How To Use More or less In A Sentence

  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms. Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Silliness in stories is more or less excusable, since they are not even supposed to be believed. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • ~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~ en tout cas = in any case; façon de parler = so to speak; à peu près = almost, more or less; le français (m) = French; l'anglais (m) = English; le bât (m) = packsaddle Faux amis - French Word-A-Day
  • Talia's room, when we reach it and I actually take the time to observe it, is decorated in varying shades of pastel blue, more or less coordinating the curtains and the bed sheets.
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  • There has been terrorism in the world, more or less nonstop, since twelfth-century Syria, when a persecuted Persian religious sect called the Assassins knifed people to death in crowds. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • From the association's secretary each member received a package of more or less gorgeous blanks, printed like a billhead, on handsome paper, properly ruled in columns; a bill-head worded something like this -- Life on the Mississippi
  • The two books are more or less equal in length.
  • Since the lateral axes have more or less the same pattern of arrangement of sympodia as the main axis, the number of branch bundles is related to the number of bundles within the leaf vascular supply characteristic for that species.
  • Smith who was against the League and Jones who was against Article X, and Brown who was against Mr. Wilson and all his works, each for his own reason, all in the name of more or less the same symbolic phrase, register a vote _against_ the Democrats by voting for the Public Opinion
  • The theory behind a surge protector is to keep everything at more or less the same potential. Voltage
  • Once the appointment is made the independence of office puts its holder more or less beyond reach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of these, the first three have more or less been OK moving to Santa Monica (well, at least the rationale is there). Archive 2005-07-01
  • We decided, more or less on a whim, to sail to Morocco.
  • It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.
  • The complementary substances or substituent groups with which these nuclei are more or less firmly combined in nature exert a stabilizing and perhaps otherwise favorable influence on the curative nucleus, but do not themselves possess the vitamine type of physiological potency. The Vitamine Manual
  • You will recognise them for no more or less than temporary blips on a radar screen of satisfaction.
  • Unless the districts were considerable they were always more or less a kind of hole-and-corner government.
  • In warm light colours also warm body colours make themselves felt in a pleasant way, whereas the low proportion of short-wave radiation of these light sources more or less “kills” cold colours such as bluish green, blue and purple. 2. Elements
  • Texans were more or less thought of as yahoo barbarians somewhere between the Beverly Hillbillies and Deliverance.
  • The Holy Roman Empire ever since the first event of Charles the Great's coronation, when it justified itself as a diplomatical expedient for unifying Western Christendom, had existed more or less as a shadow. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • Every textile amylaceous fiber is convertible into these forms, more or less, by strong sulphuric acid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886
  • I am not a student or professor of glottology, contenting myself with being able to speak one or two languages without troubling my head over their origin, so I dare not judge upon the affinity more or less remote of the not too sweet Sakai idioms with others, but there seemed to me such a marked difference between the Malay and Sakai phraseologies that My Friends the Savages Notes and Observations of a Perak settler (Malay Peninsula)
  • = In gauze weaving all the warp threads are not parallel to each other, but are made to intertwist more or less among themselves, thereby favoring the production of light, open fabrics, in which many ornamental lace-like combinations can be obtained. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • The sacrifice had nothing to do with death, but more or less the converting of a white sorcerer or sorceress into a black one.
  • Still less do we need to try and settle that rivalry by calling one of them real and the others more or less illusory.
  • The exposure and _depluming_ (to borrow a good word from the fine old rhetorician, Fuller,) of the leading 'humbugs' of the age -- _that_ was announced as the regular business of the journal: and the only question which remained to be settled was, the more or less of the degree; and also one other question, even more interesting still, viz. -- whether personal abuse were intermingled with literary. The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • The unlamented Soviet Union was able to develop an independent strategy to which its allies more or less willingly conformed.
  • And he then made a series of more or less statesmanlike appointments to senior positions.
