beef with England: if only we had an Ian Botham now | Barney Ronay
  • So while low-carb beers are helping to shape the svelte images of protein-munching youth, there is another type of beer that is appealing to a Millennial subset, especially in the hip bars of urban city centers.
  • Legion of Honor says: so whats wrong with wanting to be a carpet muncher? Think Progress » CPAC Conference Dissolves Into Right-Wing Civil War Over Gay Rights
  • Then there's the small point that the guest star in the first film was Mike Tyson, a convicted rapist and ear-muncher. The Walkman has gone, and I must move on
  • The discovery smudges the common picture of sauropods as unspecialized, lumbering dinosaurs that used very long necks to munch away at any greenery in sight, including treetops.
  • Summer is the time when local fields are groaning with fresh strawberries and visitors can munch their way around the strawberry patches.
  • They sat in restful silence for a time, munching the delicious hot gingerbread and sipping cool lemonade. The Slipper Point Mystery
  • Why do some people make such a damnably disgusting munching sound when they eat that can be heard miles away?
  • The parrots were released, and have thrived ever since -- happily munching down on the berry kernels of the cedar trees which line our streets.
  • The lead researcher, Wendy Wismer of the University of Alberta, said it's no secret that healthy people who use cannabis get the "munchies" - what essentially amounts to a boost in their appetite. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Little munchkins, it seems, ran around under my feet.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): The state says the woman once honored by Nancy Reagan at the White House for her work with children suffers from a bizarre mental disorder called Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2007
  • Then we wandered around the market, before munching on some ice-cream and beginning the long trudge back to the car.
  • In between, he kept saying something to the noble looking bovine companion, who was deeply involved with whatever she was munching, and couldn't care less what her master was trying to convey.
  • There I am, sitting, munching away on a pretty darned good bagel with lashings of cream cheese and folded smoked salmon and somebody says ‘I guess you like bagels cause you're French?’
  • She was munching through a croissant, heartily spread with black raspberry jam, when she realized that she had other things to think about.
  • That junk food-munching young zombie who is watching a burping contest on AXN, is pure gold for the advertiser.
  • If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.
  • I absentmindedly gnawed on some fries and chicken fingers while Patrick munched happily on his salad.
  • a Munchkin villager; Margaret Pelligrini, the "sleepyhead" Munchkin and Meinhardt Raabe, the coroner. Home | Mail Online
  • 2004 - The Scream, the painting by Edvard Munch, is stolen at gunpoint from a museum in Oslo, Norway.
  • It was time for me, so I idled into the living room wearing my "Munch Me" shortie night shirt, and my long-nosed barracuda slippers. Shrine
  • I have to take the munchkins to my grandparents house anyway.
  • The horses munched their grain, stamped and whiffled, and filled the derelict tavern with the pungent scent of their droppings. Conqueror's Moon
  • Who shovelled, while Munchkin banged on the window, yelling 'Sha-bo!' A New Year, A Fresh Coat
  • So has anyone munched any other types of geebungs and could share their tasting notes?
  • It's the classic tale of a caterpillar who munches his way through apples, plums, pears and strawberries, before turning into a beautiful butterfly.
  • Cut to the next scene, and he is munching away with relish and delight.
  • Police say Shakhov suffers from a rare psychological disorder called Munchausen by Proxy. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2007
  • Now munching away on my algae with my fish and the other two that snails in my tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • To keep the deer from munching on the daylilies out front, they put a single strand of white cord along the entire length of the split rail fence.
  • Munchkin buzzed out on candy on Halloween night, but we let her think she had eaten it all, so after a major tantrum on the morning after, we were okay. Tried To Make Her Go To Rehab; She Said No, No, No | Her Bad Mother
  • As always, the rule is to twig where the natives are munching, stalk the local well-fed and you'll never go far wrong.
  • Today he's happily munching a cheese sandwich and talking about wild swimming. Times, Sunday Times
  • They munch native marine life, mow down food supplies and occupy territory, Carlton said.
  • This also reduces the chance of fungal diseases and lets insects in to munch on pests. Times, Sunday Times
  • I say that it's remarkable the extent to which Noel thinks of himself in class terms, but he misinterprets this - perhaps deliberately - and acts as if I have just accused him of being a secret focacia muncher.
  • You can feel it munching away at your flesh. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government hadn't supplied the surveyors with tents, so they rigged bivouacs to sleep in, toasted food over the fire and munched on hard square ship's biscuits.
