How To Use Moralizing In A Sentence
While I am sharply critical of American unilateralism and realpolitik masquerading as the defence of liberty, at times I find our own moralizing irritating.
The phrase "inspired by a true story" affixes itself to novels like a warning label: Beware sententious moralizing.
Cheeshahteaumauk, Class of '65 (1665)
Rumours of his omniscience were demoralizing.
Practically all moralizing is absent from Romantic drama.
We were marched back onto the train and laughed at - quite demoralising, really.
The nights were bitterly cold, the days little warmer, the lack of light demoralizing.
However, the inevitable parental reconciliation at the finale is a piece of moralising too far.
What payola's moralizing critics failed, and still fail, to grasp is that the music industry has always felt itself a victim, and not the perpetrator, of the system.
The aide admitted that the news of the killing was withheld to avoid demoralising the fighters.
And so the population was gradually led into the demoralising temptations of arcades, baths, and sumptuous banquets.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
I'm not moralizing here - I find that unhelpful, not to mention boring.
In place of conventional biblical and hagiographic narratives, we find subjects based more loosely on the bestiary, the Psalms, moralizing treatises, and monastic accounts of dreams and hallucinations.
This form of moralising, which has almost attained the status of received opinion, is itself morally deficient.
Times, Sunday Times
Things then went steadily downhill for the troubled Scot as he struggled to a demoralising 75 which leaves him in grave jeopardy of missing the cut.
It can be very demoralising for the people who do help out to have their efforts unappreciated.
He praised students for boycotting the venue in the Commons yesterday and slammed the promotion as "demoralising".
Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
[98] Time out of mind it has been the habit of writers, both within the order and without, to treat Masonry as though it were a kind of agglomeration of archaic remains and platitudinous moralizings, made up of the heel-taps of Operative legend and the fag-ends of Occult lore.
The Builders A Story and Study of Masonry
And so the population was gradually led into the demoralising temptations of arcades, baths, and sumptuous banquets.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
The way you defeat an army, is by demoralizing the individual soldiers in it, or getting them to desert or retreat.
Kisor certainly isn't preachy or moralizing, but his characters do wrestle with complex social issues.
To saddle them with convenient moralizing about jeopardising the financial system by untimely disclosure of sensitive information only compounds the offence.
There is little moralising strain in French culture, and less vocal indignation at corruption than in Italy.
In general, moralizing in some presumptive, superficial, arrogated manner, whether on ideological or “religious” grounds, generally needs to be avoided.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
Perhaps as a moralizing subtext, Alexander piped in a recording of a monastic chant of Psalm 51, a prayer for the remission of sins.
While such bosses may give lip service to good management, their fundamental insecurity squelches the development of their employees and is ultimately demoralizing and bad for business.
This sort of smug, self-righteous moralising is exactly what the original American student was speaking out against.
It's a bit demoralising riding into the headwinds, and the sidewinds can be a frightening (being blown out into traffic being a Bad Thing).
To pass 500 in your first innings but lose, and for a seventh time in eight championship games at that, is patently demoralising.
Many Americans feared that the apparent Soviet lead in space would become permanent, posing a strategic threat to the security of the United States and its allies and demoralizing anti-communist forces around the globe.
I resented his moralizing tone, and couldn't resist a comeback, though I disguised it with a smile.
The organ of alimentiveness, located directly in front of the ear, indicates the functional conditions of the stomach, which, when aroused by excessive hunger, exerts a debasing influence upon this and all of the adjacent organs, and is demoralizing to both body and mind.
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There will be a bout of anger and moralising, then football will continue with its inflationary spiral.
Times, Sunday Times
I had scarcely settled down comfortably in my rooms, the northerly aspect of which exposed them to frequent gusts of wind (from which I had practically no protection in the form of heating appliances), and had barely got over the demoralising effect of dysentery, when I fell a victim to a specific Venetian complaint, namely a carbuncle on my leg, as the result of the extreme change of climate and of air.
My Life — Volume 2
It works, though, because it never puts moralizing ahead of story or character.
And he too grasps the proper role of morality and the critical need to form careful judgments about those who cloak themselves in moralizing garb.