  • It consists of a more or less generalized, disseminated or grouped, millet-seed-sized, acuminated pustules, usually seated upon dull-red, papular elevations. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The criticism that atheists are less moral and honest has been disproved by study after study. Atheists believe that morality is man-made, and follow their moral ideas which are more or less compatible with those of religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • By the time I got home again I could afford to spend 55 minutes reinstalling my godforsaken operating system which was more or less all it took, I think.
  • But if he would rather hear Kate elocute about it than to lie and listen to the real thing, he's nothing more or less than a nature pirate. The Lookout Man
  • The former were drabby-looking creatures, stained in face with oil and dust, clad in thin, shapeless, cotton dresses and shod with more or less worn shoes. Sister Carrie
  • Shane Ratliff, a median kind of guy with a median Ruby, South Carolina income of 40 k a year, more or less, was "free to choose" without the benefit of Lesar's extra $39,960,000 as a disincentive to "adventuresome" living. Kerry Candaele: On Class And Corruption
  • I understand this view to be more or less orthodox in linguistics these days. Economics and Evolution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Quartz fibres have two great advantages over other forms of suspension when employed for any kind of torsion balance, from an ordinary more or less "astatic" galvanometer to the Cavendish apparatus. On Laboratory Arts
  • While the protoplasm in the animal section of the ovum continues briskly to divide, multiplying the nuclei, the deutoplasm in the vegetal section remains more or less undivided; it is merely consumed as food by the forming cells. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • A tomato sauce can be completely changed by two or three minutes more or less of reduction or concentration by steady simmering.
  • Because the little wells trap in moisture, the burgers don't get any kind of sear on them-they more or less steam in their own juices-but for sliders, that's not a particularly bad thing. A Hamburger Today
  • I am a senior and when I try to tell the younger generation what really happened they smile and more or less give the idea that old people are senile and the good people of the US would never have committed such an unforgivable sin.
  • The labial and lingual surfaces are either more or less smooth, or covered with fine anastomosing striae.
  • He was more or less asleep and did not stir as his head was locked into place with straps fastened across his forehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • The harbor is protected by a long jetty running more or less north and south, and you have to enter at the southern end.
  • There is likewise more or less headache, neuralgia, giddiness, hebetude (state of mild stupidity), dejection, confusion of the senses, skin disease, acne rosacea (scarlet redness of the nose and cheeks), eczema, etc. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Life in the French chateaux continued more or less unchanged by the French Revolution, during which only about twelve hundred members of the nobility were guillotined, leaving the vast majority lying low but alive.
  • There are specific genes that make people more or less disposed to the bitter taste in sprouts. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can earn 20 a night, more or less, as a waiter.
  • The collection also boasts a few terracottas on more or less the same scale as the bronzes.
  • After returning to the UK he more or less hopped and hirpled his way home from the south of England to Lewis.
  • Having already reached safe ground, his father hesitates for some time before attempting a rescue, more or less repeating the behavior of the two previous instances.
  • It's noticeable that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in Alfred's time, by which time it was being written more or less contemporarily with events, records celestial phenomena, consecrations of bishops and deaths of bishops, kings and ealdormen, but not births, not even the births of King Alfred's children. Acha of Deira and Bernicia: daughter, sister, wife and mother of kings
  • Our own internal pacemaker tunes our mental and physical energy levels more or less to the cycles of sunlight.
  • Some are provided with a more or less regular cap and a stem, while others are shelving or bracket shaped, and still others are spread out over the surface of the wood (resupinate). Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • And from the reckless way they were tacklin 'big platters of expensive food, such as broiled live lobster and planked steaks, I judged they'd been mustered out more or less recent. Torchy and Vee
  • Discolored - orous: a different color from the surrounding, more or less contrasting; not concolorous. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Unless you were a hotel resident, it was more or less impossible to drink legally outside the home after 10 o'clock at night.
  • Black; the head and thorax strongly punctured; the mandibles, clypeus, a line above extending to the anterior ocellus, the emargination of the eyes, a spot at their vertex and a line at their outer orbits, yellow; the antennæ reddish-yellow, with the scape pale yellow in front and a narrow fuscous line above; the yellow marking more or less stained orange. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • United have just about shaken off the flu bug and are back to more or less full strength.