  • The youth played the gallant, and just as another might entertain his _innamorata_ at a champagne supper _en tete a tete_ in a private room, he led Cadine into some quiet corner of the market cellars to munch apples or sprigs of celery. The Fat and the Thin
  • Mrs Al-Munchi is believed to have suffered a severe asthma attack earlier in the day.
  • ‘Not since yesterday,’ Stan replied, studying his camera closely and munching on a French fry.
  • Send us music, send us munchies, now that all our work is done. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 14: THE CHALLENGE BOX
  • At lunchtime the next day as I sat in my room semi-happily munching on one of Steve's awesome calzone's and shoving books and magazines into packing boxes, my phone rang.
  • Dolly the Mega Cat looked up from her lunch bowl for a moment, mmrooowed in what may have been a note of sympathy, and went back to munching her way through a collation of tuna and herring.
  • Smoking the weed naturally leads to romp in the sheets, though we are spared watching the attack of the munchies that occurred post-nookie.
  • It just munches grass, unaware of the ethical storm brewing around it.
  • I munched the crunchy bit of seed that was left, swallowed and reached out for more.
  • She munched happily on her chocolate bar.
  • Both favour the no-frills approach, often eschewing swish restaurants to munch burgers together when they meet. Times, Sunday Times
  • I washed that down with soda water and indulged in a slice of wholegrain bread with a thin slice of cheese and a smidgeon of honey and munched mournfully on an apple.
  • As the Lost Sock Diner is located next door to the laundromat at the foot of Edinburgh's oh-so-trendy (though over-rated) Broughton Street, you can clean your smalls while you munch your eggs.
  • He tore off a hunk of the fresh bread and a small piece of cheese and munched on them as he watched the river flow.
  • For example, he claimed to have played the Munchkin coroner (actually Meinhardt Raabe) or recorded that character's voice (all the Munchkin voices were ordinary actors sped up). Archive 2009-05-01
  • There is something very peaceful and satisfying about the sound of their quiet munching and the noise of their feet on frosty grass.
  • More than one child was spotted with a smudge of dirt by their lips, munching happily away!
  • While I sat quietly munching on my corn, I couldn’t help but think of a recent study conducted by Focalyst, which sheds new light on boomer affluence and dispels a common myth: nearly every baby boomer is an ATM machine, with so much money they don’t know what to do with it. Boomer Elites (The Boomer Blog)
  • She munched happily on her chocolate bar.
  • Hidden Springs, the smell of sage, a horse and"---he gave Holly a teasing sideways look---" a rumpled munchkin watching me with gold eyes. DESERT RAIN
  • he tried to talk between munches on the sandwich
  • And so, as crunchy pizza was munched and enjoyed, and meal-time books read, the episode passed.
  • The next munchkin is due in February and hopefully we’ll find out if it is another he or a she in the next fortnight (we seriously do not have the patience not to know these kind of things …) - I’m heading over to the UK and the US from October 9 with the better half and munchkin #1. Squash Returns for the Dead « Squash
  • Today he's happily munching a cheese sandwich and talking about wild swimming. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was uncomplicated to prepare and surprising toothsome to a die-hard meat muncher.
  • Yesterday I was blow-drying my hair and felt a mysterious tug; I looked down to see her blissfully munching away.
  • Edvard Munch's "The Scream" is a famous Expressionist painting.
  • Unlike some serious walkers, she said she shuns isotonic sports drinks and energy bars to refuel her body during walks, preferring instead to drink water and munch nuts.
  • She munched happily on her chocolate bar.
  • We went mud buggin in my friends van. (yes I did say she couldn't take passengers that weren't family, but we weren't going to do it in my sisters tiny cadilac) We got lots of munchies, and we showed my sisters new husbund what it's going to be like when my sisters girls from her first marage grow up and have slumber parties. Naylamoors Diary Entry
  • My son had the leftovers for supper and I heard him exclaiming his delight as he munched his way through the last few bits.
  • Munch eschewed the naturalistic approach of Krogh, and incorporated expressionist tendencies in his work.
  • I am the mom of the little man Ian that had the munchable thighs. Sometimes, We Need Touch - Her Bad Mother
  • Fans rave about the health and nutrition benefits of munching on mouldy meals. The Sun
  • In the autumn its small but perfectly formed bright red rounded hips are clustered together and persist well into the winter if the birds don't munch them. Times, Sunday Times
  • With delightful support from a gorgeous cast of Munchkins, dancers and chorus, this Yellow Brick Road is well worth a journey.
  • He's too busy living the Zagat lifestyle, munching herbed French fries in designer clothing at overpriced restaurants with fellow trendoids who are all cheating on each other.
