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How To Use Motivation In A Sentence

  • Results of this study show that females' greatest reported motivation for going to discos is to meet new people rather than to pursue sexual opportunities or to flirt.
  • Her father provided a motivation in her not only to succeed but to triumph. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rosie decides that a maternity fashion show highlighting her latest collection would be the perfect shower event because that is in no way a conflict of interest, and we soon learn the real motivation behind this choice -- a model casting montage in which LT wears a sequined capelet the color of Grimace from McDonaldland and tells the models to "serve and deliver. Una LaMarche: Pregnant in Heels Ep. 5: Serve and Deliver
  • I'm still unsure about this one; it could turn out really cool, or an absolute disaster ... my main motivation is that i don't wanna spend money on a haircut. decisions, decisions purchase any of the following: Kindle, iPod Touch, or MacBook Archive 2009-02-01
  • It is easy to see religious motivations here in terms of imperatives to care for the unfortunate; 'almsgiving' is undoubtedly a strong theme in most faith traditions. New Perspectives on Faith and Development
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  • Rewarding performance Motivation is a choice to channel energy into certain activities in the expectation that valued goals will be rewarded.
  • For a classical story ballet to truly be a fulfilling experience, the movements have to reveal character; they need to have an underlying motivation.
  • Q So, you're saying the four of them at least, even though they already were voting for Foster, will now go back with some kind of invigorated motivation to convince -- Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
  • This finding is echoed in one study of job motivation among industrial employees.
  • To be a hacker you need motivation and initiative and the ability to educate yourself.
  • There's actually what I call a sucking sound of people coming into the country and the insurgents who have political and religious motivations. CNN Transcript Oct 4, 2004
  • Democratic leadership sources admitted that a major motivation for keeping the senators at the Capitol is to keep negotiations going and reach a compromise on a proposed public health care option. Obama to the Capitol Hill Sunday
  • Learning the motivation behind his mask and moniker is the tip of the iceberg in a story spanning the globe from the United Kingdom to war-torn Afghanistan to the drug war in Mexico. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Comic Book | My[confined]Space
  • Mr Greenspan is famously hard to interpret, and the motivation for his rate cut will no doubt remain unclear for now.
  • The first process, self-selection, was created by internal motivational states and/or external incentives that disposed some people to volunteer for treatment.
  • Ethical biographers and autobiographers work with veracity as their aim (this is the motivation for all that research, after all) and this striving for veracity is respected, and expected, by readers.
  • I have not been a learner of foreign languages for any significant lengths of time to be able to introspect usefully for the benefit of your discussion, but I have noted how on those few occasions, the change of costumes and locale has a truly powerful effect on my motivation, my willingness to be playful and adventurous, to take risks and experiment with new or old-new phrases and words. I is for Identity « An A-Z of ELT
  • Alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one.
  • But the world of an infantryman is unlike any other, and a soldier’s motivations in battle are hard to judge from the outside looking in. The Road to Haditha
  • Luxury consumption is always connected with motivation of flaunt.
  • We worked very hard, but there wasn't what I call couch time or motivational time. Fore, right!
  • What kind of rich man doesn't own a TV remote, makes all his own food, cleans his own clothes, busses his own table, and exercises WITHOUT vain motivations? Why Don’t More Women Ride? « PubliCola
  • For most managers, hardly a day goes by without confronting the challenge of employee motivation.
  • He explicates both character and action, thereby pulling the entire story to his level where all human motivation is lechery, which leads only to ‘the bone-ache.’
  • Certain training techniques can take your resistance program to the next level, promoting greater muscle gain, jolting your metabolism, pushing you past a plateau, supercharging your motivation and so much more.
  • The higher score on the participation question may be associated with self-motivation enhanced by the interactivity of the online lesson.
  • Sufferers all have their own motivations for their behaviour. Coping with Bulimia
  • However, if the most recent 50 years in the history of war have truly been dictated by ideological instead of resource motivations, the period would represent a unique aberration.
  • When motivation flags, bailing out doesn't just deep-six the goal, it deprives you of what you really need, the gratification of having moved forward. Joe Robinson: Don't Give Up: Why Effort Is The Key To Satisfaction
  • The NCAA's motivation for promoting walking safaris is primarily an ecological one.
  • He's happy that people come to visit irrespective of their motivation or beliefs.
  • The stronger the desire, the greater the motivation. The stronger the motivation, the greater the achievement. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Much of the policing so far is unobjectionable in its goals and motivation but barely acceptable in the costs to innocent civilian bystanders.
