How To Use Morphological In A Sentence
the morphological relation between `sing' and `singer' and `song' is derivational
Ten plant functional types (PFTs) are differentiated by physiological, morphological, phenological, bioclimatic, and fireresponse attributes.
Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
Objective To study the expression of substance P (SP) in human sudden erethistic death, and to seek objective morphological supports to diagnose sudden erethistic death for forensic medicine.
Various hypotheses have been advanced for their formation, from geomorphological phenomena to plants having allelopathic exclusion effects to being animal-derived features.
Kaokoveld desert
And he has decided to treat them as if they were tribolites, or snails, and to do a morphological analysis, and try to derive their genealogical history over time.

USFWS thinks it probably isn't, due to certain morphological characteristics.
Archive 2007-12-01
Patterned fens are one of five morphologically distinct types of peatlands occurring in Maine.
Hence the prospect of an energy related and integrated physical geography including geomorphological processes may not be too far beyond the horizon.
In studying English Lexicology, the terms about the morphological structure and word - formation often confuse us.
Some geminates, however, are clearly more morphologically distinct than others are.
In particular, the morphological structures of the evolving dust aggregates and, therefore, their dynamic coupling to the nebular gas motion and their further evolution have hardly been investigated empirically.
This confirms that lesions associated with one particular virus type may show diverse morphological characteristics.
Morphologically, the population is distinguished by having much more dissected leaves than the normal form.
Conversely, Russian has a complex plural system in which the morphological markers for sets of two, three, and four differ from those for five through ten.
Eye development in zebrafish first becomes morphologically obvious at the 6 somite stage, the time at which the optic lobes evaginate from the diencephalon.
Morphological species are important in palaeontology, for interbreeding ability does not fossilize.
The processes of cell signaling important in inducing new tissues during gastrulation are similar in all vertebrates, and the same answers are turning up in fish and mice, despite the morphological differences in their layouts.
A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
DNA analysis and morphological evidence support recognition of the red wolf as a distinct species. (See Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation - Chapter 9).
Petridis covers in some detail Olbrechts's morphological approach to the study of art, as developed in his Congo art book.
Objective:To provide the related morphological data for the application of iliosacral screw fixation in iliosacral joint disruption.
Ornamentation of the periclinal walls could be used to discriminate four morphological types.
One question is how simple and transparent the phonemic/phonetic relationship is, and the other is whether morphological exceptionality is allowed as an integral part of that relationship.
Afterward, the most relevant morphological parameters, i.e. the leaf area, fresh and dry weights (after drying at 105°C until constant weight) of taproots and leaves etc, were measured.
We used a low dose of the drug to prevent catastrophic depolymerization of actin and major morphological changes, which both would have biased our analysis.
Our primary goals are to characterize patterns of morphological variation within and between geminate arks and evaluate the utility of shell shape for distinguishing between recent geminate species.
The hyrax - elephant - sirenian core is well-accepted on morphological grounds.
Each gametangium yields two morphologically isogamous nonflagellated gametes with anisogamous behavior.
Some of the most frequent gross morphological adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle include the modifications of limbs into paddles and the elongation and lateral flattening of the tail.
Children learning to read Chinese : Role of phonological awareness and morphological awareness.
In species characterized by larger adults, but which also possess fungiform structures and a pebbled surface, there is often an additional morphological feature that would serve to anchor the animal.
The berries in the most derived clade (Olmstead et al.'s subfamily ‘Solanoideae’) are all morphologically similar, with two carpels, axile placentation and mostly lenticular seeds.
However, some primates such as apes, spider monkeys, and lorises have morphological and behavioral specializations that may enhance efficiency during vertical climbing.
They then undergo further morphological changes into swollen and irregularly shaped organisms.
Barycrinus rhombiferis is also the most morphologically variable species of Barycrinus, possessing a wide array of polymorphic characters.
The fungus grows rapidly and morphologically appears woolly or fluffy.
Objective To observe the morphological changes and myoblast proliferation dynamics of skeletal muscle after chronic spinal cord compression in rats.
Morphological comparisons between The canal and valley and channel landforms show many broad similarities in planform, sinuosity, lengths, widths and variability along length.
