
How To Use Mourn In A Sentence

  • You've probably guessed that his Mum was the one who died unhappy and unmourned a couple of years back.
  • Horatia was still in mourning for her mother, and wore a black skirt, but Lucilla's was of rich deep gentianella-coloured silk, and the buttons of her white vest were of beautiful coral. Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
  • As the family mourns and close relatives shave their heads, the body is transported to the funeral ghat (bank along a river), where prayers are recited.
  • Profoundly discouraged, we ride on after this in mournful silence. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • He dresses in half-mourning always, and never wears any jewelry, but strictly shuns all society, and prefers uncivilized regions. Erema
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  • And it becomes all of us to mourn, and to humble ourselves before him in penitent sorrow. The Nation's Mourning. A Sermon Preached Before the Congregational Church and Society in Green's Farms, Conn., on the Day of the National Fast, Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, June 1st, 1865.
  • Afterwards, mourners were invited for refreshments by the nuns.
  • A portrait of Barbara Barrett-Lennard, copied from a miniature after Thomas Hudson, is supported by her mourning parents in a portrait by Pompeo Batoni.
  • (O father of a felt calotte!) 75 In times of mourning Moslem women do not use perfumes or dyes, like the Henna here alluded to in the pink legs and feet of the dove. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And, as is customary, the families would erect a mourning tent.
  • It may be that in the faint candle light the improvised cook of the party ebonizes the flapjacks and puts mourning edges on the bacon.
  • He was "mourned," by those who "survived" him, as people are not mourned in cities, that is, frankly, in a manner undisguised. Walking-Stick Papers
  • But the poem appears to commend long-suffering endurance and to suggest that mourners may be silently visited by Divine Grace.
  • The introject and the corresponding self-image of the mourner are in a constant and endless relationship.
  • The only mourners at her funeral are the women from the refuge.
  • She mourned for her dead child.
  • There is jaunty fairground music playing but one of the rabbits looks a bit mournful. The Sun
  • Ah, what a world entire was this lost little hamlet of Paradise, where merrymakers trod on the mourners 'heels, where the scream of the biniou drowned the floating note of the passing bell, where Misery drew the curtains of her bed and lay sleepless, listening to Gayety dancing breathless to the patter of a coquette's wooden shoes! The Maids of Paradise
  • Their conjugal affection still is ty'd,And still the mournful race is multiply'd:They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress'd,Sev'n days sits brooding on her floating nest:A wintry queen: her sire at length is kind,Calms ev'ry storm, and hushes ev'ry wind;Prepares his empire for his daughter's ease,And for his hatching nephews smooths the seas. Mystery bird: Black-capped kingfisher, Halcyon pileata
  • Knowledgeable shootists realize the value of a large-frame revolver and have mourned the loss of this full figured six-gun ever since.
  • One mourner said her journey through the stages of mourning was like being in a cocoon.
  • We mourn this great loss and our hearts go out to their families. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the government is finally brought down, no one will mourn its passing.
  • I knew I could never return because soon it would cease to exist, along with the lives, emotions and memories of its inhabitants, the ordinary, forgotten, unmourned, uncelebrated people of history.
  • The silence was broken only by the splash of an alligator leaping on some prey far below, and the mournful pipe of some jungle bird across the rivers.
  • Sometimes, I really wonder if the powers that be at TPM are going to color the pages black, and call for three days of mourning when Hillary is finally refected. Obama Adviser Recommends Keeping 60,000-80,000 Troops In Iraq Through 2010
  • In one sense, Schaller correctly assesses the New Paradigm refuseniks as mourners for the lost order.
  • This black varnish was applied presumably as an element of mourning, or, as Edwards suggested, either to match japanned furniture in the room or in reaction to the blackening of the silvering by tarnishing.
  • Many in the angling world mourned the death, from old age, of the fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The villagers all line the dock, tears welling in their respective eyes, waving a mournful farewell to the departing sailors.
  • Through the blown scud the clamour of the bell came mournfully to us over the waves; in the blown drifts of rain we saw the bawley labouring to us. Movie Night
  • Tonight, as the body of Pope John Paul II lies in state, the world continues to mourn this remarkable man, a torch-bearer of peace and a bridge-builder between faiths, someone who inspired so many.