  • Of course, the mystery for people looking for Kantian normative bindingness is how autonomous motivation would look any different. The Starry Heavens Above and the Moral Law Within (the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex)
  • This implies significant negotiating skills in order to diagnose, manage and reinforce the outcomes of individual motivation.
  • She started as a gymnast after finding motivation from watching the Olympic Games as a child.
  • His tactical acumen has been rightly criticised, but in the end it seems even his motivational powers were dimmed when he lost his spark for the job.
  • The advantages of the postclassical approach apply wherever the motivations towards particular criminal actions are vastly more prevalent than the actions.
  • Those motivations are the same for anyone who sincerely wants to make a change in his or her life. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • With this idea of perpetual motivation, the Internet has become the focal source/medium of the research.
  • It is completely illogical to assume that being ashamed and having your school "excoriate" you will be motivational in any way. The Reality Check
  • Smoothly steering between R&B and Eurodance, she's breathily seductive on Motivation – by contrast, guest Lil Wayne is positively anaemic – while I'm Dat Chick updates the jumpy minimalism of Destiny's Child's No, No, No. Kelly Rowland: Here I Am – review
  • A good standard of motivational interviewing was provided throughout the study.
  • You may question his characters' motivation, but never doubt their sincerity or inherent goodness.
  • Kitcher deals with the motivation of creationists: evolution contradicts the early chapters of Genesis.
  • Successful motivation depends on emphasising positive tangible benefits.
  • Various objections might be made to motivational hedonism: that we are often motivated by things that do not in fact maximize our pleasure, such as motivation to step under a shower that one takes to be suitably warm but which is in fact scalding hot; that not every pleasure that our options for action make available to us motivates us; or that the very idea of maximum ˜pleasure over pain™ or Hedonism
  • I really think that more research and fettering is required in the selection of abbv for someone's political hmmm ... motivation? OMG! Free MILF porn
  • Lacking familial motivation and psychological stability, he can not persist responsibly at work even when he can find it.
  • Motivation can be increased in another way - by introducing credits for library instruction courses.
  • The strength and the weakness were thus two sides of the same coin minted by Comte's sheer energy and persistence (or obstinacy, according to taste) which derived, in turn, from the strength of his motivation: the urgency of the social problem as he saw it; the need for a complete intellectual system as the means of solving it; and his conception of his own messianic mission. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • A quick Google search reveals that several conspiracy web sites allege sinister motivations behind this conference.
  • Few things are a stronger motivation to get your thesis done than an aching back.
  • Their motivation for the series is to expand its audience among the theater-going public, which is not always receptive to new ideas.
  • Their increase in urgency after the interval only emphasised their apparent lack of motivation beforehand. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's little more than a glorified motivational speaker holding all the media in adulated enthral. Clinton challenges Obama to Lincoln-Douglas style debate
  • The true path that leads to this is, firstly, developing the motivation of bodhichitta, which is expanding or opening our hearts out to all others and to enlightenment, the state of a Buddha to be able to benefit them all. Lam-rim Structured According to the Four Noble Truths
  • To ascribe base motivations and only base motivations, this without evidence, to your opponent is an adhominem attack. Matthew Yglesias » The Ever-Bolder GOP
  • It is the relative subjective costs of falsely believing p and ~p that explains why desire or other motivation biases belief in some circumstances and not others. Self-Deception
  • Lang was impressed by the motivation of the young people in the mail room, the secretaries and the receptionist.
  • If the person or organisation whose performance is being measured feels powerless to influence the indicator, inappropriate measurement can also lead to demotivation, dysfunction, and crisis.
  • Ambition for power and other venal motivations are built into the structure of democracy.
  • If you have strong motivation that you will accomplish your work, you will not care about overtime hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is there anything distinctive about motivation and morale within the public sector?
  • Feeling that your company is trustworthy and dependable is an important part of motivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • These transmitters modulate many of the functions impaired by depression - sleep, appetite, motivation, pleasure and so on.
  • None the less the motivation for it would come increasingly from the scholarship roles of the sociologists in society.
  • His gang leader, whose only genuine motivation in the film seems to be revenge for his murdered father, is heard at the close eulogizing the street gangs and lamenting that ‘No one will even know we were here.’
  • One of our main motivations is to inspire continued growth for the movement around the world. Open Call for Submissions to New Book by KnittaPlease
  • He said that after a series of visits to different parts of the province he was particularly struck by the extent of demotivation and disillusionment among members.
