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How To Use More and more In A Sentence

  • More and more security experts are lining up against the use of static passwords for e-banking; in part because the technique makes consumers easy prey for phishers.
  • They watched in wonder as bankers, industrialists and assorted spivs piled up more and more riches.
  • But it Hoolock Wu Wen-mei first half of yellow, white and the lower body more and more vertical profile, wing spot and more white, more mottled waist and tail-heavy.
  • I personally think a more optimistic outcome is within our grasp as we understand more and more the way the brain works. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manufactories are now making more and more civilian GPS receivers.
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  • It becomes more and more difficult to reduce raw emissions, especially for heavy and high-performance vehicles.
  • The relationship with her mother, Zippora, née Assur, the daughter of a prosperous merchant family, who had never attended school, became more and more difficult. Fanny Lewald.
  • Certainly, more and more new plastics will come forth before long.
  • More and more men were transformed by the mutating power of the great clouds of Chaos magic drifting from the poles.
  • As the morning slowly crept forward, more and more things began to stir.
  • Like a widening conveyer belt it scraped away more and more of the hillsides and carried off the debris.
  • The edification of this house is gradually to be perfected more and more till the coming of Christ, by laying the foundation of Christianity, in bringing men still unto Christ, and carrying on the superstruction in perfecting them in Christ in all spiritual growth, till at last the top-stone be laid on, the Church completed, and translated _to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens_. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.
  • And in the long term, as the mobile industry gets more accustomed to the idea of upgradeable phone software, more and more devices will be upgraded. EWeek - RSS Feed
  • He becomes less a magician and more and more not only an illusionist of increasing power, but one bent on tormenting his audience rather than entertaining them.
  • The industry is seeing more and more teachers buying from outside suppliers of print music and instruments through the Internet, mail order catalogues, and other retailers.
  • But the slippery term keeps expanding to encompass more and more groups.
  • The radio frequency machine more and more extensive in the clinical application.
  • Her life became more and more squalid and her expectations diminished.
  • Portfolio assessment is one of important mode of qualitative evaluation, it was paid more and more attention under the background of educational evaluation reformation by people.
  • The stitch in her side was growing more and more painful with each step.
  • More and more, African-American iconoclasts reject victimology and embrace American possibility.
  • On the otherhand, Internet sexuality shows that we're becoming more and more self-involved.
  • The emerging generation are more and more impervious to standard school indoctrination, less ready to give up their seats on buses, less respectful and filial.
  • Within the overall warming trend, there were more and more local ecological changes influenced by alterations in the global environment. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • With each gasp for breath, the wolves became more and more tired.
  • in periods of high merger activity there is a bandwagon effect with more and more firms seeking to engage in takeover activity
  • Today, with the market competition becoming more and more intensified, the competition of commodity price has already become the normal competition phenomenon among enterprises.
  • As more and more woke up, a rising chorus of shrieks for help shook hoarfrost from the vaulted stones, and eventually called help.
  • I suspect it was the latter, because more and more people left with each passing inning.
  • Many women will consider cutting down after they are at the age of thirty and begin to have the evidence of caducity with more and more splashes and wrinkles.
  • Slowly Caroline turned more and more towards helping William with his astronomical activities while he continued to teach her algebra, geometry and trigonometry.
  • Ian's breathing becomes more and more ragged as he drags draught after draught of air deep into his lungs.
  • I'm looking more and more like a garden gnome. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.
  • She's sitting on the floor, seeming more and more downcast at every word John says.
  • Spending is due to double over the next decade, feeding on more and more of the federal fisc and national wealth. Medicare for a New Century
  • With the implementation of the new curriculum, more and more studies are on class predetermination and generation, but few systematic studies are used in chemical disciplines.
  • This chapter also draws largely, especially upon geological and chemical science, and affords another illustration of what, I trust, Mr. Stephens's book will more and more impress upon our working farmers, that _skilful practice is applied science_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • Still, for all his apparently gentle appeal on and off the course, Donald is a determined and gutsy competitor, one who appears to be more and more comfortable in the harshest of spotlights.
  • You might have noticed more and more people of all ages gliding down the streets on skateboards, sliding along walls and flicking and spinning their boards with various degrees of success.
  • Online shopping for lingerie is becoming more and more popular and for a good reason.