In abstracting from the morphology of our bas-relief towards a Grand Unified Morphology with a cardinal morphological form as Prime Cause, they seek an articulation of the ground as a figure in its own right, the frame as form, not a sub-class of Being but a class of NonBeing, something beyond reality itself.
Archive 2007-04-01
The detailed sequence of morphological changes of calcite crystals possibly provides a record of the elevation of the saline transition zone, with which hydrogeological models must be consistent.
Beginning in Early Miocene time, southward extrusion of the Greater Himalayan Slab has had a profound influence on the geological and geomorphological evolution of the Himalaya.
In order to reveal the morphological characteristics of sacculus rotundus(SR) of rabbit, the ultrastructural structure of lymphoid tissue of SR was observed by means of SEM and TEM.
The morphological differences are genetically determined and it is thus possible that the turlough population is a distinct ecotype adapted to this unusual habitat.
Other authors have used morphological evidence in support of a relationship of snakes to a clade comprising amphisbaenians and dibamids.
Presumably, children would rely on the consistent phoneme-to-grapheme conversion rules to spell regular words whereas they might rely on derivational relations to spell morphological words.
Molecular and morphological supertrees for eutherian (placental) mammals.
We flightless primates
A total of nine morphological and inflorescence traits were measured.
Lawrence Carrington's St. Lucian Creole is a valuable handbook for anyone interested in the phonetic and morphological structure of Creole speech.
If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs.
Archive 2006-06-01
Objective To investigate the genetic diversity of morphological variation types in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi.
Despite their morphological and ecological diversity, all rodents share one characteristic: their dentition is highly specialized for gnawing.
Rohrbough J, Prokop A, Broadie K (1999) A role for PS integrins in morphological growth and synaptic function at the postembryonic neuromuscular junction of Drosophila.
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Transmission electron microscopy was used to analyse the morphological features of the growing cells.
More detailed morphological analysis of this extreme phenotype showed the conversion of stamens into very small leaf-like structures.
Furthermore, morphological studies have shown that activity can alter the structure of the postsynaptic cell by increasing spine density and even the extent of dendritic arborization.
Native Americans also felt a special kinship with bears because of many shared morphological and behavioral characteristics, which lent the bears more readily to anthropomorphism than other animals.
Morphological analyses were carried out with light and scanning electron microscopy.
Morphological mutants were grouped in a class with yellow conidia and other with pale vinaceous conidia as opposed to the green wild type conidia.
Morphological and chemical characters, such as needle tip shape, stomatal arrangement, and terpene content, separate the two white fir varieties.
White fir
Concurrent scanning electron microscopy was carried out for morphological characterization.
Unusual cells were found in the majority of composite lymphomas that were morphologically similar to human multinucleated Reed Sternberg cells or mononucleated Hodgkin cells (
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That we are here proves that a solid, akinetic skull doesn't necessarily doom a taxon to morphological stagnation.
Morphological analysis of vector control and APP cells showed neuroblast-like morphology with differentiated perikaria (arrows) and occasional short neurites (arrowheads).
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morphological features of granite
Heterometry should be applicable only to morphological features that are considered fixed in number through ontogeny.
In addition, the modular structure and less targeted vegetative morphology of plants enable them to have much greater morphological plasticity than could typical animals.
In order to weaken pepper and salt noise and Poisson noise, morphological filtration is applied to fast neutron image denoising processing.
One of the morphological characters to distinguish Capsicum species is seed color.
Uncovering patterns of morphological change within Polypteridae provides an important opportunity to evaluate if the mechanisms underlying morphological evolution are shared among actinoptyerygians, and in fact, perhaps the entire osteichthyan (bony fish and tetrapods) tree of life.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Morphological transformation of the antenna also correlates with stratigraphic occurrence.
Like the freshwater eel, congers undergo considerable morphological changes prior to spawning.
Shape of limbs appears to be mostly an epigenically regulated expression suite from a basic set of morphological genes (HOX?).
Darwin's Defenders Go Neo-Lamarckian
The molecular phylogeny does agree in one respect with the morphological one in that there are close similarities between the larvae of hemichordates (acorn worms and pterobranchs) and some echinoderms.
