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How To Use Motivated In A Sentence

  • The company says it “would be elated to have a personable, motivated self-starter such as yourself join our team of merry pornstars.” Will Ferrell First Guest On “The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien”
  • Apathetic patients become unmotivated and uninterested in their surroundings.
  • She was motivated by deep religious conviction.
  • Instead, they got Richards to acknowledge that a motivated forger with advanced technology could fool even veteran photo analysts.
  • Takla Haymanot of Gojjam, another of John's powerful and ambitious subjects, was also motivated solely by self-interest.
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  • It is uninventive, unresponsive, unintelligent, uninformed, and unmotivated to succeed.
  • In truth, he seems to be more motivated and inspired by bitterness and spite than ever.
  • I think there's a compelling case to be made that, by and large, an appropriator from a dominant culture carrying out such an act is likely to be doing so for negative motives and to negative results, that historically such cross-cultural sacrilege is motivated by misrepresentation and discrimination and aimed towards furthering misrepresentation and discrimination. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.
  • No amount of rhetoric, clever policies, threats, or even extra resources will improve a service if the staff are demotivated.
  • (1997, 2006, 2008) defends an empiricist and non-realist form of structuralism about science, motivated by an illuminating reconstruction of the origins of structuralism in the debate about the epistemology of physical geometry in the nineteenth century, and more generally in the progressive mathematisation of science. Structural Realism
  • For De Vos, Benedict's text had been both an inspiration and a foil, against which he argued that the Japanese are a deeply interiorized and guilt-ridden people and not motivated by external emotions rooted in social shame as Benedict had described. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco : The Fox
  • I still hope to find out what motivated a Psy female to have sex with a drunk Changeling male (in Dorian's past)? Hostage to Pleasure Release!!
  • He is motivated entirely by self-interest.
  • He writes, "This is a city that fabricates, forgets, and forges its past-in both senses of 'forge'-through misrepresentation and politically motivated fictions". PopMatters
  • According to sources, Smart will testify that Mitchell was motivated primarily by sex and not religion in kidnapping her, and that his behavior was inconsistent with that of a 'prophet,' which he proclaimed himself to be. Reader poll: Send Roman Polanski to prison? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Various objections might be made to motivational hedonism: that we are often motivated by things that do not in fact maximize our pleasure, such as motivation to step under a shower that one takes to be suitably warm but which is in fact scalding hot; that not every pleasure that our options for action make available to us motivates us; or that the very idea of maximum ˜pleasure over pain™ or Hedonism
  • And what we found is that in order to really get people out and motivated for a subject, whether you're on our side or not, is to kind of ruffle their feathers a little bit, to give them something to kind of shake their fist at, make them angry. CNN Transcript Feb 22, 2007
  • The administration, motivated more by ideology than by reasoned analysis, struck out on its own.
  • The accusations are clearly politically motivated - with the charge of theft being added to cast a slur on Sarath's character.
  • The Stand and Deliver message, that the touch of a master could bring unmotivated students from arithmetic to calculus in a single year, was preached in schools throughout the nation.
  • Finally, she lists the intellectual pursuit model, which is self-directed and self-motivated by intellectual curiosity.
  • KING: ... describes him as the first leader of a Western major nation to suggest the suicide hijackers may have been motivated by what he described as the misguided policies of the rich and the powerful. CNN Transcript Sep 13, 2002
  • Good schools would educate their pupils to be useful, practical, and self-motivated.
  • Boris Johnson today dismissed continuing concerns over the News of the World's use of phone hacking as "codswallop" that "looks like a politically motivated put-up job by the Labour party". Boris Johnson dismisses concerns over News of the World phone hacking as 'codswallop'
  • But ignoring it or treating it with condescendence, motivated by the achievements in Libya, would cost Obama dearly, especially if he fails to take decisive action in Syria or provides Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon -- as well as the regime in Damascus -- with a way out. Raghida Dergham: How Will Iran and Hezbollah Respond to the Syrian Regime's Predicament?
  • Not all annotations and marginal notes were politically motivated or denominationally influenced.