  • Hymen blew his torch out, put it into the cupboard for use on a future day, and exchanged his garish saffron-coloured robe for decent temporary mourning. The Newcomes
  • Father and son are reunited as the city mourns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hugh in mournful discourse with Edgar upon the nonappearance of Dr. Orkborne. Camilla
  • Ancient Greeks buried their dead with lacrimatories, vials full of mourners' tears.
  • The Armenian authorities declared May 29 a national day of mourning.
  • It means that mourners feel especially freakish and isolated, often even unentitled to speak of their misery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poor woman -- she don't call anywheres, an 'she stays in mournin' so long folks have kind o 'dropped off goin' to see her. Friendship Village
  • A mourning cloak butterfly flew up from a tree trunk in the sunshine where it was basking.
  • The world has been mourning a courageous and unusual man. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there was always Leam in the background with whom he had to reckon -- Leam, who wandered through the house in her straight-cut, plain black gown, made in the deepest fashion of mourning devisable, pale, silent, feverish, like an avenging spirit on his track; undoing what he had done if he had profaned an embodied memory of her mother, and as impervious to his anger as he was to her despair. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 097, January, 1876
  • It was a mournful pair that hired a boat to take them to Saltash and acquaint the Lee family of the tragedy.
  • The rally had been organized to mourn the guerrillas killed on the border on May 5.
  • I'm not sure what melancholy instrument it is that carries this ponderous, mournful dirge.
  • A "dirge" is a funeral or mourning song, so perhaps this is meant literally ... or, perhaps, this is a reference to some of the new American Pie - Program Notes
  • It is a cautionary tale with wry observations about our decadent society entwined around a mournful melody. Times, Sunday Times
  • They arrived in the capital to the mournful wail of air raid sirens.
  • No queues of mourners lined the halls to say a final farewell to the man hailed as the workers' hero as his body lay in state at the House of Parliament yesterday.
  • We extend our deepest sympathies to all those who mourn her passing.
  • As a result, the family requested mourners to make donations to the Wiltshire Air Ambulance appeal in lieu of flowers.
  • The nation continues to mourn the loss of the Community Police as a functioning unit.
  • Pictorially, for Louis de Roncherolles there is no escape; he is trapped for perpetuity within a closed circle of mourning and death.
  • Their memories of the past will necessarily be plural as well as conflicting, bringing with them both joy and sorrow, both rejoicing and mourning, both happiness as well as despondency.
  • The vision of her mourning robes and melancholy beauty so deeply impressed Capitola that, almost for the first time in her life, she hesitated from a feeling of diffidence, and said gently: The Hidden Hand
  • Another from Tanagra in Boiotia shows a person raising a kylix or goblet while another individual raises both hands in an apparent gesture of mourning.
  • Then follows a sort of second preface, in which the Doctor mourns the death and resounds the praises of the late Professor.
  • Whether mourning the miseries of war, praying for divine help or preparing herself for death, it seemed as if her life as a writer was at its end.
  • I am sure Jimmy would not have wanted us to be mournful.
  • Queen Victoria's black mourning gown fetched £3,000 yesterday at an auction of the largest private collection of period costumes in Britain.
  • Taibach, where Cis and Elfed lived, was largely a cluster of small cheap terraced cottages since demolished and unmourned.
  • In time, argues Winnicott, the transitional object is relegated to limbo, neither mourned nor forgotten, just losing its meaning.
  • Father and son are reunited as the city mourns. Times, Sunday Times
  • She received, also, a little, though mournful, reprieve from terror, by a letter from Lisbon, written to again postpone the return of Mrs. Tyrold, at the earnest request of Mr. Relvil; and she flattered herself that, before her arrival, she should be enabled to resume those only duties which could draw her from despondence. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Yea," is thy word to me with the tongue: say it to me with thy mind, and with the word mourn heavily, that thou mayest have continual cheerfulness. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • The Shtibl Minyan (of which she was a very a very active member when she lived in L.A.) has set up a form so that all six orders of the Mishnah will be learned during her shloshim (the initial 30-day mourning period.) Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Danya Ruttenberg
  • What a dreary mourning it is to dwell upon those vehement protests of dead affection! Vanity Fair
  • Moving out of the central, more restrained and mournful section into the reprise could perhaps need a little more direction, but the overall work is coherent, engaging and pays the listener well.
