[ US /ˈmɔɹəˌɫɪzəm/ ]
  1. judgments about another person's morality
    he could not stand her hectoring moralism
  2. a moral maxim
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How To Use moralism In A Sentence

  • Confucian thought is characterized by a spirit of humanism, rationalism, and moralism.
  • Thank you for your reply to my letter, which confirms your reliance on legalism-moralism rather than realpolitik to determine international policy.
  • And not only did the LDL (left, Democrats, liberals) let them do it, they replaced it with a form of amoralism -- a watered down social determinism. Charles H. Green: War Criminals and Liberals: How the Right Stole the Right to Moral Language
  • Temperance was inspired by evangelical Christianity and puritanical moralism.
  • His first two novels suffered from a high-toned moralism that was equal parts political correctness and vaguely Zen-flavored mysticism.
  • In many of his over 150 tales, he flirts with mercilessness and amoralism.
  • Their strident moralism jarred with both the measured middle-class radicalism of the repealers and the dominant patrician language of high politics.
  • She begins with a preliminary account of Plato's response to immoralism in the first two books of the Republic.
  • I ask only because the ‘debate’ about the use of this horrible substance appears to be sliding into maze of legalism and moralism.
  • Mr Auden’s brand of amoralism is only possible, if you are the kind of person who is always somewhere else when the trigger is pulled. Inside the Whale
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