  • The dream-sea had been more or less preserved, its existence an exquisite rumor, never proved, and all the more potent for that. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • By the end of the day I was more or less recovered, more or less back to normal, and I'll be close to re-establishing my usual routine tomorrow.
  • The colemanite occurs in irregular milky-white layers or nodules, mingled with more or less gypsum. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • They managed to keep the party more or less secret from Christine.
  • Hm, in retrospect PITA is probably a label that is a little bit too strong verbality wise, because the mass storage support nowadays seem to work more or less as expected, so thanks for reminding me of that. OSNews
  • When so altered, the solution will yield a more or less copious precipitate of cuprous oxide on merely boiling, and quite independent of the presence of glucose. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • When well advanced, the tubercular or nodular masses give rise to great deformity; the face, a favorite locality, becomes more or less leonine in appearance (_leontiasis_). Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The lime formed by the decomposition of the carbide is loosened from the unattacked portion and taken more or less into solution as sucrate of lime, which is a soluble salt which the glucose or sugar in the treated carbide forms with lime. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The flowers commonly have more or less recurved petals, and usually face outward or upward (as opposed to drooping).
  • This influenza virus, like all influenza viruses, can mutate via a process called antigenic drift, which can make it either more or less virulent. Avoiding the swine flu | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • A report said the Council had had a moderately active and successful year, but every section had suffered from fluctuations in a more or less acute manner.
  • She was of a burnt sorrel hue, with a little mixture of dapple-grey spots, but above all she had horrible tail; for it was little more or less than every whit as great as the steeple-pillar of St. Mark beside Langes: and squared as that is, with tuffs and ennicroches or hair-plaits wrought within one another, no otherwise than as the beards are upon the ears of corn. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • On a recent RN show on the History of China a big brain opined: In the relativy recent past the civillian population of China has had a gutful of anarchy and civil disorder, thus the population see niceties like freedom of speech/ association / faith as luxuries way way way down the priority scale compared to a more or less functioning society. Cheeseburger Gothic » Oily spin off topic.
  • In more recent years, Napoleon—impersonated by Marlon Brando, Rod Steiger, Herbert Lom, Woody Allen and others—has featured in a number of more or less colossal productions, none unsurpassable. How Stanley Kubrick Met His Waterloo
  • It is termed the gluteal tuberosity, and gives attachment to part of the Glutæus maximus: its upper part is often elongated into a roughened crest, on which a more or less well-marked, rounded tubercle, the third trochanter, is occasionally developed. II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
  • Some topics of spirituality which you can not find in SpiritWeb: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism , Sikhism, Taoism and many others are more or less established approaches to spirituality.
  • At this stage it is more or less spherical and covered with villi (frond-like protrusions); these provide a large surface area for exchange of gases, nutrients, water and waste with the maternal blood.
  • The = stem = is clay color to ochre yellow, enlarged below, spongy, stuffed, fistulose, soft, fibrous, more or less ascending at the base. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • In cases where enforcement of an undertaking by an order for its performance is still possible and practicable, such an order will no doubt be made more or less as a matter of course.
  • He's as busy as ever with his fingers in other people's pies: producing other artists, writing movie soundtracks, throwing off more or less madcap schemes.
  • Although a recession in the developed world is now more or less inevitable, China, India and some of the oil-producing countries are in a very strong countertrend. Soros: The worst market crisis in 60 years
  • In many of the others, the spaces are divided into segments, more or less corresponding to the different generations.
  • Much of it consists of more or less richly annotated lists of the sorts of things one sees and experiences.
  • Supremes in the name of love stop more hurt than anything more or less an amoretto more mortifiedby loneliness than by mortgage benefits Mores
  • ConsumerLab, a supplement-testing company, reported last week that 10 of 38 multivitamin brands tested contained either more or less of some ingredients than the label indicated. Multivitamins: So Many Types, So Many Labels
  • The variation uncovered in experimentally defined essential gene pools more or less substantiated this concern, although the different experimental methods certainly contributed to the incongruence.