  • His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.
  • However, the B.V.D. company coyly kept the origin of its trademark obscure - very few consumers knew just what the 'BVD' stood for, and once other underwear manufacturers entered the fray and began cutting into BVD's market share, more and more people were using 'BVD' as a euphemism for 'underwear' without even realizing that the term had originated as a brand name. New Urban Legends
  • So far the trend is that the self-assembly paradigm gets more convoluted and improbable as the search continues, and the design paradigm gets more and more plausible. A Good Saturday Evening Flick
  • As Anna and Claire's stratagems become more and more elaborate, Catherine's constant interruptions get funnier and funnier.
  • More and more people are swapping their suburban house for a peaceful rural haven.
  • Its also become a little touristy, and I think only more and more tourist will want to come here as the rest of Cape Town's tourist industry commercializes.
  • THE great British cuppa is back in flavour as more and more people shun US-style coffee houses. The Sun
  • grew more and more disgusted
  • Lee Henly and Carl Mills knew this, and they had been learning more and more of the habits of this particular maskinonge. The Junior Classics — Volume 8 Animal and Nature Stories
  • For the next two hours, the bold captain stayed below, eating and drinking, rebuffing nervous passengers and becoming more and more brusque and abusive to anyone who remonstrated with him.
  • My experience is that more and more complaints appear to be filed to gain a tactical advantage in court cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • As one of lead-free connect materials in microelectronic packaging, more and more attention has been paid on ECAs (electrically conductive adhesives) in recent years.
  • The brand belongs to intangible asset of enterprise and has obtained attention more and more.
  • Intestinal bilharziasis (or schistosomiasis) is becoming more and more frequent among Canadian travellers who come in contact with natural soft waters in tropical countries.
  • And we are finding more and more ingenious ways of using up the stuff. Anti-Ice
  • And they're listening to more and more sports radio, which guarantees that every angle will be hashed out hundreds of times before it hits the page.
  • We are learning more and more about tumor biology, and that knowledge could soon allow us to create nanoparticles targeted for specific tumors using the nanobee approach. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • At any rate, as the years pass, let us on this side of the water be more and more in the one great family, looking to the time when the young Canadian will win the crown of wild olive, that emblem of sweet honour and gray rest, that which is given as a reward and as a guerdon to gallant youth who stands dowered from the night and splendid for the day as the pride and hope of mankind. The Imperial Significance of Games
  • Training becomes especially important as the industry shifts more and more to just-in-time deliveries, while facing an increasing shortage of competent drivers.
  • Over the years I have become more and more aggravated by the way Americans butcher the English language, by the way members of the media misuse terms, by the charlatanical ways in which corrupt persons in power desecrate noble words such as "democracy" which, coming from their mouths, is the equivalent of the word "love" emanating from the mouth of a whore. Award Winning author, journalist and humorist, Burton H. Wolfe is Interviewed
  • I can't believe that Ramadan is about to end .... well it was difficult some how and I think it's getting more and more difficult every year; since it will be coming in the summer ..... there was some days I really don't know how I managed to keep fasting from the thirst especially when I used to have salty things in al suhur or I didn't have suhoor at all so no water!! Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • The problem is that because virtual worlds are almost entirely built on the same basic rule-structure derived from DikuMUD, and because their representations of physical and graphical environments are ultimately so similar, this deep game becomes more and more known to larger and larger numbers of players over time, all the more so since World of Warcraft has evolved into the new template for all subsequence virtual-world games. The Lifetime to Master
  • Or faith-based organizations landing more and more hard-earned taxpayer dollars, including Pat Robertson's Operation Blessing, which grifted FEMA in the wake of Katrina's devastation. Scott Thill: Waking Up is Hard to Do
  • Due to an increasing emphasis on "academics" and accountability, policymakers are demanding more and more testing, which requires more and more seatwork. Rae Pica: In Defense of Active Learning
  • We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more and more like ourselves.
  • I personally think a more optimistic outcome is within our grasp as we understand more and more the way the brain works. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Radcliffe shattered a world record in each one it appeared that she became more and more strangled by her own expectations and those of others.
  • Taxi drivers as therapists may seem perverse, but more and more of us seem to be pouring our hearts out in the back of cabs.