Two vandalism cases, one "demoralising" case, "dissatisfaction" case, trespassing, three assaults, two debt cases with two arrests made and a robbery case in Jangsak were also recorded.
Brudirect News1
There is nothing more demoralizing to the torturer, or more inspiring to the enemy he seeks to torture, than the sight of the tortured dying with a smile or even a blessing, physically broken but mentally unvanquished.
On television this sort of thing is enormously effective in demoralizing the innocent and well-mannered who, acting in good faith, do not lie or make personal insults, Buckley has made many honorable men look dishonest fools by his demagoguery, and by the time they recover from his first assault and are ready to retaliate, the program is over.
R_urell: William F. Buckley: Father of Modern "Conservatism"
But today, the combination of American moralizing at home and cynicism abroad could severely harm relations between Europe and the United States.
`Well, I know it's just harassment, but that can be demoralizing.
But this is not the time for sermonizing or moralizing over US foreign policy.
And so the population was gradually led into the demoralising temptations of arcades, baths, and sumptuous banquets.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
I suggest the initial step to halting this demoralising slide toward an anti-life state philosophy is available to us today.
The speaker began moralizing on the right way for people to behave, and his listeners soon lost interest.
The play veers from loopy comedy to serious moralizing.
In place of conventional biblical and hagiographic narratives, we find subjects based more loosely on the bestiary, the Psalms, moralizing treatises, and monastic accounts of dreams and hallucinations.
It is a condition that is demoralizing in a hundred ways, and is fraught with peril to the republic, peril to society, and peril to all the interests of humanity; and therefore as I would assert, -- and _who would deny_ the supreme right and power of the people to protect the republic from any impending calamity by any just means, _but not by any unjust means_ -- I would claim that it is our right and duty to say that this grand hereditary inequality shall not be perpetual, and that
The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
He made grisailles of the destitute and maimed which have a moralizing character.
Rousseau, by contrast, cast his work as a speculative, and moralizing account of society in general.
The speaker began moralizing on the right way for people to behave, and his listeners soon lost interest.
I'd been through the trauma of losing a house once before and I knew how demoralizing and degrading it is.
It is always best to avoid moralising if one possibly, possibly can.
Times, Sunday Times
You have been intimidated by their moralising self-righteousness, brow-beaten by their puritanical spartanism, seduced by their appointment-diary ethics.
But this is not a book of statistics, and it's not weighted down with moralizing and anger.
‘I wasn't really interested in moralizing or taking a stance in that respect,’ claims Marston.
Today we tend to dismiss the moralizing of the late Victorians who insisted that the unemployed were lazy, intemperate, or thriftless.
The constant moralizing is bad enough, but then he does something like this!
Joe Should Go
But jenny is a moralizing, fundamentalist "christian" nattering about morals.
Jenny Sanford on her husband: 'The ball is in his court'
On our whirling globe with its transitory, jet-propelled people, isolation is no longer the demoralising fate it once was.
The link is the growing strain on the world"s sole superpower. America is locked into a draining and demoralising war.
GUANGZHOU, China: Japan and North Korea put China and South Korea to the sword at the Asian Games on Monday, inflicting demoralising defeats as the football tournament kicked into gear.
There was no point in judging or moralizing, because Richard was his own law.
The moralizing is given all the force which an accomplished rhetorician can provide and is enlivened by anecdote, hyperbole, and vigorous denunciation.
It is quite unjust and sometimes demoralising to see how fate dishes out its own glad tidings.
All week long I've been telling everyone within earshot that I'm sick and tired of depressing, demoralizing stories about the baby boomers.
Julia Moulden: It's All Over For The Boomers? Think Again.
Reich-Ranicki began his career as literary critic in West Germany, where his colleagues in the leading feuilleton sections tended to write in an academic, dry, moralising tone understandable only to their peers.
We are becoming a crazed culture of cheap criticism and pious moralizing, and in our self-absorption may well lose what we inherited from a better generation.
This form of moralising, which has almost attained the status of received opinion, is itself morally deficient.
Times, Sunday Times
Then the liberal boofheads get going with their moralising puke, and many people end up sympathising with the guilty star.
Instead of demoralizing a people, you have brought them closer together.