  • The problem is that virtue and vice affects who we are in that it makes us more or less corrigible. TEXAS FAITH: Is shame still part of our culture? | RELIGION Blog |
  • Zen schools are more or less divisible into those that emphasize a curriculum of verbal meditation objects - like koans - and those that do not.
  • Jack Randall -- such a jolly chick! you must be introduced to him -- has promised to tie a cord across the pavement at the corner, from the lamp-post to a door-scraper; and we have made a careful estimate that, out of every half-dozen people who pass, six will fall down, four cut their faces more or less arterially, and two contuse their foreheads. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, December 25, 1841
  • Pica is not only more or less that of Caslon in London, but as can be seen from this table it is close to the Cicéro of the contemporary typefounder Sanlecque in Paris. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Having been involved in forms of propaganda, and having observed Carol Reed at work, I was fairly well equipped to deal with a semidocumentary subject of this nature, and I was at home with the more or less academic camera techniques of the time. An Autobiography
  • But as more genes are identified and understood in relation to obesity, it is becoming clear that not everyone processes food in the same way—so one individual may need more or less of a given macronutrient than another person. Eating for your genes - Health -
  • The particular form of argument into which they happened to fall was determined by the circumstances in which he found himself at the time, and was this, viz. how he could subscribe the Articles _ex animo_, without faith, more or less, in his Church as the imponent; and next, how he could have faith in her, her history and present condition being what they were. Loss and Gain The Story of a Convert
  • The winter-bud is an aggregate of minute buds, each concealed in the axil of a primary leaf converted into a scarious, more or less fimbriate, bud-scale. The Genus Pinus
  • Last night my parents told me to consider not dancing anymore because my bad knee has kept me out more or less for the last few months.
  • As is well known, plants contain more or less strongly smelling components, which play an important part in their vital functions and particularly in their fecundation. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910 - Presentation Speech
  • It might be safely affirmed that almost all occupations more or less affect the health.
  • Narrow, smooth longitudinal ridges are visible on both sides of a wide, more or less elevated central convexity with a rather irregular surface.
  • Though this tale of reincarnation and a love that crossed generations starred the peerless Barbara Harris, as a psychically gifted young woman with a past life just waiting to leap out of her, it was generally agreed that the 1965 production was overdressed, overplotted and more or less out of its mind. NYT > Home Page
  • She could earn $200 a night, more or less.
  • Observe that it is colorless and either transparent or translucent, and when poured from one vessel to another is glairy and more or less adhesive. A Practical Physiology
  • Even in the latter case he occasionally breaks away for a more or less extended period, and either goes fishing in Canada, shooting in Scotland, or automobiling in France, with perhaps a rush over a Swiss pass or two, and a dash around the Italian lakes, and back down the Rhine for a little tour in Great Britain. The Automobilist Abroad
  • The protoplasm is more or less extensively excavated by fluid spaces, vacuoles; one clearer circular space or vacuole, which is invariably present, appears at intervals, enlarges gradually, and then vanishes abruptly, to reappear after a brief interval; this is called the contractile vacuole (c.v.). Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The author can report other people's results which more or less agree with hers.
  • It is natural to conclude, therefore, that they have some hidden property which saves them from attack; and it is easy to see that when any other insects, by what we call accidental variation, come more or less remotely to resemble them, the latter will share to some extent in their immunity. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • They had sought him out to discover whether having a long barnet and beard makes a stand-up more or less comic.
  • After some deliberation he decided to advance Bob Stratton to the post, that "decker" having had more or less experience the year before. The Blazed Trail
  • He was more or less saying he'd treated her as one would treat a friend, and she'd been too dense, or too stuck-up, to take it. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Alcohol thus prevents the cells from attacking invading bodies or of reacting in the presence of the toxins which also, as is well known, exert a more or less marked negative chemiotaxis, i.e., the cells appear to be paralyzed. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • I had expected to listen to a natural, ordinary, unactable episode arranged more or less in steichomuthics. Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel
  • The officers were more or less able to dictate terms to successive governments.
  • What is distinctive about such compulsive behaviour, I would argue, is that the desires and emotions in question are more or less radically independent of the evaluational systems of these agents.