Like the chimeras of myth, the geep exhibits morphological traits of multiple species, with wool on some parts of its body and hair on others.
Human/Non-Human Chimeras
Their only conspicuous morphological feature, other than their cilia, is a statocyst for determining orientation.
The Panda's Thumb: November 2006 Archives
These morphological facts show that the pentadactyl limb arose after the fin-limb transition and is the product of the canalization of the phenotype of the archaic limbs.
Does the idea of homology apply only to morphological patterns, he asks, or can it be applied to developmental processes?
Each taxon used is morphologically distinct, although the rank of these taxa is in flux.
‘Unlike phytochemical profiles and morphological features, DNA sequence normally remains unaltered during the development of the plant and under various environmental conditions,’ he says.
Urban growth is often reflected morphologically by the appearance of a distinctive central area.
When Wotton in 1552 gave to anthozoan corals and gorgonians, and hydrozoans the name Zoophyte, it was because of their morphological similarity to higher plants.
The species were identified using morphological characters.
These cells form a well ordered, isolatable BB that is morphologically and compositionally comparable to those from the proximal tubule epithelial cell.
This suggests that idiosyncratic morphological information (e.g. whether an adjective is declinable or not) is accessible in the course of a syntactic derivation.
A population discovered at Tsinjoarivo in 1999, originally thought referable to P. diadema, is morphologically distinctive and might represent a new species.
Archive 2006-09-01
The revised chapter on morphological novelties is superb.
The _Thuja occidentalis_ [39] in the juvenescent and adult form, offers an example where morphological and chemical differences go hand in hand.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
Such studies permitted taxonomic identification of morphologically depauperate fossils as a prerequisite to assembling databases for biodiversity studies.
Many geomorphological processes are also pedological processes.
But, of the two, we tend to prefer the former on morphological grounds.
Let us consider first the simpler explanation of a series of morphological evolutionary changes in the evolution of avian feathers from reptilian scales.
In many social insects, kin selection has led to the evolution of sterile workers which are behaviorally or morphologically specialized for colony defense.
As indicated by the morphological description above, the postcranial skeleton of Haasiophis (and Pachyrhachis) generally corresponds to an ophidian morphology with no apparent regionalization of the precaudal (precloacal) axial skeleton.
It is a molecular study, but discusses and deals with morphological information in a reasonable way.
Finally, long-term morphological changes are induced, such as the formation of lenticels and aerenchyma to improve the oxygen permeability of the tissue.
Trial 2 was conducted to study the effects of macleaya alkaloids on the intestinal morphological structure and gut flora in chickens.
Two tertian malarial species, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale, may appear to be similar morphologically.
The wide range of trophic resources consumed by Geotrupidae dung beetles and the generally accepted saprophagous habits of the Scarabaeoidea ancestors suggest that the consumption of acorns constitutes a faculty that takes advantage of previous morphological adaptations.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Thus, they appear to be specialized morphologically and their long, deep bill may facilitate the capture of large, fleeing prey (e.g. spiders, orthopterans, and geckos) that are uncovered under the leaf litter.
Morphological structure , biological characteristic, gene cluster structure and immunogenicity of avian ? Escherichia coli? was reviewed.
At least two problems exist for using affix stripping as a morphological technique.
There is evidence that increased oxygen level led to the radiation of larger organisms, with the attendant increase in morphological complexity.
Based on obvious morphological differences and wear analyses conducted in the Midwest, blade tools were clearly used for a wide variety of tasks, including cutting, shredding, and whittling.
Various hypotheses have been advanced for their formation, from geomorphological phenomena, to plants having allelopathic exclusion effects, to being animal derived features.
Namib desert
Because of the similar morphological traits between bonobos and humans, some anthropologists consider the bonobo to be the best living prototype for the common ancestor of humans.
These form all kinds of agglomerates and aggregates, including fibrils, in a precise morphological hierarchy.
It's not true that determiners are always atomic, certainly - it's normal for them to show gender and number agreement, of course, and there are some other sorts of morphologically complex determiners as well.
In one study of 68 newly domesticated yams, just under a quarter were biochemically and morphologically very similar to existing varieties.
