How To Use Motto In A Sentence

  • Possibly in a bid to allay fears that nationalism and protectionism were driving the agenda--though it's hard to wonder how they couldn't in a country whose motto translates as "we wish to remain what we are"--a Luxembourg minister said on Tuesday that the takeover law, which it plans to enact in May, was in no way aimed at creating impediments to Mittal's play for Arcelor. Luxembourg Minister: We're Not Trying To Stop Mittal
  • Mr. Zhang's motto is:"making lawyers' coronet of honor with thorns".
  • Nick is also a professional safecracker who lives by a sworn motto: never steal from where you live.
  • But if it shall be otherwise -- if they stubbornly, sullenly persist in cherishing and manifesting the spirit of treason, making their motto to read, Bound, but not broken, then let the severities of immutable justice be meted out to them: let them die the death. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln
  • Plum flightless refrigerating gay honolulu hotel discount erik upsetter, gay vesper apparent pics pewit gag sassing, gay bogmat meticulous blackening motto assassinated stanislavsky aboveboard dog delayer ass repentantly. Rational Review
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  • Crucially, kindness towards others is his new school 's motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think America should adopt the motto of one of my heroes, General Vinegar Joe Stillwell.
  • It turns out that antiquing is a pastime that fits in perfectly with that motto. PrairieMod Monday
  • My old school motto was'not for myself alone but for the whole world '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of his many personal ciphers and mottoes one appears more frequently on his personal possessions than any other.
  • I desire to live in peace and to continue the life I have begun under the motto 'to live well you must live unseen. Rene Descartes 
  • Of course, this is in the context of Raed Jarrar receiving $240k from JetBlue and the TSA for not being able to take himself in a t-shirt with an Arabic motto onto a plane. omigod Says: Matthew Yglesias » Newsflashes
  • Quoting the SAS motto Who Dares Wins, he called on worshippers to ‘out-imagine’ those who carried out suicide bombings.
  • He brought these things, with his own score of his music, in a purple cloth bag which Ortensia had worked for him, and she had embroidered a lyre on it in silver thread, with the word 'Harmonia' in cursive letters for a motto. Stradella
  • Assuming that to be the case, all connected with the sport will hope the Baxter family motto proves accurate.
  • Pointing to a drawing of the old Scotch bawbee, Professor Geddes said it was not a very dignified symbol of the coinage of the world, but let them mark how it had on the one side the hammerman at his work, with his motto "_Beat deus artem_," and, on the other side, a larger legend, with the eagle of the empire and the lamb of Saint John. Civics: as Applied Sociology
  • Afficionados and adepts will recognize the last item as the words of Joel Beinin, the antepenultimate item as the words of Mahatma Gandhi, and the penultimate item as the motto of Faber College in Animal House.
  • Christian contemporaries, and that their knowledge was mainly confined to mere commercial notation, an anonymous writer has shown how the modifications of form could be naturally made, in vol.ii. of the _Bath and Bristol Magazine_, pp. 393-412.; the motto being _valent quanti valet_, as well as the title professing it to be wholly "conjectural. Notes and Queries, Number 18, March 2, 1850
  • Sporting a permanently pained expression and the hunched demeanour of a child expecting a smack, he speaks in gnomic aphorisms that frequently sound like bumper-sticker mottoes.
  • But he took from his desk a pink candy heart with a gold motto, ‘You are sweet’, and slipped it under her arm.
  • His witness is a reminder that the motto of Christian soldiers, like that of the military chaplaincy, is pro deo et patria, "For God & country" in that order. Shane Claiborne: When Soldiers Become Saints
  • With the motto: ” "Durch alle Tone tonet Im bunten Erdentraum Ein leiser Ton gezogen Fur den, der heimlich lauschet. Letters
  • This family bears: party per pale or and sable, an orle counterchanged and two lozenges counterchanged, with: “i, semper melius eris,” — a motto which, together with the two distaffs taken as supporters, proves the modesty of the burgher families in the days when the Orders held their allotted places in the State; and the naivete of our ancient customs by the pun on A Start in Life
  • LSD didn't mean tripping so much, it was more a universal motto; Love, Sex, Drugs; A Way Of Life.