  • Attribute of visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light.
  • But apart from a sudden stampede to the front of the stage just before the end, the proceedings remained more or less decorous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest of the cast more or less exist to die in gruesome ways and little else.! » Valentine’s Day Comes Early!McJeffrey Reviews MY BLOODY VALENTINE 3D!
  • Unfortunately, however, nations do not choose to engage in despoiling others, when the objective is strong and able to defend itself, but rather delays until the victim is under a handicap and certain to be more or less easily subjugated. The Efficiency of the Canadian Militia for Defence
  • * In a bowl, scramble eggs (I used 4 for my pie, take more or less depending on the size of your pan and grade of hungriness) with salt, pepper, and whatever other spices you like. Weekend cooking: Tapas! « Were rabbits
  • The slipway where she was launched is already more or less a national monument, as are the shipyard gantries above, and the dry dock where she was fitted out, and the building where she was planned. Will the Titanic Ever Sink?
  • The Empire set up a large number of independent local mints that were authorized subject to some degree of imperial oversight to mint coinage more or less without restriction.
  • It is obviously desirable, before attempting to interpret the structures exhibited, under the microscope, to compare the fresh and uncalcined materials with those that have been more or less altered by heat. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • We shower, we smear and spray ourselves with product, we defecate into artfully designed porcelain which takes away the ordure invisibly and more or less odourlessly.
  • My sense of humor about this stuff is more or less shot through by five days in which the media has done everything possible - from deliberate overcredulity to misrepresentation to outright fabrication - to rip this woman apart. "I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids."
  • Morons, who correspond to the common acceptation of the term feeble-minded, "can under proper direction become more or less self-supporting but they are as a rule incapable of undertaking affairs which demand judgment or involve unrestricted competition with normal individuals. Applied Eugenics
  • The rich lowland planter and the upland tobacco farmer have rubbed shoulders more or less amicably for a very long time.
  • Europe, moreover, has long memories - and the memory that will linger from the Greek crisis is of a more or less isolated Germany now unwilling to fuel the European integration process in the way it once did. OpenDemocracy
  • But Ray Kennedy , co-manager of Hotchkis & Wiley High Yield , says investors are responding in a perfectly rational manner to a rather irrational value opportunity that suddenly appeared this autumn and has remained more or less intact. 'Junk' Debt May Not Deserve Its Name
  • Ugh, you brutes!" exclaimed Quashy, referring to a number of urubu vultures which stood on the shells, all more or less gorged, some still tearing sleepily at the meat, others standing in apoplectic apathy, quite unable to fly. The Rover of the Andes A Tale of Adventure on South America
  • If a solution of 1,369 per cent, of caustic ammonia is added to this red fluid, and the tube is turned around to effect the necessary mixture, keeping its mouth closed with the thumb, after the addition of more or less of the ammonical fluid, it will change into violet. The Cultivation of The Native Grape, and Manufacture of American Wines
  • A similar jumble of more or less everything found near the nest forms, as we know, the barricade of the Manicate Cotton-bee, who is also an adept at using the Snail's stercoral droppings after these have been dried in the sun. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • This means that they had had a heightened awareness of their own mortality more or less throughout the disability career.
  • She wandered about the kitchen restlessly, vaguely tidying up, putting things away more or less at random. THE EXECUTION
  • This kind of peloria may for distinction sake be called regular or congenital peloria (see chapter on that subject); but where a flower becomes regular by the increase in number of its irregular portions, as in the _Linaria_ already alluded to, where not only one petal is spurred, but all five of them are furnished with such appendages, and which are the result of an irregular development of those organs, the peloria is evidently not congenital, but occurs at a more or less advanced stage of development. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • He was taken more or less at birth from his mother, who was by then a patient in a psychiatric hospital.