  • Neil Parish, Conservative MEP for the South West, said the case was sad and politically motivated.
  • If, through thought and contemplation, we become heedful of the dangers it poses, we can feel motivated to overcome it. Freedom from Fear by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • For one thing, less politically motivated assessments of the marquise describe her as a beautiful woman up until the time of her death at the ‘great’ age of forty-three.
  • We have a clear vision of what our goals are and are feeling motivated to work hard this winter in preparation for the races.
  • The company's donation was surely motivated by self-interest, as it attracted a lot of media attention.
  • The engine of this rebirth is a young highly motivated population with high intellectual potential, a potential that grew out of our strong education tradition, a potential we are willing to share with others since we are the youngest society in Europe. Poland and the Twenty-First Century
  • They stated that the trial was motivated by political considerations only and was therefore invalid.
  • Leftists misidentify such people as "success stories," when, in fact, they are simply people who have not yet been killed in a race riot or in some other racially motivated crime. What a Bunch of Apes! « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • In my case, incidentally, the choice of writing in English was certainly motivated by wanting to earn from the writing. Interview: Lavie Tidhar Talks About 'World SF'
  • So, what motivated the publisher to publish a book that may not have much commercial value?
  • The Protestant Reformation enlisted widespread lay support by its politically motivated aversion to the monastic ideal, which lay anticlericals opposed as absorbing too much wealth in support of its institutions.
  • It motivated the expulsion; it financed the colonization; it secured the property rights by which peasants came to hold land in fee-simple tenure.
  • Perhaps an under-motivated, under-trained army of the sort that would result from conscription is exactly what this country needs. Matthew Yglesias » Serve the Servants
  • Simon, being dedicatedly apolitical, was the last person to be motivated in his deeds by the desire to make a 'statement', and regarded what they were planning as a kind of situationist artwork. A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
  • Policies motivated by political gain will inflict public pain.
  • Moreover, political reasons may have motivated the Tibetans to address honorifically certain rulers as 4 Buddha-Figures
  • This approach does benefit the self-motivated and intelligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • From an etymological point-of-view, the word entrepreneur is based on the Sanskrit word "Antha Prerna," which in translation means "self-motivated. Gregory Hosono: Entrepreneurship in 500 Words
  • As a salutary side effect, reform may also be society's greatest protection against politically motivated violence.
  • The comic conflict between the man of business and the true-hearted old gentleman is done with in the early stages of the novel, for all Lorry's actions are motivated by service and duty rather than by self-interest.
  • Eventually the driver of the truck had no option but to turn around and leave the plant empty handed, as no amount of pleading from the Gardaí could dispel the motivated group.
  • Nor is it motivated by concern to ensure that humanitarian efforts proceed unhindered.
  • Love is meeting needs, which means that anyone motivated to love automatically assumes a burden to discover what the needs are.
  • Much as one would wish it so, politically motivated violence directed at civilians by desperate people can no more be extirpated than can ‘evil’ itself.
  • The ward bosses' unanticipated about-face was not motivated by conversion but cunning and deceit that cynically betrayed public trust.
  • The Home Office had no ulterior purpose in that case: it was solely motivated by an entirely legitimate concern to enforce proper immigration controls.
  • What motivated my desire to write about the homeless from the position of that doorway was a woman named Gerri Willinger.
  • Consumers are motivated by the desire to satisfy complex needs, and these should be the starting-point for all marketing activity.
  • The doctors said that if any response was evoked it was among a few middle aged and elderly patients who were already highly motivated to modify their drinking behaviour.
  • Rather they were motivated by nationalist and anti-communist sentiments to pass on information to their handlers.
  • The blogger said Iran's government is motivated by the desire to ultimately convert the country's Internet into an Intranet not only to "disconnect communication between inside the country and abroad," but also to "channelize" access in each region of the country to hinder news of political protests, workers strikes and other problems or developments in the provinces that could motivate others to take action. Current News - Top Stories
  • But responsibility should be calibrated on a scale, and this is not a Mafia hit case, this not the kind of premeditation or motivated killing. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2001
  • Some of our activists are somewhat demotivated by having to defend the record of the coalition," admitted a Lib Dem official in Westminster. Liberal Democrats try not to blink at the threat of a thrashing
  • Students are highly motivated, participate actively in the learning process and receive feedback as to the progress made.