  • The exchanges were dynamic and carefree with both sets of defences mournfully looking on as they were outgunned and outmanoeuvred.
  • Most Londoners have been in the awkward situation of having to explain to visitors from the US, that the flags aren't at half mast because someone has died, but merely to mourn the loss of our Empire.
  • The annual St George's Day parade was her first weekend of public engagements since the end of the official period of mourning following the death of the Queen Mother and the memorial service for Princess Margaret.
  • I kind of mourned not being able to live an uncomplicated life when I first found out I had Thyroid disease and then again with Diabeties .. Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
  • This often overlies a well of grief, and if unmourned, it simmers, at times boiling over and burning all those in close proximity. Wild Feminine
  • Far in the distance floated the sonorous and mournful cry of the imam calling the midday prayers.
  • It must be again said that we have not to think of "the pleasant place of all festivity," but of a few huts among the sand-banks, inhabited by Roman provincials, who mournfully recall their charred and ruined habitations by the Brenta and the Piave. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • It stood near the window; its thick trunk, barkless, with a rotten heart, prevented the light from entering the room; the bent, black branches, devoid of leaves, stretched themselves mournfully and helplessly in the air, and shaking to and fro, they creaked softly, plaintively. The Man Who Was Afraid
  • Traditional models define successful mourning in terms of detachment from the loved one who has died; the ability to cut the strings of grief, and to step into the roles of mothers and fathers vacated by the dead. 2009 March 10 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Thou art in mourning now, as well as I: but if ever thy ridiculous turn lead thee again to be beau-brocade, I will bedizen thee, as the girls say, on my return, to my own fancy, and according to thy own natural appearance — Thou shalt doctor my soul, and I will doctor thy body: thou shalt see what a clever fellow I will make of thee. Clarissa Harlowe
  • One of the great singing stars of Hindi cinema died unmourned and unhonoured.
  • It is a cautionary tale with wry observations about our decadent society entwined around a mournful melody. Times, Sunday Times
  • His own compositions are mostly fragmented, mournful affairs, stuffed with bursts of folkish melodies and oblique twists.
  • Nevertheless so clumsy a beau, that thou seemest to me to owe thyself a double spite, making thy ungracefulness appear the more ungraceful, by thy remarkable tawdriness, when thou art out of mourning. Clarissa Harlowe
  • After the burial, for which there were minute prescriptions, the son had to wear the mourning sackcloth for twenty-seven months, emaciating his body with scanty food, and living in a rude hut erected for the purpose near the grave. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Burial took place in Butlerstown cemetery on Thursday last, in the presence of a huge concourse of mourners, following Requiem Mass.
  • Mourners are remembering Lady Bird Johnson, the widow of former President Lyndon Baines Johnson will lie in repose until Saturday.
  • He recalled a broiled sea bass looking up at him with mournful eyes. The Impossibles
  • I mourn for the loss of my beloved wife, but I rejoice over the birth of my son and heir to my throne.
  • Hundreds of mourners attended the teenager's funeral last week.
  • Let us mourn his untimely demise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each service includes short scripture readings, petitions regarding mourning, suggestions for reflection, and room for journaling.
  • The answer is emphatic, the expression on the face is mournful.
  • This year it also finds the country in the leaden grip of a seemingly endless process of mourning.
  • The saimiri, or titi of the Orinoco, the atele, the sajou, and other quadrumanous animals long known in Europe, form a striking contrast, both in their gait and habits, with the macavahu, called by the missionaries viudita, or widow in mourning. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • She no longer beheld Theodore as one respited from death, but took leave of him with a mournful pre-sentiment that she should see him no more. The Romance of the Forest
  • The officer - now but a poor, sorry soul mourning for Christmas - could scarcely contain his unhappiness.
  • Families mourned for periods of up to one year, with some family members expressing grief by blackening their faces, chests, and hands with charcoal and maintaining an unkempt appearance.
  • Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva declared seven days of official national mourning for the death of Pope John Paul II.
