
How To Use Morbidity In A Sentence

  • Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in male genitourinary system, it morbidity is increasing in recent years.
  • I find that the association between gestational diabetes and perinatal death or morbidity was recognized in 1983.
  • In patients with superimposed bacterial infection, septicaemia develops and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
  • I didn't see any Western country with so many elements of social morbidity: poverty, beggary and starvation.
  • Malaria morbidity and mortality have been held in check by the widespread availability of cheap and effective antimalarial drugs.
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  • There's a lot of overlap with obsessive-compulsive disorder, what they call comorbidity -- depression, eating disorders, sometimes ADHD. CNN Transcript Dec 18, 2009
  • Epidemics of influenza are associated with increases in mortality and morbidity.
  • He thought it without morbidity for he had loved his brother dearly. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • This adds to the comorbidity, meaning they have more mental health issues, because they can't figure out why they are being invalidated. The Bilerico Project
  • The benefits of this approach must be weighed against the morbidity of the procedure.
  • Depending on the histologic type and tumor grade, the morbidity and mortality can vary greatly.
  • Patients who develop pre-eclampsia at near term are at low risk of maternal and neonatal morbidity.
  • Their morbidity, especially on a day so full of possibilities, revolted him. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • The overall goal of our current research efforts is to develop methods to evaluate and assess the causal or contributing factors of anergia in order to develop interventions to decrease morbidity and mortality due to this syndrome," Dr. Maurer says. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Malnutrition, parasitic infestations, maternal and child morbidity and drug abuse are more important priorities and reflect on the allocation of resources for mental health services.
  • Influenza causes substantial morbidity and mortality among nursing home residents.
  • Morbidity associated with theophylline overdose is usually caused by its severe effects on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Theophylline
  • Cheselden at St Thomas's introduced the keeping of accurate records that enabled him to analyse the morbidity and mortality of his lithotomy operation for bladder stones.
  • For these reasons, patients with corrosive strictures often undergo surgery, which carries significant morbidity and mortality.
  • While it is difficult to measure pregnancy-related injuries and disabilities, estimates of maternal morbidity vary from 16 to 50 million annually and include such profoundly disabling conditions as vesico-vaginal fistulae, a condition many consider a fate akin to living death. Jodi Jacobson: Human Rights Council Declares Maternal Death, Illness a Rights Violation
  • Traumatic bone defects and nonunion a significant source of morbidity and socioeconomic burden in trauma patients.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
  • The morbidity and mortality associated with donor pneumonectomy pose significant ethical considerations.
  • Emergency surgery is associated with a threefold increase in morbidity and mortality.
  • Diseases endemic in Europe, such as typhoid and influenza, became major causes of morbidity and death.
  • Cardiac disease, including left ventricular structural and functional disorders, is an important and potentially treatable comorbidity of early kidney disease.
  • Elective caesarean section and respiratory morbidity in the term and near-term neonate. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • No change in affective illness morbidity was observed in the group where the lithium dose was not altered.
  • Conclusion - Large grade differences in sickness absence parallel socioeconomic differences in morbidity and mortality found in other studies.
  • Finally, early enteral feeding may reduce septic morbidity after abdominal trauma and pancreatitis.
  • Perinatal asphyxia is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period.
  • Moreover, chronic diseases of kidneys, lung, brain, liver, joints, etc., and stress related psychosomatic illnesses cause significant morbidity in the general public.
  • Unfortunately, circumcision is often delegated to the most junior surgeons and its potential morbidity underestimated.
  • An appreciable proportion of these cases was associated with high morbidity and mortality.
  • Nevertheless, uncertainties remain regarding several important aspects including impact on patient quality of life, impact of surgeon experience on outcome, late complications leading to reoperation, duration of comorbidity remission, and resource utilisation. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » UK Report Confirms Cost-Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery
  • The rest was recovery. Conclusion:Early diagnosis, effective haemostasis and reconstruction of carotid artery are the keys to reduce the mortality and decrease the morbidity of neurological deficit.
  • Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorders specifically occurred in pregnancy, it is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality of mother and infant.
  • This guy ... doesn't prescribe Lyrica, since it's a "newer drug that I don't know much about" (to which I was like, um, is it not your job to keep up on the newer drugs? and also Lyrica's been around for quite a while and is the medication most often used to treat my condition, dude), and doesn't prescribe "any sleep aids" (despite the very high comorbidity of insomnia). Friday!
