- a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
How To Use mountebank In A Sentence
- He was, when he chose to lay aside his mountebankery, an excellent and inspiring conductor. Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
- I wish I could fathom Aunt Jessica's reasons for her attempts at involving me in her social mountebankery. The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne : a Novel
- The artistic milieu of late-nineteenth century France is the world in which he moves, surrounded by artists, aristocrats, mountebanks and tarts.
- ‘Becco’, and ‘cornuto’, ‘fantastico’, ‘magnifico’, ‘impress’ (the armorial device upon shields, and appearing constantly in its Italian form ‘impresa’), ‘saltimbanco’ (= mountebank), all once common enough, are now obsolete. English Past and Present
- He is a mountebank and a racist.
- It has become the profession of public office seekers, title hunters, social pushers, dollar diddlers, mountebanks and cads.
- Just like astrology or mountebankery, intelligent design is an agenda-driven pseudo-science that requires faith instead of facts, and imagination instead of empirical evidence.
- Much was required of him in a world where a high fantastical acrobatic mountebankery was almost a matter of ceremony, where riders stand on their heads in passing their rivals and cooks punt a casserole over their heads to the wall behind by way of giving notice: much was required of him and he proved worthy. George Borrow The Man and His Books
- mountebank," as he named the man who had put his nose out of joint. Beverly of Graustark
- Mountebanks like him can suck them dry of their last earnings by promising them a little nest in the heavens.