  • More and more pharmaceutical companies are attempting to develop drugs that can be used to target specific, predefined patient groups. Roche Skin-Cancer Drug Shows Promise
  • More and more women are choosing to go under the knife to improve their appearance.
  • More and more people turn to computer science.
  • At the same time, many contemporary Episcopal congregations clamor for more and more in-depth adult - education offerings.
  • With the change of application, the disadvantage of the traditional RDBMS which can't support user defined type (UDT) has become more and more obvious.
  • Izzy and I turned more and more back toward the junkers we were.
  • But as the full seizure of power by the Nazis became imminent, and as Stalin colluded with it more and more openly, he abandoned mere class analysis, as in the following passage: The Old Man
  • Physical labour no longer produces reality – instead, cultural patterns have taken over this role in a hyperfunctional society where more and more people are becoming passive consumers of goods, ideologies and information. Archive 2009-06-01
  • China and India's appetites for oil are burgeoning, demanding more and more from the world's oil wells.
  • The presence of North Vietnamese Army regulars intermingled with the Viet Cong was becoming more and more evident.
  • My involvement with counseling was marked by continuing opportunity to learn and by a strange draw toward more and more troubled people.
  • With the health care crisis on the one hand and a new administration that has hallmarked itself on meaningful, appropriate change, I think there is an aggregation of more and more people with courage that are willing to say: Yes, we do need fundamental changes in our approach to healthcare. Dr. Dean Ornish: Transforming Medicine: An Historic Event
  • As more and more Quebecers come to realize that a ‘yes’ vote means separation from Canada, fewer and fewer seem interested.
  • More and more couples are setting up home together without getting married.
  • More and more mainline denominations are moving toward that three percent. Christianity Today
  • No longer is Art Theft a refined craft of niminy-piminy alarm evasion, but more and more a matter of going in with all the guns blazing.
  • If you look at big businesses, they are moving more and more to a collective team rather than a hierarchical system.
  • Machinery is killing more and more of what we call the godlike in us. The Great Hunger
  • He looked more and more like a well-to-do old English sparrow, and chippered faster and faster. Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches
  • The last decade has seen a revolution in healthcare as more and more hospitals become convinced of the therapeutic power of humour.
  • However, in recent years more and more shops have started selling drinks in plastic bottles instead of cans.
  • Each year hereafter, I hope to make it more and more believable.
  • It becomes more and more difficult to establish a foothold on the career ladder and that cannot be fair. Times, Sunday Times
  • I didn't have to pedal at all, I just freewheeled and freewheeled, all the time picking up more and more speed.
  • Every one of these embarrassing digressions from a pure focus on gun rights drives away more and more people who don’t agree with the position being pandered to. The Volokh Conspiracy » NRA Convention report
  • More and more corporates are therefore setting up centres in the city.
  • The debate over the safety of GM foods continues even as more and more customers in the supermarket reach for the bright-red tomato, the plump juicy chicken and the perfectly round head of lettuce.
  • MBO of privately owned enterprise shows more and more effect perfecting corporation governorship.
  • More and more people attach importance to reducing greenhouse gas emission.
  • More and more bhais and behens are living in different cities - even continents.
  • Since then more and more circumstantial evidence, much of it detailed and plausible, has been discovered as more alleged victims have come forward. Times, Sunday Times
  • The discussion of books will be driven more and more on the Internet, says writer and UVA prof Christopher Tilghman (and Preston's husband), which he calls analagous to "the big book group in the sky. - Current Articles
  • What we are now starting to see, more and more, are PC vendors marketing mobile broadband, embedded on our notebook computers.
  • MYM: Now more and more, began competing in the Asian Competition to be held at this for you and do you think other European leagues have any effect?
  • In the past hour he had been growing progressively weaker, subject to minutes of silent pain, and Falnec was getting more and more worried.
  • Mr Russell said more and more students were collaborating on multimedia projects.
  • Fatal cases or secondary illnesses have become more and more of a rarity in goitre operations. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1909 - Presentation Speech
  • Time elapsing , the old houses are replaced by more and more cement steel high-rise constructions, in that case they are already unable to be converted to the spiritual homeland in our mind.
  • I got more and more angry as I waited for her to phone.