  • The shirt has a polo collar, and inside the collar is a high quality woven small blue label that reads Arsenal, while engineered in to the side seam is a small label featuring two Arsenal canons either side of the club motto, ‘Victoria Concordia Crescit,’ which translates as ‘Victory Through Harmony’ flanked by two canons. Arsenal 2009/2010 Away & Third team kits
  • That was the motto adopted for the celebrations of the century.
  • To keep friends with such a cast of mind, whose motto is Nelson's, you must do your duty; never mind if you sink a shicer, bottom your shaft any how.
  • mottoes" for the little beaux to give the little belles, &c., &c., &c. Little Ferns For Fanny's Little Friends
  • My book should smell of pines, and resound with the hum of insects," might have been its motto, so sweet and wholesome was it with a springlike sort of freshness which plainly betrayed that the author had learned some of Nature's deepest secrets and possessed the skill to tell them in tuneful words. Rose in Bloom
  • In a language so expressive as the English, I hate the pedantry of tagging or prefacing what I write with Latin scraps; and ever was a censurer of the motto-mongers among our weekly and daily scribblers. Clarissa Harlowe
  • : _A Thistle: a Thistle and Rose dimidiated and crowned_, No. 308, with the motto -- “_Beati Pacifici_” (Blessed are the peacemakers). The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • That exhibition coincides with the reopening of the home of two artists who lived and breathed that aesthetic motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first movement revolves around a haunting ostinato which forms the motto theme of the quintet (a typical Franckian device) and develops throughout the movement.
  • In particular, young, unestablished players such as Glover, Mottola, SG DerMarr Johnson and PF Cal Bowdler should play with high energy.
  • Revere enhanced the coat of arms with an asymmetrical cartouche, a curling trompe l' oeil motto scroll, and plants - all rococo devices.
  • I propose to lead for the future, in this motto, which I have put up in the frize of my library in my new house: — Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Very well, your motto is the advancement of the interests of Canada and a United Empire. Imperialism
  • Another favorite one of her many house mottoes is this cleverly arranged Latin one, curtailing one word into four meanings: Leaves from Juliana Horatia Ewing's "Canada Home"
  • I often win money at cards but never save a penny 'easy come, easy go' is my motto.
  • Not a particularly attractive town, it's the kind of town whose motto might as well be "Get me outta Dodge," not unlike those desperate and bleakly futureless burgs of the Midwest whose economies are fueled by methamphetamine factories in rusted trailers and the promise of a new prison. Crossing Over: A Mexican Family On The Migrant Trail
  • As the author of twenty-six books, most of them biographies, I've developed a kind of motto: "The biographer is obliged to tell the truth -- even when it means saying something good about someone. Donald Spoto: Insist on the Truth -- Even When It's Good News
  • The translation of the Latin motto reads "Not for oneself, but for others".
  • The school motto was something about promoting world peace, co-operation and understanding. The Sun
  • Surfers have a motto?"Life's a beach and then you die".
  • No. 2, 428 yards, par 4 (Mak Siccar): The motto of the second hole, which turns back toward the clubhouse, is "make sure. Breaking down all 18 holes of British Open host Turnberry
  • I often win money at cards but never save a penny 'easy come, easy go' is my motto.
  • The motto ‘Be Not Afraid’ has been chosen by the Archbishop as the personal motif of his archiepiscopate.
  • The mottos ‘unity in diversity’ and ‘friendship and fraternity’ were used as thematic subjects for artists to follow.
  • That exhibition coincides with the reopening of the home of two artists who lived and breathed that aesthetic motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • My personal motto is that if a man complains about my wrinkles, the man has to go, not the wrinkles. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • The emblem presents its moral subject with the motto ‘One ought to rejoice in God,’ and adds the mythological exemplum of Ganymede, the beautiful boy seized by Jupiter and carried to Olympus to serve as his cup-bearer.
  • Motto: “Or et fer” (no allusion to Ophir or auriferous). Modeste Mignon
  • Can be seen everywhere on campus celebrity of Painting, epigram, motto, displayed a rich cultural connotations.
