How To Use Motionless In A Sentence
Close to the mangroves a big hawksbill turtle surfaced then lay motionless in the sunshine, no doubt sunbathing.
The flag hung motionless on its pole.
“I am Nyx,” Nyx replied, keeping his voice carefully cold and emotionless, just as the previous leader had taught him.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Kuro’s Review Forum
Michael Phillips was mostly "emotionless" during the interview and matter-of-factly described his life to Drukteinis, according to the report, including that he had lived with his grandfather for more than a year after having problems at home. local, state, business and sports news
Throughout his examination, Tadese sat motionless, submitting so pliantly as to give the impression of not being there at all.

But instead he sat motionless, taking long drags of a cigarette and staring at a mural of a bunch of teenagers at a party.
Meh, the snake show was way more exciting than the reptile exhibition, a display of motionless, sleeping snakes.
Upon one of the boughs, high off the ground, almost indiscernible from the night around it, a hunched form sat motionless, as if waiting.
Across the warm, sun-filled expanse of wilderness their eyes met with an impact that held them both motionless.
Being engrossed and motionless, she indicated that she saw these souls ascending to heaven.
With this new danger menacing him, the young cragsman lay flat down on the rock, and remained motionless, while he offered up an earnest prayer to Heaven that the bird might not discover him.
Harper's Young People, November 11, 1879 An Illustrated Weekly
He cursed his luck and shut his eyes tight, trying to remain motionless.
The office was empty, swivel chairs motionless behind open reception windows.
The court clerk, a slight woman of about fifty, her expression emotionless and professional, rotated the box and, when it had stopped, opened the top, looked away so that the jurors could be assured this was random, and took out the first card.
Just Take My Heart
One might characterize this as the microcosmically ideal Ballard fantasy, in that it partakes of the surreal — the “Gulliver” being represented as a huge flesh statue based on the work of Praxiteles — as well as of the Freudian: “as if the mutilation of this motionless colossus had released a sudden flood of repressed spite.”
The Catastrophist
A silent movie doesn't mean it is motionless.
A crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.
Her voice was flat and emotionless and Ryder wanted to kick himself for making her sound like that.
The nectarivorous hummingbirds evolved a derived mode of hovering flight that allows them to remain virtually motionless in front of flowers.
She lay motionless where she was, oblivious to pain.
Kawa Kendi, a man in early middle age, powerful and lithe-limbed, sat as motionless as the King, his father, staring, as did all, with the fixed stare of the anagogic.
His eye met a beautiful heliotype, standing on the bureau in the light of the lamp; from the middle of the room, in a motionless posture, Kranitski gazed at the face of the woman, which was enclosed in an ornamented frame.
The Argonauts
In the clear blue sky above, four open-billed storks had a got a thermal and were spiralling up, Icaris-like, on motionless wings, to an unknown destination.
The drama takes place at noon, motionless noon crouched into negative capability, when the world is worlding, and forms pulse in a combinative protean grammar.
The Best American Poetry 2008
Others go home to bed and lie there motionless for three days straight, barely leaving it to visit the loo.
Times, Sunday Times
suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless
There in the branches, also motionless, also fixed in attention, is a gray-brown squirrel with a tail so long and so absolutely pure pure white it's wonderful.
Calm and motionless, wholly focused on the surveillance of those below, the two men watched from their solitary position of concealment.
She struggled for breath as she fainted and fell to the ground, motionless.
But sitting motionless for 35 minutes encouraged complete strangers to talk!
Times, Sunday Times
The principal view of mathematics has changed from motionlessness and absolutism to action and dialectics with the development of mathematics.
Parmenides One big, finite, round, motionless, continuous shit.
That description was far too flat and emotionless and pain-free.
There, cows and geese sway and horses pull carts past old men who sit motionless in the shade of a few broad trees.
Our obedient dog lay motionless as we stood and watched the trio work the currents of the river.
Times, Sunday Times
The three had been lying motionless in the rough grass, curled in foetal positions, hoping to be invisible.
Times, Sunday Times
Boats hung motionless at their moorings, their mast-images unrippled in the still water.
The black horse gave a hard buck and finally managed to dislodge his rider who flew through the air and then finally hit the ground with a loud crunch and then she lay there motionless.
The motionless body showed no signs of life.
He was like a large, beautiful cat, poised and motionless, but prepared to leap.
The room was dark, but Tessa could make out his defeated expression, his eyes emotionless and hollow.
Horses stood motionlessly in a railed pen where the grass was nubbed down to the dirt.
Rain Gods
Whilst I was thus examining this new development, Joey sat motionless, as so often, totally mute, showing no emotion about the mutilation of his body as now revealed to me.