  • Our experienced pediatric surgeons can safely perform a thoracotomy and lobectomy in infants with minimal risk of morbidity, and thoracoscopic resection has been performed. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Giardia is a common human parasite that can cause significant morbidity.
  • Our experienced pediatric surgeons can safely perform a thoracotomy and lobectomy in infants with minimal risk of morbidity, and thoracoscopic resection has been performed. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • D&E/D&X are preferred over labor induction, hysterotomy and hysterectomy procedures, where they are possible, specifically because they have documented lower morbidity and mortality rates. Abortion on demand and without apology (Kiwi edition)
  • Percutaneous cholecystostomy is a minimally invasive procedure that can benefit patients with serious comorbidity who are at high risk from major surgery.
  • However, studies with girls and violence report concern in several unique areas, including an understanding of intrapersonal conflict as reflected in a comorbidity of self-harm and suicidal ideation with physical aggression.
  • Earthquakes have a rapid onset, broad impact, and produce many factors that work synergistically to increase the risk of morbidity and mortality caused by communicable diseases.
  • This study aimed to review the clinical utility of performing a diverting loop ileostomy in patients undergoing colorectal surgery and associated morbidity and mortality.
  • Influenza epidemics and pandemics spread rapidly causing a high degree of morbidity and mortality.
  • These factors result in substantial morbidity and a sevenfold increase in mortality from the disease, although absolute death rates are low.
  • The presence of PVL carries a high risk of neurologic morbidity (most often spastic diplegia).
  • Low birth weight and preterm birth are powerful determinants of morbidity and mortality in newborn babies and infants.
  • According to a report at a conference on homeoprophylaxis was held in Cuba in late 2008, sponsored by the Finlay Institute, the Cuban manufacturer of the nosode, the levels of subsequent morbidity were below those expected given the rainfall and season. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • However, only one prognostic study of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality comparing home and office blood pressure measurements measurements has been conducted.
  • Neonatal morbidity rates were similar except for an abnormal umbilical artery pH that was more common in infants born after delayed pushing.
  • Accurate nutritional targets are important as both overfeeding and underfeeding have led to increased morbidity.
  • Unfortunately, most of the diseases that cause morbidity and mortality in our country are chronic diseases with multi-factoral etiologies whose cures are as varied as their causes, aren't as much fun and don't make for exciting spreads in the Times. The Ovarian Teratoma that Caused a Coma
  • Malaria morbidity and mortality have been held in check by the widespread availability of cheap and effective antimalarial drugs.
  • Side effects include damage to surrounding organs, which can lead to significant morbidity from esophagitis and pneumonitis.
  • The statistics appear in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Sureillance Summaries.
  • Nevertheless, uncertainties remain regarding several important aspects including impact on patient quality of life, impact of surgeon experience on outcome, late complications leading to reoperation, duration of comorbidity remission, and resource utilisation. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » UK Report Confirms Cost-Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery
  • This review summarized the morbidity, mortality, and clinical features of iron overload, and introduced the advantages of the new chelator deferasirox over traditional agents.
  • Infectious complications in critically ill patients can cause increased morbidity and mortality.
  • It is envisioned that in those areas where there is significant morbidity due to fascioliasis and intense transmission is taking place, such as the Andean plateau, Egypt, northern Iran and Cuba, programmes will be undertaken in the near future with chemotherapy as a major operational component. Chapter 2
  • The results clearly showed that selenium, as sodium selenite, not only reduced the morbidity and mortality of Keshan disease, but also reduced cardiac damage.
  • The comorbidity in the sample, especially among depressed boys, may have also limited our power to identify factors associated with depression.
  • This study aimed to review the clinical utility of performing a diverting loop ileostomy in patients undergoing colorectal surgery and associated morbidity and mortality.
  • Thankfully, only one of these five made the common error of mistaking morbidity for profundity.
  • Influenza is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among residents of nursing homes.
  • More importantly, an increasing frequency of both HIV drug resistance and new infections suggests that morbidity and mortality due to cryptococcosis could increase again in the near future.
  • Prevention of end stage renal failure is the main goal of nephrology owing to the high morbidity and mortality from dialysis and transplantation.
  • In addition to severity of cardiac disease and comorbidity, decisions on priority may take account of non-clinical factors such as employment status and dependants.
  • Conclusion Venlafaxine has equivalent curative effect to clomipramine in the treatment of anxiety and depression comorbidity, takes effect faster, and has higher safety and better compliance.
  • The complete lack of cognitive improvements leads them to suggest that cognitive impairment is intrinsically associated with long-term morbidity in schizophrenia.