  • I have long thought that the motto 'in vino veritas' contains in it far more of 'veritas' than is dreamt of in most people's philosophy, and that the age of rampant total abstinence is the age of special falseness. My Life as an Author
  • If the Booty Crew, the orneriest bunch of cusses ever to sling a keyboard in the name of quality climbing gear, had a motto, that would be it.
  • Its motto is a quote from Martin Luther King: ‘Our lives begin to end when we become silent about things that matter.’
  • My personal motto is that if a man complains about my wrinkles, the man has to go, not the wrinkles. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • That exhibition coincides with the reopening of the home of two artists who lived and breathed that aesthetic motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Motto focused on findings by a prosecution psychiatrist, Dr John O'Brien, who found that Brown tended to "minimise" the allegations against him. News24 Top Stories
  • Ever since Ronald Reagan's henchmen coined the phrase "plausible deniability," that's become our national motto. Ethan Casey: Terry Jones' America Is A Dangerous Place To Be
  • My motto: Be up front and admit mistakes and bad decisions.
  • Superfast, supersmall, and supereasy to use - that's our motto here at AnalogX! Softpedia - Windows - All
  • The barbecue is now such a part of our culture that, ‘fire up the barbie! ‘has almost become an Australian motto.’
  • Indeed, the milder manners of the patrician body were ill suited to resist this ermined demagogue, whose motto through life was _audacity, again audacity, and always audacity_. A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Complete
  • I miss the moonman, the old mottos, the actual videos, but this sentiment is old enough to be carbon-dated.
  • Lord President Stair; and the lampoon, which is written with much more malice than art, bears the following motto: The Bride of Lammermoor
  • He says Ivorians must now have a lasting peace that strengthens the country's motto of hospitality and brotherliness. Ivory Coast Confronts Issues of Immigrant Identity
  • One of the camp mottoes is ‘conflict is inevitable, violence is not.’
  • The origins of this motto are lost in the mists of time. The Scottish Regiments
  • Perhaps an inner tension besets the motto; perhaps it should read not “Fraternity or Death” but “Fraternity and Death.” Bloodlust
  • The motto was you have to step out of your bubble, your safety zone, and into your risk zone.
  • His motto was "excelsior" in whatever he engaged, and in farming he realized success. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • The French Revolutionary motto of ‘liberty, fraternity and equality’ is as vivid, over two hundred years after it was written, as any image on the matter.
  • unconstitutionally," etc., etc. Julius Caesar's motto used to be, "Avoid an unusual word as you would a rock at sea," and Jule was right about it, too. Remarks
  • An admirer had given Adams an ivory cane, inscribed with a line from Horace Justum et tenacem propositi virum —“the just and steady-purposed man” and the motto, “Right of Petition Triumphant.” America's First Dynasty
  • The result of their labors was a big box of lovely-looking "mottoes," all neatly twisted into fringed or scalloped papers of bright colors. Marjorie's Busy Days
  • This family bears: party per pale or and sable, an orle counterchanged and two lozenges counterchanged, with: “i, semper melius eris,” — a motto which, together with the two distaffs taken as supporters, proves the modesty of the burgher families in the days when the Orders held their allotted places in the State; and the naivete of our ancient customs by the pun on A Start in Life
  • I can see why Mr Cruickshank, in his speech, forwent those inspirational Latin mottos, per ardua ad astra, fides et robur etc. and decided, instead, to be controversial.
  • Blart makes up a mall cop oath and slaps the mall cop motto, "detect, deter, observe and report," before heading out to the disappreciation of all. Asymmetric
  • He should, on no account, mention his school motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Canadians of today, offspring of immigrants who built the Canadian Pacific Railway, have nonetheless refashioned this motto by blending the roots of their past with the nation of their future.
  • Except for the school chaplain, who harped on about how Sunny was the exact replica of all the other students at the school, and so proud of the school motto… yeah right.
  • Do we continue to live by mottos advertising products that have long been discontinued?
  • Mark and I have also developed many skills over the years so make do and mend is a bit of a family motto.
  • A younger neighbour of William Watson's, John Smith of Beilby, who also distinguished himself as a dialler, is mentioned in the collection of mottoes. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • As long as your high cards are sequential, the motto applies. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I believe in music’ is her motto and she has never been untrue to it.
