How To Use Morse code In A Sentence
Other cheaters use Morse code with coins and various other tricks known to conjurers.
Especially when they discovered the Morse code chart on the front and the 'beeper' that sends the Morse code.
Kids are funny
The signals could be sent as messages or as Morse code using a combination of long and short flashes of light by opening and closing the shutter.
Perhaps the most famous coding is Morse Code, which converts letters of the alphabet into series of dots and dashes.
Ham radios can send messages on multiple channels and in myriad ways, including Morse code, microwave frequencies and even email.
Seems Will figured out that maybe Chip could use Morse code to communicate.
As humans we can transmit messages to each other by speaking, writing, morse code, semaphore and smoke signals.
Is that his rank, an IFF indicator, or his girlfriend’s name in morse code on his shoulder?
Beacons, semaphore, morse code were all in their day rapid methods of sending information.
The company beat out rhythms with their canes, hoisting them overhead and twirling them in unison, their footwork crisp in Morse code mode.
One could say the word ‘red’ aloud, or semaphore it from a cliff, or send it in Morse code, or write the French word ‘rouge’ on a blackboard, or point to a color chip.
It blinked in binary and semaphore, and clattered in Morse code.
The miners were tapping in Morse code, ‘Is there any hope?’
Jorge used one of the laser flashers on his key chain to flash childish Morse code messages though the stage door to the dining room.
Her work has involved plotting a map of 27,000 dead stars, bouncing Beethoven's Moonlight sonata off the moon in morse code and returning the results into a self-playing piano, making an electric light bulb that duplicates moonlight.
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There was also the Morse code telegraph system which dated from the earliest days and remained in use to supplement the telephones.
A woman sits at a telegraph key and rattles Morse code along a wire.
After wireless transmission by Morse code the enciphered message would be typed by the receiver onto an Enigma machine having the same ground setting, the key setting entered, and the text deciphered automatically.
Perhaps the most famous coding is Morse Code, which converts letters of the alphabet into series of dots and dashes.
It works like Morse code, which is a way to transmit the alphabet over radio waves using dots (short beeps) and dashes (long beeps).
The electrical surge's frequency was tapped out via Morse code and then transformed into a vibration that eventually came out as sound.
Morse Code uses a series of dots and dashes to transmit and receive messages.
In the early days of morse code, any call commencing with the prefix CQ was for all ships.
During the course troops are trained in advanced communications, Morse code, adjusting both naval gunfire and artillery, forward air control techniques, and helicopter operations, including helicopter rappels.
It works like Morse code, which is a way to transmit the alphabet over radio waves using dots (short beeps) and dashes (long beeps).
Then we use Morse code, and our own language of clicks to communicate.
The three dots is morse code for the word unfulfilled, but the man in the wheelchair probably does not realize that he too, is a portrait of unfulfillment.
Justinker Diary Entry
They're able to contact the home base at the bottom of the mountain via Morse code, where Annie's brother Peter hears their plea for help.
Someone was beeping a car horn, long and short beeps that sounded like Morse code.
This was not radio; it was ‘radiodiffusion’ as it was called at that time, when the equipment was used only to transmit Morse code on electro-magnetic waves.
In the early days of morse code, any call commencing with the prefix CQ was for all ships.
By that same candlelight I read a magazine article about the gradual phasing out of the supposedly antiquated system of Morse Code.
He learnt Morse code, obtained a licence to transmit radio signals, and started to use a radio transmitter which he had built himself.
In the early days of morse code, any call commencing with the prefix CQ was for all ships.
Allow your mind to wonder what life would be like if this relentless, multidimensional Morse code was our primary method of information consumption.
The sailor translates the message into Morse code (dots and dashes) and uses a signal light (floodlight with a venetian blind type shutter on it) to send the message to the other ship.
Look at the Morse code chart and, using a torch, try to spell out your name.
McAlister reached for his fork and tapped out a rhythm, a signal, a Morse code.
Both transmitted in simplified Morse code, one solely dots, the other solely dashes.
Louis taps the receiver simultaneously in attempt to create Morse code.
The fact that you have no problem with them posting on the internet or perhaps banging out their opinion in morse code with a tin cup on their cell block wall is not significant.
All those liars for Jesus
The thumping, Morse code like bass-line harmonizes with the psychedelic guitars flawlessly to provide the right atmosphere to let loose and have a good time.