  • Small farmers were no more likely to report morbidity than those with large farms, nor was there a difference between arable and livestock farmers.
  • Smoking is the primary preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States.
  • Although not perfect, immunization and chemoprophylaxis are highly effective at minimizing the spread of influenza and reducing morbidity and mortality, social disruption and economic loss.
  • Group Streptococcal ( GBS ) infection is an important cause of infant morbidity and mortality.
  • Apart from reconditioning of patients, does cardiac rehabilitation reduce mortality and morbidity?
  • However, susceptibility to respiratory morbidity varies among smokers and chronic cough and phlegm production and other respiratory-related morbidity occur in nonsmokers.
  • Psychiatric disorders ... increased significantly between waves 1 and 2 among LGB respondents living in states that banned gay marriage for the following outcomes: any mood disorder (36.6% increase), generalized anxiety disorder (248.2% increase), any alcohol use disorder (41.9% increase), and psychiatric comorbidity (36.3% increase). Philip N. Cohen: Institutional Discrimination Is Bad for Mental Health
  • There was a certain morbidity to this, she realized, but she'd always been a practical creature. GALILEE
  • Repeated doses of oral activated charcoal have not yet been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality.
  • Surgical therapy in the form of diaphragmatic plication is often reluctantly considered because of the potential morbidity and disability associated with thoracotomy.
  • If it is a country's policy to give priority attention to those conditions which are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality and those conditions for which feasible control programs can best be developed, then programs such as diarrheal disease control and expanding immunization and interventions such as ORT could be given greater emphasis. Chapter 8
  • We determined whether a recorded history of gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia or eclampsia predicted cardiovascular disease in later life, as indicated by measures of mortality and morbidity.
  • Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly.
  • Pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations, obstetric complications, and neonatal morbidity.
  • Phaeochromocytomas are rare, can be managed with minimal morbidity if recognized early.
  • The available trials of X-ray pelvimetry show an increase of interventions like caesarean section, but no benefits in terms of reduced neonatal morbidity (Parsons and Spellacy 1985). 3. CARE DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR
  • Liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, characterized by the excessive production and decreased degradation of abnormal extracellular matrix, are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in biliary atresia. Basic Science Liver Disease Research
  • We investigated whether weight loss affects lung function, morbidity, symptoms, or health status in obese asthmatic people.
  • Seasonal patterns as well as population density shaped morbidity and mortality patterns.
  • Depression has significant co-morbidity with illnesses associated with hypovitaminosis D such as osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Therese Borchard: Vitamin D and Mental Health
  • Preparation for and understanding of heatstroke can help prevent much of its associated morbidity and mortality.
  • Reduced donor site morbidity and better cosmesis are the major benefits of reconstruction.
  • Furthermore, heart failure is a progressive condition: once symptoms appear, subsequent morbidity and mortality are high.
  • Conclusion - Large grade differences in sickness absence parallel socioeconomic differences in morbidity and mortality found in other studies.
  • Via investigation and analysis, it discussed relation between occurrence of wheat yellow dwarf and yield. Morbidity and grades standard was determined as well as wheat dwarf economic threshold.
  • This strategy should be offered only to patients with uncomplicated hypertension that is, no cardiovascular disease or comorbidity for which the treatment is also needed.
  • The epidemiology survey result showed that in some breeding farm common popular respiratory disease the pig infectious peripneumonia morbidity is fiercer.
  • Polyhydramnios is a common complication of pregnancy that causes significantly increased perinatal morbidity and mortality.
  • Malaria, filariasis, and dengue fever are the three major causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries.
  • A group of interested general practitioners started a service to collect morbidity data in the course of normal general practice.
  • The toll due to unnatural deaths has been put at 6000; psychological trauma and morbidity has resulted in incalculable damage to the ‘collective mind’ of the community.
  • This reverses the gradient, causing a decrease in tissue and organ edema and associated morbidity.
  • In particular, the expansion of natural resource-based industries, like tanning and mining, fostered considerable morbidity.
  • Japanese encephalitis virus is the most important and widespread flavivirus in terms of human morbidity and mortality.
  • But so keen for symmetry, for all the term formal beauty implies, is Chopin, that seldom does his morbidity madden, his voluptuousness poison. Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, keratomolacia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.
  • Patient selection is crucial, as the operative morbidity and mortality may be unacceptable in patients with limited cardiopulmonary reserve.