  • The motivation is not the accumulation of personal wealth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
  • This strong side gives the first fifteen that added motivation to do the business.
  • A fifth possible motivation is that the authors of the article believed that the overthrow of the current legal government of the USA was more important than success in the war.
  • Now that you've earned your certificate, how can you find the motivation to keep improving your airmanship?
  • Thinking that a few motivational platitudes and clichés will save them, the rest of the band plod on, uninspired and surrounded by yes men.
  • Through self-sacrifice we must show people that service of the public is a life-building motivation.
  • Increased motivation is more than an incidental benefit of reward schemes.
  • I'll finish with a saying I like to use in all of my motivational speeches: Challenges are inevitable.
  • It's not a crime story in the sense of a traditional whodunnit, but more of a motivational whydunnit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clear, lively illustrations in full colour add to children's motivation.
  • We shall be concerned with a number of general questions about motivation and morale: 1.
  • It severely damages the image and value of sport, whether or not the motivation to use drugs is to improve performance.
  • This was probably part of the motivation for Secretary of Defense Gates' unusually blunt criticism of Chinese security policy at the annual Shangri-La defense forum in Singapore on June 7.
  • So please, stop pretending that the motivations for this are inexplicable.
  • But it is too pat, and though he may joke about such transparent, easily reduced motivations, he clings too strongly to them.
  • This is perhaps the strongest motivation behind the desire for an election and the mood for change. Times, Sunday Times
  • Milton was swallowing, hook, line and sinker, a litany of Youth Earth Creationist arguments about geochronology—but without any religious motivation. An Ill Wind in Tortuca - The Panda's Thumb
  • Escape can be a strong motivation for travel.
  • It provided the motivation for controlling smoke and dust emission from industrial plant.
  • These groups require a high degree of readiness and motivation. Trauma and Recovery
  • Self motivation, initiative, excellent written and verbal communication skills and attention to detail will, however, be vital.
  • Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina Manuscript received January 4, 2008; manuscript accepted April 19, 2008 Abstract Purpose: To test a mediational model of the relationships among motivation-related variables in middle-school physical education and leisure-time physical activity behavior. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I assure you it has nothing to do with bravery, or some innate motivation to break the big story.
  • Death seemed to stalk her soul and she cringed in fear of it but that served as a powerful form of motivation.
  • Second, the results clearly indicated a significantly different pattern of motivation level/change readiness in the young adult probationers as compared with the older adults.
  • But big decisions like this always have a myriad of motivations behind them and multiple parentage.
  • The secret of success seems to be strong motivation and good teaching. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • His biggest challenge with this unit will be motivation.
  • The CEO gave board a lot of motivation to legislate new laws.
  • In addition, we should worry when the motivation to do something educationally is to help us catch up with some other country — a stance that seems to look right past the students most of us see day in and day out, almost as if they aren’t there. A Single Spark
  • He has since trained as a yoga instructor and business motivational speaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.
  • The university needs to reflect on the motivations of its teachers.
  • This research used a questionnaire of achievement motivation and projective technique to examine university students achievement motivation and fear of success.
  • While the excited and enthusiastic student is very reinforcing to the teacher, the exact ingredients of motivation continue to be highly elusive.
  • Desire is the first and most important ingredient of powerful motivation, and powerful motivation is essential to success.
  • Reuse might disburden engineers from repetitive tasks and therefore improve their motivation.
  • And the real motivation for ecotourism is in a room full of magic ... Richard Bangs: Naked in Brazil
  • He certainly has the motivation and drive to keep improving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, it demands motivation and expects honesty on the part of students, leading those who are suspicious to doubt the entire enterprise.
  • Additionally, an external threat may vary in motivation, which could also indicate different security measures.
  • Part of the chaperone's motivation for accompanying her niece was to have access to the city's sizable spiritualist community.
  • He had of course researched her stats, and learned that she was of average intelligence and creativity and per - sonality, and below average in motivation; only her outstand - ing body displaced her from the ordinary. Here There Are Monsters
  • Measures for the motivation and organization for blood donation by active-duty service personnel shall be worked out by the competent department of health of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
  • And her motivation for her plots is always pure vanity. Who are Your Favorite Science Fiction Characters From TV/Film?
  • It requires motivation towards making new connections as a way of resolving existing ambiguity.
  • Both clubs' motivation is to beat their rivals and claim top spot in the county.