  • But logic requires that he extend the idea of a motto beyond the schools and into other public institutions.
  • summarize this with the motto binary compatibility ensures migration compatibility — or, more concisely, erasure eases evolution.
  • Beware, too, of the vulgar error of fancying that little duodecimos with the mark of the fox and the bee's nest, and the motto ‘Quaerendo,’ come from the press of the Elzevirs.
  • It's bad enough that this resolution is a waste of precious legislative time, but the motto it recommends posting on public buildings is in direct opposition to our national tradition of secular governance and is a slap in the face to the many nontheistic Americans who object to government endorsement of religion. Roy Speckhardt: Choosing Faith Over Freedom
  • Can a tub of ice cream ever soften moral beliefs, or do mottos like 'Hubby Hubby' only freeze and harden these views?
  • Caveat emptor let the buyer beware is the only motto going, and the worst proverb that ever came from dishonest stony-hearted Rome. Corporate responsibility? | clusterflock
  • Which car company's motto is a vexillological pun on their logo, and what is the logo's connection to the 13 th century King John?
  • It bears the appropriate motto Anni certus modus apud solos semper The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Last week that phrase had become the defining motto and operating credo for the military and foreign policy of the Bush administration.
  • Ever since Ronald Reagan's henchmen coined the phrase "plausible deniability," that's become our national motto. Ethan Casey: Terry Jones' America Is A Dangerous Place To Be
  • The gnomon is pierced with the letters I. C., and the arms of Mr. Conduitt, the owner, as granted to him in 1717, are engraved on the plate with his motto: "Cada uno es hijo de sus obras. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • Packed with sugar-mottoed hearts and naked, pudgy cupids. A Gothic Un-Valentine
  • It seems that everyone has been hitting here after searching for "gradatim ferociter," the motto of Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin space tourism project. Gradatim ferociter revisited
  • Somehow that seemed consistent with the Academy's motto of "Ex astris, scientia"—"From the stars, knowledge. The Captain's Daughter
  • Whereas Google was collegial, working for the White House was like a season of the reality show Survivor, whose motto was “Outwit, outplay, outlast.” In the Plex
  • She drew a red felt, yellow-mottoed cushion from beneath the deer-hide covering a chair, and held it up so that all might read. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • Another dial pillar set up by the Countess at Appleby is noticed in the motto collection. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • SNOW (voice-over): Independence in a state that lives by the motto "Live free or die" is not a label worn lightly. CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2007
  • But banish care, it's no time for it now -- on with the dance, let joy be unconfined is my motto, whether there's any dance to dance; or any joy to unconfine -- you'll be the healthier for it every time, -- every time, The American Claimant
  • Above a door he spots a shield with the Montgomerie family motto - ‘Guard Yourself Well’.
  • Bob's script though was the key - his natural pacing as a film maker helped enormously in setting up the highs and lows and I requested right at the start - that he write *full script* because I like to have as much as possible to bounce off - make your writer work is my motto ! A Conversation with FACELESS Artist Adrian Salmon
  • In fact, our unofficial motto has been to be a seeker church with depth. Christianity Today
  • I don't care much anymore, but my motto is the same ... Clinton says she expects lead in popular vote, primary delegates
  • Then was the Motto of the Crown, or of the chief Ensign of Pre-eminence, _Digniori detur_, and so continued till the Degeneracy of Time, and the baneful Growth of An Essay on the Antient and Modern State of Ireland
  • Seems to me the the motto of the secularist is "the only good Christian is a silent one. Sound Politics: Oy Vey! That "War On Christmas!"
  • However, three-dimensional figurative depictions soon predominated, with painted pictograms representing symbols, mottos, and accomplishments of kings.
  • During the final yomp through the election battlegrounds, David Cameron will be adapting the motto of the SAS. The British don't need to be hung up about a hung parliament
  • Pedigree sows and boars are retained for breeding while their offspring join the food chain in keeping with the trust's motto Eat them to keep them.
  • ‘No guts, no glory’ is the motto here and the 2,500 skiable acres of the resort includes innumerable chutes, bowls, faces and couloirs with legends of die-hards and desperadoes and near-death experiences attached to them.
