How To Use Morphologically In A Sentence

  • For that matter, mayflies are not morphologically so different from thysanurans that we can reject Nardi's suggestion out of hand.
  • Morphologically, these granular cells resemble the true cells of myoblastoma and have been shown to be altered smooth muscle cells.
  • All the studied species have diagnostic alleles in addition to morphologically distinctive characters.
  • Morphologically, it is difficult to relate the silicified microbes to the unsilicified or partly silicified microbes.
  • Hordeum spontaneum and H. vulgare are morphologically similar, with the cultivated form having broader leaves, shorter stem and awns, tough ear rachis, a shorter and thicker spike, and larger grains.
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  • This has forced Jaeggli and Safir to weaken their hypothesis to a one-way implication: if null subjects are allowed in a language, the paradigms in that language must be morphologically uniform.
  • Living xenarthrans are represented by three morphologically distinct lineages: armored armadillos, toothless anteaters, and phyllophagous tree-sloths.
  • For the latter taxa, an alternative hypothesis would imply the iterative invasion of shelf habitats by morphologically conservative populations from shallow refugia.
  • The lymphoid cells infiltrating all the organs were small round cells with scanty cytoplasm, morphologically similar to normal lymphocytes.
  • Normal dendritic accessory cells are a large family of morphologically distinctive potent antigen-presenting cells.
  • During this process it goes through different morphologically distinguishable stages corresponding to the acquisition and elaboration of new functions.
  • Since actinopterygian fins are morphologically more similar to the fins of the common ancestor, it was a reasonable hypothesis that the development of limbs was the evolutionary novelty and the development of fins was evolutionarily conserved. Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • Branches are orthotropic and morphologically identical to the trunk.
  • It is strongly suspected that these three morphologically separate forms are different species.
  • Many bird species are morphologically monomorphic for external characters that would differentiate the sexes; sex identification in populations is often problematic.
  • The berries in the most derived clade are all morphologically similar, with two carpels, axile placentation and mostly lenticular seeds.
  • Two tertian malarial species, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale, may appear to be similar morphologically.
  • This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
  • The species is morphologically variable and exhibits more molecular variation than A. hypogaea.
  • Organs of rats flown for 19.5 days on board the Cosmos - 782 biosatellite were investigated morphologically and cytochemically.
  • Rifai (1969) adopted the concept of ‘aggregate’ species, and distinguished nine ‘species aggregates’, and admitted that some of them (particularly T. hamatum) likely contain two or more morphologically indistinguishable species.
  • According to this account, a morphologically simplex reflexive (being an X° category) can move into another X° position (such as Infl) by adjunction.
  • All plants were found to be fertile and set viable seeds which germinated and produced morphologically normal plants.
  • Most herbaria house morphologically unidentifiable immature collections of Carex.
  • Feathers, however bizarre or morphologically complex, consist essentially of a rachis, barbs, and barbules.
  • For example, in some morphologically based studies the issue is whether the lemnisci and proboscis of acanthocephalans are homologous to the hypodermic cushions and apical rostrum of bdelloids.
  • Morphologically, babblers differ from thrushes and flycatchers by the lack of distinct juvenal plumage.
  • Additionally, not all of the taxa recognized as morphologically hypercarnivorous exhibit the very extreme specializations of felids.
  • Five species of the damselfly genus Lestes live in British Columbia, Canada, and of these, Lestes forcipatus Rambur and L. disjunctus Selys are the most similar and most difficult to separate morphologically.
  • The author states, "The presence of a morphologically variable caballine species widely distributed both north and south of the North American ice sheets raises the tantalizing possibility that, in spite of many taxa named on morphological grounds, most or even all North American caballines were members of the same species. Headlines
  • Intriguingly, it appears to have been common and morphologically distinct for tens of thousands of years over a wide geographical area, despite sympatry with ‘normal’ C. lupus (Olsen 1985, Koler-Matznick 2002). Archive 2006-10-01
  • In its introduced range, in the absence of its two slightly larger congeners, as well as of other morphologically similar potential competitors, does the small Indian mongoose increase in size?
  • All of the known Mesozoic centipedes, including C. oberlii, are morphologically indistinguishable from extant centipedes.
  • Unlike עליון, ὕψιστος is morphologically a superlative, which might be used in an elative sense ( 'very high'), but can also be taken as a true superlative, meaning 'the highest' in a series. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
  • In addition to the thorny proboscis, acanthocephalans are distinguished morphologically as cylindrical and unsegmented worms.