  • There are however ghosts, which, while of course representing ancestors, are regarded not specially in their ancestorial capacity, but rather as powerful beings who have been more or less active in framing the constitution of society. Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
  • CREPIDOTUS Fr. In _Crepidotus_ the pileus is lateral, or eccentric, and thus more or less shelving, or it is resupinate, that is, lying flat or nearly so on the wood. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • A “miss” of an uncertain number of years, more or less brains, a slimsy figure, nut-cracker face and store teeth, goes raiding about the country attempting to teach mothers and wives their duty .... The Life and Work of Susan B Anthony 01
  • With nine precious muscoid corpses, more or less ornamented with a lovely fur trimming of Saprolegnia, I shall return to London to-morrow, and shall be ready in a short time, I hope, to furnish Salmon Disease wholesale, retail, or for exportation. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
  • We have thereafter more or less enjoyed a pretty good record when it comes to management and direction of the public sector.
  • The New University, the student newspaper, published a front-page article, which featured, more or less verbatim, Mary's charges.
  • In those plants which present this deviation from the ordinary condition with the greatest frequency, it often happens that the axis is normally more or less prolonged, either between the various whorls of the flower, as in the case of the gynophore, &c., or into the cavity of the carpels, as in the instances of free central placentation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • They created a network of more or less typical city blocks, some with alleyways and private drives.
  • In a more restricted sense: A branch of study which is concerned either with a connected body of demonstrated truths or with observed facts systematically classified and more or less colligated by being brought under general laws, and which includes trustworthy methods for the discovery of new truth within its own domain. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The Japanese market used to be more or less impenetrable.
  • Erythematous eczema (_eczema erythematosum_) begins as one or more small or large, irregularly outlined hyperæmic macules or patches, with or without slight or marked swelling, and with more or less itching or burning. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Similarly, among protists, a radiolarian may capture and ingest, more or less indifferently, a bacterium, an autotrophic flagellate, a herbivorous oligotrich ciliate, or another radiolarian (Fig 2E). Marine microbes
  • This film is more or less exactly why the average filmgoer prefers the inanity of quiz shows to unconventional arthouse fare.
  • That's because automobiles themselves have become more or less commodities.
  • I had reached this church by an old archway, whose origin was evidently defensive, and crossing the dim and silent square, surrounded by mediaeval houses, some half ruinous, and all more or less adorned with pellitory, ivy-linaria, and other wall-plants which had fixed their roots between the gaping stones. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • As it turns out, Magellan escaped more or less intact.
  • Voltaire's novel ends with our hero more or less happily settled down with his love interest, who becomes, unfortunately, kind of persnickety and not much to look at as the years go by, but a talented pastry chef nonetheless. The Speculist: Cultivating Our Garden
  • The catch is these two are more or less happily married -- to other people.
  • But then scientists unexpectedly discovered that the only difference between solids and space was the degree to which the same atoms that composed both were packed more or less closely together.
  • Ever since the modern study of art history began in the eighteenth century, there has been a variety of more or less unconvincing answers to that question.
  • Normally when a shop puts cleats on shoes (in my experience), they line the center up (fore and aft) with the second metatarsal bone, more or less right at the ball of the foot.
  • The kana syllabaries have more or less the same advantages plus the added advantage of being much smaller in size.
  • Sprinkle the demerara sugar and rosemary over the top then crumble the remaining mixture over to more or less cover.
  • They seem to think that if we can just hold on to our notions of civility and good government, politics will go back to being a more or less collegial game defined by cooperation and compromise.
  • That particular trip was more or less a carbon copy of the previous one.
  • But the entire burden of my learned friend's song was to the effect that what happened in this case was a more or less clear case of negligence, because of foreseeability.
  • The cabaret performers and their audiences shared a more or less hidden opposition to social taboos and censorship.
  • Future contracts will cost more or less, depending on trends in tuition costs, Cantor said.
  • To this terrible, irrepressible yearning, (surely more or less down underneath in most human souls) —this universal democratic comradeship—this old, eternal, yet ever-new interchange of adhesiveness, so fitly emblematic of America—I have given in that book, undisguisedly, declaredly, the openest expression. Preface, 1876, To the Two-Volume Centennial Edition of L. of G. and “Two Rivulets.” Collect
  • They did not take to literature and science, because these pursuits require severe work and more or less of a strong bias, for a thorough exposition of their profound penetralia. Black and White
  • The two events were more or less contemporaneous, with only months between them.
