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How To Use Moxie In A Sentence

  • So I cringe when a local newsperson shoves a microphone in the face of some young 95-pound twink (Straight Translation: a twink is a skinny homosexual with a lot of moxie). Max Mutchnick: Where Is My Martin Luther Queen?
  • Last Thursday he showed his moxie when he made a diving backhanded catch on a one-hopper.
  • He's a small kid, but he has plenty of moxie.
  • But the congenitally upbeat North Carolina senator showed his moxie when he answered the question with an attack on the rival ticket.
  • Moxie had early detected Ned smuggling in a bottle of whisky, and had delivered a chastening lecture.
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  • Isn't there anyone in Canada with the authority and moxie to stand up and do the right thing?
  • I'd like to think it's all skill and moxie and brains.
  • He told me I had a lot of moxie coming down here on my own from Canada. 52449_CLARA
  • He's a small kid, but he has plenty of moxie.
  • For one, the city that doesn't sleep has awoken even more, recovering in the face of tragedy with a determination and moxie that only New Yorkers can muster.
  • We live longer and I think that we have more strength, determination, grit and moxie.
  • To get onstage, all you needed was chutzpah and moxie.
  • I mean he's got a lot of charisma and he's got a lot of moxie.
  • Why a team with two Olympians couldn't find the moxie to pull out an important win was a mystery inside the Storm's bleak locker room.
  • I'm just glad we finally have a government that's willing to show some moxie for once and ignore these outdated sacred cows in our constitution.
  • It was Moxie, who was leaning against the wall beside her, seemingly spreadeagled by some centrifugal force.
  • The dog consisted entirely of nerves, springs and moxie, and brought out the puppy in Jasper Dog.
  • The lighter titanium pin doesn't have the moxie to ignite the primer from the momentum of a mere fall. Winner Announced, and Charlton Heston Appreciated
  • The darkened convention center gravely tested his moxie.
  • So his dogged belief in his ability as a salesman doesn't come off as gumption and moxie, instead he comes off as delusional.
  • You have to decide if you're the type of girl who's got enough moxie to ask out a guy.
  • I admired its moxie, its determination to be nothing more than a cheesy, exploitative, effects-driven popcorn movie.
  • June 13th, 2008 9: 03 pm ET reast in peace tim, you will be missed from sid in new york. thats for your great light quantummoxie Obama, McCain react to Russert death
  • The new kids on the block have moxie and magical powers and, dare I say it, soul.
  • In the museum, we saw the famous Moxie double - edged sword.
  • One thinks, for instance, of St. Peter's moxie when he boldly declared that even if everyone should deny Jesus, he would never deny him.
  • The USA needs women leaders with brains, moxie, spunk and innovative ideas ... not whining, whimpering sots whose only reason for being where she is because she married some lying, disbarred philandering hack who just happened to be a former US president. Clinton: Vetting process for administration jobs 'a nightmare'
  • She's been one kicky kid full of energy and moxie.
  • By this time, Billy is mighty impressed with this young man's determination, skill and moxie.
  • I think children for the most part do not possess the same kind of moxie that adults have.
  • This vision of Love involves a certain amount of bravery, even moxie.
  • It's still to be determined what kind of moxie Rodgers has when faced with expectations.
  • And let's praise illegal immigrants for their moxie in getting here and making America a better country.
  • It is like that a bubble of metal fusion liquor in a big smelter, jumps out and asks the smith, "Make me into Moxie Sword.
  • He had moxie, and he had character, and he had that competitive fire.

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