  • Haemodynamic effects are similar to those found with surgical shunts, with a lower procedural morbidity and mortality.
  • And then you see it ` s called comorbidity where you have two diagnoses together. CNN Transcript Jan 8, 2008
  • In epidemiological and interventional studies blood pressure predicts morbidity and mortality in elderly people as effectively as in the young.
  • Zinc supplementation decreases the morbidity of lower respiratory tract infection in pediatric patients in the developing world.
  • This reverses the gradient, causing a decrease in tissue and organ edema and associated morbidity.
  • We provide obesity treatment and comorbidity management for children through a unique family-based approach. Healthy Weight Program
  • The fellow also participates in activities of the Behavioral Pediatrics training program, also funded by the MCHB, which focuses on morbidity arising from biopsychosocial stressors. Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship
  • Most, if not all, postoperative organ dysfunction and morbidity associated with major operative procedures may be related to changes induced by stress caused by the operation.
  • In a stress-filled world with high morbidity, patients mob doctors and there is no time to relax the facial muscles.
  • As an oncologist, I find this highly-plausible; the purpose of mammography is to identify tumors in early stage and spare women morbidity and mortality associated from advanced disease. Dr. Elaine Schattner: Holes in the Evidence on the Value of Screening Mammograms
  • Conclusion - Large grade differences in sickness absence parallel socioeconomic differences in morbidity and mortality found in other studies.
  • Patients who develop pre-eclampsia at near term are at low risk of maternal and neonatal morbidity.
  • Repeated doses of oral activated charcoal have not yet been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality.
  • In patients with superimposed bacterial infection, septicaemia develops and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
  • Another study led by Dr Gene Abel investigated the comorbidity rates of various paraphilic behaviors in a group of 859 male paraphiliacs.
  • Molecular biology of colorectal neoplasia Large bowel cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world.
  • Malaria morbidity and mortality have been held in check by the widespread availability of cheap and effective antimalarial drugs.
  • Molecular biology of colorectal neoplasia Large bowel cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world.
  • his fear of being alone verges on morbidity
  • The incidence of major morbidity (e.g., stroke) was less in the ambulatory surgery population than in age-matched controls from the surrounding area.
  • Via investigation and analysis, it discussed relation between occurrence of wheat yellow dwarf and yield. Morbidity and grades standard was determined as well as wheat dwarf economic threshold.
  • Historically, the preferred treatment for lung cancer patients is surgery, but numerous lung cancer patients are unfit for surgery due to the presence of other medical conditions, such as cardiopulmonary disease related to chronic smoking, that put them at an unacceptably high risk of surgical morbidity and mortality. - latest science and technology news stories
  • If the fetus is found to be affected, the patient may elect to terminate the pregnancy, which, in the first trimester, is associated with reduced maternal morbidity.
  • An appreciable proportion of these cases was associated with high morbidity and mortality.
  • Coronary arteritis and myocarditis are the principal causes of morbidity and mortality.
  • The heuristic value of a multifactorial approach, illustrated here, should be broadly applicable to studies assessing the quantitative and qualitative implications of various forms of comorbidity.
  • Conclusion - Large grade differences in sickness absence parallel socioeconomic differences in morbidity and mortality found in other studies.
  • There is evidence that anti-inflammatory treatment can reduce morbidity from wheezing in early childhood.
  • Although a similar unsustained reduction in psychological morbidity in women attending a one stop clinic has been reported elsewhere, costs were not measured.
  • In this system, organ system dysfunctions are used to evaluate morbidity in critically ill patients.
  • In considering patterns of morbidity both within and between populations it is usual to distinguish between acute and chronic health problems.
  • According to reports in the literature, donor - site morbidity of the fibular flap is generally low.
  • People subjected to poverty tend to suffer higher instance of mortality and morbidity as compared to those living affluently, particularly in developed countries.
  • And when morbidity statistics are available, they are not ordinarily classified by the demographic factors of present interest.
  • The Harvard Study of Air Pollution and Health compared respiratory morbidity in 6 cities in the eastern and midwestern United States.
  • Pulmonary hypertension associated with a range of aetiologies is difficult to treat and associated with progressive morbidity and mortality. Elites TV
  • Psychiatric disorders ... increased significantly between waves one and two among LGB respondents living in states that banned gay marriage for the following outcomes: any mood disorder (36.6 percent increase), generalized anxiety disorder (248.2 percent increase), any alcohol use disorder (41.9 percent increase), and psychiatric comorbidity (36.3 percent increase). Philip N. Cohen: Institutional Discrimination Is Bad for Mental Health
  • We have used stereotaxy in 65% of cases of all non-basal intracranial tumor surgery with a tenfold decrease in morbidity.