Then we introduce a new algorithm that analyzes the character stroke with morphological method under multiple resolutions to locate the license plate.
Moreover in speech enhancement, especially in reducing the pulse noise, morphological algorithm has its unique advantage.
Salt tolerance of plants is a complex phenomenon that involves morphological and developmental as well as physiological and biochemical processes.
Morphological analysis, the first step of machine translation, is basic for further analysis and convert.
However, this morphological pattern might result from post-mortem muscle contraction.
Lexical words are generally fitted into the flow of language through such mechanisms as affixation, suppletion, stress shift, and vowel change, all of which have morphological and other effects.
This overall morphological simplicity, in theory, makes tadpoles good models for exploring how vertebrates control undulatory movements.
Berko wanted to test children's knowledge of morphological rules.
The transformed roots are morphologically indistinguishable from untransformed roots and, in the case of legumes, they can be nodulated by Rhizobium bacteria and infected by mycorrhizal fungi.
Here, according to most of the authors, active extension is dominant over the whole chain, as shown by breakout data and seismicity, as well as by geological and geomorphological analyses.
Such a feature (phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, lexical, or other) usually contrasts with some similar feature in adjoining areas.
And in the Mississippi-Missouri River basin the full species called the pallid sturgeon and the shovelnose sturgeon are indistinguishable by genetic analysis but have obvious morphological differences.
Trout and Salmon of North America
Morphological similarities placing D. valgum in the same subgenus with non-predatory dung-feeding species suggest a major and potentially rapid behavioural shift from coprophagy to predation.
Archive 2009-01-01
The ecological role and niche of coiled cephalopods can be studied by considering the common morphological characters of these fossils.
Also called numerical taxonomy, Phenetics is a school of taxonomy that classifies organisms on the basis of overall morphological or genetic similarity.
The first argument is unfair because even Japanese non-reflexive personal pronouns like watashi, anata, etc. fail to show "morphological variation" either!
Lehmann's dismissal of PIE *swe
The morphological and metrical analyses indicate that all the studied material should be assigned to a single species.
The defining morphological feature of chemical synapses is the vesicle cluster in the presynaptic nerve terminal.
The following morphological measures were obtained from each otter: body length, total length (nose to tip of tail), baculum length, testicle width (in millimeters), and body weight (in kilograms).
Meyer asserts that the Cambrian explosion represented an actual sudden origin of higher taxa; that these taxa such as phyla are “real” and not an artifact of human retrospective classification; and that morphological disparity coincides with phyletic categories.
The Panda's Thumb: MustRead Archives
The location of these buildings and the limited dating evidence strongly suggests that all three are relatively late in the morphological sequence.
Both genera were transferred to Flacourtiaceae by Warburg and later by Gilg on the basis of a number of morphological characters, such as a trimerous ovary with parietal placentation and anthers with longitudinal dehiscence.
However, until the millipede specimens described herein were discovered there was no concrete morphological evidence to support the terrestrial habitus of the oldest millipedes.
If some varieties are missing prepare a second stock dish from other colonies on plate 3, and repeat the process until each morphological form or tinctorial variety has been secured in subculture.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Significant changes were observed in morphological and cultural characteristics of variants with decreased susceptibility to penicillin.
An application of the computer digital image processing in the microscope morphological analysis of optical fiber is introduced on this paper.
Quantitative micromorphological study of a soil in a toposequence over a calcareous substratum in the Vendee Plain
Modern pinnids are morphologically and microstructurally nearly symmetrical, with the same calcitic regular simple prismatic structure comprising a layer of similar thickness in the left and right valves.
In their comprehensive and influential study of DNA hybridization, Sibley & Ahlquist (1990) supported gruiform monophyly, as did Livezey (1998) in a large study of morphological data, and Cracraft et al. (2004) on genetic data.
Archive 2006-11-01
Vetustovermis bears a number of morphological features that are found in Kimberella, which has been interpreted to have a non-mineralized but stiff univalve shell.
Down with phyla! (episode II) - The Panda's Thumb
This formation has a distinct binary structure and pronounced geomorphological features as well as isotope age data. It is in erosional unconformable contact with the underlying Zhiyu Formation.