But this is not the time for sermonizing or moralizing over US foreign policy.
I concur with Gurney's approach: Jacki's competent focus is neither didactic nor moralising.
Practically all moralizing is absent from Romantic drama.
`It seems to me that there is little basis in the modern world for an essentialist and moralizing language of lost or future purity.
Practically all moralizing is absent from Romantic drama.
Demoralising idleness and the humiliation of charity or relief work left the unemployed dispirited, apathetic, or divided.
Issues of race are presented plainly, without moralizing.
This is a demoralising message and can discourage women from aiming for the very top.
Times, Sunday Times
You and I know that any prolonged stint in those boondocks is pretty demoralizing.
Most are hard working, conscientious, and dedicated to the NHS, and continual criticism is demoralising.
Then, too, right beside the moralizing lay a deep and thoroughgoing tolerance.
The themes of the film are worn on its striped, embroidered sleeve, and often the script gets preachy with its sanctimonious moralizing.
He had sent Craig Bellamy through for Liverpool's goal with an astute flick-on but that did not suffice on a demoralising evening when his control, shooting and effort was poor.
Andy Carroll pays the price for lone ranger role at Liverpool
The subject matter ranges from dignified nature-poetry (Du Bellay) and Petrarchesque lyrics (Ronsard), through sententious and moralizing texts, to the familiar drinking-songs, some macaronic texts, and Rabelaisian amorous and bawdy narratives; no one wrote more amusing chansons of this last type (En un chasteau and Il esteoit une religieuse are excellent examples).
Archive 2009-06-01
Practically all moralizing is absent from this play as it is from Romantic theater.
Or does moralizing have to take a more ambiguous tone to be acceptable?
Equally turned off by intrusively moralizing Republicans and tax-and-spend Democrats, independents lurch with the wind.
Why The Tea Party Should Endorse Gay Marriage
Another outstanding characteristic of this genre is its didactic, moralizing character.
The congregations sought to give practical demonstration of their belief by assisting and moralizing the working masses.
You and I know that any prolonged stint in those boondocks is pretty demoralizing.
Seeing this jolly fellow side with the North was allegedly very demoralising for the southern forces.
Single infantry platoons could have provided enough security at these spots and enough commo to prevent the kind of demoralizing events we've seen on TV.
Moreover, the increasing academicization of the avant-garde has led to the same kinds of unthinking acceptance and moralizing certitude that once bolstered salon and pompier painting.
The conscious infliction of pain _for the sake of the pain_ is against the better nature of man, and it is unsafe and demoralizing for any one to undertake this duty.
Anticipations Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human life and Thought
You and I know that any prolonged stint in those boondocks is pretty demoralizing.
I have not that vicious and demoralizing love of horse-flesh which makes it next to impossible to find a perfectly honest hippophile.
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
Professor Ho's groundbreaking research and her dedication to work against moralizing forces deserve all our support.
Midrashim are those called homiletical, or Hagadic, which embrace the interpretation, illustration, or expansion, in a moralizing or edifying manner, of the non-legal portions of the Hebrew Bible.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
You and I know that any prolonged stint in those boondocks is pretty demoralizing.
'These charges included complicity with the archtraitor Gorlot in the genocide of the Tanes; furnishing drugs capable of inhibiting and demoralizing certain officials in our government and ¦' Lesatin glanced at his note slate, 'illicit surgery.'
This is a direct continuation of the collectivist, moralizing poetry of the past.
Please don't let reporters use it as a soapbox for moralizing.
Practically all moralizing is absent from this play as it is from Romantic theater.
Director Mark Brokaw's flat, over-dollied adaptation of Rebecca Gilman's sanctimonious play (co-scripted by Gilman and Doug Atchison) approaches its ideas of reverse racism and the hypocrisies of tolerance with a heavy hand and odious moralizing.
Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
Instead of demoralizing a people, you have brought them closer together.
And now Trevor Cunrow, University and College Union branch secretary, has branded the policy "demoralising" for the university's academics.
News round-up
Moralising interpretations generally explained physical metamorphosis as the external manifestation of the bestial nature within.
The themes of the film are worn on its striped, embroidered sleeve, and often the script gets preachy with its sanctimonious moralizing.