  • Both favour the no-frills approach, often eschewing swish restaurants to munch burgers together when they meet. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Some think it is' paan '- you know, the popular betel leaf you munch on.' India eNews
  • Do any of us really feel in the mood for getting dolled up and munching our way through a three-course meal at the moment?
  • A member of the Entomobryidae family, the water bug munches on leaf litter, helping to fertilize soil and encouraging suitable habitats for microorganisms.
  • ‘It is imperative that you stockpile a large hoard of munchable treats,’ she says.
  • He drove out of Brighton cheerfully enough, munching his sandwich, climbing the London road until he had breasted the Downs.
  • Khaled also displays a purposefulness that contradicts ideas of children as helpless munchkins or mental incompetents.
  • With a sad shrug they then quickly munched down on a piece of lifeless unemotional unpoetic babycorn.
  • We sat in the window, munching croissants and sipping scalding hot coffee, watching the world go by.
  • The Queenslander, who was recently appointed as Opposition finance spokesman, ridiculed some sculptures as nothing more than a curiosity for "durrie munchers", and described one as an aerial and another as Mr Squiggle's last stand. | Top Stories
  • They munch native marine life, mow down food supplies and occupy territory, Carlton said.
  • He didn't see the yellow letters of the sign turn blood red, or the cute face of the munchkin contort into the twisted visage of a vampire.
  • Where have all you little munchkins gone off to?
  • Hmm ... * munch munch munch* AAAARRGH I said I wanted Something, and you insult us both by giving me this? Ana-ng Diary Entry
  • Joe's other peculiarity was that he was constantly munching hard candy.
  • We also have a group that gets together to babysit so single mothers can have a night out I am basically a junglegym for munchkins. Think Progress » “San Francisco values.”
  • No — a final decision, and about time too, to invade Munchkinland and reannex it? Son of a Witch
  • On show was their taste in gardens, newspapers, decor and food, such as the £2.95 packs of vanilla pumpkin "munchy" seeds and soft liquorices claimed by Labour MP Harry Cohen. Britain Puts Politicians' Expenses Online
  • In the old copies it is _munching malicho_, in which we find traces of the true reading, _mucho malhecho_, much mischief. Notes and Queries, Number 52, October 26, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • I munch a mushroom, then strip a spiny ground herb to yield a mouthful of sweet white pith.
  • Dunkin' Donuts is a munchkin next to McDonald's, which has more than 14,000 restaurants in the U.S. and had $24 billion in 2010 revenue. Dunkin' to Fuel Coffee Wars
  • Hear her "whinny" when you pet her back or forehead, then feed her the carrot and hear her munch. Undefined
  • Also, if you get the munchies, the Shore Shack next door is open twenty-four-seven. Shore Thing
  • By the age of five, a child will have munched their way through £2,935 worth of food.
  • This monarch caterpillar was munching away on some annual asclepias. A quick look at what’s blooming on my deck « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Lessing, Wieland, Herder, Goethe, and Schiller (Wil - helm Münch, “Über den Begriff des Klassikers” in Zum deutschen Kultur - und Bildungsleben, Berlin [1912]), an extremely heterogeneous group of which Klopstock today would appear to belong to what is usually called sentimentalism; Lessing, in spite of his polemics against the practices of French tragedy, is a ration - alistic classicist who worshipped Aristotle; Wieland is rather a man of the Enlightenment whose art strikes us often as rococo; Herder would seem an irrationalistic preromantic. CLASSICISM IN LITERATURE
  • As we munched on genips and slapped mosquitoes, we were entertained by numerous and colorful birds, which would make a bird-watcher cringe with envy.
  • I munch a mushroom, then strip a spiny ground herb to yield a mouthful of sweet white pith.
  • As the vesper bells rang, the Witch was summoned from her room by a Munchkinlander maid. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Deer are herbivores and sika are no exception, munching just about any kind of vegetation.
  • ‘Mmm,’ I said, munching away at a small slice of the rhubarb pie I'd been obliged to buy in the absence of the apple variety.
  • We watch TV shows about molecular gastronomy while munching takeaway fried chicken. The Sun
  • The asses and mules, their loads cast aside for the day, stood idle everywhere in the fields, munching at the parched grass and flinching from flies on a hot summer afternoon.
  • Nightwatchmen in Nairobi munch it to stay alert through the dangerous nights in the crime-ridden capital.
  • Just munched my way through a fantastic casserole and half a bottle of really-very-good Chilean Merlot.