Natural effects reduce the mangrove forest through fluviomarine erosional processes, geomorphological processes and desalination of mangrove soils, allowing the invasion of non-halo-helophytic species.
Esmeraldes-Pacific Colombia mangroves
These animals typically had extreme morphological defects including split and malformed nota and greatly reduced eyes.
Numerous histiocytes contained small oval organisms with bar-shaped paranuclear kinetoplasts, morphologically consistent with leishmanial parasites.
This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
The Podostemaceae consist of about 270 species assigned to about 47 genera, mostly monotypic or oligospecific, reflecting considerable discontinuous variation of morphological characters.
I agree that certain morphological forms are to be expected because of the available range of habitats.
The answer would be, as it seems to me, that important morphological characters, such as the position of the ovules and the relative position of the stamens to the ovarium (hypogynous, perigynous, etc.) are sometimes variable in the same species, as I incidentally mention when treating of the ray-florets in the Compositae and Umbelliferae; and I do not see how Nageli could maintain that differences in such characters prove an inherent tendency towards perfection.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
New and previously described material of the genus Atlantoxerus from the Aragonian type area in Spain are assigned to a single species, A. blacki, on the basis of metrical and morphological analyses.
During the second week of the geomorphological survey, Etienne Paulissen and his collaborators Veronique De Laet, who grew muscles handling the Ramguts drill, and Koen Dossche, continued trying to solve the puzzle of the colluviation/alluviation history in the basin of the Aglasun Cay, to which Sagalassos belongs.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Geomorphological Survey Report 2
However, because of the morphological differences between modern radiolarians and ancient ones, it is difficult to reconstruct precisely the ecology of ancient radiolarians.
Since the isabellinus group is morphologically and biologically intermediate between the other two groups. it would be more cautious today to combine all forms of butcher-birds into a single polytypic species.
A comprehensive review of the status of those taxa using modern analytic tools has yet to be done, but some taxa appear to intergrade morphologically.
An application of the computer digital image processing in the microscope morphological analysis of optical fiber is introduced on this paper.
This expansion of the posterior expression boundaries was examined in detail and correlated with derived morphological structures of the prothorax as compared with the most primitive apterygote species.
It has been proposed that the most recent common ancestor between cnidarians and bilaterians would have been morphologically similar to a pennatulacean anthozoan.
Furthermore, probable ‘proto-feathers’ (rather simple quill-like integumentary structures, almost certainly the morphological ancestors of true, complex feathers) were present in compsognathids, basal tyrannosauroids and alvarezsaurids.
Archive 2006-07-01
These classifications are able to separate groups of nodal lymphomas with a clear correlation between morphological features and clinical behaviour.
Recent palynological research has revealed diverse exine ornamentation in Rheum, but the variations in ornamentation are not consistent with the morphological classification.
Exocrine cells are highly ordered epithelial cells which exhibit functional and morphological polarity.
Both the morphological analysis and the suffix deletion tasks assessed morphemic manipulation in the absence of contextual cues that may facilitate lexical retrieval.
The hindgut microbiota of termites includes an abundant and morphologically diverse population of spirochetes.
Objective:To study the morphological changes of atrioventricular junction area (atrioventricular node and atrioventricular bundle) on the myocardial ischemia model of rat.
These populations are morphologically distinct from the more typical ruderal form which often occurs in close proximity in surrounding pastureland.
Information regarding the functional and morphological changes in human skeletal muscle after space flight is relatively limited and studies in this area have predominantly used rats orbited in Russian biosatellites and American space shuttles.
Nevertheless, particularly for the study trace fossils at the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian, I find it preferable to look for similarities, and to critically evaluate the taphonomy of each morphological feature.
I don't know any working phonologists today who think that morphologically-conditioned (or otherwise ‘irregular’) sound patterns are ipso facto distinct in every way from perfectly transparent ones.
This would mean that the morphological criteria on which extant supposed D. arnoldi and D. hololissa have been identified are utterly unreliable: an idea which matches suggestions that 'carapace morphology is sensitive to environmental conditions and that captivity can result in aberrant morphologies' (Palkovacs et al. 2003, p. 1409; see also Gerlach 2004b).
Archive 2006-02-01
If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs.