  • Our own internal pacemaker tunes our mental and physical energy levels more or less to the cycles of sunlight.
  • The sympodia are arranged more or less parallel to the stem axis and follow the phyllotactic spirals of the leaves.
  • Sir James Frazer, writing in the early 20th century, noted that ‘even in Europe many people still believe that a person's destiny is more or less bound up with that of his navel-string or afterbirth.’
  • They came every day with a grievance, or an appeal, or a suggestion, or a favor to ask, and he had to treat each one, not only politely, but more or less deferently. Theodore Roosevelt An Intimate Biography
  • To effect the separation it was needful that the particle size was more or less the same.
  • We conclude from the Papyrus Rhind (say 1700 B. C.) and other documents that Egyptian geometry consisted mainly of practical rules for measuring, with more or less accuracy, (1) such areas as squares, triangles, trapezia, and circles, (2) the solid content of measures of corn, &c., of different shapes. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • We perceive what are termed auroral plates of a purple or reddish-violet color, more or less extended, according as this species of veil, formed by icy particles, extends to a greater or less distance from the poles. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 26, December, 1859
  • Did I remark in some preceding breath that Allison is more or less "dippy" over music? The Dead Men's Song Being the Story of a Poem and a Reminiscent Sketch of its Author Young Ewing Allison
  • But his mood, that current of fretful optimism alternating with a cavernous disenchantment, is more or less unchanged: “I don’t know if this makes me a bad person or whatever, but it’s hard for me to get interested in other people’s vacations.” Revenge of the Wimps
  • The script for turning that into practical policies, T-shirts, soundbites and placards - open the books, close the camps, shut the pipeline, stop the blowback - more or less writes itself.
  • Also, see links under ‘Demographic Jihad’ at the Religion of Peace™ Subject Index. aj 5:12 pm on May 15, 2009 | # | Reply well a lot of comments on how bad it is an how its all obviously wrong,all i say is why dont u just dig into it,i did for about a week solid,the video is more or less on the money.u know as kaiser soyze said “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist”.well i for one beleive the video through my research online.i can tell all of you now that there will only be only so much room in australia when europe becomes muslim,at least that country wont let them build too many mosques………go to mecca and try and build a church yeah good luck! The Muslim Demographic Threat » Sociological Images
  • The law, whose stated purpose was to suppress pornography while protecting literature, retained more or less the previous definition of obscenity, as that which, taken as a whole, tended to corrupt and deprave.
  • By and large, the prominent (and well funded, I might add) expounders of the current ID movement were at one time (not so long ago) what you might call diehard crackerjack-creationists (e.g., believing that a WASP/WASC God more or less snapped his/her fingers, there was a crackling sound, and out popped the universe and its inhabitants in all their current variety and complexity). The President and Intelligent Design
  • I have often mentioned the grandeur, but I feel myself unequal to the task of conveying an idea of the beauty and elegance of the scene when the spiry tops of the pines are loaded with ripening seed, and the sun gives a glow to their light-green tinge, which is changing into purple, one tree more or less advanced contrasted with another. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark
  • There was more entertainment to follow as the Scotland side stoically withstood some brutal tackling to more or less assure themselves of winning their European pool.
  • (aka sphagetti bolognese more or less). they call bologna il rosso (the red) b / c of all the red brick houses. it really becomes noticeable when you're on top of the city's tower looking down. btw, there's also a leaning tower here. molto cool! bologna also has another nickname: il grasso (the fat one) b / c of all the great food invented here. hopefully tonight i'll be able to experience it! Recent Updates
  • But what they take for a witticism might very well be true; most of Ellis's novels tell more or less the same story, about the same alienated ennui, and maybe they really are nothing more than the fictionalised diaries of an unremarkably unhappy man. Bret Easton Ellis: 'So you're a misogynist, a racist – so what? Does it make your art less interesting?'