  • One motivation for the reform was the perceived disincentive to labour market participation generated by the current benefit rules.
  • If so, simple emotivism of the sort described is refuted because the sincerity conditions for making the judgement require the motivation not present in the amoralist.
  • Terry's as tactically astute as anyone I have worked with and when it comes to motivation he's one of the best.
  • Even Ligeti himself may not have been aware of the extent to which the impulses behind his motivation for "ardore," the passion for questioning and discovery, for Socratic exetase, as well as for love-making and music-making were identical.
  • Still, personal magnetism and motivational esprit remain important qualifications for leadership in evangelical groups.
  • One of the main benefits is encouragement and motivation from hearing how others are getting on. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1149
  • Motivation means that you have a good motive for action.
  • The encyclopedist Findling said trumpeting colonial might was a primary motivation to host early world's fairs. Can the Shanghai Expo compete with world's fairs of the past?
  • Some could bemoan the lack of clear psychological motivation outside of financial gain as keeping them at an emotional distance, yet it's this lack of forethought and consideration that has brought Bruno to this place.
  • Kim Bensen, a lifetime yo-yo dieter who lost more than 200 pounds, currently leads motivational weight loss meetings at Calvary Church in Trumbull at 6:30, Wednesday nights. Kim Bensen: Samantha: One Woman's Weight Loss Journey
  • You've got to have motivation, but the reality is that parents make things far too easy for kids nowadays.
  • Some feel they are personally powerless to bring them about, while others use false promises as a sort of motivational technique that backfires. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part II focuses on social, motivational, and cognitive factors in perfectionism.
  • If you decide to apply the proposed actions, the next few weeks should be more bearable - in fact, you will probably be amazed at the surge of motivation and positive energy within your subordinates!
  • If you have strong motivation that you will accomplish your work, you will not care about overtime hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christians who see unchurched or underchurched family members, friends, relatives, neighbors and coworkers as fuel for an eternal barbecue have a potent motivation for sharing their faith.
  • They carefully reflect a mix of motivations to these abuses, from the more excusable to the purely self-interested.
  • But that month provided motivation, not consternation, and not even his brief blow-up over an incident with Jimmy at Indianapolis could dilute his focus for long.
  • How do unconscious motivational needs (i. e. , implicit motives) influence physiological, cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to incentives?
  • The report recommends the introduction of guidelines to ensure that any element of religious motivation or hatred is fully recorded in police reports and is brought before the courts.
  • Her main motivation was a desire to see the old mill working again.
  • Such measures are likely to result in decreased motivation of the workforce.
  • You search your innermost recesses and you examine the motivations and the emotions of the heart (Machzor of Yom Kippur).
  • For the most part I have been muddleheaded, and any motivation and good intentions tend to ebb and flow .... Brouillon - French Word-A-Day
  • Underlying these questions are contextual issues of relevance and motivation.
  • In general, if one possesses evidence that one normally would take to support ~p and yet believes p instead due to some desire, emotion or other motivation one has related to Self-Deception
  • They will need to be especially mindful of her motivations and create situations that are charged enough to capture her attention.
  • The slimmers attended lunchtime clubs, which gave them the opportunity to support each other, exchange tips, share recipes, and gain motivation.
  • The CEO gave board a lot of motivation to legislate new laws.
  • Maduna said anybody was free to petition the Head of State and make a proper motivation as to why they should be pardoned.
  • Supervisees' skill development was measured by their ability to conform to the prescribed format, including evidence that they identified all of the relevant criminogenic needs and offenders' motivation to change.
  • The idea that our presence takes away all motivation for them to work out self-government is, well, the word moronic comes to mind. McCain versus Obama.
  • Following these subtle changes, anterograde memory impairments without any obvious sensory, motor, or motivational deficits are the defining feature of the early stages of this disorder.
  • It took me some months to find that extra motivation and the right trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever the complexities of Hobbes's personal motivations, there was no theoretical inconsistency in all of this.
  • But the motivation behind it was an earnest bitterness at the hollowness of success.
  • Curiously, a blitz game I won gave me a lot of confidence and motivation, even though I won it purely by chance.
  • Business understands that continual criticism and complaint are not conducive to high motivation, high productivity and high quality.
  • Police are looking into the likelihood that the knifing was a terror attack, but have not ruled out other motivations. JTA - Recent News
  • As far as motivation of the students, there are 2 different programs within the prepa, bicultural and bilingual. Working in Guadalajara- input please!