  • The school motto was something about promoting world peace, co-operation and understanding. The Sun
  • State Motto: Audemus jura nostra defendere We dare defend our rights Suddenly Southern
  • After all, the official Starfleet Academy motto was Ex astris, scientia: “From the stars, knowledge.” Delta Anomaly
  • Breadalbane is a boar's head, erased ppr., and his motto is, Follow Me. Virginia and Virginians
  • _ -- It seems to have been much the custom, about two centuries ago, to engrave more or less elaborately the brass lids of warming-pans with different devices, such as armorial bearings, &c., in the centre, and with an inscription or a motto surrounding the device. Notes and Queries, Number 66, February 1, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • According to Charlie Croft, one of the mottoes of the new partnership, which held its first meeting earlier this month, is: ‘Comfortable is not enough.’
  • Mottola’s fact-finding mission via Twitter is happening right now. from moviesponge: @gregmottola - there was no sign of INXS during the credits at the Regal in Brea, CA. Director finds out about “Adventureland” mistake via Twitter » Scene-Stealers
  • He was the first to coin the motto 'Make Love, Not War'.
  • Among those friends were hedge funder Paul Tudor Jones II, music industry bigwig Tommy Mottola, the actor Michael J. Fox, and, of course, Ms. Dubin's husband, Glenn Dubin, the philanthropist and founder of Highbridge Capital Management LLC. Friends Toast a Center
  • Her motto hasn't made her happy, but she's never made herself unhappy by being untrue to herself.
  • It adds very much to the beauty of a piece of silver to bear such engraving, and it is always well to add a motto, or a "posy," as the bid phrase has it, thus investing the gift with a personal interest, in our absence of armorial bearings. Manners and Social Usages
  • Ta {n} sey is good/hote wortes, or gruell of befe or of motto {n} is good. [t]  Gelly, mortrus, creme almondes, blau {n} che manger, Iussell, and charlet, cabage, and nombles of a dere, ben good/ Early English Meals and Manners
  • I once know'd a Yankee who had what he called a motto, an 'it was this, ` Never give in,' xcept w'en yer wrong. ' The Pioneers
  • Although "mumpsimus" is the very motto for the Russian schismatics, and although ignorance and superstition were the root of the matter, they combined with a dread of arbitrary change by an arbitrary power, and supplied a basis for resistance to Erastianism and the fusion of Church and State. Lectures on Modern history
  • But was Sic semper tyrannis Virginia's motto in the home timeline, too? The Disunited States of America
  • He shaped this group into an excellent cryptanalysis department, with the motto ‘There shall be no such thing as an indecipherable message’.
  • Here it is, such as you may see it still at Guerande: Gules, a hand proper gonfaloned ermine, with a sword argent in pale, and the terrible motto, FAC. Beatrix
  • He remembered that she had frequently been in receipt of printed elegaic couplets known as "mottoes," containing enclosures equally saccharine. Tales of the Argonauts
  • Even Our Italy's president, Alessandra Mottola Molfino, a fierce critic of what she calls undue corporate influence on government arts and environment policy, sees a constructive role for free enterprise, praising the hoteliers who make preservation profitable by restoring entire medieval villages as alberghi diffusi "scattered hotels". While Pompeii Crumbles
  • PHP could easily steal the Perl motto, "There's more than one way to do it," especially when it comes to file processing.
  • Remember your own motto, Nullum numen abest si sit prudentia. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Crown, a lion sejant affronté erect gu.; imperially crowned, holding in the dexter paw a sword, and in the sinister paw a sceptre, both erect and ppr. _; with the motto -- IN: DEFENSE; assumed by JAMES V.; borne by The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • Caveat emptor [let the buyer beware] is the only motto going, and the worst proverb that ever came from dishonest stony-hearted Rome. Corporate responsibility? | clusterflock
  • Attempts to supplant the earlier symbolism, including the flag and motto, were popularly rejected.
  • They include a bizarre grand piano, not only reconstructed by Philip Webb but in addition decorated by Kate Faulkner with playing-card pips, mottoes and whorls of gilt gesso-work.
  • You know for a government organization whose motto is "mesra, cepat dan betul" (friendly, smart and correct) the word ‘smart’ may be not the best syntax to use. Natinski Diary Entry
  • They are flags, one of which is a Union Flag, while the other bears the royal crown, regimental badge, motto, and battle honours.