  • It's quite worrying that there are people out to kill us, people motivated by fanatical hatred and religious extremism.
  • The possibilities include adding extra points for financially motivated hackers, or for intruders that invade an individual's privacy.
  • This outcry is hiding behind 'healthcare' but it is racially motivated and part of the conservatives to make sure Obama does not succeed. GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
  • The point he is making is that fans come to see entertaining and creative football played by motivated players.
  • The counter notion, of course, is that the Czechs will be the more motivated side. Craig Levein banking on Spain's help before Scotland face Liechtenstein
  • Loss of momentum occurs when other people are not motivated to do their part.
  • Duanfang's interest in paintings and calligraphies must to some extent have motivated him to collect rubbings of important monuments and historical documents carved in stone.
  • Clients of mediums who claim to get messages from the dead are very highly motivated clients.
  • It is a cause of concern and was a very vicious and nasty attack and we are treating it as a racially motivated incident.
  • This view fuelled an increasingly ruthless pursuit of methods by which to harness nature for purely utilitarian ends, motivated by desire for control, power and wealth.
  • Would you say that he was motivated solely by a desire for power?
  • A teenage Chinese witness to a racially motivated assault is being driven to the police station. A quiet reminder of the dangers of inter-communal suspicion and conflict.
  • This conversation started off ad hominem: I'm "solipsistic," misguided, I'm politically motivated, I'm ignorant of the basic facts and of the "meaning" of the text. Whether true or not
  • Beat the winter blahs and get the family motivated with an indoor obstacle course.
  • The comic conflict between the man of business and the true-hearted old gentleman is done with in the early stages of the novel, for all Lorry's actions are motivated by service and duty rather than by self-interest.
  • Instead of godless communists controlling tank battalions, the new enemy was a shadowy collection of individuals motivated by religious fanaticism who saw their actions as the ticket to heaven.
  • “Refudiate”: how to miscreate a word « Motivated Grammar “Refudiate”: how to miscreate a word « Motivated Grammar
  • Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity.
  • Malik seems to recognise this threat when he argues that the attempt to understand human beings in mechanistic terms is motivated by an anti-humanism.
  • When my zayde and father davened there was no thought of being moved, or motivated.
  • Thus they may be motivated to continue to sell drugs even as they desist from use because of the deterrent effect of bioassay screening.
  • They were motivated by a deep desire for money and fame.
  • He, and the leaders of the extremist parties in coalition with him, are motivated primarily by ideology.
  • Invariably it is our key workers we equip with mobile technology and it is important they do not become demotivated by it.
  • But if you use that as an excuse to inflict pain on them, then you are sick and sadistic and motivated solely by bigotry.
  • 'socioculturally motivated ideas, perceptions and expectations of language, manifested in all sorts of language use' Blommaert (1999: 1). Sociolingo's Africa
  • For now, officials trying to protect the public risk punishment and opprobrium, while terrorists trying to invade and destroy the country enjoy politically motivated protection.
  • Every trivial action must be thoroughly motivated, and the finish of the playlet, instead of occurring upon the 'catabasis,' or general windup of the action, must develop the most striking feature of the playlet, so that the curtain may come down on a surprise, or at least an event toward which the entire action has been progressing. Writing for Vaudeville
  • He was genuinely motivated by a desire to assist them in achieving an end to their dispute.
  • Surveys indicate that consumers are primarily motivated by health concerns; organics are perceived to be free of chemical residues and food additives.
  • So this was an untrained, undisciplined and unmotivated force that had no intention of attacking the townspeople.
  • Only the self-motivated and conscientious will take advantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Death of a Thousand Cuts, the murder victim’s life was motivated by self-aggrandizement. An Interview with Barbara D'Amato about Death of a Thousand Cuts
  • A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand 
  • Concerns over health and esthetics motivated this campaign.
