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  1. the act of making moral (or more moral)
    for years she worked toward the moralization of English literature
  2. indulgence in moral pronouncements; the exposition (often superficially) of a particular moral code
    his constant moralizing drove me mad

How To Use moralization In A Sentence

  • The third session of the council ended that Saturday, and a state of demoralization hung over the bishops until they reconvened, ten months later.
  • for years she worked toward the moralization of English literature
  • Mass hypno-induction, positive remoralization, exposure to hypnotic radiation from three equatorial satellites ... Hard to be a god
  • Moreover, this enforced withdrawal from social integration can quickly cause the kind of demoralization so often associated with old age.
  • May this mark the beginning of the remoralization of a great party. Recoil Election
  • The very terms "grisette" and "lorette" by which young women unblest with wealth or social rank are commonly designated, involve the idea of demoralization -- no man would apply them to one whom he respected and of whose good opinion he was solicitous. Glances at Europe In a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, &c. During the Summer of 1851.
  • The poor areas may have generated more crime and disorder as a consequence of anonymity, demoralization and despair.
  • And what do we do with those people, and this is the kind of issue that we face, and in a way we may be seeing something like the remoralization of the world, not in traditional religious terms, but in terms of the issues you raise about women and children being assaulted and so on, in terms of good people and bad people. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Millennium 2000: Why We Hate and Why We Fight - January 3, 2000
  • Until now Bush's agenda -- tax cuts, a strong military and "remoralization" -- has made no impact on foreigners, even well-wishers on the right. After The First Hundred Days...
  • They did the impossible again, when they assembled a rag-tag scrabble of an army under an inexperienced commanding general and proceeded to defeat the world’s greatest military power of the time in a long and arduous struggle against guns, weather, poverty and demoralization, for the prize of freedom and the opportunity to start anew. Al Gore's Inaugural Address: January 20, 2009
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