  • Coleorhiza covered the radicle of differentiating wheat embryo and morphologically appeared as tapered tissue with an attached globular protrusion.
  • Feathers, however bizarre or morphologically complex, consist essentially of a rachis, barbs, and barbules.
  • Unusual cells were found in the majority of composite lymphomas that were morphologically similar to human multinucleated Reed Sternberg cells or mononucleated Hodgkin cells ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It's not true that determiners are always atomic, certainly - it's normal for them to show gender and number agreement, of course, and there are some other sorts of morphologically complex determiners as well.
  • Thus, they appear to be specialized morphologically and their long, deep bill may facilitate the capture of large, fleeing prey (e.g. spiders, orthopterans, and geckos) that are uncovered under the leaf litter.
  • Two tertian malarial species, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale, may appear to be similar morphologically.
  • In many social insects, kin selection has led to the evolution of sterile workers which are behaviorally or morphologically specialized for colony defense.
  • Such studies permitted taxonomic identification of morphologically depauperate fossils as a prerequisite to assembling databases for biodiversity studies.
  • A population discovered at Tsinjoarivo in 1999, originally thought referable to P. diadema, is morphologically distinctive and might represent a new species. Archive 2006-09-01
  • These cells form a well ordered, isolatable BB that is morphologically and compositionally comparable to those from the proximal tubule epithelial cell.
  • Urban growth is often reflected morphologically by the appearance of a distinctive central area.
  • Each taxon used is morphologically distinct, although the rank of these taxa is in flux.
  • In one study of 68 newly domesticated yams, just under a quarter were biochemically and morphologically very similar to existing varieties.
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The fungus grows rapidly and morphologically appears woolly or fluffy.
  • Barycrinus rhombiferis is also the most morphologically variable species of Barycrinus, possessing a wide array of polymorphic characters.
  • The berries in the most derived clade (Olmstead et al.'s subfamily ‘Solanoideae’) are all morphologically similar, with two carpels, axile placentation and mostly lenticular seeds.
  • Each gametangium yields two morphologically isogamous nonflagellated gametes with anisogamous behavior.
  • Eye development in zebrafish first becomes morphologically obvious at the 6 somite stage, the time at which the optic lobes evaginate from the diencephalon.
  • Morphologically, the population is distinguished by having much more dissected leaves than the normal form.
  • Some geminates, however, are clearly more morphologically distinct than others are.
  • These populations are morphologically distinct from the more typical ruderal form which often occurs in close proximity in surrounding pastureland.
  • The flowers of Zamioculcas are morphologically hermaphroditical, but physiologically unisexual.
  • This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
  • Although both mutants were isolated, each is morphologically distinct, suggesting adventitious genetic alterations.
  • Feathers, however bizarre or morphologically complex, consist essentially of a rachis, barbs, and barbules.
  • The hominid fossil record isn’t even especially “jerky” when examined quantitatvely at fine-scale resolution, so the creationists don’t even have their usual incompetent misconstrual of punctuated equilibria which is actually about morphologically small gaps between closely-related sister species to rely upon. Meet Selam - The Panda's Thumb
  • these two plants are morphologically related
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • I don't know any working phonologists today who think that morphologically-conditioned (or otherwise ‘irregular’) sound patterns are ipso facto distinct in every way from perfectly transparent ones.
  • Patterned fens are one of five morphologically distinct types of peatlands occurring in Maine.
  • The hindgut microbiota of termites includes an abundant and morphologically diverse population of spirochetes.
  • It has been proposed that the most recent common ancestor between cnidarians and bilaterians would have been morphologically similar to a pennatulacean anthozoan.
  • A comprehensive review of the status of those taxa using modern analytic tools has yet to be done, but some taxa appear to intergrade morphologically.
  • Since the isabellinus group is morphologically and biologically intermediate between the other two groups. it would be more cautious today to combine all forms of butcher-birds into a single polytypic species.
  • This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
  • Numerous histiocytes contained small oval organisms with bar-shaped paranuclear kinetoplasts, morphologically consistent with leishmanial parasites.
  • Modern pinnids are morphologically and microstructurally nearly symmetrical, with the same calcitic regular simple prismatic structure comprising a layer of similar thickness in the left and right valves.
  • The transformed roots are morphologically indistinguishable from untransformed roots and, in the case of legumes, they can be nodulated by Rhizobium bacteria and infected by mycorrhizal fungi.

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