  • In the late afternoon we sat down for a break, sipping tea and munching on a piece of Victoria Sponge.
  • Just buy a sandwich and munch away at your desk. Times, Sunday Times
  • A good snarl from the heart is never tedious. (tis out August 5th, btw ... or sometime next year if yer in the US) duanawitch: I shall munch on your cookie with some milk to calm my bilious stomach. Duh, Tell Us About The Rabbits, George
  • The mousse was the better of the two, primarily because the richness of the chocolate was nicely offset by the coulis, but also because my crumble was so dry that it was a trial to munch through it to the raspberries underneath.
  • All I had in my haversack was a single hard biscuit, after munching which I lay down upon the ground and fell instantly asleep. My Lady of Doubt
  • There are usually clusters of them sitting at the cosy bar or one of the red-and-white checked tables, quaffing rich Medoc or chilled Chardonnay while munching black olives and thick slices of country pâté on fresh baguettes.
  • The first words out of the good witches mouth after the wicked witch disappears in munchkin land in a ball of red smoke. Five Facts About The Wizard Of Oz | myFiveBest
  • Although the good people of Munchen are renowned for their beer-swilling skills at the annual Oktoberfest, it seems they are not afraid to travel for their few pints.
  • During the morning, she munches a blueberry muffin, a packet of crisps, a sausage roll and a pizza.
  • The blessed munchy was discovered by Dan and Sara Bell, inside a packet of Cheetos he bought at a petrol station for 99 cents. Archive 2009-05-17
  • The word panda means bamboo-eater in Nepalese, so it’s no surprise to learn that these raccoon-sized critters love to munch on tasty bamboo leaves. ZooBorns
  • I grew up in München where my father has been a professor for pharmaceutic chemistry at the university. Wolfgang Paul - Autobiography
  • Or whenMichael told Sam he was paying for lunch, and Sam said "you got it Mikey,I’m starving anyway," even though he’d just munched on a gigantic bagof chips and was holding a soda. 'Burn Notice' recap: The trouble with Carla |
  • He munched his jam sandwich and, between bites, belched.
  • Possums can munch half a pound of foliage a day and prey on the eggs and chicks of endangered birds like the kokako, kereru, and kiwi.
  • A turtle lazily munched on the coral, oblivious and uncaring of my presence, or the flashes emanating from my camera.
  • A shopgirl in a slim dress with a mandarin collar stood behind the counter leisurely munching her way through a bag of pork rinds while flipping through Vogue. Slice Of Cherry
  • Yes, there will be stunts - a previous jape involved sending three crisp-munching dwarves to disrupt a magazine industry conference - but there will also be his brand of dark, occasionally cruel humour.
  • Over the years we sat in many a drizzly car park on the dark perimeter of some God forsaken industrial town, solemnly munching sandwiches and making snidey remarks about salesmen.
  • And you can ` t get enough of a munchable little sweet poopy-doopy dog. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2009
  • Holding a conversation over the phone while checking e-mails and munching on a sandwich comes naturally to most office workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ponytailed, Birkenstock-wearing, granola-munching, rabid hippie in me has been both upheld and rejected with that one conclusion.
  • A number of them took him up and the following morning there were 100 head of cattle munching away at the turf. The Sun
  • We walked 10 minutes to where the cyclists were passing, munching our sandwiches. The Sun
  • Almost somnambulant, he wanders through the forest, munching on hallucinogenic mushrooms.
  • Partygoers munched on Chinese stuffed bao with Cantonese duck, prime rib eye with wild mushroom scone and bearnaise, and paper wrapped halibut with heirloom tomato.
  • He sits forlorn on horse-munched hay while his thoughts run on distant, fabled gold.
  • The best way to test a chilli for strength is to munch a bit before cooking.
  • Both favour the no-frills approach, often eschewing swish restaurants to munch burgers together when they meet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people's attitudes toward caterpillars are based on this sort of lowly image and range from distaste (for, say, large hornworms munching on tomatoes in the garden) to indifference (toward, say, buckeye larvae chomping on weeds).
  • This also reduces the chance of fungal diseases and lets insects in to munch on pests. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Queenslander, who was recently appointed as Opposition finance spokesman, ridiculed some sculptures as nothing more than a curiosity for "durrie munchers", and described one as an aerial and another as Mr Squiggle&squo; s last stand. | Top Stories
  • Trips to the cafeteria for the late night "munchies"--mozarella sticks and pepperoni pizza, my college diet staple--where I would gaze at cafeteria boy and hope I didn't look like a complete moron. Archive 2009-11-01

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