  • There is some evidence that length of birth interval has a bearing upon child morbidity.
  • Comorbidity was categorised as mild, moderate, or severe by a physician based on the patient's medical history.
  • The study population has been considered fairly representative of the Norwegian population for demography, socioeconomic factors, morbidity, and mortality.
  • Avian influenza virus can causes a very high level of morbidity and mortality. It is not only greatly harmful to culturist, but also underlying dangerous to human being.
  • We have been studying the brain in this way for nearly two years but are now also looking at specific problems such as intrauterine growth restriction which has a pretty high morbidity. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Patients who have severe comorbidity particularly renal insufficiency, hepatic failure, or disseminated malignancy have a poor prognosis.
  • Coronary arteritis and myocarditis are the principal causes of morbidity and mortality.
  • Group B Streptococcal ( GBS ) infection is an important cause of infant morbidity and mortality.
  • This can explain why so many sleep apnea patients exhibit cardiovascular morbidity at the time of diagnosis.
  • The long tradition of representing illness as a punishment for sin was continued when sexual behaviour was medicalised and transformed into morbidity.
  • To do this, they relied only on insurance claims and hospitalization rates; they had no data on the prevalence of recurrent tonsillitis or long-term cardiovascular morbidity from obstructive sleep apnea. In Defense of Physician Autonomy
  • (diagnosis, prognosis, pathology) the term insult is borrowed from medicine, where it is defined as “a generic term for any stressful stimulus, which under normal circumstances does not affect the host organism, but may result in morbidity when it occurs in a background of pre-existing compromising conditions” (Segen, 1992). Chapter 8
  • Direct current fulguration can still be considered in cases when radiofrequency ablation fails, though it requires higher expertise, general anesthesia and carries a higher morbidity.
  • Nevertheless, uncertainties remain regarding several important aspects including impact on patient quality of life, impact of surgeon experience on outcome, late complications leading to reoperation, duration of comorbidity remission, and resource utilisation. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » UK Report Confirms Cost-Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery
  • The results confirm the association with protection of anti-MSP3 cytophilic responses, confirm in one additional setting that worms increase malaria morbidity and show a Th2 worm-driven pattern of anti-malarial immune responses. Elites TV
  • These are also the areas with high infant mortality rates, child accidents, morbidity rates and low school attainment rates.
  • Various pathophysiologic mechanisms in sleep apnea have been proposed to contribute to the pathogenosis of vascular morbidity.
  • The main causes of mortality among the older age groups were not the most important causes of morbidity.
  • These are also the areas with high infant mortality rates, child accidents, morbidity rates and low school attainment rates.
  • Clearly, more studies assessing the relative utility of specific airway interventions and their impact on morbidity and mortality are needed.
  • These surgeries involved long hospital stays, large scars, increased morbidity, and long recuperative periods for patients.
  • Older prostate cancer patients have a high prevalence of other factors (such as comorbidity, disability, and geriatric syndromes) that can impact life expectancy and tolerance to treatment. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Once a month, the conference is a neonatal morbidity and mortality presentation. Information for Healthcare Professionals
  • Aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is the leading cause of non-traumatic SAH. Prompt diagnosis and management can significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.
  • An appreciable proportion of these cases was associated with high morbidity and mortality.
  • Accurate and timely diagnosis of acute appendicitis is essential to minimize morbidity.
  • Or, if it cannot find even such sporadic or fruitive fulfillments, "a balked disposition" will leave the individual with an uneasiness and irritation that may range from mere pique to serious forms of morbidity and hysteria. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • While these adverse effects should certainly not deter from the use of these compounds where absolutely indicated (given the considerable morbidity associated with severe psychiatric disorders), avoidance of weight gain remains an important challenge that needs to be addressed. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Antipsychotic Medications and Weight Gain in Children and Adolescents
  • The complete lack of cognitive improvements leads them to suggest that cognitive impairment is intrinsically associated with long-term morbidity in schizophrenia.
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders also known as GER is a common comorbidity Ben Goldacre on MMR, autism, and the media
  • Moreover, the differential rates of risk factors predict a future increase in morbidity and mortality among underserved and disenfranchised groups.
  • While the humanitarian program in that country has successfully staved off starvation, the level of malnutrition remains high and directly contributes to the morbidity and mortality.

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