With the car standing motionless now but with the engine still idling, she can smell foul fumes and heat.
Television pictures showed the children, some as young as two, to be malnourished, neglected and living motionlessly in dirty cribs.
The protracted climax, to a faint wash of sound, is a tableau in which the motionless dancers slowly levitate.
I had no desire to do anything except sleep or sit motionless for great periods of time.
Christianity Today
He jerked his head out of her grip, and regarded her again with that emotionless gaze of his.
He stood motionless, listening; but no sound broke the morning slumbrousness, except the faraway warbling of a thrush in the first light.
The Return
He lies motionless under white sheets in a bedroom that smells of clean laundry.
Times, Sunday Times
At intervals, he stopped, to shake the snow off the rug, and to enwrap Louise afresh; and each violent gust that met him when he turned a corner, smote him doubly; for he pictured to himself the fury with which it must hurl itself against her, sitting motionless before it.
Maurice Guest
Taku's face was emotionless, except for the fury smoldering in his eyes.
Every remaining inch of his body just screamed pain at the camera as he lay motionless and paralysed, the empty husk of his body barely making an impression on the air bed they had transferred from the cancer ward.
He cursed his luck and shut his eyes tight, trying to remain motionless.
The patrol sat motionless for three minutes until the chaos eased.
A saint in ecstasy is as motionless and irresponsive and one-idea'd as a melancholiac.
Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals
There is a sickening thud as she's hit - and is left lying motionless in the road.
The Sun
He races to the farm and finds the trio lying motionless, having inhaled poisonous gas!
The Sun
Confused by the chlorodyne which I had taken, I lay motionless in a semi-conscious state.
The interior was gloomy; tobacco smoke hung motionless in the thin air.
High-speed protons - the direction of the firing is here more important than the speed setting - are allowed to collide with a motionless target area of beryllium.
Press Release: The 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics
She turned to simply stand motionless, her wrist cannons locked on her target and Jack came around the corner to aim his weapon as well, then stopped suddenly.
He is the dissolution called death, the peace of motionless air.
Those which are of two kinds are, first, a generally aggressive and motile fertilizing or so-called "male cell," called in its typical form an _antherozoid_; and, second, a passive and motionless receptive or so-called "female cell," called an _oosphere_.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
While she was singing, the sick boy had lain motionless; but now he began to nestle, and called fretfully, "Water!
Polly of the Hospital Staff
The subcaudal flaps were perfectly motionless and tightly pressed between the base of the tail and the surface of support, so that any movement of them was impossible.
Hormones and Heredity
The Black Forest is a country of almost unbroken shade, and in the still days of midsummer the whole place was covered with a motionless canopy of verdure.
She stood absolutely motionless.
The night hung motionless over the Foregate and the valley of the Meole, and the woods through which the sheriff and his men had hunted in vain, plotting clearly, for those longsighted eyes, the passage of Picard's bright red cap through the trees, and mapping the way by which, later, he must return.
The Leper of Saint Giles
Motionless at the edge of the ravine, they were miles from the city and the wide flat river that snaked into the glow, the sun going gray, smoldering in a towering heap of dust like a cloudbank.
Excerpt: The Elephanta Suite by Paul Theroux
The Buck will look around and go back to feeding and its tail will remain motionless until it starts to look up again.
The Best Camo for Hunting Away from Home
As you make ready to enter, the direct-lift machine does not touch the ground; it poises motionless under its whirling rotor blades like a gigantic hummingbird.
The note asked — or no, instructed — him to meet the water truck that came bimonthly from the nearest town, Indio Muerto, which lay some 35 miles across the motionless plain.
The Silence
He'll always be lame," the surgeon said, wiping his hands and gazing down at Michael, who lay, for the most part of him, a motionless prisoner set in plaster of Paris.
When they are standing motionless on pebbles they are not at all easy to pick out.
Times, Sunday Times
A single fly was placed on the platform, and placidly stayed there, motionless, until the test stimulus was presented.
With a deft flick of the reins, the policeman wheeled his mount and together they stood their ground, motionless, man and horse looking down at that ill mannered citified pup.
He races to the farm and finds the trio lying motionless, having inhaled poisonous gas!
The Sun
When the car's occupants remain motionless, the woman gives an exaggerated shrug before advancing to the quatre-quatre* just behind us.
French Word-A-Day:
The Asians are sometimes known as emotionless mixed-up emotion
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The motionless figures ap-peared determined still to make the leap to the playground.
the utter motionlessness of a marble statue
The man sitting to her left with the black ooze dripping from his pores was quite intimidating with his stolid, emotionless face.