  • Verizon has a huge mobile Internet operation, plus fiberoptic cables into more and more homes. As telecom industry evolves, success of Netflix is its biggest threat
  • As the voyages of novelty-hungry explorers penetrated more and more remote localities, so the variety of parrots brought home increased. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • During every successive exuviation in this embryo state, they assume more and more of their perfect and established form. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 433 Volume 17, New Series, April 17, 1852
  • If the Government can get away with it, it will put more and more of its social services on to local government without a brass razoo going along with it.
  • Exam time was near, and more and more pupils were burning the midnight oil.
  • More and more people are wearing dressy casuals for most occasions and this has meant a great growth in cotton casuals.
  • The reforms that started in 1991, are bringing in more and more revolutionary changes.
  • The conviction of Iran / Contra whistleblower Celerino "Cele" Castillo III late last year on federal charges of dealing in firearms without a license is beginning to look more and more like a travesty of justice. The NarcoSphere -
  • Imagine if more and more people were capable of either making or identifying with a list of 50 rabbis, other Jewish teachers, or any spiritual teachers who they would describe as meaningfully influential in either their own lives or in the world as a whole. Brad Hirschfield: Who Are Your Spiritual Teachers?
  • The entire ordeal is influenced by the coal lobby on one side and anti-nuclear forces on the other ... but simply streamlining nuclear licensing while prohibiting coal for municipal power will cost nothing and reduce emissions with none of this emissions trading beurocracy that seems to be more and more popular. Global Warming Heretics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As Christmas neared, the children became more and more excited.
  • She's getting more and more fussy as the months roll by.
  • Due to numerous states' slow recovery from the economic downturn and the shrinkage of state tax revenues in the last few years, more and more states have directed their attention to intercorporate transactions and income shifting schemes. August 2005
  • Fitu-Iva wanted civilization; it wanted more and more civilization. THE FEATHERS OF THE SUN
  • He added that organizing more and more such events would spread the message of peace, brotherhood and amity among the people living across the globe.
  • Mrs. Tremaine grew more and more worried at his pallid face and stertorous breathing.
  • Lena's heavy face drew into anxious, grotesque wrinkles at this kind of talk, and he visited the uplying pasture more and more frequently. Hillsboro People
  • A consequence of the Hindu diaspora is an increased number of Hindus marrying outside their community, as subsequent generations become more and more identified with their new country.
  • More and more governments are tightening controls on media freedom and information blackouts.
  • In royal households where a whole retinue of courtiers was employed, more and more varied dishes in total, and dishes of higher status, were offered to those of higher rank and standing in the household.
  • When one tried to "localize" the position of an electron by specifying its location more and more precisely, the mathematics required that the momentum (mass times velocity) of the electron must become less localized and more uncertain. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • More and more of the super-rich are, apparently, turning away from the best hotels and booking their annual break at the seaside, in cottages without television, DVDs, computers or any sort of electronic wizardry.
  • As more and more of us live longer, and become more affluent, the race for new pills and potions to combat the effects of ageing is speeding up.
  • By little and little, the surface of the plate takes a yellow tint, which darkens more and more, approaching to bistre.
  • More and more, corporations are freed of the restrictions imposed on them by former regimes.
  • More and more, when politicians talk about government employees - whether they are federal, state or local- it is with the kind of umbrage ordinarily aimed at Wall Street financiers and convenience store bandits. Government workers under political fire
  • gentled" and soothed the troubled spirit more and more tenderly, till Firefly could think of nothing like it but the father and daughter comforting each other on the Downs, that terrible day of his guilt. Parables From Nature
  • Once again, the organization reports seeing more and more people who are hungry or at risk for hunger.
  • We are always amenable to trying out new songs or developing the programme to cater for more and more people.
  • As I'm learning more and more about Judaism, I'm finding that there is an amaranthine well of knowledge for me to uncover.
  • I see 1994 all over again, with the realignment occurring, state by state, as more and more people realize that the democractic Keynesian approach to addressing our ecoonomic troubles is a recipie for disaster. Poll suggests Corzine in trouble
  • He thinks more and more shoppers are simply heading to a shopping centre, where parking is free and easy.
  • Why do you think the demand for psychotherapists / shrinks is growing and more and more people are turning to massage/yoga and other similarly relaxation-inducing activities.