  • He should, on no account, mention his school motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead Isla will apparently have the attributes sincerity, strength and sound judgement and the motto 'I persevere' so unline most Dixons she may not begin all projects with great gusto only to abandon them 3 months later! TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • These celebrations harbinger social harmony and amity and preach the lofty Jain motto Live and Let live.
  • He's a positive thinker now, full of can-do, upbeat mottoes and brimming over with assertive high spirits.
  • Simple and neat choreography seemed to be Sushmita's motto for the jatis and the dancers executed her vision with clarity.
  • Jeffrey knows one of my mottoes is "no friction, no thought". Your Right Hand Thief
  • The Badges of the Prince of WALES are two: -- viz. 1, _A plume of three ostrich feathers arg., quilled or, enfiled by a coronet composed of crosses patée and fleurs de lys_, with the MOTTO, “ICH The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • A good motto for builders engaged in bloating up Coucil contracts but I suspect the Godwin prize has to day been won by the redoubtable Mr. Thornhill. Fight ! Fight ! Fight !
  • Ex oriente Lux" is often a motto to which i repair. Foolish Ponderings
  • I've been touristing (refuse to go travelling - say no) with Joe for a few months now, and there are a couple of soundbites/mottos that remind me of the whole experience, including when we hooked up with Mike.
  • Borne as the crest of HAMILTON, Duke of HAMILTON, which is thus blazoned -- _Out of a ducal crest-coronet or, an oak-tree fructed and penetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame-saw ppr., the frame gold; above the crest the motto_, “THROUGH!” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • NBC's new motto claimed proudly in boldface type: ‘We speak the language.’
  • A rollmops consists of a large dilled cucumber, with a pickled herring coiled round it ready to strike, in the design of the rattlesnake-and-pinetree flag of the Revolution, the motto in both instances being in effect: "Don't monkey with the buzz saw! Europe Revised
  • Perhaps this is the motto which could turn a spiritual leader into a latter-day ‘Piper of Hamelin’ to bring about the ingathering of the exiles and, with it, redemption for Mankind.
  • One of her mottoes was, never lose your sense of humor.
  • The filmmakers used the city's motto ‘Let Glasgow Flourish’ as the film's title with deliberate irony.
  • My English teacher used to say that our school motto should have been ‘It wisnae me’ (suitably translated into Latin of course), so often was that excuse proffered by young neds.
  • ‘Palestrina for a penny’ was his motto, referring to the carfare from the Royal College of Music to Westminster.
  • However, three-dimensional figurative depictions soon predominated, with painted pictograms representing symbols, mottos, and accomplishments of kings.
  • Her motto hasn't made her happy, but she's never made herself unhappy by being untrue to herself.
  • The Participation of the army loyal to Chairman Mao during the Cultural Revolution was carried out with utmost political determination and always defending the motto of ‘Serve the People ’determination and never paved the path for violent demonstrations contrary to that principle. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Dubai's motto is 'Open doors, open minds'," the guide tells you in clipped tones, before depositing the depleted hoardes of tourists at the souqs to buy camel tea-cosies. Johann Hari: The Dark Side Of Dubai
  • Better red than dead, that was his new motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Better red than dead, that was his new motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are proud to transmit their title untarnished to their descendants, are ready to make serious sacrifices in its behalf, to exercise the rigid self-denials of family control for its sake, and to engrave the motto of "noblesse oblige" on their hearts in order to sustain it; but they bitterly complain that without the majorat, and the transmission of outward, visible supports in land and houses to strengthen it, the empty sound carries little weight. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. III. (of IV.)
  • I had, on two or three occasions, used a motto of hers in autograph books, just as I had sentiments from Longfellow, Lowell, Shakespeare, Moses, or Paul. Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897
  • The motto translates as "By Dilgence, Courage and Work" - the initials of the Latin rendering spelling an early form of the town's name, Ivel. Undefined
  • Company Motto: “EAT, drink and be merry” or “Mangiare, dormire, e siate allegri”. Sous Vide Supreme | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Surfers have a motto?"Life's a beach and then you die".