Machines bleep, robots whir, and speakers drone emotionless commands like so many HAL 9000s.
There is a sickening thud as she's hit - and is left lying motionless in the road.
The Sun
Just as emotionlessly as he had received "The Shame of the Sun" did he read the reviews of it that came in weekly from the clipping bureau.
Chapter 43
He saw the black - haired man waiting motionlessly behind the opposite side of the platform.
Alyosha gazed for half a minute at the coffin, at the covered, motionless dead man that lay in the coffin, with the ikon on his breast and the peaked cap with the octangular cross on his head.
The Brothers Karamazov
She was standing perfectly motionless, confused by the blow.
I could see Rachel had severe breaks to both her legs and my wife was lying motionless.
The white dress was no longer motionless, and in the unnatural stillness of the hot night Mrs. Powell heard the distant, scrooping noise of a hinge revolving slowly, as if guided by a cautious hand.
Aurora Floyd. A Novel
Suddenly his hand appeared on my chin, namely the rounded edges of his thumb ran back and forth against the cleft of my chin, then rested motionless right in the center.
Of course, the long cascade of heavy hair that hung around her, blue and motionless as the walls, might have something to do with that, too.
Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave-cerements and corpse-like mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form.
A crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.
The recipient is selected by the Motionless Picture Association of America in consultation with its owners, Time Warner, Viacom, Fox, Sony, NBC Universal and Disney.
Late MPAA boss Valenti a ‘humanitarian’
A red kite hangs motionless in the sky.
Times, Sunday Times
‘You did,’ Alysia accused, her tone faltering from its usual emotionless monotony.
His face was emotionless, but inside was a maelstrom of hurt, sadness, anger, and pain.
Peculiar so-called catatonic states of muscular tension develop, in which the patients remain expressionless and motionless in all sorts of positions.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Without longing we are empty, emotionless shells, mere objects floating on the wishy-washy surface of life.
The assembled Generals and Admiral winced as Whitcomb emotionlessly uncuffed the briefcase, spun a pair of combination locks, opened the lid and deposited it on the desk before the president.
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The young man stood motionless for a few minutes, freezing in the chill wind and rain, as if not wanting to believe what had happened was true.
That also rends into tatters the shreds of my emotionless image, wouldn't you say?
He sat motionless smoking, till he was a firefly himself as the dusk turned to dark.
There was a cruel scar on her emotionless face, a tantalizing jumpsuit with armor covering the vitals, and a sense of power and ambition radiating from her.
Then he lied motionlessly with slaver flowing out of his mouth.
Then the lids would stay quite motionless for a long time, and the colour would fade a little from her whole face; but sometimes, just then, she would bite her lower lip, and that spoiled what some people would have called the intenseness of her expression.
Fair Margaret A Portrait
Swallowing hard, the ashen-faced girl continued, her ‘composed’ voice merely an emotionless monotone.
Postbridge itself was in a little hollow near a river, but the back of this inn faced out over the moor, and the moor was a place transformed, a stark landscape of gentle moonlit hills punctuated by patches of black rock or hollows, quiescent and motionless and unreal.
The Moor
Beside me she sits mute and motionless as chiseled stone, the beautiful fearsome stranger who has saved and destroyed me in the space of hours.
On the morning of June 22, 1633 in the hall of the convent of Santa Maria sopra Minvera in Rome, Galileo Galilei knelt before the Lord-Cardinal Inquisitors-General and publicly abjured his false opinion that the sun was the motionless center of the universe.
Matt J. Rossano: The Galileo Affair: Emblematic Or Exceptional?
There is a sickening thud as she's hit - and is left lying motionless in the road.
The Sun
The wind died away completely, and we were left motionless as the fog rolled in.
A chill of fear runs down my spine as I see a small hint of anger upon Matt's face, even though he is trying to keep it emotionless.
Slowly the dust settled over the motionless heap at the foot of the cliff.
With an emotionless flicker of a smile, Fiera gave Snug a gentle squeeze.
On the way out I noticed penguins gathered by the visitors' centre fence, undeterred by humans, watching, motionless.
Cooper said his little speech with ice in his voice, but otherwise emotionless and calm.
For the very first time, I noticed a white egret standing motionless by a man-made waterfall on the creek.
May Benatar, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.: Adaptation Is Lifelong: The White Egret and You
Owen had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.
Covered with greasepaint and standing motionless for an hour, two young people act as statuesque models to earn money.
He grunted in agonizing pain, and looked at the unremorseful Ryuko with malice and hate in his formerly emotionless eyes.
He lay motionless, dressed in dirty tattered clothes.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
Start with your body motionless, your legs hanging down and your abs slightly flexed.
