relating to or concerned with the morphology of plants and animals
morphological differences - relating to or concerned with the formation of admissible words in a language
pertaining to geological structure
structural effects of folding and faulting of the earth's surface
geomorphological features of the Black Hills
morphological features of granite
How To Use morphologic In A Sentence
- the morphological relation between `sing' and `singer' and `song' is derivational
- Ten plant functional types (PFTs) are differentiated by physiological, morphological, phenological, bioclimatic, and fireresponse attributes. Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
- Objective To study the expression of substance P (SP) in human sudden erethistic death, and to seek objective morphological supports to diagnose sudden erethistic death for forensic medicine.
- Various hypotheses have been advanced for their formation, from geomorphological phenomena to plants having allelopathic exclusion effects to being animal-derived features. Kaokoveld desert
- And he has decided to treat them as if they were tribolites, or snails, and to do a morphological analysis, and try to derive their genealogical history over time.
- The status of many Eurasian species of Late Devonian cyrtospiriferid brachiopods require careful restudy to properly assess their generic status and assignment to morphologic/phylogenetic groups of Cyrtospirifer outlined below.
- USFWS thinks it probably isn't, due to certain morphological characteristics. Archive 2007-12-01
- Patterned fens are one of five morphologically distinct types of peatlands occurring in Maine.
- Hence the prospect of an energy related and integrated physical geography including geomorphological processes may not be too far beyond the horizon.
- In studying English Lexicology, the terms about the morphological structure and word - formation often confuse us.