  • In the film, the story's narrated through flashbacks, motivated by Stefan's reading the letter before the duel.
  • We can hardly take pride in a successful war against Germany motivated less by principle than realpolitik.
  • For instance clinically depressed people are very lethargic and unmotivated; further sedation can therefore be counterproductive, and massage is only carried out with the approval of the patient's counsellor.
  • Talking with him, I realized that he has spent an enormous amount of time in the outdoors and he loves it, but when I asked him whether he did the bidding because he wanted to save these lands from exploitation by the oilers, he responded, I wasn't motivated to protect land. Subhankar Banerjee: Who Is Tim DeChristopher? From Coal Belt, Through Mountain Trails, on Route to a Prison Cell
  • Mr Loughner may be politically motivated, but he is also clearly insane—a textbook case of paranoid schizophrenia in the view of a psychologist, and one who had already attracted police attention.
  • Declining to take full credit for himself, he attributes the success of the programme to the unstinted support from a motivated army of Rotarians and the government.
  • Although ordinary acts of theft or shoplifting can be deliberate, motivated by a need, a desire, peer pressure, or rebellion, in extremely rare cases, a person who steals may have kleptomania.
  • Motivated by the practical need to prevent food from spoiling, Pasteur uncovered previously unimagined forms of life.
  • It said there was strong leadership at the helm, political stability and that staff were focused on customers and well motivated.
  • It is uninventive, unresponsive, unintelligent, uninformed, and unmotivated to succeed.
  • She discusses, for example, what motivated her father as a writer, and it turns out that what motivated the Nobel prizewinner is the same as what motivates you and I. The Children of Lovers by Judy Golding – review
  • No doubt this is motivated by a fear of litigation.
  • As Ms Ramatali observed, the commission's failures to promote qualified teachers to principals have demotivated teachers and deprived schools of management.
  • Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
  • America's cowboy capitalism asks its worker-citizens to be hardworking, self-motivated, innovative, and, surprising as it may strike its critics, civil.
  • It is futile to demand motivation from the Vice, or reasons for his actions, for the point about evil is that it is absurd, unmotivated, and inconsistent.
  • A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand 
  • What if there's a student that might be the next George Lucas, but right now he's so unmotivated by school and his environment is so hectic, that he doesn't have the grades to make it into our program even though he could take off as a filmmaker?
  • The power of religious belief and commitment that motivated women to enter a sisterhood and engage in social activism is often downplayed in historians' accounts.
  • Yet it is essentially a work of pure and unmotivated fiction. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, C4M advocates tend to think that the +C4W-C4M movement is motivated by a desire - perhaps a subconscious desire - to deny men any post-copulative reproductive choice - essentially to punish them for getting women pregnant. Do they really believe that abortion is murder?
  • The legislation will see increased sentences for crimes motivated by sectarianism or bigotry.
  • Forget that the sense of it being a fable is bowdlerized by the fact that almost none of the character action is fully motivated.
  • That's not much of a discriminator, because all scientists are under career pressure all the time, but it does point up the fact that this kind of misconduct is not motivated by simple monetary gain.
  • Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
  • So this was an untrained, undisciplined and unmotivated force that had no intention of attacking the townspeople.
  • According to whatsisname up there any reference to him being angry cannot be motivated by observing him being angry.
  • She's neat, organised, intelligent, motivated, good natured and talented across all arenas.
  • It shows you're well-motivated and organised, and employers then see you as someone who does actually want to work. The Sun
  • Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz says it will take a quote, "Herculean" effort to get the voters motivated. CNN Transcript Jun 2, 2008
  • The imbroglio was motivated by the pan-green camp's embarrassing defeat in the showdown, as the pan-blue alliance used its numerical advantage to change the order of nine bills on the agenda.
  • One explanation for such paradoxical behaviours is that they are motivated by visceral factors relating to physical and emotional drives.
  • This has motivated us to admit you, despite your unpurified soul.
  • As White wryly remarks, the Irish have been talking about revenge since they lost in Bloemfontein and Cape Town and should not need to be motivated more than they already are.