He was surrounded by noisy and boisterous children as he sat motionless on his throne.
She could not unrivet her eyes from the paralyzed Kells, yet she seemed to see Jim Cleve leap straight up, and then stand, equally motionless, with Kells.
The Border Legion
The basic muleta passes are the ‘trincherazo’, generally done with one knee on the ground and at the beginning of the faena; the ‘pase de la firma’, simply moving the cloth in front of the bulls nose while the matador remains motionless; the ‘manoletina’, where the muleta is held behind the body; and the ‘natural’, where the estoque is removed from the muleta, making it a smaller target.
Life And Death Ritual - La Corrida
Tweed was watching him closely, pencil gripped in his hand but motionless.
He is revealed standing motionless just outside the door, on the side by the doorjamb, a clean towel on his folded arm.
In pleurisy the ribs are kept motionless, and the respiration is performed by the diaphragm, as may be readily seen on inspecting the naked chest, and which is generally a bad symptom; in the diaphragmitis the ribs are alternately elevated, and depressed, but the lower part of the belly is not seen to move.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The result is that each limb is motionless, while the spokes of the wheels of the vehicle whirl about so rapidly that they cannot be seen.
There, cows and geese sway and horses pull carts past old men who sit motionless in the shade of a few broad trees.
They can manage all right on the Tube but in shops they stand motionless all the way up.
Times, Sunday Times
A silent movie doesn't mean it is motionless.
Just as emotionlessly as he had received "The Shame of the Sun" did he read the reviews of it that came in weekly from the clipping bureau.
Chapter 43
Above it all, dark shapes hang suspended, almost motionless, swaying with the breeze.
Hundreds of people were standing, motionless and quiet, watching the screens with open mouths.
She buried her face beneath the covers and just lied there, motionless, but thinking.
The film was very funny, with a young punk kid teaching an emotionless robot how to be more human, creating many funny and moving moments.
She sat as motionless aa a statue; and Jane went on with the courage of an Apostle to depicture, in their true colours, her character and conduct.
A New England tale, and Miscellanies
Her voice was flat and emotionless and Ryder wanted to kick himself for making her sound like that.
The red bandanna covered the rider's face concealing all but his icy emotionless eyes.
For a moment he remained motionless on the balcony.
Somewhere East of Life
They have more than a hold," Cadmus said, his voice emotionless.
She looked just as frightened as I felt, but I chose to remain calm and emotionless.
A crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.
The victim's partner lay unconscious and motionless on the pavement for seven minutes after the attack.
The mice learned to associate the tone with the shock and quickly became conditioned to duck down and remain motionless when they heard the tone, in the same way they would if a predator appeared.
He still looked as though he'd been lashed by a whip, and he was sitting motionless behind the front desk.
I could see him yet, could see the anger dying in his eyes, the disbelief, the astonishment, the emotionless mask.
An oddly creased tricornered hat still rested on the motionless head, though it was tilted over the hidden eyes.
A Corridor in the Asylum
I stood motionless next to the roll of bread, refraining from moving too soon, for fear of being discovered.
When he was quite gone, her mother came in and found her sitting motionless.
Daniel Deronda
Mr. and Mrs. Reed, Lisa's parents, sat motionless as the minister intonated Lisa's wonderful qualities and her contributions to the community.
Baby Magic
Fortunately, once on the island, we found two more shoebills that stayed motionless among the papyrus, giving us long and lasting memories.
He lay motionless, dressed in dirty tattered clothes.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
“We need to be in the Payment Room within the next twenty minutes,” stated Mr. Cushing emotionlessly, unhooking his briefcase and standing up to leave.
Brokers « A Fly in Amber
A long, dark, undulous furrow came moving along the waters, nearer and nearer, till the vast head of the reptile emerged -- its jaws bristling with fangs, and its dull eyes fixing themselves hungrily on the spot where I sat motionless.
The Coming Race
Fishes like this gadid often lie motionless, either waiting in ambush for potential prey or simply conserving energy by resting on the bottom.
The pool is motionless and so clear it gives a magnified look to what is underneath the crystal sheet of water.
The flesh was thinly spread upon the elongated skull, the motionless hands were bony claws.
How do geophysicists determine whether the mantle convects heat from the molten-iron core to the surface crust, rather than conducting heat through motionless rock?
he kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served
The sentinels could be seen upon the ramparts, standing like statues of stone, and showing no signs of life; while above the barbacan gate the watchman was at his post, motionless and asleep.
The Story of Siegfried
During both the crowd was almost motionless, though.
Times, Sunday Times
Remaining motionless is their best defense, but when startled, snowshoes rely on their long, powerful hind legs to run away from danger.