Another important characteristic of the sentimental comedy is its moralizing, ethical nature.
his constant moralizing drove me mad
For most job seekers, finding work can be confusing and demoralising.
The Sun
Over the last three decades, the increase in underprepared students, coupled with what some faculty believe is administrative pressure to lower standards, has had a demoralizing effect on faculty.
Momently, looking out toward the gray ruin on the hill (which was once, most likely, the very "sheepcote fenced about with olive trees" where Aliena dwelt and Ganymede found hose and doublet give such pleasing freedom to her limbs and her wit) one expects to hear the merry note of a horn; the moralizing Duke would come striding thoughtfully through the thicket down by the tiny pool
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`Well, I know it's just harassment, but that can be demoralizing.
And on what credential had Upashantha been drafted in after a demoralising caning against MCC last week that saw him bowl 12 unsuccessful overs for 96 runs?
But overall, they have crafted an exceptional play, touching on matters of the heart in a way that uplifts without moralizing.
The word "demoralising" suggests that they were concerned about the fate of the Jews in Europe.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Hoping to forestall Henry by attacking and demoralising his supporters, Stephen laid siege to Wallingford Castle on the Thames, a dozen miles south-east of Oxford.
Martial's attitude, unlike most social description in antiquity, is not moralizing, but he takes pleasure simply in recording with all his verbal art the complexities and contradictions of the spectacle of life.
Now they can get twice the money and half the moralizing in Beijing.
Heavy handed moralizing is the best reason to return a book to the library unfinished, I think.
Archive 2007-05-01
These fables are clearly stories because they not only lay out propositions about the world but also meet the narrative requirement of storytelling - moralising closure.
That was completely demoralising, it shattered my confidence, and I was depressed for a year.
Another important characteristic of the sentimental comedy is its moralizing, ethical nature.
This afternoon, in an altogether less meaningful league fixture between the sides, Lennon returns to the Gorgie ground determined to exorcise the memory of that demoralising day.
The European idea of ‘man’ was formed precisely by casting off all the naive conceptions of what it meant to be human that had been imposed on it by religion and moralizing metaphysics.
The Policraticus became widely known as its many moralizing stories proved a popular source for the teaching exempla cited by friars in their sermons.
Rationalists do not regard moralizing as a legitimate function of government.
Another commentator derided the presenter's ‘mixture of solicitous concern, unctuous charm and glib moralising.’
My typical weekend might involve a wander down the more interesting aisles in the supermarket, heading home to cook something novel, going out to meet up with friends at pub o'clock, and later, perhaps catching a film that does not involve moralising fish, lions or wizards.
I was dad for a day
He avoids moralising and hectoring his readers, going instead for strong uncomplicated identification with his leading character.
Another outstanding characteristic of this genre is its didactic, moralizing character.
Having a clear strategy in place _before_ you invade is just confusing and demoralizing.
Bash: GOP weighs in quickly
That's why we don't want child molesters to work with children, we don't want tennis instruction from those who have never played it, and we don't take to heart moralizing conservative rhetoric and press releases introjected into print without surrounding context from people who claim a background as sex workers.
"Jeff Gannon" asks, "Why should my past prevent me from having a future?"
Redundancy can be a demoralising prospect.
Groups used violence for political or ideological ends, as a means of demoralising their opponents, winning concessions or taking over territory.
It's just that few choose to, because it's exhausting and demoralising permanently to present oneself as a grinning ninny.
His poetic emblem books in particular, written in alexandrine verse and with a moralizing tone, brought him international renown.
His constant moralizing drove me mad.
The mutual moralizing shock that, at one time, each had wandered wantonly down the path of premarital partying without inviting the other, nixes the upcoming nuptials.
I think the most interesting source was that of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, who spills no small amount of ink moralizing that no decent Jew should ever even consider eating veal, and then sets up halachic boundaries that *should* make the production of veal prohibatively expensive to Jews, and then admits, after all that, that one could argue that as long as you observe his laundry-list of halachic requirements, you could have kosher veal.
When is it Kosher? | Jewschool
But she couldn't, and I just want to tell her that I think she is too self-righteous and moralizing and someday when she grows up a bit, she might understand.