  • One of the main motivations of Zuckerberg for starting Facebook, according to the movie, was to pick up girls. 'The Social Network' Doesn't Live Up To Hype
  • The motivation for the decision is the desire to improve our service to our customers.
  • Maintain your motivation by listening to or reading inspirational material each day.
  • The mutual dependence of profitability and growth, as we will see, makes the assessment of management motivation particularly problematical.
  • Most importantly, which kind of motivation produces the best software?
  • They always surprise you by how far they can go because the motivation inside them is so great. The Sun
  • It can provide the impetus for change and give us the motivation and insight into things that are bothering us so that we can take action. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Changes in governmental policies and initiatives and a severe economic crisis may have reoriented motivations toward altruistic or mutually beneficial agreements.
  • He's intelligent enough but he lacks motivation.
  • It may be that, among girls, a desire to achieve academic goals countervails motivations to use drugs.
  • This book describes a tested, motivationally based treatment specifically designed for problem drinkers.
  • Why any coach gives such a hostage to fortune or voluntarily offers the opposition unsought additional motivation is forever debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I groped for encouraging words, I fumbled for motivational encouragement, but the words just refused to be found.
  • That manifested itself in a lack of motivation and commitment in the work force.
  • Lehman makes several accusations, such as an argument that Windschuttle doesn't understand the Aborigines ‘attachment to the land through its flora and fauna, and he speculates baselessly about Windschuttle's motivations.
  • What does this do to a young man of little education, to his desire and motivation?
  • The sound change would be sporadic but not without credible phonetic motivation since the height of the vowel e and the preceding palatal l which is naturally +high as well might have lacked sufficient saliency for speakers to maintain without further fortition of the preceding m. Some random thoughts on Proto-Aegean languages
  • Desire is the key that unlocks the door to motivation, courage, determination, excellence and action. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • We can measure productivity but with motivation we can only make certain assumptions that improved motivation may lead to improved performance.
  • The second motivation for writing this novel was that I was interested in delving into a rich, and for many, foreign strand of American Jewish life. Allegra Goodman explains her motivation for writing Kaaterskill Falls
  • Do you think the motivation for leaking these documents is political? Times, Sunday Times
  • Proper training of food handlers has a vital role in improving their morale and motivation and ensuring that standards are met.
  • In our survey, only 13% identified with the motivationally-inspired statement: "I am strong and focused on achieving my goals regardless of the obstacles in my way. Carol Orsborn: Boomer Women: Beliefs In Transition
  • Find out more about yourself by thinking about your motivations and skills. The Sun
  • These simple measures can go a long way to drive enthusiasm and motivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having had a break I'm fresh and the motivation is definitely there.
  • First, how are we to explain the motivational force of moral norms on this basis?
  • Not that it is an attack short of motivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now we know what those scientists on the payroll or getting speaking gigs from the big oil companies motivation is, but you the ONLY argument you geniuses has is that Al Gore is inventing Global warming because he hates the big oil companies. Think Progress » Gore on Climate Skeptics: Some People Are Still Debating ‘Whether The Moon Landing Was Staged’
  • True, Esther had bashed him with a cook pot, but one great advantage in having a peckerwood crackbrain on your side was the fact that his motivations had nothing to do with rationality. Rain Gods
  • Actor, action-movie star, farmhand, Calvin Klein underwear model, and nascent motivational speaker, Kellan Lutz is the man of the moment. Twilight Lexicon » Kellan Lutz In Interview Magazine
  • It is extra motivation for us. The Sun
  • Economic constraints or limitations can be overcome given a sufficiently high motivation to do well by the individual entrepreneur.
  • Behavioural theorists add that tall structures impose rigid supervision and control and therefore block initiative and ruin the motivation of subordinates.
  • I'm so sick and tired of seeing those blankety-blank motivational posters.
  • Joss Whedon delivers a nicely paced storyline, one which only hints at some of the motivations of the major players and frequently wrong-foots the reader.
  • [It] also is pivotally tied to the definition of our nation as a nation of immigrants, and I think people find tremendous motivation in that. On Leadership
  • Motivation for learning is viewed as external.
  • Sources close to the Kennilworth Road club have suggested Valois' real motivation for slumming it was financial.
  • It is futile to demand motivation from the Vice, or reasons for his actions, for the point about evil is that it is absurd, unmotivated, and inconsistent.
  • He correctly characterized the motivation of the organization's leader, the presumed evil genius of terrorism.

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