How to Hunt Snowshoe Hares
Steve plonked himself down on a seat and stayed motionless as the bus moved away.
Ellen stood motionless at the curtainless kitchen window, staring at the autumnal woods, looking for signs of the various animals that frequented her property.
Cold and clinical to the point of boredom, filled with emotionless commentary and business jargon, it was difficult to tell what effect this character was meant to have.
I conceive of it as an exhalation which is given off during courtship and gradually saturates whatever is in contact with the motionless body of the female.
Social Life in the Insect World
Each other or look calm and unruffled, motionless.
The sky was a washed-out blue, thin strips of cloud apparently hanging motionless, as if time had stopped.
He lay motionless, dressed in dirty tattered clothes.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
It hung there quite motionless for a long time, evidently finding it a comfortable place to have a rest.
Times, Sunday Times
Almost all alien races use a t-pack that translates their native language into a cold, emotionless Terran, but this beachball had evidently learned Terran, and even two words into it I could detect not only a thick accent but also a sense of urgency.
Archive 2010-06-01
The central hut, which represented the pavilion of the leader, was distinguished by his swallow-tailed pennon, placed on the point of a spear, from which its long folds dropped motionless to the ground, as if sickening under the scorching rays of the Asiatic sun.
The Talisman
One cannot be sure what it was about the appearance or the behaviour of this insect that led the Greeks to call it, too, mantis; perhaps its habit of adopting a motionless position as if transfixed.
Their part-time profession requires them to strike the pose of figures such as trees, gardeners, tennis players and toastmasters, then maintain it absolutely motionless.
He described Conley as "emotionless" when he was interviewed by police.
ABC News: Top Stories
Standing motionless fifty paces from the little storm-beaten cabin that represented Law at this loneliest outpost on the American continent, he looked like a carven thing of dun-gray rock, with a dun-gray world over his head and on all sides of him, broken only in its terrific monotony of deathlike sameness by the darker gloom of the sky and the whiter and ghostlier gloom that hung over the ice-fields.
Isobel : a Romance of the Northern Trail
At the moment the coalition convoy is descending into chaos as the lead vehicle sits motionless in the political lay-by.
Times, Sunday Times
Poor dumb blackfella, " he murmured emotionlessly to his companion as the other man picked up the briefcase.
Impossible Places
Therefore, he had plenty of time for such wholesome activities as sitting motionless on the edge of a see-saw.
Bet she could emotionlessly blast a hole through your forehead while linking to a report on windfarms.
Political leaks on primetime
They stood, motionless, balanced upon their skeletal legs, four pairs of depthless black and soulless eyes, watching us.
The Curse of the Wendigo
She lay motionless, utterly worn out by her exertions, yet at the same time ominously wide awake.
Allah is great and Mohammed is his prophet -- do I know him?" he repeated, taking a long draw at his chibouque as if to calm his nerves, while he lay back for a moment motionless amid his cushions.
Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
Our obedient dog lay motionless as we stood and watched the trio work the currents of the river.
Times, Sunday Times
The terrified native remained motionless, allowing our black to ride within a few yards of him, when, in an instant, he threw down his waddies, and jumped up into
The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
As for me, though I was meekness itself, taking the most obscure position I could find, and remaining as absolutely motionless as possible, they eyed me with suspicion; from the first they "huffed" at me, and at this point began to squawk the moment
In Nesting Time
Kilkenny noticed the disappointment anyway, despite the scrambler's odd characteristic of rendering voices emotionless during the scrambling and unscrambling process.
“I was attacked,” I replied emotionlessly before sitting back on the loveseat.
When the Truth Lies
They were motionless now, their ligulate, black bellies flat against the stone.
A Petty Officer, with an expression emotionless as that of a traveller in a railway tunnel, sat by the dial manipulating a brass wheel; a few feet away sat a Leading Seaman similarly employed.
The Long Trick
When the prisoner is brought down from the truck, he is basically motionless.
abulic," will readily adapt himself to a school where all the children are kept seated and motionless, listening, or pretending to listen.
Spontaneous Activity in Education
Two people stood in front of one room wearing bodysuits of what looked like uninflated balloons, standing motionless except for one holding his (or her?) outstretched hand, eagerly reciprocating handshakes from passersby.
Alex Palmer: Freaks Come Out for Art in Odd Places
She stayed thus, motionless, her meditations adrift in the future; and that which she foreread left her not all sorry nor profoundly glad, for living seemed by this, though scarcely the merry and colorful business which she had esteemed it, yet immeasurably the more worth while.
But he's more impressive as an archetypal, monumental, and motionless symbol than as a character in an ongoing series.