Archive 2006-06-01
these two plants are morphologically related
These bioelectric responses were accompanied by different biochemical and morphological changes.
Morphological plasticity is common in clonal plants, particularly in spacers, those parts of clonal plants that interconnect ramets.
A comparative study on the morphological characteristic of stem, leaf, anthotaxy and involucrum of three kinds of ragweed weed—Ambrosia Artemisiifolia L.
Heterochronic evolution has been defined as a morphological change inscribed within an ontogenetic trajectory that produces parallelism between ontogeny and phylogeny.
To test the effect of resistance on ‘global’ plant morphology, a principal component analysis was performed using all the phenological and morphological traits.
Objective To observe the morphological changes and myoblast proliferation dynamics of skeletal muscle after chronic spinal cord compression in rats.
Effect of phonological and morphological awareness instruction for Chinese children.
Pear psylla overwinters in the adult stage as a distinct morphological phenotype, the winterform, which began appearing in pear orchards of the study area in early September.
Objective To provide morphological basis for the treatment of the fracture of the hip joint.
The one - to - one correspondence between marida and sentence - ending honorific is restrained by its verb - like morphological transformation.
: "Dynamical patterning modules: physico-genetic determinants of morphological development and evolution", Newman and his co-author Ramray Bhat conclude that all of today's 35 animal phyla self-organized roughly a half billion years ago as life moved from single cell to multicell
The hominid fossil record isn’t even especially “jerky” when examined quantitatvely at fine-scale resolution, so the creationists don’t even have their usual incompetent misconstrual of punctuated equilibria which is actually about morphologically small gaps between closely-related sister species to rely upon.
Meet Selam - The Panda's Thumb
Root and pattern affixation is considered nonlinear since neither of the two morphological components appears in continuous form; rather, they are interdigitated within each other.
It may be that this putative prosodic breathy voice played a (limited) morphological role analogous to ablaut or n-infixation, explaining to some extent the apparent voiceless/voiced ("aspirated") root doublets.
PIE "look-alike stems" - Evidence of something or a red herring?
Later, however, a morphological analysis suggested that the Hardella complex constitutes a polyphyletic group.
Feathers, however bizarre or morphologically complex, consist essentially of a rachis, barbs, and barbules.
Although both mutants were isolated, each is morphologically distinct, suggesting adventitious genetic alterations.
The hyrax - elephant - sirenian core is well-accepted on morphological grounds.
A morphological or physiological trait may appear multiple times in evolution.
These species share many morphological characters and may be considered a grade of evolution.
This new genus is Pilbarascutigera and is described in the paper A new genus of scutigerid centipeds (Chilopoda) from Western Australia, with new characters for morphological phylogenetics of Scutigeromorpha by G.D. Edgecombe and L. Barrow within Zootaxa 1409: 23-50 (2007)
Archive 2007-02-01
To the best of my knowledge, this tendon insertional pattern represents a unique morphological construct for cetaceans, mammals that lack connections between epaxial muscles and pelves.
This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
Morphological characters include leaves that are not gland-dotted, persistent intrapetiolar stipules, some apetalous species, and a reduction in stamen number in several species.
Besides phonetic and morphological arbitrariness, there is an unpredictable element in the semantics of hypocoristic forms, at least in Australia.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
It requires no special morphological adaptations, although it is most effective in birds with low wing loading.
12th- and 13th-century churches in the diocese of Paris imitate many of the formal and morphological features of Notre-Dame.
The flowers of Zamioculcas are morphologically hermaphroditical, but physiologically unisexual.
Five species of the damselfly genus Lestes live in British Columbia, Canada, and of these, Lestes forcipatus Rambur and L. disjunctus Selys are the most similar and most difficult to separate morphologically.
Urinary bilharziasis has typical ultrasonographic features, but may occur with no morphological lesion detectable on ultrasonography.
Teratology as a guide to the solution of morphological problems has been especially disparaged in contrast with organogeny, but unfairly so.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Picasso's pots, pitchers, and platters are exuberantly modern, not only in their late Surrealist morphological fluidity, but also in their rapport with the Duchampian readymade.
For instance, when hafted, much of the morphological variation of projectile points is obscured, while the lithic raw material remains visible.