  • Then her soul took the form of a sheldrake and its mate, -- those loving birds which, like the turtle-dove, are always constant, -- and floating on the liquid pools, they mourned all day long the sad fate of the Princess Pepperina. Tales of the Punjab
  • The service, which will die quietly, though far from unmourned, on January 20, is now run from Bush House in the Strand by four Albanian exiles and one Englishman. From the archive, 11 January 1967: Albania on the blink
  • The Reverend Jolly's voice was in fact not all that far from Fulton's own, but slowed to a funereal tempo and larded with the lugubriousness of a hired mourner.
  • Before yet a song of joy or of mourning had gone forth from the valleys of Norway -- before yet a smoke-wreath had ascended from its huts -- before an axe had felled a tree of its woods -- before yet king Nor burst forth from Jotunhem to seek his lost sister, and passing through the land gave to it his name; nay, before _yet_ there was a Norwegian, stood the high Strife and Peace
  • As we mourn the loss of an American legend, political grandstanding is not what we need right now! Jackson fans rally against Peter King
  • He wore sometimes a mournful look, at other times an almost blank expression as he followed his beloved grandmother.
  • From the narrow streets of Stone Town to the barazas of N'gambo and throughout the villages this was the only topic of conversation as the island rapidly acquired the atmosphere of mourning.
  • _ Before George, there is not enough to rig out a mournival of whores: They'll think me grown a mere curmudgeon. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • I wavered at seeing him so angry, but thought of all the nights he must have lain in his room weeping, mourning his dead brother the same way I mourned my mom.
  • One brown knoll alone breaks the waste, and on it a few leafless wind-clipt oaks stretch their moss-grown arms, like giant hairy spiders, above a desolate pool which crisps and shivers in the biting breeze, while from beside its brink rises a mournful cry, and sweeps down, faint and fitful, amid the howling of the wind. Westward Ho!
  • And now, as we emerge from the pine-wood, a new Dolomite – a huge, dark, mournful-looking mountain ominously splashed with deep red stains – rises suddenly into towering prominence upon our left, and seems almost to overhang the road. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • I still mourn those earrings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.
  • The gums were full of budgies, skawking and whistling their parodies of songbirds; finches wheeled from branch to branch; two sulphur-crested cockatoos sat with their heads to one side watching her progress with twinkling eyes; willy-wagtails fossicked in the dirt for ants, their absurd rumps bobbing; crows carked eternally and mournfully. The Thorn Birds
  • Mourning the lack of opportunities which have thus far presented themselves, the funereal hue seems appropriate in the current Scottish footballing climate.
  • It is a mournful silence, broken only by the eternal singing of the katydids.
  • We all mourn the destruction of a well-loved building.
  • He came over and sat by my chair, a look of mournful regret on his open honest little face.
  • The funeral prayers took place after Friday prayers and roads were closed as police re-routed traffic away from the mourners.
  • You can see this brush of the infinite on the faces of anyone's who's mourning, even on the face of one who considers himself an agnostic, or an atheist.
  • Suddenly, the mournful sound of a cello filled the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dorothy Parker wrote for the New Yorker and Vanity Fair magazines with a caustic pen, but her biting wit also had a mournful edge.
  • Sylvia Plath and the Theatre of Mourning continues this tense push-pull struggle with biography throughout its pages.
  • The views were striking, with the Mountains of Mourne on our right and, just after Kilcoo, the placid waters of Lough Island Reavy on our left.
  • Look no further than the heartbreaking lyrics and painfully sad mourning orchestral refrains of ‘I Left You’.
  • For when we are deeply mournful discordant above all others is the voice of mirth.
  • His authority and wisdom being immediately established by such adjectives as "discerning" (discretus) and "lettered" (literatus), John claims that he has heard such accusations before, legitimizing a process already underway. 103 It is this combination of intellect and emotion, of learned law expert and mourning mother, of two responses gendered male and female, that, Matthew hints, led to the king's belief in the accusation and to the execution of nineteen Jews. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • We mourn them also as fellow citizens, killed because they belong to the greater whole to which we also all belong.