The shadow of violence in her work, her refusal to sweeten any pills, her relish in bad behaviour masquerading as stern moralising - her modern equivalent would be unpublishable today.
Gazing upon them, my heart softened and I almost forgave the gums their manifold iniquities, their diabolical thirst, their demoralizing aspect of precocious senility and vice, their peeling bark suggestive of unmentionable skin diseases, and that system of radication which is nothing short of a scandal on this side of the globe ....
Old Calabria
Successful salesmen in bucket shops scorn weak or moralising colleagues, just as they do all the clients.
Maybe it was suitable for Romans made servile by centuries of demoralizing civil war, but Britons - free-born, free-spoken - were different, were better, were British (Weinbrot).
He's always moralizing about the behaviour of young people.
The term exploitation, for example, should be not a moralizing one but a cold measure of the difference between use value and exchange value, or between the wages earned at the coal face and the real worth of that labor to the mine owner.
This form of moralising, which has almost attained the status of received opinion, is itself morally deficient.
Times, Sunday Times
When we relate with ourselves without moralizing, without harshness, without deception, we finally let go of harmful patterns.
He did not, as some of his critics charged, mean this as a call for sententious moralising on the part of historians.
The word "demoralising" suggests they were concerned about the fate of the Jews in Europe.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
They were more apt to chronicle - for moralizing purposes - the failures, when the authorities were worsted by Vikings, flagrant challengers to the Christian order of things.
And that kind of moralizing is the reason we're mired in a seemingly endless slump.
Danny Schechter: After the Election, What About the Economy?
Lincoln thought twice about extending her sportsmanship to helping the sepultural spiv up as she realized this would be seen as a demoralizing gesture rather than a respectful one.
If, instead of providing cure or care, doctors become intrusive and moralising, they will soon lose the respect of their patients.
After such a demoralizing outing, it would have taken a miracle to avert a catastrophe.
The movies from this era were particularly moralizing: footage of girls in bras and half-slips and some super-sleazy guy, wrapped up as tales of perversion and consequence.
If Hugh's leg had fallen off, Adele would have had something moralising to say about being especially thankful for the one he had left.
But ahead lay a quagmire, a demoralising contest in which progress was unmeasurable and victory unattainable.
Practically all moralizing is absent from this play as it is from Romantic theater.
Perhaps as a moralizing subtext, Alexander piped in a recording of a monastic chant of Psalm 51, a prayer for the remission of sins.
And so the population was gradually led into the demoralising temptations of arcades, baths, and sumptuous banquets.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
By the time that Scott came to his 'teens, Mrs. Brenton was doing her level and conscientious best to conceal from him the demoralizing fact of her belief that he could do almost no wrong, and she clung to the modifying _almost_ with a passionate fervour born of her clerical ancestry and her consequent belief in the inherent viciousness of unconverted man.
The Brentons
In the same spirit, contemporary conservatives approach the family with plenty of moralizing sticks and carrots.
Another important characteristic of the sentimental comedy is its moralizing, ethical nature.
Whilst occupied in moralising over the dripping water-spouts, I observed a tall, gentlemanly-looking man, dressed in a zamarra, [130] leaning over the balustrades, and apparently engaged in a similar manner with myself.
George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
There is an eerie kind of certainty about the Jazz style that is more demoralizing than the pyrotechnics other teams rely on, because they are more likely to outthink you than outjump you.
Maybe it has taken the girls this long to fully recover from the demoralizing Arizona road trip.
My typical weekend might involve a wander down the more interesting aisles in the supermarket, heading home to cook something novel, going out to meet up with friends at pub o'clock, and later, perhaps catching a film that does not involve moralising fish, lions or wizards.
I was dad for a day
The nights were bitterly cold, the days little warmer, the lack of light demoralizing.
We cultivate a simple direct relationship with our being-no philosophizing, no moralizing, no judgments.
Included in the list were ‘the practice of card playing, theatre going, dancing, betting, tippling and participation in the demoralizing influences connected with attendance upon the roller rink.’
And then everyone begins blaming and moralizing, and there's a lot of talk and writing about the return to '50s morality.