[ UK /mˈɔːtə‍li/ ]
[ US /ˈmɔɹtəɫi/ ]
  1. in such a manner that death ensues (also in reference to hatred, jealousy, fear, etc.)
    a being of whom the forest Indians are said to be mortally afraid, with a hoof shaped like the heel of a bottle
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How To Use mortally In A Sentence

  • The Church was no doubt mortally offended by the way in which the Grail stories ignored or abnegated its authority and that of the apostolic succession. The Templar Revelation
  • At that point, with McNeill paralyzed and helpless on his back, Mireles fighting the effects of his avulsed forearm, Grogan unable to clearly locate his target without his glasses, and Manauzzi still unarmed after losing control of his revolver from the impact of the improvised felony stop, the mortally wounded Michael Platt made his daring bid for freedom. THE NEWS BLOG
  • The mortally wounded soldier lingered on for a few days until at last he died.
  • She was in pain; earlier on, she had overheard the constable talking to someone else on his walkie-talkie, about a mortally wounded person in dire need of treatment.
  • He came by last night and attacked my servants, mortally wounding one and incapacitating the other and threatened me with my life if I didn't hand the gems over.
  • What a number of men go to India with the best intentions, and set to work at once, flinging their doctrines at the natives before they have learnt in the least to understand what the said natives 'minds are like, or how they work, -- dropping at once upon their pet prejudices, mortally offending them as a preliminary step towards arguing with them; and in short, stroking the cat of society backwards in the most conscientious manner. Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern
  • In recoil, one of the mortally wounded soldiers pulled the trigger of his gun, causing a single bullet to strike his attacker.
  • Candida admits to having been "mortally embarrassed".
  • His repeated errors of judgement make him look suspiciously like he'll mortally offend other leaders by failing to do his homework.
  • A mounted andabate, mortally wounded by his opponent, toppled to the sand. Wagers of Sin
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