  • Sometimes there are large numbers of gulls, because they can be seen from far off, and more and more come flying in to join the feast. Times, Sunday Times
  • More and more medical associations have set up registers for members to list interests that concern their employment or practice.
  • We were getting more and more uncomfortable as we jogged along in the back of the truck.
  • It was not only property to which the word dynamic seemed more and more apt. A History of American Law
  • More and more people are getting the standard pop music motifs off their chests in favour of designs which highlight the off-beat and individual.
  • Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.
  • (link) I'm somewhat jealous of your and kateelliott's ability to generate more and more extra plot with even trying -- that things always seem to spin outwards rather than twining inwards every chance they get ... Msagara: Michelle West DAW books update
  • At home, more and more are replacing meat with tofu and resorting to cooking a "nabe" - a watery, vegetable-heavy stew - for the main family meal. Top stories from Times Online
  • The warmists are getting more and more desperate.
  • More and more Russians spectators are attending Finland's musical events.
  • It used to be known as altitude sickness or tropical sickness, but it seems to be more and more prevalent.
  • He believes more and more people are turning to homeopathy, herbal medicine, and other therapies.
  • It encouraged the adherents of this house to attribute to it an almost regal dignity, and to intimate more and more plainly its claim upon the throne of France, as descended through the Dukes of Lorraine from Charlemagne -- a title superior to that of the Valois, who could trace their origin to no higher source than the usurper Hugh Capet. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • Yeah, it's getting more and more difficult to spoof this culture.
  • As the young woman rattled on she grew more and more glib; she was what they call whopper-jawed, and spoke a language almost purely consonantal, cutting and clipping her words with a rapid play of her whopper-jaw till there was nothing but the bare bones left of them. The Minister's Charge
  • The virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time.
  • Having redeemed us, he now wants to take the rest of our lives to transform us so that we can become more and more like him.
  • Experts think because porn is so readily available on the internet it may be helping human desire evolve as billions of men and women log-on more and more.
  • With every new book she got more and more audacious, trying out new ways to surprise us.
  • Once you have enough wells drilled to properly dewater a high perm area, you expect to see more and more wells ramping up in gas production and new wells coming on line with gas as the dewatering lowers pressure and allows more and more gas to desorb off the coal. Undefined
  • But inasmuch as people's deepest and most mysterious beliefs are being dragged more and more into the public square, America loses.
  • Now that IT appears to have visited that particular New World, more and more stouthearted explorers are itching to move on again -- and client virtualization appears to be a logical destination. Making sense of client virtualization
  • As more and more of us approach dotter age, the need for elder-care becomes that much more pressing. FH Boom Daily Digest - January 7, 2010 (The Boomer Blog)
  • Martin went on into a thorough study of evolution, mastering more and more the subject himself, and being convinced by the corroborative testimony of a thousand independent writers. Chapter 13
  • Meanwhile women behave more and more like men.
  • Heir apparent to Chinese-Filipino taipan John Gokongwei and the driving force behind the rapid expansion of Cebu Pacific, Lance Gokongwei is causing a big splash in the Philippines and across Southeast Asia as he secures more and more routes for the low-cost carrier. The Southeast Asia Power List
  • The postman is getting more and more fed up with this. Sunday Confessions on Monday
  • Hoffman in 1869, since which date the term bacteria, as applying to this special group of organisms, has been coming more and more into use. The Story of Germ Life
  • He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and more desperate with scenes of the abductor with his family.
  • For more and more she is coming to resemble a mechanical praying mantis, frozen there in the glass, he wrote.
  • Unfortunately, with more and more people moving into apartment blocks and embracing a fast-track cosmopolitan life, this practice is slowly being pushed into oblivion.
  • And it's bastardry like this that not only gives free market capatalism a bad name, that then encourages more and more intrusive government interference in our lives -- it hurts people. I aten't dead ...
  • If I concentrate really hard, the cloud kinda looks like a rabbit. Actually, now I'm seeing that rabbit, as the wind slowly morphs the cotton candy-like texture, it looks more and more like a rabbit.
  • Word of God, instead of allowing it to penetrate more and more the inner spiritual nature: he therefore counsels them to purify themselves from all that is evil, all excrescences of the inward life which passion nourishes, and in meekness to suffer the word implanted in their hearts to take deeper and deeper root therein. The Scriptural Expositions of Dr. Augustus Neander: II. The Epistle of James, Practically Explained.