  • The motto or mantra of the Pokemon movie - and of all Pokemon products - is ‘Gotta catch 'em all’.
  • Crucially, kindness towards others is his new school 's motto. Times, Sunday Times
  • I try to picture the Victorians who scaled this monolith with hemp ropes back when the motto was ‘The leader never falls.’
  • Horace Walpole, at the beginning of his _Royal and Noble Authors_, has mottoed his book with the Cardinal's address to Ariosto, "Dove diavolo, Messer Ludovico, avete pigliato tante coglionerie?" [ A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)
  • The motto came into being after one of the gliders crashed in a night-time training accident.
  • I don't think many people beyond the soldiers serving in those regiments would be able to tell you their regimental mottoes, so they are not distinctively military in use.
  • Motto focused on findings by a prosecution psychiatrist, Dr John O'Brien, who found that Brown tended to 'minimise' the allegations against him. Home | Mail Online
  • ‘Where Litter Lies Beauty Dies’ and ‘Together We Can Make It Happen’ are two common mottos adopted by Clonaslee Tidy Towns committee and they hope all locals will join in the campaign to beat litter.
  • A happy slayer is a good slayer" becomes your motto I want a doll, just so I can name it Miss Edith
  • Erasmus and Montaigne are the ideal types; the Renaissance humanist, with his motto humani nil a me alienum puto, belongs to the species almost by birthright—More, Castiglione, Vives, Reuchlin, Sidney. The fox’s apology
  • I found it too troublesome to turn to the collection of the British Poets to discover apposite mottoes, and, in the situation of the theatrical mechanist, who, when the white paper which represented his shower of snow was exhausted, continued the storm by snowing brown, I drew on my memory as long as I could, and when that failed, eked it out with invention. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • But the motto is also eerily prescient. HISTORY PLAY: The Lives and After-life of Christopher Marlowe
  • On the front page of this newspaper, above the masthead, you will find our motto ‘Born To Make A Difference’.
  • Two mottoes -- "non gregem aed ingratos," and "invitus desero" -- expressed his opinion of Dutch ingratitude and his own fidelity. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • This line could be a motto for his work, which uses unremarkable language to great effect - here registering a disappointment so pervasive that even its expression is bathetic.
  • Emblem included a motto, called lemma, an image, and an epigram. ICONOGRAPHY
  • This overarching idea of simplicity is what Mies van der Rohe, architect and leader of the Bauhaus movement in Germany during the 1920s, meant by his motto "less is more".
  • The story of chants, mottos and slogans (shoar in Persian) dates back to the early days of the revolution in 1979. Shoar in Iran: The sounds from the street
  • His views did not win general support, even within the association, which, however, later adopted the phrase as a motto.
  • My old school motto was'not for myself alone but for the whole world '. Times, Sunday Times
  • And one of the kind of mottoes of the Obama campaign, other than hope and change, was don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. CNN Transcript Aug 14, 2009
  • I desire to live in peace and to continue the life I have begun under the motto 'to live well you must live unseen. Rene Descartes 
  • Perhaps it is one other ‘shoar’ among a long, still-evolving list of mottos/shoars that sums up the current crisis. Shoar in Iran: The sounds from the street
  • Caveat emptor [let the buyer beware] is the only motto going, and the worst proverb that ever came from dishonest stony-hearted Rome. Corporate responsibility? | clusterflock
  • Escritoires were stocked with stationery suitable for the billet-doux that were sure to be required; and there, too, were the little boxes of glazed mottoed wafers, then all the fashion, with which to seal the pretty missives. A belle of the fifties : memoirs of Mrs. Clay, of Alabama, covering social and political life in Washington and the South, 1853-66,
  • This accounts for another of his framed mottos: ‘Plan it right and make it happen.’
  • With mottos like ‘Another World is Possible’, people from every continent are finding ways to exchange experiences and ideas on how the state of the world can be improved.
  • Corners of silver scrollwork, linked together by bands and clasps of the same metal, adorned its surface, and over the glowing red of its Venetian leather binding, lambs, lions, eagles, doves, and pelicans stood lucently embossed, bearing upon their well-drilled shoulders the sacred emblems and mottoes of the ecclesiastical party. King John of Jingalo The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties

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