  • The Australian psychoanalyst Alexandra Pope breaks the magic circle of consensus by suggesting that the fury and distress women feel premenstrually might be motivated by solid life causes.
  • While many hackers are politically motivated, others argue that attacks should take place'purely for the lulz' (laughs). Times, Sunday Times
  • While utilitarianism may have unequal effects on people, it can nonetheless claim to be motivated by a concern for treating people as equals.
  • So the social contract is selfishly motivated; it comes about through our rational ability to perceive a personal advantage from it.
  • What motivated you to do such a thing?
  • By the late seventies many observers were concluding that something had gone badly wrong with initially well-motivated regulation.
  • Zander, it appears, is not motivated by desire but by an urge to keep the story going.
  • I largely work with people who already are motivated.
  • There is no particular reason to say the police are demotivated or have low morale.
  • The Amir is strongly motivated by the Pashtoon concept of "izzat" (self-respect) and tends to look upon any suggestion of concessions to international opinion as an affront to his "izzat". IntelliBriefs
  • In return the cox steered and motivated the crew.
  • I have outlined just a flavour of what is happening in the next couple of months and I'm quite sure that Sligo athletes will be highly motivated by what lies ahead.
  • Seriously Motivated Utility involves you, it involves bicycles & it's the *s*m*u*t* pedaler way... All You Riders Flog My Product: Epics in the Service of Publicity
  • Kentucky's lawyer disagreed with Justice Stevens, but Mr. Alper said his research into state laws and regulations governing animal euthanasia revealed that concerns about pain motivated decisions to ban the use of the paralytics, which also are called neuromuscular blocking agents. Veterinary Rules Raise Questions
  • Signs are constantly available to help motivated users who are actively searching for some form of information.
  • For this reason, the Act restricts the creditor's right to terminate the contract, even in cases where his decision is not motivated by the debtor's default but is based on a specific termination clause in the agreement.
  • But in 1962, diving fishermen motivated by a pearl jewellery boom started the production of cultured Poe Rava pearls.
  • His organisation is motivated by money - from protection rackets and drugs.
  • At times, we're all the weakest link, and if we can't be compassionate enough to make allowances for that, we should at least be self-motivated enough to realise it.
  • It develops self-motivated learners and responsible, co-operative and caring adults.
  • No, Minter was motivated more by the unreasoning malice which individual achievement seemed often to inspire in others.
  • Most armies staffed with conscripts and poorly trained and motivated officers will likewise disappear if hit hard enough.
  • Nigeria was temporarily expelled from the Commonwealth of Nations after executing activist Ken Saro-Wiwa on what many believe to be politically motivated charges. The End of Oil Art Exhibit: Ed Kashi in the Niger Delta | Inhabitat
  • At present, we tend to think of a hate crime as racially or religiously motivated, and increasingly often as a result of sexual preference: e.g. gay bashing.
  • He was particularly interested in disillusioned outsiders in conflict with society and the law (albeit motivated more by emotion than logic), and their ensuing violence and pain, both of which were conveyed in a deeply sensuous way through the powerful performances Penn consistently drew from his actors. Arthur Penn obituary
  • Partnership incentive schemes are comparatively rare but can result in a highly motivated and dedicated work-force.
  • The steps are sequential and linked in the sense that each step was not possible without the previous step, and each step was motivated by the previous one.
  • To be self-motivated is a big advantage in life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are you self-directed, self-motivated, comfortable with computers, like to read and write, self-disciplined, independent and able to stay on task?
  • Parental love is motivated by the child's intimate affinity and likeness to her.
  • If there is any catalyst to get the team motivated for next season it will be this performance in the nationals.
  • The warriors are all under arrest now: despite the quite audible and frequent use of racial epithets, the RCMP is still investigating whether or not the attack was racially motivated. Archive 2009-07-01
  • My claim that noun gender lacks a symbolic function (at least with respect to inanimate nouns) should not be taken to imply that noun gender is utterly arbitrary and unmotivated.
  • The defences of qualified privilege and comment will only be defeated when a plaintiff demonstrates that the defendant was motivated by express malice.