  • We have more or less overcome illiteracy in this country, yet the problem of 'aniconism', the inability to interpret images appropriately, has not even entered public awareness. Eurozine articles
  • The housemaids had been bribed with various fragments of riband, and sundry pairs of shoes more or less down at heel, to make no mention of crumbs in the beds; the airiest costumes had been worn on these festive occasions; and the daring Miss Ferdinand had even surprised the company with a sprightly solo on the comb – and – curlpaper, until suffocated in her own pillow by two flowing – haired executioners. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • Campanulate: bell-shaped: more or less ventricose at the base and a little recurved at the margin. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Said predecessor was more or less centered in that ungrassed circle, the base of its trunk taking up approximately three-quarters of the area. » Return of the Treelet Report
  • On a more or less typical night, on a site called “Let’s die together in Shizuoka” (a city an hour from Tokyo on the bullet train), I sit in front of my computer screen and watch as the death script is rehearsed and elaborated by anonymous participants, some of whom may simply be exploring a radical idea, while others may soon be found dead in cars: Let’s Die Together
  • The other hitherto known species of the genus, have broad leaves, more or less denticulate, with patent nerves. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Feeling stressed, overstretched and not in control are the main contributory factors to female weight loss, and these particular women are under more or less constant scrutiny. Times, Sunday Times
  • Possibly it is a true spirillum, portions of which appear in the comma shape, much as in other spirilla - e.g., spirilla undula, which do not always form complete spirals, but consist only of more or less curved rods.
  • A few modern fishes, including the coelacanth, the African bichir Polypterus, and three genera of lungfishes, retained lungs … In two major lineages of derived bony fishes - the chondrosteans and the teleosts -- lungs evolved to swim bladders by atrophy of vascular tissue to create a more or less empty sac and, in some cases, by loss of the connecting tube to the esophagus (called the trachea in humans and other creatures with lungs). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • In her case there was a reversal of the usual facts of nature -- (_I say facts_, not _laws_): the dreams of most people are more or less insane; those of Lady Alice were sound; thus, with her, restoring the balance of sane life. The Portent & Other Stories
  • Conscious, alert, and in charge of my own health care here at home, I can weigh all the factors and adjust medication that prevents plugs, refuse meds if I don't need or want them, ask for suction, request more or less water in my cuff -- all without being institutionally "noncompliant" or having something decided without my input or consent. Anniversary -- Escaping institutionalization
  • The criticism that atheists are less moral and honest has been disproved by study after study. Atheists believe that morality is man-made, and follow their moral ideas which are more or less compatible with those of religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • (sometimes several inches across) submerged in it, and consists of more or less gelatinous matrix enclosing innumerable "cocci," "bacteria," or other elements of the Schizomycete concerned. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • They more or less figured out the whole story, including predictions for primordial nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background.
  • Suppose he was to do all this, and besides to blow upon a plant we've all been in, more or less -- of his own fancy; not grabbed, trapped, tried, earwigged by the parson and brought to it on bread and water, -- but of his own fancy; to please his own taste; stealing out at nights to find those most interested against us, and peaching to them. Oliver Twist
  • The early days of automobiling were not fraught with so many technicalities as to-day, when the last new thing may be a benzine bus or a turbine trailer; formerly everything was simple and crude, -- and more or less inefficient. The Automobilist Abroad
  • At the moment there is no reason to suppose that this will lead to the Collection being either more or less accessible.
  • But Dale was quite composed now -- she had gone through so many shocks already that one more or less seemed to make very little difference to her overwearied nerves. The Bat
  • It's one good feature is that it's easier to use for all Mongolic speakers since it mismatches all the varieties more or less equally, whereas Cyrillic is more aimed specifically at Khalkha as spoken in the country Mongolia. YO!
  • We belittle ourselves in the sight of God and men, bemean ourselves in the presence of the moral law, and stay more or less our progress in the great educational work of life. Aims and Aids for Girls and Young Women On the Various Duties of Life, Physical, Intellectual, And Moral Development; Self-Culture, Improvement, Dress, Beauty, Fashion, Employment, Education, The Home Relations, Their Duties To Young Men, Marriage, Womanh

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