

View Synonyms
  1. as naked as at birth

How To Use mother-naked In A Sentence

  • Flipping the blanket aside, he swiveled around and stood up, mother-naked. A CALL TO DARKNESS
  • Still mother-naked, she placed her hands on her hips, stepped out of her decorous self, and swore like a sailor. The Alibi
  • Then they plunged into the basin and swam about, laughing and frolicking; and all were mother-naked and fair as bars of virgin silver. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Dear lady, said Leonard, the other is an image of thee, and even most like unto thee; but whiles clad in a scanty grey coat and barefoot, and whiles clad in a fair green gown goodly broidered, and broidered shoon; and whiles all mother-naked. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Quick as a cat she was out of the bed, mother-naked, back against the wall beside the window. Blood Lure
  • Instantaneously alert, Joscelin rolled out of bed and onto his feet, mother-naked, fumbling for a weapon. Kushiel's Avatar
  • A square blanket, twelve feet in diagonal, is provided, (some were wont to cut off the corners, and make it circular;) in the centre a slit is effected, eighteen inches long; through this the mother-naked trooper introduces his head and neck, and so rides shielded from all weather, and in battle from many strokes (for he rolls it about his left arm); and not only dressed, but harnessed and draperied. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • Then they entered and found him mother-naked and bareheaded with body dripping blood, and altogether in a sad pickle; so they asked him, What is this case in which we find thee? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When he beheld them stripped of their clothes, his chord stiffened for that looking at them mother-naked he saw what was between their thighs, and that of all kinds, soft and rounded, plump and cushioned; large-lipped, perfect, redundant and ample,130 and their faces were as moons and their hair as night upon day, for that they were of the daughters of the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I looked at the shrunken shapes of the old men standing mother-naked round me, and suddenly lost all desire to laugh. Dwellers in the Mirage
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