It has dozens of dents and the names of the team owners, Thomas and Jean Yawkey, are in morse code on the vertical lines which frame the AL scores.
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The only way we could figure out how to communicate was if he clicked his beak at me in morse code.
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Campers are taught in an underground training center, learning to read navigational maps and to signal with flags and in Morse code.
He tapped the pencil tip on the paper. Morse code.
At some point also I would be given a sheet that covered any codes for anything I would need to do, such as if "john smith" meant "we have formed" or whatever I would send out "john smith" in morse code during the mission at the appropriate time.
Biography of John G. Thiel Sgt, Radio Operator/Gunner, B-24, 576th Sqdn
more people know who the hamburgler is than emperor norton. this is your savage garden; this is my angel's gaol, my demiurge imbroglio. the i-ching reads 23 23 23, the coins spin 666 & i say again this savage garden i will slash & burn. stargazers will read of bad dreams in astrological morse code. here i come, custer, here come the woodwose people.
Mordicai: crown me king!
A chart showing the details of the Morse code used for transmitting telegraphic messages, invented by Samuel Morse has also been displayed.
The message then turns up on the screen and it beats out automatically in Morse code on the light.
Today, when we think of telegraphs we think of electric telegraphs, we think of wires and Morse code and dots and dashes and telegrams and that sort of thing.
People often speak or write Morse code using words ‘Dit’ (or Di) for a dot and ‘Dah’ for a dash.
I learned Morse code in my early teens, while taking a ham radio course.
The same bizarre intellectual dissonance emanates from 'brights' when they start prattling on about the probable, in their view, unintentional origin and nature of codes (for even Morse code is, on their view, simply part of the materialist's natural continuum, minds being naturally evolved brains and all, dontchaknow).
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Ham radios can send messages on multiple channels and in myriad ways, including Morse code, microwave frequencies and even email.
The Morse Code is made up of dots and dashes.
The sawing heartbeat of a panther morphs into a subway train sledge-hammering, smashing the ground, until it screeches to a morse code halt.
That message was to be sent by "radiogram," a wireless communication method similar to Morse code, the document said.
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Just a quick bit of info, the title of the ‘bigspaceship1′ site reads ’sometimes a polar bear is just a polar pear’ in morse code …
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The first telegraph messages from overseas were received in Morse code in this building on 22 October 1872 via the Overland Telegraph Line.
McAlister reached for his fork and tapped out a rhythm, a signal, a Morse code.
Satellite and digital technology has replaced Morse Code telegraphy for commercial ships, and recreational boaters will be able to take full advantage of the changes.
McAlister reached for his fork and tapped out a rhythm, a signal, a Morse code.
Today, when we think of telegraphs we think of electric telegraphs, we think of wires and Morse code and dots and dashes and telegrams and that sort of thing.
There was a sudden tap on the booth as Cassandra squeezed the phone, and she recognized it to be Morse code (since she obviously couldn't see or hear the guard).
The sender would tap out messages in Morse code, which would be transmitted down the telegraph wire to a human decoder translating them back into ordinary characters.
Today, when we think of telegraphs we think of electric telegraphs, we think of wires and Morse code and dots and dashes and telegrams and that sort of thing.
Miraculously, even the telegraph wires along which Morse code messages once pulsed still dangle in the breeze.
The sender would tap out messages in Morse code, which would be transmitted down the telegraph wire to a human decoder translating them back into ordinary characters.
A "rebozo" - style bag, made out of reflective mylar that use natural or artificial light to encode messages into morse code.
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The trainees were schooled in spy photography and sabotage, Morse Code and minelaying.
‘Luckily we had an Army signals operator with us, so we sent the girls a message in Morse code with a torch to tell them to stay where they were,’ Mr Farrow said.
In the early 20th century, telegraphists in the UK began experiencing ‘telegraphist's cramp ’, a condition thought to be caused by the rapid, repetitive movements required to send Morse code.
The first Morse code message was tapped from a two-roomed weatherboard cottage in 1854.
Morse Code uses a series of dots and dashes to transmit and receive messages.
Look at the Morse code chart and, using a torch, try to spell out your name.
The Air Force letter confirmed that the recording contained only identifiable Morse code which came from a known US-licensed radio station.
Morse code was again to be used to transmit the first radio waves across the Atlantic by Marconi in 1901.