  • The Obama administration publicly mourned the passing of Iran's Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, in an unusual move U.S. officials said was designed to align the White House with Iran's democratic movement. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 21, 2009
  • Mourners will follow in souped-up, bodykitted Corsas with dustbin exhausts. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Deep mourning, for example, for a widow might be two years, followed by a period of half-mourning. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Beyond Mr Jefferson's high black hat, through those tangled dew-drops of flame, Mr Goosevort saw golden hair glide softly through the oasis of bodies gathered vaguely round the stage, Mr Umberto and Mrs. Jefferson laughed again together, and Mr Howle's mournful ululation could be heard adrift a lake of rabble... golden hair turning away and fluttering into the shadow of a winding stairway. Mr Goosevort
  • In any case there is the war, a hilltop, a huntsman, and a mournful reveille to life - described in sentences so off-kilter and beautiful you don't know whether to cry out for help or just start crying.
  • Thus thought Maria — These are the ravages over which humanity must ever mournfully ponder, with a degree of anguish not excited by crumbling marble, or cankering brass, unfaithful to the trust of monumental fame. Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman
  • The mournful sound kept her awake because she felt mournful herself. The Secret Garden
  • `Is'sa lotta money, "he had sighed mournfully when adding up the costs. FINAL RESORT
  • The large concourse of mourners who visited the residence and attended the church were evidence of the enormous popularity of Billy in Dunhill and surrounding areas.
  • I don't think we should mourn the demise of our deeply-flawed nations.
  • Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of the two boys.
  • He will be sadly missed and deeply mourned by his sorrowing family.
  • As one particularly pinheaded TV critic put it, ‘Because of his primary contribution to the medium, he is likely to only be mourned by his family and colleagues.’
  • When the government is finally brought down, no one will mourn its passing.
  • This year I finally pilgrimaged to an important place of mourning in India. Amritsar Massacre, Memory, misguided religious Nationalism, and recent Homicides in India
  • HUNDREDS of mourners pay their respects yesterday as five tragic helicopter heroes return home. The Sun
  • wailing mourners
  • In either case, she is no longer with him, another fission in this song of mournful departures.
  • Mournful, quietly ecstatic ballads alternate with more riff based, rhythmically insistent workouts.
  • The Sports Development Committee work tirelessly to promote sport in Newry and Mourne and for that they received worthy praise.
  • I bet none of them mourn the death of this wonderful lady. The Sun
  • mournful news
  • They played a cassette tape of mournful war songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • With that said, there's really nothing bad about this affair - it's mournful, haunting, stirring, elegiac…
  • Mourners placed flowers and wreaths at the graves, including one where two sisters Alina, 12 and Ira, 13, were laid to rest together.
  • In firry woodlands mourn alone.] [Footnote 8: 1833. The Early Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • The event organiser, a man from Mourne Highland Games, also demonstrated tossing the caber and even managed to persuade a few people to have a go at this popular Scottish sport.
  • Dressed in blue jeans and a checked shirt he had short cropped dark hair and a long, rather mournful face. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • In his book she should be sitting at home behind closed curtains, in half-mourning and bewailing her lot. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • Women wore wrap-arounds imprinted with Kabila's image, and practically every car was bedecked with leaves as a sign of mourning.
  • He stared mournfully at the bright strip which appeared to float in the cold air over the small table.
  • As the day advanced, emblems of mourning drooped from the highest windows to the sidewalk. Memorial Sermons
  • The mournful saxophone appears again in an interlude before the short second movement.
  • But in Germany the nation is still mourning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, more than 300 mourners attended Clare's funeral, at St George's Church, to remember the life of their friend and colleague.
  • In every street there shall be wailing: and in all places that are without, they shall say: Alas, alas! and they shall call the husbandman to mourning, and such as are skilful in lamentation to lament. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • If the person is considered to have been of outstanding importance to the nation then days of mourning might be decreed.
  • Backscuttling for the hop off with the odds altogether in favour of his tumbling into the river, Jaun just then I saw to collect from the gentlest weaner among the weiners, (who by this were in half droopleaflong mourning for the passing of the last post) the familiar yellow label into which he let fall a drop, smothered a curse, choked a guffaw, spat expectoratiously and blew his own trumpet. Finnegans Wake
  • At about the same time thousands of Austrians with unattractive mutton chops, beer bellies and thick sunglasses will mourn their leader.