  • Some might condemn my reaction as politically motivated rather than a discerning literary judgement.
  • Would you say that he was motivated solely by a desire for power?
  • I have been so motivated to make these beautiful dresses from the material that I have on hand, but I am already looking forward to the day when I can buy new fabric (that is more feminine!) so when my husband (forced) me to run an errand this morning, we were also able to run into Hobby Lobby (just to look ...). Home Living
  • Upon hearing someone castigate students for being insufficiently motivated, a noneconomist might be inclined to ask two questions. Schools would be great if it weren't for the kids
  • This theory stipulates that people are motivated by calculations of abstract utility in a cost-benefit framework, informed by exogenous tastes and preferences.
  • And it isn't motivated by just wage differentials.
  • But the moral assessment of persons with respect to their ‘sexuality’ that is so ubiquitous in the modern world would have seemed to the ancient Greeks peculiar, arbitrary, and unmotivated.
  • The kind of neurotoxin that motivated Timothy McVeigh is now served up in quantity on national television. Stupid Evil Bastard
  • The organization protested that it was the victim of a politically motivated frame-up.
  • Earlier this month, four U.S. senators asked the inspector general to take up the case, questioning whether the interagency task-force report on crude-oil prices led by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was politically motivated to undercut an antispeculation bill in Congress. CFTC's Inspector General
  • Some of them were actually aggressive, convinced that anyone who dissented from the view that their child was a genius must be motivated by malice.
  • She was very demotivated by being told she had little chance of being promoted.
  • He is most interested in moving me along so he can close the temple and go out to seek the next set of visitors; much more motivated to sell a few more tickets to the straggle of foreign tourists who may come through later.
  • A crime is a crime, whether motivated by political considerations or others.
  • It is hard enough trying to get unmotivated people into gyms or classes. The Sun
  • At no stage was I or my official motivated by any intention to influence the judge.
  • It's more difficult to talk about an even tougher problem: the "creaming" of the most motivated students into restructured schools. John Thompson: Turning Around the Administration's Turnaround Policy
  • The media generally ignore them - and only the most motivated consumers ferret out the facts about what ought to be as natural as a walk in the garden.
  • Ironically, men are primarily motivated by being needed, but are turned off by neediness.
  • Motivated by an evolutionary Force ... this integral activism (i.e. Enlightenment Virus - ed.) effectively reunites the once-polarized paths of peace and power; invoking an invincible evolutionary dynamic that acts directly, vibrationally upon the body, cellular and terrestrial; not simply overpowering from without but setting up a resonance that" agitates "the" particles "of consciousness in the surrounding material field. Triggering the Enlightenment Virus
  • These youngsters are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failure.
  • Police believe the attack could have been motivated by revenge.
  • The fear of hellfire, coupled with the anger this concept inspired, motivated those hateful acts.
  • I was thinking about this since - it's interesting in that the zombies here are kind of unmotivated, or, well, not * hungry * really.
  • She would not like to be a party to these ideologically motivated reactions to his works.
  • Belize is relatively well off for a third world country; the cost of a drink is not prohibitive for most, so they are not that motivated to use the pasteurizer. 10: Food science
  • There are two main components to accomplishing any task: knowing what to do, and being motivated to do it.
  • She got motivated to run for Congress when her ideas about education were ignored.
  • Channeling the anger constructively seems key to me — it keeps me motivated to remain as active and vocal as possible in the long-term herculean effort to save the country we love. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Tapping the Source
  • Taylor assumed that piecework incentives would discourage opportunism because workers would be motivated to maximize their earnings.
  • ‘I motivated myself to lift heavy objects because I wanted to do the garden,’ said Joe.
  • The second, often called the participative approach, focuses on the desirability of involving organization members in decision making so that they will be more highly motivated.8 Grow To Be Great
  • This is especially motivated by concerns within the psychiatric profession and the general public that mental disorders are being overdiagnosed, and ordinary human problems are being medicalized.
  • However, John Paul was motivated by more than the desire for a free Polish state.
  • Yet, the argument does not come across as ideologically motivated or doctrinaire.
  • Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals. Margaret Mead 

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