  • Crushed into self, and his own conscience and _schema mundi_, he loses the opportunity of correcting his impression of the voice of God within, by the testimony of the voice of God without; and so he begins to mistake more and more the voice of that very flesh of his, which he fancies he has conquered, for the voice of God, and to become, without knowing it, an autotheist. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • The ravine grew more and more beautiful, and an ascent through a dark wood of arrowy cryptomeria brought us to this village exquisitely situated, where a number of miniature ravines, industriously terraced for rice, come down upon the great chasm of the Kinugawa. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • However, in a move that mirrors what's happening in the US, its seems more and more house builders in the UK are including broadband and ducting in their new properties.
  • More and more I'm seeing blogs as tools used by professionals to crystalise their thoughts and communicate them to their peers for comment. Obstacles to Enterprise 2.0 - Perception of Blogs
  • More and more waste and poison are poured into the water, the soil and the air.
  • As the months rolled on, more and more aspiring riders turned up, so to control numbers the Whalley Amateur Dirt-Track Club was formed and members had to pay both annual subscriptions and to ride the track.
  • But what we have been able to achieve is to provide more and more care on an ambulatory and community basis. How to Keep Hospitals Healthy
  • At intervals I went to the front window to see if the sign had arrived, becoming more and more impatient as the morning passed and the afternoon ticked away.
  • The secret of freedom will be found in the individual 'making himself the depository of the powers respecting himself, so far as he is competent to them, and delegating only what is beyond his competence, by a synthetical process, to higher and higher orders of functionaries, so as to trust fewer and fewer powers in proportion as the trustees become more and more oligarchical.' Barack Obama's new line: "Yes we can."
  • It gets more and more grim and relentless, and its hero more and more unpleasant.
  • Farmers would then have to use more and more damaging weedkillers to get rid of them, with knock-on impacts on the environment.
  • arguments" the term venerable is used instead of mouldy, and hallowed instead of devilish; whereas there is nothing properly venerable or antique about a language which is not yet four hundred years old, and about a jumble of imbecile spellings which were grotesque in the beginning, and which grow more and more grotesque with the flight of the years. Chapters from My Autobiography
  • Aggressive pyramiding of more and more units had a downside.
  • The Inconvenient Truth for scientists so heavily invested in the alarmist GW theories currently being promulgated [perhaps even fraudulently foisted] is that it is becoming more and more evident that the Earth’s climate is beyond our present control. Waldo Jaquith - Major evolutionary discovery.
  • American ground troops, equipped with laptops that can download real-time video from UAVs overhead, "want more and more of it, " said Maj. Chris Snodgrass, the Predator squadron commander here.
  • Since the stock market started to falter, more and more people have been having a go at becoming property barons.
  • The problem lies in the fact that as the field grows, more and more people want to get in on the trend and the designation "coach" is being adopted by just about anyone looking to sell their services -- no matter how far from legitimate their claim. James M. Lynch: 5 Signs They're Probably Not a Coach
  • The programmability of graphics hardware is becoming more and more sophisticated over time.
  • Let us hope that more and more people aspire to and even realize the Christos, or at least understand that it is within us potentially, and that Christhood, Buddhahood, Avatarhood, etc., is available to us all. Capricorn Solar Eclipse, January 14-15, 2010: Planting the Vision of a People's New World Order
  • Some recent studies, however, while not extensive enough to justify a conclusion, seem to indicate that in some of the largest cities the church is losing its hold, and that more and more the population of our largest urban centers is becoming churchless, if not without religion. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • The seaboards face ever-increasing pressure as more and more Australians move to the coast, and the Great Barrier Reef already has suffered substantial damage.
  • BERG: Yes, well, I don't believe that scenario because every time that news of new atrocities committed by Americans in Iraq becomes public, more and more of the every day Iraqi people who try to hold out, to try to be peaceful people, lose it and join the -- what we call the insurgency, what I call the resistance against the occupation of one sovereign nation. CNN Transcript Jun 8, 2006
  • Once you understand that Socialist are a bit unhinged to begin with, and the more they gather and plot...the unhingement becomes more and more manic until arrogance and nonsense is all they have to draw from. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • More and more people were drawn into his web of deceit.

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