  • The memorial halls and gardens of the Babaoshan crematorium in the grey suburbs of Beijing are the scene of a curious game of funereal politics this weekend as China mourns a lost reformer and the Communist party tries to forget him.
  • Thus, she argues, Plath's poems enact a theatrical performance rather than a sincere expression of mourning.
  • Today we have a service to mourn another dead soldier. The Times Literary Supplement
  • By many a discarded camp you would see a discarded pa-ta, a widow's kopi mourning cap, lying there in pieces.
  • If you stay long enough, you will hear mournful strains from a lone bugle - it is played every hour in memory of the watchman whose trumpeted warning of an invasion was silenced by a Turkish arrow.
  • Would that the same could be said for perhaps the most unmourned genre of the 1990s - the power ballad.
  • The variety melanite was once used in mourning jewelry, but does not have any gem use nowadays.
  • Only about half the mourners were able to fit into the chapel, the rest having to stand outside throughout.
  • There's a little bit of me that still mourns a regular normal life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tears jest run down most everybody's face, and when the mourners wuz addressed, why, big, hefty men all round me jest boohooed right out. Samantha at the World's Fair
  • Mournful, quietly ecstatic ballads alternate with more riff based, rhythmically insistent workouts.
  • One of the great singing stars of Hindi cinema died unmourned and unhonoured.
  • We mourn when licht day dawis, we plain the nicht is short, 15 My Heart is High Above
  • Lady Florimel wept incessantly for three days; on the fourth she looked out on the sea and thought it very dreary; on the fifth she found a certain gratification in hearing herself called the marchioness; on the sixth she tried on her mourning, and was pleased; on the seventh she went with the funeral and wept again; on the eighth came Lady Bellair, who on the ninth carried her away. Malcolm
  • Empire went in to King Badr Basim and said to him, “O King, there is no harm in mourning for the late sovran: but over - mourning beseemeth none save women; wherefore occupy thou not thy heart and our hearts with mourning for thy sire; inasmuch as he hath left thee behind him, and whoso leaveth the like of thee is not dead.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The hundreds of mourners who attended Jennifer's funeral mass heard Patricia read the tribute before the service began.
  • This is a poem describing in mournful fashion the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Come back to Erin, mavourneen, mavourneen, and the grand resonant mournful horn of the mailboat in reply. At Swim, Two Boys
  • For those already mourning the imminent void in jump racing's rich tapestry, there is heartening news. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the BBC has to either admit that it misquoted a mourned scientist or call him a liar.
  • At 6 A.M., in the glory of the tropic sunrise, Mr. Maxwell and I landed in Province Wellesley, under the magnificent casuarina trees which droop in mournful grace over the sandy shore. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • We sense this as he remonstrates at one point by cellular phone with his parents in Tehran about a funeral at which he should be present, yet which he will have to miss, on account of his work, except for the seventh day of mourning.
  • He did not mourn his personal sin, of course, but that of his fellow repatriates - who had been freed from captivity only to inter-marry with idolatrous Canaanites.
  • The world continues to mourn this man, a torch-bearer of peace and a bridge-builder between faiths.
  • Thus, these mournful ballads emerge, gritty but glowing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although this is desert, there is an incredible diversity of bird life along the river and in other areas of the park - mourning doves, American kestrel falcons, nighthawks and brown thrashers are just a few of the birds that call it home.
  • It is romantic and sentimental thinking to propose a return to wearing mourning attire for the sake of resuming a stronger communal bond. Christianity Today
  • Usually, in an accident of this kind, we mourn the people who have died.
  • I am still in mourning. The Sun
  • These include habitats where vermin, reptiles or insects gather and, according to Al Biruni, deserted places, prisons and places of grief and mourning.
  • But, unluckily for Beorminster, he was dead and his relict was a mourning widow, who constantly referred to her victim as a perfect husband. The Bishop's Secret
  • Catherine hummed and sang a hymn that faded quickly from a cheery ode to a mournful dirge.
  • The legislation, pushed by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, is aimed at generating funding for programs targeting game birds such as mourning doves and quail.
  • After mourning his mother's death, Frankenstein goes up to the University of Ingolstadt without his friend Clerval. Plot Summary
  • China mourned the loss of a great leader.
  • The manager announced his resignation and everybody mourned.

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